One of My Blog Posts is now a PowerPoint Presentation on Slideshare!


At the beginning of August 2013, I wrote an article that explained the Top 10 Tips For Making A Good Impression.

At the beginning of October 2013, I found out that a teacher added a link to my site for his students to refer to. When I was notified of this backlink, I decided to send him a thank-you note (email). He responded to me, and told me that “it was the most helpful site I found for my students”.

Talk about a nice compliment!  I was honoured to be chosen!

Since the blogging and marketing “pros” advise turning posts into podcasts, videos, presentations, etc, I decided to turn the aforementioned post into a Slideshare presentation using my newly purchased PowerPoint program. I really enjoyed creating this. For a non-techie like myself, I feel a great sense of accomplishment!

Of course, the technology has already been created for me, and all I have to do is a few simple things with the click of my mouse. Easy-peasy stuff — anyone can do this! No wonder Slideshare is becoming so popular!

As always, I’d love it if you share this AND/OR left me a comment. You know how much I love comments! 🙂

Related articles:

How To Turn Your Weaknesses Into Strengths To Make A Good Impression

How to Add Images to Your Sidebar

This is a screenshot of the backend of my blog, and shows you the things you need to do to display images on your blog's sidebar.

This is a screenshot of the backend of my blog, and shows you the things you need to do to display images on your blog’s sidebar.

Adding images to your sidebar is not as easy as 1, 2. 3. But it can be! Just remember to customize and edit your images with a good photo editor, such as Colorcinch (aff link)!

Please read this post first, then enlarge your screen and watch the video. (Instructions are given on how to make your screen bigger, too, so don’t worry!)

The above screenshot shows you the basics, but not how to adjust the size. For that, you’ll have to watch the video!

The video will tell you how to add images to your sidebar. Images include the awards that new bloggers receive, and so I am posting this for them! Lately, many people have been clicking on my award posts, mainly for The Liebster Award (it is currently number one in the search engines!), and since these bloggers are newbies (like I was, months ago!), I decided to answer a question one blogger had (ironically, the person who tagged me as IT) about how to add images to your sidebar.

Adding them is not that difficult, but requires a few steps. I explain these in this the video below, and show you how to do it at the same time. Unfortunately, Read More

How Re-Uniting With My Son Impacted My Life

Last week, I told you my true story about how I nearly died last summer. I am now going to tell you how reuniting with my son, J, has impacted my life for the better.

Re-uniting with him has literally changed my life!

This is a picture of the book that changed my life after re-uniting with my son.

This is a picture of the book that changed my life after re-uniting with my son.

Once We Re-united

One phone call led to another and we began talking on a regular basis.

Not arguing, but talking.

It was wonderful! Slowly, J let me back into his life.

We talked, we laughed, we cried.

I had always tried to be a good mother to him, and I must have done something right, since J is a non-smoker (I smoke), a drug-free person (he experimented a few times, with a few things, and so did I), a health and fitness nut who watches what he eats and works out all the time (my idea of working out is typing, and I love eating, as noted in my guest post on Hunger for Happiness), and a rare drinker (this he got from me; I am not big on booze).

J also is a positive person who somehow motivates me to want better things for our future. He truly is amazing.

He’s also tall, dark and handsome, since he’s half Spanish (I am a white, Canadian girl with Czech roots… so basically I am a white, Canadian girl!) and he’s pretty muscular, too, from hitting the gym on a constant basis. He won’t let me post a picture of him; he is a private person (I’ve mentioned this before). Anyway, when December rolled around, I asked him what he wanted for Christmas. I’m his mom; I wanted to buy him a gift. (I like giving presents!)

He told me that he didn’t want anything. Huh? Nothing?

Nope. He told me to save my money.

What My Son Wanted for Me

When I pressed him, he told me that he didn’t need anything, but that it was nice that I wanted to get him something. Instead, he said, it would mean more to him if I bought myself something that I needed. That’s what he wanted for Christmas – for me to buy myself something! Read More


Here’s a totally relevant song to listen to while you read this post:

I have been doing some wondering lately. I’ve been wondering if I should write posts more often, or less often, or if I should write whenever I want. Now that people are actually reading my writing, I’m at a different place in my mind than I was when I first began this blog. At that time, I didn’t think anyone would really be interested in what I have to say (my depression at work). Now, I am a blogger, and people are reading and sharing some of my writing! (I love you for doing this, by the way!) I’ve also been wondering if I should do another survey. I got some very good feedback the last time I did one.

To prove that I’ve actually taken a look at the results, and have learned that the majority of you want to hear the honest-to-goodness truth about some of the things I go through, this post is one that will let you in on some of the behind-the-scenes thoughts and actions of my mind, my experiences, and my life. Read More

I’ve Been Given Another Award!

Ever since I posted “Post Your Links Here To Promote Yourself and Your Blog!”, I have met quite a few new people, and gained some new readers. Some of these readers don’t know that I’ve already been the recipient of several awards, including the Shine On Award and the  Liebster award, and so I’ve recently received another nomination for the latter, from Robert Price, who is the blogger at “From A Clogged Mind.” Thanks Robert!

I decided to accept this award again because:

  • Robert was nice enough to nominate me for it 🙂
  • I believe in paying it forward
  • other bloggers deserve the chance to meet new people, which is basically the whole point of these memes 🙂
  • I have been bookmarking blogs that I could nominate, and now I have the chance to present them with this award! (I kinda knew that I’d be nominated for an award again, not to sound vain, but I am awesome, so why wouldn’t someone nominate me?) 🙂

So, here goes…


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