10 Tips for Editing an Academic Essay

10 Tips for Editing an Academic Essay

This is a sponsored post from Do My Essay. Because my writing services do not include essay-writing services, you can contact them for fee-based editing and writing assistance. However, I offer both editing services as well as 22 self-editing tips you can use if you cannot afford to hire an editor.


Academic essays are the most important part of a student’s academic training. Not only do these help polish your writing skills, but they also enhance your competencies at researching a specific subject, as well as coming up with logical explanations and arguments and the ability to prove one’s point, with proper explanations. Everyone wishes that there was a cheat sheet to producing effective and powerful academic essays, and the truth is, THERE IS!

It is called EDITING.

10 Tips for Editing Academic Essays Effectively

After you are done with drafting your academic paper or essay, you will need to go through every line and make the necessary edits.

Some of the tips you should follow while doing this, in order to ensure 100% accuracy and powerful writing, are these 10: Read More

Why Bloggers Should Write Using a Conversational Tone

https://www.pickthebrain.com/blog/improve-your-writing-with-a-conversation-tone/This is a sponsored post from Write Pro, which focuses on using descriptive speech in their writings. Two people actually wrote this post – another writer wrote the majority of it, and I wrote the last section. I’d appreciate it if you would read the whole thing and then answer my question to you at the end!

Blogging is the most effective and efficient mode of marketing upcoming and established businesses and brands. Businesses today, who are aiming to make their presence felt online, are steadily collaborating with influential bloggers, popular blogging sites, and online publications to have them and their offerings promoted in the most direct way possible, making it reachable to everyday internet users. Since blogs are a great tool to connect with people faster and more effectively, it is important that these blogs boast a more conversational tone that immediately grasps on to the attention of the readers.

What Does a Conversational Tone Do for Your Content?

If you thought a formal tone makes you sound serious and informative, it does, but then where does it lead you? Not far. The attention span of a regular individual is as low as it can get, presently. Why should they give your content a part of their precious time unless it is both valuable and interesting? Here is where the role of the conversational tone becomes imperative. The conversational tone is enriched with a few characteristics. These include: Read More

Plagiarism (VS Fair Use): What Bloggers and Writers Need to Know

Plagiarism (VS Fair Use): What Bloggers Need to Know When Creating Content

Why is plagiarism so bad?

Many people copy others, in both real life, and online.

They wear the same clothes. They buy the same things. It is natural to want to have the same item as another person. That is why companies make items in bulk. That is why clothing manufacturers make the same shirt, dress, or pair of pants in the same color and in different sizes.

Copying others in this manner is not a crime. (It might be deemed as a fashion crime in some pretentious circles, but it’s not against the law!)

However, when it comes to online content, copying others is a serious crime.

This type of copying is called PLAGIARISM, and it is a violation of copyright law.

There are solutions to avoiding plagiarism and its consequences and penalties, and today we are going to look at these solutions.

We are also going to answer the following questions:

What is plagiarism?

What is fair use?

What should you do if your content has been plagiarized?

How can bloggers and freelancers avoid plagiarism and its penalties?

How can bloggers create content for their blogs that rivals the content of their competitors?

How can bloggers create content that is similar to their competitors and ranks well?

By the end of this article, you will have all the answers and be able to create unique content that will not be considered to be plagiarized.

Plagiarism VS. Fair Use

What is Plagiarism?

Plagiarism has several definitions.

It occurs when you copy someone else’s words and pass them off as your own.

It occurs when you cite someone’s words and don’t give the owner proper credit or attribution.

Plagiarism is against the law and is a serious offense. There are also several types of plagiarism, which will discuss momentarily.

Plagiarism is only stealing if you don’t give credit to the original source OR if what you are sharing does not fall under the rules for fair use.

What is Fair Use?

Fair use, on the other hand, according to copyright law, allows you to use someone’s words and ideas freely, without permission from the copyright owner.

Fair use, according to this article, is “a copyright principle based on the belief that the public is entitled to freely use portions of copyrighted materials for purposes of commentary and criticism.”

At this point, I want to point out to you that EVEN THOUGH I COPIED THIS SENTENCE, I didn’t try to pass it off as my own. Instead, I provided a link to the article (the source) where I found it.

If I didn’t, I would have been guilty of plagiarism.

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6 Ways for How to Search for Clients as a Freelance Writer

6 Ways for How to Search for Clients as a Freelance Writer

Being a freelancer has its pros and cons.

Working from home is the biggest pro for many people. Not earning enough (or not earning at all) is the biggest con.

While it’s great to be able to set your own hours, work in your pajamas (yes, I’m guilty of doing this!), and not have to deal with commuting, it is often hard to get started on the path to success.

You have to find your own clients.

Income varies from month to month.

You have a lot of competition. There are many other freelancers out there, willing to do the same type of work as you, often for a smaller amount of money!

So… even when things are going well for you, you still need to remember to actively look for work. Your client(s) might suddenly decide they don’t need you anymore… or cannot afford you anymore.

What will you do if that happens?

Find more work, right?

But how?

Here are 6 Ways for How to Search for Clients as a Freelance Writer:

1 – set up a writer website

2 – contribute to blogs (and sites that pay)

3 – choose a reputable job board

4 – keep bidding and emailing

5 – make cold calls

6 – pool your resources

We will look at each of these in more detail now, and by the end of this article, you’ll have a whole shitload of ideas and things you can do to find your next client!

And if you *really* want to succeed in the freelancing field, I highly suggest you take Elna’s course, Write Your Way to Your First $1k.

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20 Ways to Be a Master Writer and Improve Your Writing Skills

 20 Ways to Be a Master Writer and Improve Your Writing Skills

Becoming a master writer and improving your writing skills is something most bloggers, freelancers, and authors strive to do.

That’s why I (Lorraine) have helped my guest today improve her writing by co-writing this blog post with her. (She sent the basic draft, and I added to it.)

It’s difficult to write a stellar blog post on the first, second, or even the third try. Great writing requires revisions!

Not only that, but writing a blog post or an article that will captivate the reader is not something many people can do. In fact, many people will run to the hills when asked to write a blog post. The simple reason for this is that it is tough coming up with paragraphs of words that will make the reader sit still and want to read to the end. Authors sometimes feel the same way when beginning a new book, too.

While it’s easy to write an email or correct someone else’s work, it suddenly becomes a tumultuous task for a majority of people when they are asked to write an interesting, comprehensible piece. Here are 20 helpful tips on how you can transform your bland writing into an art of work that is a page-turner:

20 Ways to Improve Your Writing Skills

There’s no doubt about it — writing is a skill. To improve your writing skills, there are a plethora of things you can do. You can hire a writer to help you, of course (either hire me or hire someone from Custom Writings) but the best way to improve your own writing skills is to use the following 20 tips!

Here are the 20 best ways for improving your writing skills. Please use them! If you do, you’ll become a master writer in no time!

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