It seems that I am becoming somewhat of an expert (ha!) regarding certain things in social media.
How do I know this? Google said so.
I heard Google speak her voice (yes, Google is female!) when I viewed my blog stats and took a look at the search terms used to send people to my blog posts – in particular, my post about Managing Google+ Circles.
She said, “Hey, Lorraine, I think you should write a post and inform these people of what they want to know regarding Google+ circles!”
Okay, so maybe I’m exaggerating. But, it seems that Google loves me. . . even though I don’t know much about SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Why else would she send these people to my site?
I think it’s because I’m helpful, and talk to both a specific reader and the general masses.
When people are continually asking for information and are being sent to ME, the proud non-techie (yes, I am now proud of this fact), I feel like it is my duty to respond to them. I can see that there is an obvious need for a post to be written about this topic.
You see, when people talk, I pay attention. This quality has made me many friends and a great teacher. When I taught high school, most of my students loved me. I spoke on their level. I imparted my wisdom to them. Now I am going to continue this trend on my blog. I have to.I cannot disappoint my new buddy, Google.
I think I might even call her “Googs” for short. 😉
The Many Questions We Have
As someone who had to learn many things on her own, I gotta figure that there are tons of others out there who are just like me — filled with questions.
The questions people have about Google+ circles include the ones listed below, which have been copied directly (spelling errors and all!) from my stats page on my blog. I will answer them to the best of my ability.
(Note that I have included my ranking for each, too. Yes, I had to check each one out individually.)
- how to tell what google+ circle someone has added u in (ranking is #1)
- how do i know who in google+ has put me in there circles (ranking is #2)
- what is different between in her circle and have her in circle (ranking is #2)
- when someone puts you in their circle how do you get yourself out (ranking is #2)
- what does it mean when someone adds you to a circle on google+ (ranking is #3)
- why can’t i add people to my circle on google+ (ranking is #5)
- can someone just add you to their circles on google plus (ranking is #5)
- google plus added you back vs added to circles (ranking is #7)