This is Princess (Prinnie) comforting me after surgery…
Last week, as most of you already know, I had surgery. Since I’m not even getting my bandages changed until Thursday, AND tomorrow marks the day I published my first post EVER on this blog, I thought I’d do something different today. By the way, I’m still in pain, and it just isn’t in me to blog much right now.
In fact, I wanted to do something special for my one year blogoversary (it’s tomorrow), but I just don’t have it in me to make a big production of it. Well, that’s a lie. I actually just created something special for Friday. Yep, I’m featuring myself this Friday! The post I was going to run this Friday has been pushed back to next Friday. So I’m getting back into the swing of things, finally. Since my surgery, I haven’t wanted to do much other than lay around and let Princess comfort me. I guess she knows how I feel; I took care of her for quite a while when she had problems.
Before I gross you out with some pictures, let me tell you that I’m actually rather disappointed with 2014 so far.
All of my plans are going down the drain this month. I’ve been depressed, sick to my stomach, and generally hate having obligations to live up to when feeling this way. I kinda screwed up, too, last week, when I had my post published on Carol Tice’s blog. Things went awry and I tried my best to fix them. I succeeded, to a point, thanks to many of you who left me a comment as a result of me sending out an email. Thank you for making things better for me. You have no idea how much I appreciate the fact that you took the time to read my guest post and comment on it. And read my email. You guys (and gals) are just the BEST! 😀