Last Updated on: May 19th, 2020

Image courtesy of Boians Cho Joo Young /
THIS IS MY FINAL TRUE TALES TUESDAY POST – please pin the announcement that Wording Well is being born! 😀
It’s official! “LORRAINE REGULY’S LIFE” is moving and will be renamed. Yes, the internet is giving birth to WORDING WELL as we speak. Unfortunately, the labor may last a bit longer than just one day, but the new site – which has been in the back of my mind for a while – is honestly and truly being born right now!!!
Yes, I know I’m screaming, but I am so excited that I didn’t even sleep last night. I’ve been working my tail off, preparing for this day! Honestly, you have no idea how hard I’ve been working. I guess having to keep my leg elevated for the last month or so has been a blessing in disguise, because I’ve hardly turned my laptop off during this time and now I’m even learning code. (Can you believe it? I sure can’t, but I’ve learned a few neat tricks in the last week or so! And I’ll be sharing my new knowledge in an easy way in the future, on Wording Well, too, so don’t worry, I’ve got great things planned for us!)
Granted, my new site is currently “under construction” at this exact moment, but, rest assured, Wording Well is coming soon! (Hopefully before Thursday, maybe even tomorrow?)
Do I hear big drum-rolls and applause? I hope so! Today is definitely a day for celebration!
I am super excited about the new site (in case you couldn’t tell) and its future, too! It’s going to have a new look, have a theme (naturally), and I’ve even (sort of) resolved the issues I was having last week concerning the darn old mail sign-up forms. (Ugh)
The thing to do is simply unfollow me next week. Don’t do it today – just in case . . .
Okay, so I haven’t ironed out each and every kink. But I did create a NEW newsletter sign-up form with Mailchimp for now. When the new site grows big enough, I’ll switch to Aweber and simply transfer everything to them. (I have been assured that this can be accomplished with relative ease.) In the meantime, here is a tutorial you can use to add a sign-up form to your blog, if you so choose. (Hey, I want you to know I’m not shirking my responsibility to provide you with helpful tips every now and then!)
And guess what?
Wording Well has a Logo
I’ve even hired a graphics designer to put my ideas for a Wording Well logo into an image. We all know I claim to be a non-techie (and in many respects, I am) but, honestly, I am more technologically adept than I have been giving myself credit for! However, when it comes to graphics, I definitely don’t have those kinds of skills. I’ve never learned how to draw anything better than a stick figure, and so I’ve decided to leave things to the pros for my logo.
For those of you who’ve been around for a bit, you may recall the time I sought input on deciding a cover for my upcoming book of short stories. (It’s still upcoming; I have a teenage girl reading them and am awaiting feedback.) Well, in that post, I mentioned a guy, Mr. Singh, who designed several covers for me. He works at ewebsolutions and offer various services, In fact, Mr. Singh is a professional web/graphic designer and web developer who has 7 years of experience and he, once again, came to my rescue. However, this time around, I paid him. Freelancing is starting to pay off, finally.
I will admit that I also enlisted the services of someone at Fiverr, for the very first time. I was able to adapt the image I paid for, and turned it into something I really like. At this point, I’m tempted to show you the many changes my two paid images went through, but I think I’ll save that for a future post on Wording Well — How Wording Well got it’s Logo, perhaps?
If you want a sneak peek at my awesome, finalized logo, you can look at it here. I’ve used it as the header image for my newsletter sign-up sheet. Heck, you may as well fill out the form while you’re admiring my new logo, too! *wink wink*
Why I am Getting my Own Site
There are many reasons for my not-so-recent decision to get my own site. I think I’ve actually always wanted one (well, since I began blogging, that is!) but I didn’t know enough last year (in my mind, anyway) and so I decided to ask for feedback from everyone in my latest blog survey and I realized a few things that should have been blatantly obvious from the start:
*my niche is writing (okay, editing, too, since I currently provide these services at an extremely modest rate)
*my love of blogging and teaching others can be combined (evidenced in posts such as How to Use “Click to Tweet” Links In Your Blog Posts: 10 Easy-to-Follow Steps and How to Add Images to Your Sidebar)
*my willingness to help others in various ways shines through to my readers and other connections I’ve made via social media, and I’ve already helped many people – and want to continue to do so while writing my books
*people respect me for the educated and talented writer and editor that I am (and will continue to be in the future) and will view me as a more professional freelancer once I have my own site
*I can best serve others by offering quality content and sharing my knowledge about writing, editing, and publishing (and guest posting, freelancing, blogging, etc.)
