Writer’s Block (+ the 10 Best Ways to Overcome It)

 Writer’s Block (+ the 10 Best Ways to Overcome It)

Many people suffer from writer’s block. Bloggers, freelancers, and even authors have hit this breaker, which prevents them from moving ahead!

The threat of the blinking cursor or the starkness of the blank page succeeds in scaring off even the most seasoned of writers. You’re no different. Often, the stress is enough to demotivate many, and they end up skipping altogether, waiting until “inspiration” will hit them.

That’s why it’s important to act immediately when inspiration hits you!

In this article, my guest today will discuss writer’s block and provide the 10 best ways for overcoming it.

I hope you try at least some of these tips the next time you are stuck when writing!

What is Writer’s Block?

Writer’s block is an actual condition that has plagued even the greatest and most famed writers (including F. Scott Fitzgerald and Peanuts’ cartoonist Charles Schulz). It happens when you lose your creativity and have the inability to produce new works.

It is usually caused by fear, timing, and perfectionism.

But it can be overcome!

However, the frustration faced by writers is enough to freeze anyone in their tracks and giving up seems an easier option. When you’ve run out of ideas, you’ll no doubt find it difficult to put pen on paper, unsure of how you wish to proceed.

What I usually felt was the need for perfectionism. Everything had to be just perfect on my first attempt, and it was foolish of me to think this way. I wasted so much time running things constantly in my head that I never got around to writing them on paper.

The 10 Best Solutions for Overcoming Writer’s Block

There are many things you can to get your creativity back.

There are also a ton of different things you can do to overcome writer’s block. But here are the best 10 (and proven) ways to overcome it. Read More

5 Ways for Creating an Awesome Book Title (+ Which Tools to Use)

How to Write an Awesome Book Title (+ which tools to use to do this

Book titles are not as easy to create you might think. Neither are blog post titles!

Non-fiction books are sort of like blog posts. Just longer.

So are e-books.

And, just like with blog posts, if you don’t have a catchy, captivating title, no one is going to read your content.

More and more bloggers are becoming non-fiction authors now. BUT they don’t always create the best titles!

But if you want to have a high-ranking book or e-book on Amazon (or elsewhere), you need to have an awesome book title.

There are many ways you can create such a title.

There are also many tools you can use to do so.

In this article, we will look at the 5 ways for creating an awesome book or e-book title.

We will also look at which 4 tools you can use to do this.

But before looking at the steps of the title creation process and the tools you can use to create a book or e-book title, we will first look at the difference between books and e-books as well as the publishing pros and cons for each.

What’s the Difference between Books and E-books?

An e-book is an electronic book, usually a PDF (portable document format), that readers can access from either a computer screen, a tablet/iPad, or a mobile device.

A book is essentially the same thing, but is also made available in print. Printed books are typically longer than e-books, but not always.

With the advent of self-publishing and the creation of POD (Print On Demand) companies (such as CreateSpace), anyone can now become a legitimate author.

Most people use Amazon KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing) to publish e-books.

In the words of Pat Flynn (from his e-book), “Kindle has become a prominent force in the publishing world, and can now provide the same amount of authority as you’d get with a print book.”

However, there are pros and cons to creating and publishing both e-books and print books.

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5 Self-Editing Hacks to Boost Your Writing (+17 More in your FREE Checklist!)

5 Self-Editing Hacks to Boost Your Blog Writing

Self-editing is a great option if you’re a blogger but can’t afford to hire an editor.

Editors aren’t cheap! Sure, they can improve your writing, and even teach you a few things about sentence structure and grammar. They can even boost your writing so that your post ranks higher.

However, you might not have the money to spend on an editor, especially if you are a new blogger, freelance writer or author.

But that’s no excuse for not editing your writing!

So what you should you do?

Self-edit! That’s what!

My guest today will show you 5 self-editing hacks you can use to boost your writing.

You can also download my bonus checklist of 17 Editing Tips for Writers!

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4 Phases to a Successful Online Author’s Life (+ how to become an author)

4 Phases to a Successful Online Author’s Life (+ how to become an author)

Becoming an author involves 4 phases, and if you’re a blogger, you’re already an author, of sorts…

When you publish a blog post, you are the “author” of that post. But being an author who sells e-books is a completely different story… but it doesn’t have to be.

You can be a blogger or a freelance writer who is also an author!

You don’t have to write fiction; you can write self-help books, motivational books, or anything else that suits your talents and knowledge.

Look at Ryan Biddulph, the guy behind Blogging from Paradise. He’s a blogger who turned most of his blog posts into e-books… and earns passive income from his book sales!

Look at Alicia Rades. She’s a freelance writer who is also a fiction author.

Look at me. I self-published a book of short stories (Risky Issues)… just to see if I could actually figure out the whole self-publishing process on my own. In fact, a blind man motivated me to make it available in print instead of just as an e-book.


After learning the steps of the self-publishing process, I then helped this blind man (Maxwell Ivey) self-publish not one but two books. Take a look at his books! One is an 11-step guide to business success. The other is an easy-to-follow guide to weight loss success.

This is the final cover for Max's ebook, Leading You Out of the Darkness Into the Light.

cover image for It's Not the Cookie, It's the Bag

Now, look at Dave Chesson. He’s a guy who became a best-selling author… by writing under pen names (pseudonyms), which, unfortunately, he won’t reveal to you here.

However, he will reveal the different stages he has gone through as both an online writer and an author… so that YOU can see where YOU are currently at… if you want to become an author too.

***Note that I can help you, as I offer author assistant services in addition to my writing and editing services!***

Take it away, Dave! Read More

17 of the Best Websites to Bring Back Your Writing Inspiration

17 of the Best Websites to Bring Back Your Writing Inspiration

Do you ever need some writing inspiration?

I bet you DO!

As bloggers, writers, and freelancers, we all need writing inspiration at some point.

Many websites exist that can help bring back your writing inspiration and your creativity.

So do many tools, including the ones found in these posts:

8 Great Writing Tools to Keep You Motivated to Write

9 Tools that No Serious Online Writer Should Be Without

Some FUN Writing Tools to Get You In the #writing Mood

Today’s guest, Rachel, will share 17 of the best websites to you to help you stay inspired and get your writing inspiration back.

Do YOU Need Some Writing Inspiration?

Do you want or need to write, but are feeling less than inspired?

I’ve been there plenty of times.

You get rid of all the distractions, tidy up your desk, focus on the job at hand and… nothing. You have writer’s block. You don’t know what to do.

The solution: check out some of these websites dedicated to writers and writing to get re-inspired.

(An alternate solution is to hire a freelance writer to help you!)


1. The Story Starter

The reason why you may lose your writing inspiration is because you are writing about the same stuff over and over again, and never venturing outside your niche. The Story Starter will enable you to do that, by generating a random sentence that will become the starter for your new story. It’s an incredibly fun exercise, as it’s always able to come up with interesting story starters.

“There is always, always, always something to write about.”

― Rob Bignell, Writing Affirmations: A Collection of Positive Messages to Inspire Writers

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