Some Resources for You (#2)

Wording Well's business card image

I’m too lazy too busy editing to put a lot of time into blogging these days.

But you are still on my mind… so that is why I have compiled this list of resources for you. 🙂

I might do this from time to time, so I have titled this #2. Hopefully, more awesome resources will follow! 😉

For Bloggers

What the Heck is GDPR? (and How to Make Sure Your Blog Is Compliant)

For Freelancers

21 Sites to Find Freelance Projects and Work at Home Jobs

For Writers of all Kinds!

595 Power Words That’ll Instantly Make You a Better Writer

For Business Owners (Solopreneurs and Entrepreneurs)

How to Open Up Your Blog for Guest Bloggers (+ Find Bloggers to Guest Post)

Additional Resources (for Success)

How to Succeed Even When You Feel Like Giving Up


All of these resources are fantastic!

Plus… as my way of thanking you for being a reader of Wording Well, I want to give you some free stuff. Find my freebies on my Resource Kit page!

Plus, there are many more (and I mean MANY MORE)  Resources for Writers, Authors, and Freelancers) here as well!

Enjoy… and let me know what you want MORE of… in the comments!

I want to serve you, so let me!

See you in the comments!

And be sure to check out

– Some Resources for You (#1)

Some Resources for You (#3)


Some Resources for You (#1)

Wording Well's business card image

I’m too lazy too busy to put a lot of time into blogging these days.

But you are still on my mind… so that is why I have compiled this list of resources for you. 🙂

I am going to do this from time to time, so I have titled this #1.

Be sure to check out:

– Some Resources for You (#2)

Some Resources for You (#3)

For Bloggers

Social Media Tools: The Complete List (2018 Update)

For Freelancers

The Complete Guide to Getting Started Freelance Writing From Scratch

For Writers of all Kinds!

50 Fantastic Ways to Make Your Writing Remarkable

For Business Owners (Solopreneurs and Entrepreneurs)

50+ Free Online Tools For Startups

Additional Resources (for Success)

12 Secrets of People Who Are More Successful Than You


All of these resources are fantastic!

Plus… as my way of thanking you for being a reader of Wording Well, I want to give you some free stuff. Find my freebies on my Resource Kit page!

Plus, there are many more (and I mean MANY MORE)  Resources for Writers, Authors, and Freelancers) here as well!

Enjoy… and let me know what you want MORE of… in the comments!

I want to serve you, so let me! See you in the comments!


5 Types of Content That Will Boost Your Blog’s Traffic

5 Types of Content that will Boost Your Blog's Traffic

It’s natural for bloggers to want to boost their blog’s traffic.

But many bloggers don’t know how to do that.

One way is to produce quality content. But which kind of content works best?

Today, my guest, Theodore Nwangene, will help you understand 5 different types of content that will help you boost your blog’s traffic.

Introduction: When frustration sets in

You stayed awake all through the night writing what you called “the perfect” blog post that would transform your blog traffic forever.

You religiously applied all the excellent blog post best practices as suggested by the experts – you used eye-catching, shareable images; you added paragraph breaks; you used H tags; and you made your content easily digestible. (Read How to Develop a Great Writing and Blogging Process to find out how to format your blog post using H tags.)

You also added the popular “click to tweet” buttons and even promoted the hell out of the post after it was published.

But after all these efforts, nothing happened. It all went dead like your regular blog posts, “not even the sound of a cricket.” Nobody apart from your family members bothered to visit your site, let alone share it.

Yeah, it’s that bad and right now you’re on the verge of giving up because, after all, it seems this whole blogging thing was never meant for you.

Well, hold on, my friend, before you finally call it quits…

…Give me a few minutes of your time.

First, I want you to clear your mind off the belief that blogging or internet marketing isn’t meant for you because it’s literally meant for everyone… yourself included.

Fluctuations in traffic and exposure happen to all of us. If you want to improve, there is no reason for poor content strategy on your blog.

However, the primary reason why your blog is not growing is that you’re not publishing the type of blog post that will produce your desired result. Your audience doesn’t also like what you’re publishing.

Did that ring a bell?

Finding a Solution to Boosting Your Blog’s Traffic

The solution is equally simple – just figure out what type of blog posts you should be publishing, that are proven to generate the result you crave, and then focus more on dishing out such content. And I bet your readers will also love it, and help you broadcast it.

Furthermore, when it comes to effective content marketing, you need a strategy that will not only save you time, but also guarantees tremendous results.

It is, therefore, time for you to identify the types of content that will drive results.

I’m talking about the kind of content your competitors have been using to beat you hands down – even when you work harder than they do – the type of content they’ve been using to make all the money from their little efforts.

Now, without further ado, let’s quickly devour these winning types of content that the big marketing influencers are utilizing right now in every niche. Read More

How to Develop a Great Writing Process

How to Develop a Great Writing and Blogging Process

Do you struggle with writing and blogging?

Do you find the writing process difficult?

Do you know how to use H (heading) tags properly?

Do you remember to optimize your blog post for SEO?

I hear you… all this can be frustrating!

But… it’s not that hard to learn how to learn these things!

This post will give you the tips you need to how to develop a great writing and blogging process. By the end of it, you will be able to overcome these issues and know how to do all of these things!

You can also download a free checklist of the main points,,, and even save it to your Google Drive if you want!

Develop Your Writing Process

Most writers know that their words won’t be perfect right off the bat. They will need editing, rearranging, and polishing. Paragraphs will need to flow consistently, from one idea to the next.

Paragraphs will need to flow consistently, from one idea to the next.

The writing process will be different for everyone, depending on their level of knowledge and skill set, as well as what they are writing. For most, however, crafting compelling works should follow these basic steps:

  1. Brainstorm. Jot down all ideas and main points.
  2. Outline. Choose an order in which to present the ideas.
  3. Write Draft #1. Write about each main idea, using stream-of-consciousness writing.
  4. Edit the first draft. Fix any typos. Create legible sentences and paragraphs. Ensure your grammar is correct.
  5. Let the work sit for a day or two.
  6. Add any additional points you may have missed, thus creating Draft #2.
  7. Edit the second draft. Keep a copy of each draft, to refer back to as needed.
  8. Polish your work, thus creating a final version.
  9. Repeat as needed, until you think things are perfect.
  10. Get someone to proofread your work, so they can catch pesky little things you will miss, like misused homophones such as their, there, and they’re.

Points to note when you are creating a blog post:

Read More

Protect your Website with the “UNDER CONSTRUCTION PAGE” Plugin

Protect your Website with the Free UNDER CONSTRUCTION Plugin

The “UNDER CONSTRUCTION PAGE” plugin is something most bloggers will need and should have.

It’s helpful to use when you are working on your website.

For experienced bloggers:

Instead of your visitors getting a 404 error, it will show them that your site is still there, and is still active, but that you are working on it to make it better!

For new bloggers:

It also works great as a “coming soon page”! For example, you can publish the “under construction page” even while you’re still searching for a theme you’ll be using on your website (if you’re a new blogger, or if you’re changing the theme), etc.

This FREE plugin will also protect you in Google while you work on your precious website! You will not lose any of your rankings! 🙂

Tell Me More About the “UNDER CONSTRUCTION” Plugin 

The “UNDER CONSTRUCTION PAGE” Plugin has many features.

It is easy to use, beginner-friendly, fast, and has various designs for you to choose from!

The “UNDER CONSTRUCTION PAGE” plugin also comes with free email support if you have difficulty using it.

There is also Google Analytics support available, as well as various social media icons available to choose from.

And the best part? It’s optimized for SEO!

Plus, when you install this plugin, you have MANY designs to choose from!

Look! Read More