Mental Health + Entrepreneurship = Success!

Mental Health + Entrepreneurship = Success!

Mental health issues are often not talked about, especially among entrepreneurs.

Everyone likes to pretend they are just fine, even when they are not.

I used to be this way. Now, I have the courage to admit that I’ve suffered from severe depression and even tried to kill myself.

But I have also learned many coping strategies over the years, including how to achieve entrepreneurial excellence.

I have also learned that entrepreneurship is a better choice for people with mental health issues (as opposed to working for someone else). Today, we’ll look at why this is.

Is Entrepreneurship Right for YOU?

So, you have mental health issues. But, you also want to become an entrepreneur. You have this big plan, but you are also scared because you don’t know if you can handle it, emotionally or mentally. This is a common feeling for people who suffer from mental health challenges.

Sometimes, mental health issues can make working for others quite difficult, especially if they do not understand what you have to face on a daily basis. Sometimes, it is hard for those who have never faced mental health problems to truly understand what someone who has them actually experience.

According to The Dark Side of Entrepreneurship, rates of depression, ADHD, bipolar disorder, anxiety, and addiction are reportedly much higher among entrepreneurs than the general population. Part of that comes through the stress of entrepreneurship, but also reflects the fact that, for many, working for themselves while having mental health issues is just more desirable.


If you battle mental health issues, (1) creating your own business opportunity, (2) being your own boss, and (3) being able to customize a work schedule that suits your needs might be the perfect answer for you.

(1) When you create your own business you have greater control and, to a degree, are able to customize your work experience.

(2) Not having to deal with managers or bosses that don’t understand mental illness can be freeing. You know what you can handle. You know what you need to do to be healthy. They don’t. The more control you have over your situation, the better you can work to take care of yourself. This is a perfect reason to be your OWN boss.

(3) Also, there is the satisfaction of being able to do something you love. You can follow your passion when you become an entrepreneur. Doing so might be what you need to help you get through some of the days that might seem hopeless when you are working for someone else doing something you aren’t too excited about.

Are There Downsides to Being an Entrepreneur?

Of course, there are cons to becoming your own boss, and these have to be considered before diving in with both feet. Starting your own business can be quite stressful. If you suffer from anxiety, mood swings, anger issues, or any other number of problems, they can be aggravated by the stress.

A lot can ride on your shoulders when you are running your own business, and there isn’t always a guarantee that, in the end, it will all work out. It can be a large responsibility to take on and that can lead to more stress!

An article in Forbes’ magazine titled 7 Reasons Entrepreneurs Are Particularly Vulnerable to Mental Health Challenges mentions some of the issues that should be considered, but don’t necessarily have to be a barrier to success.

Where to Find Support and Online Therapists

There are many places online that have resources. All you have to do is do a simple search for “online therapists.” Their skilled professionals will help you navigate through symptoms of mental illness and improve your chances of success. You can even use chat boxes to set up an appointment with someone who you can communicate with from the comfort of your home at convenient times that can fit right into your schedule.

You can turn to your friends and family, of course, to help you with your day-to-day problems. In my case, however, my family does not always support me emotionally, so I have learned to do the 5 things mentioned in that article to help me cope.

I have also sought counseling, which helped me deal with my mental health issues.

I Did It and YOU CAN DO IT, TOO!

Most people know I’m an author and a freelance writer. I reap many benefits from being an editor, too.

I also wrote From Nope to Hope, I created this successful blog, and I built up a business that I am proud of.

It hasn’t been easy, but I did it… despite depression, addiction, and other mental health challenges. I am proof that it can be done and that it can be a positive, fulfilling experience.  My business gives me a sense of pride and purpose. I’m also happier than I have ever been!

Indeed, starting and running your own business can be tremendously satisfying. It isn’t for everyone, BUT it might be exactly what you need.

If this is the direction you choose, go into knowing that YOU, TOO, CAN BE SUCCESSFUL!

Mental Health + Entrepreneurship = Success!

This is true for me, and it can be true for you, too!


4 Things to Say (Announcements, Thanks, and My Latest Discoveries)

Ok, people, I have a lot to say, and not much time to say it, so please listen up!

First of all, I want to say thanks to all my new Followers — from WordPress and Twitter. A big “shout out” to all of you! Keep sharing my stuff, and I will do the same. Or, at the very least, I will “like” it, to let you know that I read it (assuming I don’t comment)!

Secondly, I want to thank Read More