How to Optimize Your Writing Time to Achieve Your Writing Goals

How to Optimize Your Writing Time to Achieve Your Writing Goals


There are 6 things you can do to optimize your writing time so you can achieve your writing goals:

1: Determine your “best” time.

2: Determine your realistic writing time.

3: Determine the days you will write.

4: Make writing a priority.

5: Write during your spare pockets of time.

6: Optimize your writing time by getting help and outsourcing tasks/chores.

Now, let’s look at each of these in-depth.

NOTE: Two different planners are available to you in this post (for FREE)!

1: Determine your “best” time

The first thing you need to do to optimize your writing time so you can reach your writing goals is to determine your best writing time. You can determine the best time to write if you know your body’s rhythms.

Do you write best in the morning, afternoon, or night?

When do you have the most energy? Write during that time!

A lot of people get tired in the late afternoon, but after they get their second wind, they are more energetic. When do you get your second wind? Write right after that!

Do you have more time on weekends? Write on weekends!

Do you exercise and eat healthily? Once you consider your diet and exercise habits, you can improve your energy levels. Some people feel more energetic when they drink caffeine (found in coffee, tea, and most sodas), while others find they are more energetic when they consume more water, eat more fruits and vegetables, and avoid sugar. Most people also function better when they exercise every day.

If you have a hard time finding your peak writing time, do some self-experiments. Write in the morning. Write in the afternoon. Then write at night. See what times you enjoy best, and see when you are most productive. Write during those times!

2: Determine your realistic writing time

The second thing you need to do to optimize your writing time so you can reach your writing goals is to determine your realistic writing time. By this, I mean how long you can actually write for.

I don’t know about you, but I get tired of writing after a while. I certainly can’t sit and write for hours on end! I can write for only an hour or so before I get bored or tired of the task.

(Even when I’m editing, I only edit for two hours at a time, at most!)

By determining your realistic writing time, you will be able to schedule the times you write. By doing this, you will become more realistic with your goals, too. And when you are writing, you will simply write, because you know that, after an hour passes, you can move on to doing something else!

I like this concept because I also apply it to exercising. I hate the moments leading up to it and find it hard to motivate myself to exercise. But once I am actually doing that task, I know it’s not going to last forever. I know that it will soon come to an end! I can then force myself to finish my 30 minutes easily. Also, I always feel great afterward, so that is another added benefit!

3: Determine the days you will write

We all have busy schedules and often make the excuse that we can’t find the time to write.

So how can you find time to do your best writing, even when you’re busy?

Make a schedule!

This is the third thing you need to do to optimize your writing time so you can reach your writing goals.

You can use this FREE PLANNER to help you. This planner is specifically tailored toward bloggers.

The other planner (the downloadable one) is for every writer to use.

Alternatively, you can use this planner. It’s also free and requires you to sign up to my email list but it’s a much better planner!!!

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New Technology vs. Old-Fashioned Writing Methods: What’s the Best Way to Write?

image showing various ways of writing

How fond are you of writing? What’s the best way to write? Which writing method is your favorite?

Writing, as an art form and communication means, has evolved and thrived for thousands of years since carvings on walls. There is not one exact piece of evidence for where writing originated, as its earliest forms were found in various parts of the world by written Egyptians and Sumerians. Their writings were discovered dated from 3500-3200 BC.

Today, we have more modern writing methods. From using a desktop computer, laptop, tablet, to a smart typewriter that can store millions of documents and connect to the Internet, modern-day writing has made it easy to gain knowledge and gather information.

Indeed, writing has created a strong and never-ending bridge of possibilities for speakers and readers of all languages locally and around the world. It promotes talent, expression and much more. Writing will continue to progress.

Let’s look at a few novel writing instruments in history. Some of these writing methods, obviously, are no longer used today, as they have been replaced by other writing methods as history advanced, but it’s fascinating to see the evolution of different writing methods! (Note: These writing methods are different from writing tools!)

Reed Pen

Reed pens go back as far as ancient Egypt in the 4th Century. They used to come with a split nib. They are a writing tool that works by cutting then shaping a straw of reed or bamboo.

Quill Pen and Ink

With the aid of ink for permanence, quill pens are plucked from big-sized birds or geese. Many people still love the use of the quill as its sharp strokes offer style, accuracy as well as flexibility versus the contemporary ballpoint pen.

Someone actually bought me a quill pen and ink set as a Christmas gift one year!

Fountain Pen

A fountain pen or nib pen contains a slim container for liquid ink. The nib plants the ink to the paper by means of drawing the ink from its reservoir.

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Which WordPress Table Plugin Should You Use?

Which WordPress Table Plugin Should You Use?

Sometimes, when you are writing a blog post, using a table to show your data can add to your article.

There are 4 main benefits of using a table!

1: It can help to organize, compare, or just simplify.

2: It’s also been proven that adding a table helps keep visitors on the page longer.

3: It also helps with conversions.

4: Plus, it improves your on-page SEO.

However, there are many different WordPress table plugins out there. Some are easy to use, but lack in design, while others offer many customizable features but can become very complex. So, what’s the best WordPress table plugin for your WordPress website?

