Lisa Jackson Sent Me An Autographed Book!

me holding a book I got from author Lisa Jackson

Lisa Jackson, one of my favorite authors of all time, recently sent me an autographed copy of one of her books! Can you believe it? (Neither can I!)

How I got an autographed copy of Tell Me:

I connected with Lisa Jackson on Twitter last year. On March 7th, 2013, I opened an email to see this:

my tweet from lisa jackson


I was pleasantly shocked to see that she actually replied to me.

Yes, at the time, I was new to blogging, new to social media, and a starstruck fan.

I had only had my computer for about three months at that point.

Over a year later, I sent her another Tweet. Of course, this is after connecting with her on Goodreads (as friends), and after commenting on and “liking” several of her Facebook posts.

I sent her this Tweet because I wanted to see what would happen.

I honestly wasn’t sure she would reply. But she did. Positively.

lisa jackson tweets on april 30


As it turned out, we began Direct Messaging one another.

And a month later, I had an autographed copy of one of her latest novels in my hands!

Naturally, I was ecstatic! While I don’t want to say that this book is my most prized possession, I have to admit that I am “old-school” and think that having an autographed copy of one of Lisa Jackson’s book is “groovy,” “cool,” “the bees knees,” “simply right on,” “awesome,” and “fabulous!”

I love my book so much that I actually didn’t even want to read it and ruin it’s value. (Ahem, it’s in mint condition!)

So I posted this on Twitter:

screenshot of a tweet to lisa jackson

Yep. I bought a digital version of Tell Me.

I’m reading it now, and I’m thoroughly enjoying it – so far.

I’ll be posting a review of it when I’m finished reading it.

Of course, I have a couple of other book reviews to post, too, but you’ll hear/read about them when the time comes (on Featured Fridays).

For now, I just had to brag a bit at my good fortune. 😉

Call me starstruck. I really don’t care.

I love Lisa Jackson. Well, her writing, anyway…

And now I’m following her on Pinterest, too, as she recently joined this site. 🙂

I love authors

I love learning from other authors, whether traditionally published or self-published.

I think all authors should support one another, even if you don’t particularly like their genre, and to prove this point, I have a special sci-fi author being featured this coming Friday! (I don’t like science fiction; never have, never will…)

But I do like suspense novels and murder mysteries.

And now I have an autographed copy of a book written by one of my favourite authors.

Do you???

Share a story about YOUR most prized possession in the comments please!

(FYI, the other two authors who comprise my top 3 faves of all time are Lisa Gardner and James Patterson – and if either of you care to do what the lovely Lisa Jackson did, I’d gladly hold up my end of the deal of Autographed Copies in Exchange for Reviews? Yes! Yes! Yes!)


Blind Men Don’t Need Help . . . do they?


Blind men don’t need help, do they? I mean, they have dogs to help them see, they have white canes to help them walk, they have audiobooks and radios and described TV to entertain them. They have Braille to help them read and identify money. They have special tags to put on their hangers to help them identify their clothing. So, other than – maybe – cooking, what do they need help with?

Right now you’re probably thinking, “Wow. Whoever is writing this is a cold-hearted person!” Right?


Quite the opposite, actually.

I wrote that introduction to get your attention. Don’t be mad; hear me out . You see, I’m actually a caring person who is out to help a blind man. A blind man with a dream.

Actually, he has a few. The blind man I’m referring to is planning one day to write a book, too. 😉


Blind People Need Help, Sometimes

The blind man that needs help is Maxwell – Max – Ivey.

Max is the guy who granted me inside information about how blind people cope with life on a daily basis.

I have to tip my hat to Max.

  • He’s blind.

  • He’s a blogger.

  • He’s known as Mister Midway due to his involvement with amusement park rides and businesses.

  • He’s a social media user. (He’s even on Pinterest!!! Find out how by reading his post about his user experience.)

  • He’s also an entrepreneur.

And he’s a man with a dream: to make videos! But not just any videos. A video series about amusement parks and their rides. (Think back to your childhood. Did you look forward to the times when the carnival came to town? Do you still? Do your kids or grandkids love rides, too? I’m betting they do!)

Max has already done many Google Hangouts (he does one each week, and blogs about them). Back in March, he started them, had difficulties, and fought hard to learn what he needed to so he could improve them and make them successful.

Max is loved by many people. He’s a nice person, too, always thinking about everyone else – including his blogging community – and how they will benefit.

Now he wants to travel this summer and do a video series about carnivals and amusement parks and all that this topic entails.

And you know how we all love carnival rides, right? 🙂

He’s fundraising so he CAN achieve his dream.

Because blind men actually do need help. And Max needs yours.

Watch this video, and see if you can relate to his dream:

Blind man Max Ivey needs your help. Please help him.

Please share this post. Please tell your friends about this guy. The more we spread the word, the more help Max will get.

Open your heart to Max.

Help him achieve his dream.

Please make a donation today!

photo of Max with his logo on it

You get perks if you help him, too. Plus, you get satisfaction knowing you did something good. And maybe this world will be a better place because of it.

So, please, I beg you, make a donation today!

