Last Updated on: April 15th, 2021
This is a sponsored post from Do My Essay. Because my writing services do not include essay-writing services, you can contact them for fee-based editing and writing assistance. However, I offer both editing services as well as 22 self-editing tips you can use if you cannot afford to hire an editor.
Academic essays are the most important part of a student’s academic training. Not only do these help polish your writing skills, but they also enhance your competencies at researching a specific subject, as well as coming up with logical explanations and arguments and the ability to prove one’s point, with proper explanations. Everyone wishes that there was a cheat sheet to producing effective and powerful academic essays, and the truth is, THERE IS!
It is called EDITING.
10 Tips for Editing Academic Essays Effectively
After you are done with drafting your academic paper or essay, you will need to go through every line and make the necessary edits.
Some of the tips you should follow while doing this, in order to ensure 100% accuracy and powerful writing, are these 10:
1: Allow yourself time between writing the essay and editing it.
If you start editing your essay immediately after you are done writing it, your mind is still in the same zone. What you need to do is allow your brain some strategic time to relax after all the research and writing is done. This rejuvenates your mind and takes it away from the essay for a bit. Then, when you return to your essay, you will see it with “fresh eyes” and you will be able to quickly pick up on things that need editing.
2: Skip the complicated language so you don’t mistakenly use the wrong word.
Most people tend to write academic essays by using “big” words. If you are using a thesaurus to build your essay, it is going to be evident. You might mistakenly use the wrong synonym, too. It’s best to simply use easier words than exposing the depth of your vocabulary to your reader.
This does not mean you should not use complex words, just use the ones whose use and meaning you are confident about. Scan the articles for such small mistakes in the editing phase, so as to prevent the use of wrong words.
3: Use shorter sentences and paragraphs.
One habit that individuals are most prone to when writing essays is to create long and tiring-to-read sentences. The moment you bombard your reader with long sentences, they start losing their will to read on.
The same logic applies to long-winded paragraphs. It’s better to make your sentences and paragraphs meaty with information but not volume, and this can be achieved in the editing phase.
4: Watch out for repetition.
Often when students are directed to meet a certain word count, they tend to fill the paper with fluff. What is this fluff? Fluff is the use of sentences that simply repeat things you have written about earlier in another way.
During editing an academic essay, look out for such repetitive sentences.
5: Look for typos.
The most innocent mistake in an essay or any piece of writing is the typos. Look out for typos when you are editing your content to make sure that it is devoid of errors. You can use a spell-checker to help you, but you should know that spell-checkers do not consider homonyms to be “typos,” so you need to pay careful attention to those types of words in your essay. If you are in doubt as to which word should be used, then look each word up in a dictionary to be sure.
6: Do not completely depend on spell-checkers.
Spell-checkers have their place, but they should only be used to correct typos. The same applies to grammar checkers. Stop relying on spell-checkers for your academic essays. Check them manually, either with the help of a dictionary or the Internet or get a friend to help you proofread your essay.
Grammarly can help you too.
7: Remove unnecessary words.
Without even realizing it, you have included at least two unnecessary words in every sentence. Spot these extra words (such as “very,” “totally,” etc.) and remove them. These words provide no extra meaning to your sentences.
8: Use commas correctly.
Make sure all your commas and other punctuations are in place. People often tend to overstuff their sentence with commas, or not use it at all. Make sure you make the correct use of this punctuation to extend the best meaning to your sentences.
9: Provide attribution when using quotations.
If you are using quotes (words said by others), make sure you put them within quotations marks and give credit to the original speaker. But if you fail to do so when you are writing the piece, make sure it is done during the editing phase.
If you don’t, you will be guilty of plagiarism!
10: Format the essay.
Giving your essay an attractive structure is important. Format the content consistently; this gives a professional look and feel to your reader.
Keep these 10 points in mind to make sure that you produce a well-edited essay that produces an interesting read devoid of any errors.
For more self-editing tips, download your free list of 17 more tips!
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Excellent tips Lorraine, for editing academic essays effectively. Editing is an essential part for getting perfectly written content weather it is an article or an essay. Am I right? Because being as academic writer, I know that academic essay is how much important for students and it is obvious that they are not sure how to structure it formally or need someone’s help to proofread it. But from you given guidance, it reduce the main burden of them of proofreading or editing their academic essay. And typos error is one of the must thing to check, which I usually made. My Bad
Jack, I have a hard time believing you are an academic writer because your English is weak.
I suggest you improve it.
Perhaps you can use the site called to help you.
Hi Lorraine Mam,
These 10 tips were more valid.
Hereafter I am going to apply those tips for editing academic essay.
Thanks for sharing such a wonderful post.
Arumugam, I’m glad you liked them. I also hope you picked up your free copy of the 17 additional self-editing tips!