To save you time, I’ve found five different options that vary in their customizable features, costs, and design element. The first one is free; the others require a small monetary investment on your part.

Read through the list and then you can decide which WordPress table plugin suits your needs the best.

WordPress Table Plugin Option #1: TablePress

Tablepress table plugin example of a table that shows data for cakes

TablePress is one of the most well-known table plugins for WordPress sites. It’s simple to use and offers the basics of creating a table, while also being free. However, where it serves in simplicity, it fails to offer extra capability like others.


– Free


– Simple, easy-to-use table plugin

– Capable of handling formulas

– Functionality can be expanded through JavaScript

TablePress Examples

Kindlepreneur and Grammarly Premiums: While reviewing Grammarly, it became evident that the pricing structure and premiums were a bit confusing when written out. Therefore, TablePress to the rescue. Using the table I was able to compare the Grammarly free vs. Grammarly premium, and thus, helping the reader quickly see the difference.

Food Delivery Guru Find these Best Smoothies Delivery: In this article, Food Delivery Guru used the TablePress plugin twice in the same article. The first was to compare the different food delivery services and then later used the TablePress plugin to show the differences in prices based on the number of cups.


Overall, TablePress is an absolutely solid choice for a free table plugin for your author site on WordPress. You can see from the above examples it’s equally capable of creating simple, text-based tables, or handling more colorful tables containing images.

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The Art of “Learning on the Go” (to Master Your Online Craft)

The Art of Learning on the Go featured image

“Learning on the go” is something we can all do more of.

Whether you’re a professional at writing and blogging, or just beginning, we all need to hone our craft and grow in our capabilities.

But (like most writers) who actually has time for that? 

If you’re like me, the first thing to go when I’m busy is the extra training and studying. We’ve got lives to live, mouths to feed – three, in my case – and work that needs to be done.

So, how do we inject lessons, learning, and practice into our already busy lives?

The stress can feel daunting and we may sometimes feel like giving up.

However, in the age of mobile devices and streaming, we no longer have to sacrifice our precious time in order to fit in our studies and growth. Instead, we can use some key tactics and methods to help us improve and hone our craft so we can make “learning on the go” much easier.

Today, I want to show you four methods to learning your craft that helped this father of three still be with his family and do his job while also gaining the skills and knowledge that helped me to build a 7-figure online business.

It’s no secret how I did it – it was just a determination with a focus on effectiveness and efficiency.

By integrating these “learning on the go” methods into your life, you, too, can be as productive as I am and learn to grow your business as well!

1: Free Series and Lessons — Podcasts

Podcasts are an incredible way to learn on the go.  While there are many podcasts created for the sole purpose to entertain, many have been created to teach you or discuss certain trades of the craft.

But what makes podcasts so unique for our path to “grow while on the go” is their benefits:

– The ability to listen anywhere, including during your commute or during your gym workout

– Regular episodes, which allows you to stay on top of the latest trends in your industry or niche

– The personality and voice of the content creator is stronger than in a blog post

The best part of podcasts is that finding them is simple.  You can either go to iTunes and use their Search feature and type in what kind of things you want to learn, or you can turn to Google and look for lists presented online with best recommendations based on what it is you’re looking for.

For writers, here’s a list of the best podcasts to help you not only improve your writing skills, but also for how to use your writing for creating a book, writing better blogs, or just turning to freelance work. Read More

Some Resources for You (#4)

Wording Well's business card image

I’m too lazy too busy editing to put a lot of time into blogging these days.

But you are still on my mind… and that is why I have compiled this list of resources for you. 🙂

I am doing this from time to time. I’ve already published:

Some Resources for You (#1)

– Some Resources for You (#2)

– Some Resources for You (#3)

For Bloggers

8 Traffic Generation Secrets From The World’s Top Social Media Accounts — Adam, AKA The Blogging Wizard, shares the top secrets to having a top-notch social media posting strategy!

For Freelancers

How to Negotiate With Your Freelance Clients on Pricing (With Example Emails!) — Amy, AKA The Wherever Writer, breaks the steps down for you!

For Writers of all Kinds!

How To Become A More Confident Writer  — Kaleigh Moore, a fellow freelancer who has been blogging and freelancing since 2013 (like me!) shares some really good tips for writers of all kinds in this post.

For Business Owners (Solopreneurs and Entrepreneurs)

How to Promote Your E-Commerce Business on Twitter — Although the title suggests this article is only for e-commerce owners, the “how to” tactics will work for ANY business owner!

Additional Resources (for Success)

16 Quick Tips To Enhance Your Mindset, Focus, and Productivity — FYI, this one is from the Blogging Wizard’s personal blog. (Thanks, Adam! I love these tips!)


All of these resources are fantastic!

Plus… as my way of thanking you for being a reader of Wording Well, I want to give you some free stuff. Find my freebies on my Resource Kit page!

Plus, there are many more (and I mean MANY MORE)  Resources for Writers, Authors, and Freelancers) here as well!

Enjoy… and let me know what you want MORE of… in the comments!