How to Develop a Great Writing Process

How to Develop a Great Writing and Blogging Process

Do you struggle with writing and blogging?

Do you find the writing process difficult?

Do you know how to use H (heading) tags properly?

Do you remember to optimize your blog post for SEO?

I hear you… all this can be frustrating!

But… it’s not that hard to learn how to learn these things!

This post will give you the tips you need to how to develop a great writing and blogging process. By the end of it, you will be able to overcome these issues and know how to do all of these things!

You can also download a free checklist of the main points,,, and even save it to your Google Drive if you want!

Develop Your Writing Process

Most writers know that their words won’t be perfect right off the bat. They will need editing, rearranging, and polishing. Paragraphs will need to flow consistently, from one idea to the next.

Paragraphs will need to flow consistently, from one idea to the next.

The writing process will be different for everyone, depending on their level of knowledge and skill set, as well as what they are writing. For most, however, crafting compelling works should follow these basic steps:

  1. Brainstorm. Jot down all ideas and main points.
  2. Outline. Choose an order in which to present the ideas.
  3. Write Draft #1. Write about each main idea, using stream-of-consciousness writing.
  4. Edit the first draft. Fix any typos. Create legible sentences and paragraphs. Ensure your grammar is correct.
  5. Let the work sit for a day or two.
  6. Add any additional points you may have missed, thus creating Draft #2.
  7. Edit the second draft. Keep a copy of each draft, to refer back to as needed.
  8. Polish your work, thus creating a final version.
  9. Repeat as needed, until you think things are perfect.
  10. Get someone to proofread your work, so they can catch pesky little things you will miss, like misused homophones such as their, there, and they’re.

Points to note when you are creating a blog post:

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26 Phone Apps to Make LIFE Easier (for blogging or business)

 numbered image for blog post titled Phone Apps to Use to Make LIFE Easier (for blogging or business)

You probably have a phone, a blog, and a business of some sort. You probably have a few apps on your phone, too, that you use to make your life easier, right?

The big question is: Are you making the most of your phone?

Today I am going to tell you how I use my phone, in my personal life and for blogging and business. 

I’m also going to share with you how 10 other people I know use their phones, too.

After reading a post by Esteban Pau on Harleena’s blog Aha!NOW, called 6 Best Free Blogging Apps For Savvy Bloggers, I decided to check a couple of them out…

…because I have phone.

And a blog.

And a business, too.

Plus, I wasn’t sure if I was making the most of my phone! (My phone is a bit old —  it is a Samsung Galaxy A5. Therefore, it’s an android phone. Without getting into too much geek-speak, I’ll just tell you that I love my phone!)

I use my phone daily, for different things.

In this post, I’ll reveal how I use my phone, and how 10 other people I know use their phones, too, for both blogging and business.

And I’ll even give you a bit of backstory about my personal life and my cell phone experiences!

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10 Effective Strategies to Becoming a Successful Blogger

10 Effective Strategies to becoming a successful blogger

Everyone wants to blog and learn how to make money online through blogging.

When I first started blogging, I was a “nobody.”

Now that I’ve been “discovered,” others are seeking out my expert opinion.

(I’ve participated in numerous round-ups already!)

I’m being interviewed.

I’m participating in podcasts.

I’m gaining new clients each month. (Want to be one? See what I can do for you!)

I’m loving it, too. 🙂

You Can be Successful, too

To help you understand some of the things I’ve done in order to become the successful blogger I am, I have a guest blogger that has summed up the strategies I’ve followed quite nicely.

His name is Ben, and he wrote the rest of this post.

Please read it, share it, and comment on it.

We’ll talk in the comments.

For now, here are ten strategies that have helped me become successful, which you can use.

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