*I’m getting enough traffic to my site that it warrants a move (my visitors have doubled from December to January! (Yikes!)
While these numbers may seem small to someone who has been blogging for years, they are big for me, and are not likely to change since Google sends me traffic on a daily basis for several of my more “popular” posts! Why not take advantage of this and grow a blog of my own? Plus, I can get a higher page rank with a site of my own. But I will be eternally grateful to for giving me my start. 😉
*I also need to take ownership of everything I’ve been doing, and by getting my own site I’ll be able to do so more easily.
What I’ve Been Doing Lately
In case you haven’t been paying attention, I’ve been busy! 🙂 But here is a list of some of the things I’ve been doing:
*I’ve been working on creating epic posts that will help kick off my new site, some which are simply amazing.
*I’ve been researching my options for site names, site hosting, and site themes.
*I’ve been working on a few guest posts (this is becoming a regular thing for me, and I’m now a monthly contributor over on Dear Blogger and on Monday the 17th, I will also be featured on Take Charge Now in what’s likely going to be a shocking post to some people).
*I’ve been meeting more people in the writing field, including many awesome indie authors whom I met via Indies Unlimited.
*I’ve been working with someone for the past few months and may be undertaking a book project with that person.
*I’ve been conducting interviews, including one with an extremely inspiring person. (You won’t want to miss this one. It just may blow your mind!)
*I am having two of my short stories included in anthologies on Amazon (more about these stories in upcoming posts)!
*I’ve been reading and putting together a couple of book reviews, including my first negative book review EVER.
*I’ve been enjoying how wonderful my life has been going the past year, and the fact that I love blogging has made me realize that getting my own site is the next logical move. In fact, I’ve written an article for Dear Blogger about the pros and cons of getting your own hosted website, as well as things to consider when moving from one host to another.
*I’ve been putting together an informative guide to use when deciding on which hosting company to choose for your website. I plan on publishing this next week on Wording Well (or whenever Greg publishes my guest post, as the two kind of complement one another). However, any questions you have about specific hosting companies will be answered in this guide.
What’s Next?
I see great things in our future!
I just don’t know if everything is going to go according to plan with the actual migration of all of my posts from here to Wording Well. I’m keeping my fingers and toes crossed (and even sending a little prayer up to my sweet NanaKay in heaven) that all goes well when it occurs.
I do know that I will be setting up a site re-direct, which will ensure that any visitors landing on this site will automatically be brought to my new one. My biggest concern is the taking of my WordPress Reader followers with me; I am still not entirely sure how that’s going to go down. . . (Again, UGH!) That’s one of the reasons I worked so hard on creating this brand new newsletter form for you – I really want to you to come along with me!
You know that I love you all immensely. I wouldn’t be where I am without all of you. You’ve helped bring me up when I was depressed, you supported and encouraged me to be great, and you’ve played an important role in my life during the last year.
And I’m not one of those people who is going to change as I get more successful. I’m not going to abandon you or leave you in the dark. I’m going to continue blogging, hopefully educating and entertaining you, and I’m going to be here for you, for when you need me!
Don’t you want to continue our awesome relationship? I know I do.
In fact, I’m off to tell everyone about it.
Are you coming with me? I sure hope so; we’re going to have a blast!
And I can’t wait to hear your feedback on my Wording Well logo in the comment section!
Seriously, what do you think of it?
I really, really want to know! 😀
Yes, I’ll be back shortly 🙂
Cool. I saw that you subscribed to my newsletter. Thanks! 😀
Just checked it.
Few suggestions:
You might want to increase the margin/padding of the content….put a space b/w the floating share buttons and the posts (It looks okay here..but might overflow on a smaller screen).
You might also want to increase the excerpt length to 100 or 150 words (or just use the manual read more option in the WP editor to place it wherever you like, for each post).
Everything else seems to be fine 😀
Okay, I have actually purchased a plugin called SocialFans Counter, which shows how many people are following me on each platform, and also provides the option for users to follow me. So I think I have that figured out. Please check out the new site and let me know what you think.