Blind men actually do need help, sometimes. 🙁


A Sneak Peek: Which Ebook Cover Is the Best?

question marksAs some of you may recall, I started a short story ebook project last year, and worked on it in patches, in between blogging, guest posting, and dealing with my health issues. I also tried to get someone to do the design for free, in exchange for promotion on my blog. Oddly, I ended up with two offers, and asked you to vote on which one I should choose. But…

Bad News

…Now, I have some bad and somewhat sad news. Because so much time has passed, the designer who originally agreed to help me changed her mind. So, I found myself being back at square one. And now I would like your input again. Yep, I’m sighing right along with you.

How I Got More Samples

When I got the news that the artist was not going to help me, I decided to try designing the cover myself. I also decided to use my name on it instead of a pen name, and I changed the title to reflect the content, as part of my reason for deciding to publish the selected stories is to raise awareness about issues of identity, drugs, abuse, death and friendship – but mainly sexual abuse, because I am a rape survivor. Here is what I came up with: risky issues cover I posted this on Facebook, asking for some feedback. One designer, Martha-Gail Moore from Playful Works, created this cover for me, based on the one I created: sample coverI then asked for some feedback on both Facebook and Google+ as to which one was more appealing, and got mixed responses.

I was told that the one I created was nicer, but that the font was easier to read in the second one.

Then one of my Facebook connections, Colleen Conger from Digital Photo Design , asked me if I wanted her to design a cover for me.

After learning of her reasonable rates, I decided to give her a shot, to see what she came up with. I also took all responses and feedback into consideration, and communicated with her what was wanted. Colleen then designed a cover for me, incorporating my little stick figure into it. (FYI, if you are interested in hiring her, her price rates start at $50.) Here is the final version of the cover she created: Ebook Cover - Risky Issues by Lorraine Reguly So now I have to decide on what cover I am going to use. I’ve already paid her for this design, and so it is mine to do with as I see fit. I am considering using one of these three, and so I am now going to ask for feedback once again.

Which cover should I choose?

I’ll show you them all side by side, in different sizes, so you can see what looks better. In order, they are Options 1, 2, and 3.

Here are all three, large sized:

Ebook Cover - Risky Issues by Lorraine Reguly risky issues cover sample cover

Here they are as thumbnails:

Option 1Ebook Cover - Risky Issues by Lorraine Reguly Option 2 risky issues cover   Option 3 sample cover

Vote OR Leave a Comment — PLEASE!

Please tell me in the comments which option looks best, or vote using the poll below.

Your choices are Option 1, Option 2, or Option 3.



By the way, a year ago yesterday, I guest posted for the third time ever, with the post called My Self-Esteem Does Not Define Who I Am . This year, I’m getting ready to release my first self-published book of short stories. Wow, how time flies when you’re having fun! I hope by this time next year, I’ll have another book under my belt. 😉 Read More

In One’s Eyes

a picture of me, that shows my eyes

I have something special for you today. It’s something I wrote many years ago, under horrible circumstances. Because today is Poem in Your Pocket Day, I felt like it was time to unveil my favorite poem.

Because I have it memorized, I carry this poem with me everywhere, at all times.

I’ve shared it with many people in my life, and now I’m finally ready to share it with the world.

I hope you like it.

If you are a female, please read the first version. If you are a male, please read the second version.


As I search into her eyes, I see loneliness and fears.
Her face seems so empty, except for those few tears.

These tears keep on flowing, more and more from her eyes;
she makes no sound at all, only distant, muffled cries.

She wants to express her feelings, on many a different thing,
but she feels that if she does, only more loneliness it would bring.

She wishes that she had a friend into whom she can confide;
an understanding, caring person who would always be by her side.

But instead, she has no one; no one to turn to in time of need.
She feels like she is trapped, and would very much like to be freed.

As I search deeper and deeper, I see more clearly into her eyes,
because, now, the tears have stopped, and no longer are her cries.

They have disappeared, although not completely, for they continue deep down inside,
but she now feels strong enough to regain her sense of pride.

But again her feelings weaken her and, again, I see a familiar tear.
She seems so far away from me, but yet, she seems so near.

I extend my hand to comfort her; I know I’m reaching in the right direction;
but all I feel is the flatness of the mirror, because I am staring into my own reflection.

my eyes


As I search into his eyes, I see loneliness and fears.
His face seems so empty, except for those few tears.

These tears keep on flowing, more and more from his eyes;
he makes no sound at all, only distant, muffled cries.

He wants to express his feelings, on many a different thing,
but he feels that if he does, only more loneliness it would bring.

He wishes that he had a friend into whom he can confide;
an understanding, caring person who would always be by his side.

But instead, he has no one; no one to turn to in time of need.
He feels like he is trapped, and would very much like to be freed.

As I search deeper and deeper, I see more clearly into his eyes,
because, now, the tears have stopped, and no longer are his cries.

They have disappeared, although not completely, for they continue deep down inside,
but he now feels strong enough to regain his sense of pride.

But again his feelings weaken him and, again, I see a familiar tear.
He seems so far away from me, but yet, he seems so near.

I extend my hand to comfort him; I know I’m reaching in the right direction;
but all I feel is the flatness of the mirror, because I am staring into my own reflection.

Share YOUR Thoughts


Did you like my poem, In One’s Eyes?

If so, I urge you to share it with others, and leave me a comment and let me know your reactions to it.

Thank you.  🙂

~ Lorraine Reguly