Also, I have a question. The current theme I am using does not have a HOME page, but can be accessed if you click the logo of my site. Is there any way to make this easier on my readers? I fear losing people because they may not know to click the logo. I would hate for this to happen! So what should I do?
Please help! Thanks, Jeevan!
Yeah, you can add it via the Menu page (Under Appearance) – Just like the menu you have right now.
It should already have ‘home’ under the pages tab…if not, just add a link to the home page in the links tab (use ‘Home’ as the link text).
This should do the trick (in almost all the themes I have seen, it does…If it doesn’t, we will figure something out).
I see that you have increased the space b/w the floating share and the content – looks much better. Same with the excerpt 🙂
Jeevan Jacob John recently posted…No free time? Just change when you think!
There are few (Well, hundreds!).
You could use Flare (the main advantage is that Flare comes with both follow me and sharing buttons).
Then there is Social Stickers, which is what I use (it’s pretty basic, but works well).
Acurax Social Media Widget, SocialBox and Social Sidebar for WordPress are worth a try (the last two are paid – $6 and $10 respectively).
The only one I actually tried (or remember trying…I don’t know what I used with my old blogs) is Social stickers.
Great! I will check it out 🙂
wow, all that in secret!
You can always come to me for help with web stuff Lorraine, in case you were wondering :>
Even graphic design.
Wait til you see my new site!
New times for us all.
Congrats and wow, so much accomplished. Awesome.
Yes, imagine how hard it was for me to keep my big mouth shut! LOL
I appreciate your offer and will be taking you up on it soon, too. 😉
Thanks, it seems so many of us are moving forward to rule the internet . . . YAY! I just feel like sometimes I’m too late on the scene and catching up to others is tough. Sigh. But for one year of blogging, I’m doing okay.
Can’t wait to see your new site!
Well, congratulations on the new site, Lorraine 😀 The logo looks great.
Book reviews, interviews, guest posts. Looks like you have been busy!
Anyways, I wish you good luck with the future 😀
Thank you, Jeevan!
Just wondering if you can tell me of any awesome “follow me” icon/buttons plugins? Not sharing ones; I’ve got those covered. 😉 site is live but is still undergoing customization and posts are not moved over yet…
Good luck Lorraine. Welcome to self hosted WordPress community 🙂
Thank you! 😀
Wow! You certainly have been busy. Look at you go and all that jazz. I know your new site will be so worth it.
Jeri, I’m glad you have faith in me. I’m pretty stoked about the new site!
Oh, forgot to ask you about the hangouts. Was I supposed to contact someone or was someone supposed to contact me? Forgot all about it until recently, so not sure….
Goodness Lorraine, I’m exhausted just reading all of this!!! How do you do it? I can’t keep up but many congratulations to you and your new web site. You’ve worked really hard and you deserve every success. Love the logo and I’m am very happy for you,
I gather that I will have to wait before signing up to follow you as as WordPress follower? I’m only just now getting my post out about the Awesome Blossom Award you so kindly gave me a while ago, so just in time as anyone reading my post can come over here and read all about your exciting move! 🙂
I don’t know about the whole “follower” issue, but I’m sure you’ll find out once everything gets moved.
How I do it all is by ignoring my books. 😉 Plus, don’t forget, I’ve been laid up – literally – since January 7th, 2014, when I had my surgery.
I would suggest signing up for my newsletter, though!
Have a smooth move, Lorraine!
Thanks, Ana!
I look forward to Wording Well. Until jr posted this, I was not aware of your site, but your ideas are definitely intriguing.
I think that is a compliment, so I’ll take it. 😉
It is nice to meet you, Gary, and I hope Wording Well proves to be the type of site you’ll enjoy!
Reblogged this on Cracking My Egg and commented:
My friend is moving.
Thank you so much! 😀
Congratulations! Wonderful news!
Yes, I’m excited! 🙂
Big news congrats!!
Yes, big news, indeed! And you know, naturally I had to share this news with the only TV star I personally know. 😉
Yep, knew that would put a smile on your face! How goes the world of fame? Is it all it’s cracked up to be? I’m thinking “not” but correct me if I am wrong.
(Yes, I’m being cheeky, a bit.) 🙂
I love the Wording Well. I’ve already signed up to receive the newsletter! Best of Luck to you, Lorraine! I know you have worked hard for this and you are on your way up. 🙂
You mean you love the name, or the logo? (Either way, thanks!) I’m not crazy about the idea of a newsletter AND learning how to run my own blog, but – hey – we all have to start somewhere, right?
And yes, I’ve worked my butt off. But I think it has been worth it.
Unless, of course, my site crashes on its first day. LOL
Don’t let that negative thinking even enter your mind. It is going to go great! I meant the name and the logo. I love the logo!
LOL, I try not to be negative, but I was pretty stressed by the time I posted that comment! I’m glad you love the name and logo. I wanted something that would reflect my niche, and Writing Well was already taken. 🙁 I thought about Lorraine Writes but I am ultimately hoping to appeal to a broader audience.
I’ll definitely be doing a post someday that shows all of the variations of the logo images, too. I want to show how hard it was getting to the final image, plus show some of the ones I rejected – even though they were based on my drawings!
Yeyyyyy, a new site – your own site, congrats, Lorraine!
I am catching up with blogs (can’t believe how much reading is piling up only for a week!) but wanted to give you feedback about the logo – since you asked so nicely (and persistently! LOL)
First, which one you call your logo?
I suppose it is the white text on the black background – saying “Wording Well” with the hand and the quill, yes? If yes – it’s great! Not sure what your theme will be and how it will look (dark background can be tricky) but it is great!
If you call your logo the other thing-y – the house-like red book over a keyboard – hm. It caught my eye (i see there is also wording well copy on it) but i am not sure if it could qualifies as logo simply because it;s super big. If you make i smaller – it won;t look as good.
Nevertheless, both could look spectacular on your new site – it all depends on the context you put them in 😉
I am out of pocket these days but i sure will be on the look for your new blog posts at your new website 😀
Thanks for the feedback, Diana. I will probably be asking you for help before too long!
Yes, the black and white pic is the logo but the image I wanted because I, for some reason thought it really clever. Now I am sick of looking at it and think I must have been crazy on drugs or something, even though I don’t do drugs anymore and haven’t done them for years.
And yes, when it is smaller, it looks terrible. I’ve already tried to resize it several times. But I am proud of my Mailchimp form, at least! I actually used yours as a model, in case you had not noticed – so thank you for providing me with that! LOL
See, we all learn from each other… I think Bloggers Helping Bloggers is a great group. I have not visited much and so think I need to do more of that.
I’m so happy I met you and I hope we still stay in touch when I move over to another corner of the world wide web. 🙂
Hi Lorrain; congrats on making the move to your own site and taking possession of a all your incredible work. Can’t see the image but i’m sure its great. I think i pinned it for you but not 100 percent sure. for some reason the share on Pinterest buttons rarely seem to work. I usually end up having to try to grab an image from a person’s post and then add their url to th description box. well why use social media if i’m not going to send them to your site or mine. smile I’m looking forward to visiting the site for the first time. and I’d like to hear more about your experience using fiver. just today a relative found me on face book and she has promised to get down her old photos and find some of my grandpa’s carnival from the 50’s. i’m hoping to create a family album on my site to show people my history in the business and give myself even more credibility. but who knows when i will get them. and we need to find out how to get the library service for the blind to put your short stories on a list to be read on to digital audio for the blind readers. so happy and excited for you. take care, max
Oh, Max. I wish you had more help. I think you should be proud of what you are doing already. You have done so much! I can’t believe that you even tried to use Pinterest. You’re funny. That’s like me trying to read a book in Braille with my nose. You better be smiling right now!
Thank you for your good wishes; I have just started to customize Wording Well with the things I want before I start posting there, so hopefully things will run smoothly and no tech problems occur.
We’ll see what happens. And yep, pun intended. Smile, my friend. I’ll talk to you soon.
The logo is so Lorraine!
Looking forward to this mystery interview…
Thanks; me, too!
Awesome – wishing you much success with what lays ahead!
Hey Christy, my long-lost soul writer! I hope you come visit Wording Well when it’s borne! Thanks for the wishes. I don’t know when I’m going to find time to write now that I have a new toy. 😉