Last Updated on: May 6th, 2014
I love comments so much that I decided to show you some of the comments that just didn’t quite make it through the moderation process of my old site, since they are spammy comments. I found them to be amusing, and I hope you do, too!
If you are having a hard time reading them, you can press CTRL and the + key on your numeric pad to enlarge your computer screen! Then use CTRL and the – key to shrink it back! (Just another thing I have learned, that you may or may not know!)
Comment 1: I am not quite sure what “stay up the great paintings” is supposed to mean, but I sure will try to do this! LOL
Comment 2: Come on, indeed. 🙂
I just love the last comment. Thanks, Dylan! I hope you have recommended this site to everyone!
Here is another one:
I would love to believe that this comment was genuine. If it was, then I guess that means more people will be exposed to this blog. Unless he/she/they do not have any friends…
The sentiment is sweet in this one:
I am so glad that I am appreciated. 😛
Whoah this blog is excellent….
Now, I dare you, go ahead, and leave me a comment. I just may post another installment of “Spammy Comments” again! Let’s see if yours makes it through… 😉
Thank goodness, I have not had spam on my blog (yet)! These are funny Lorraine 🙂
I am glad you had a good laugh! I did, too. I think I might do this once a month, actually… 🙂
I just implemented a small change in one of my servers files as recommended on an anti-spam post. Seems my spammy comments are gone? I will monitor this for a while and if it is so, I will tell you all how to do it :>
I am not sure to what you are referring, Ashley. Please elaborate!
Haha! I totally relate as I get spammy comments too. You could make this one a regular series!
Yes, since spammy comments are never-ending, I think I may just do that, like once a month, maybe… Thanks for the great idea, Christy! 😉
I got a kick out of reading the second spam comment that you posted! Getting insulted by a spambot is pretty funny to me anyways. If you really want to get spammed, install CommentLuv and see what happens. 🙂 (I love CommentLuv and I think it’s worth the effort to handle the additional spam but that do-follow tag and the backlink is a magnet for it.)
I am not sure if I can install CommentLuv on this blog. If I can, I don’t yet know how to…
I have to laugh at some of the comments I get. I will likely be doing a Spammy Comments, Part 2, in the future, too! 🙂
I agree, Lorraine, they can be hilarious at times. So glad you have a great sense of humor. I appreciate you dropping by and liking several of my posts.
No problem, I like to show support to others!
Thanks for contributing to the comments here!
Just before reading this post, I deleted a ton of spam comments on my blogs. There a pain in the back side, but it’s nice to if I ever need “natural male enhancement”, a booty call or ball bearings, I’ve got some good leads.
Great post, Lorraine!
Thanks, I felt like my blog needed a laugh. Writing, reading and interviewing reading writers and writing authors can get to be a bit boring… if they are not broken up. I finally realized that my blog is MY blog and I can do whatever I want here… LOL Today is a day for fun!
Hi Lorraine, Funnnnny! Yes, I like_y! Blessings.
LOL – yes, I get these on a daily basis. It amazes that ‘real’ people don’t seem to visit my blog as much as spammers do! How is it that they find the most obscure websites! It’s so annoying. I don’t even get excited when I see a comment is pending – because 9 times out of 10, its spam. SAD!
I know. But I have found a way to find the humor in it. You like-y? 🙂
I have to agree, some are really funny – some downright insulting and others, well let us just say that English cannot be their first language! I recently porduced a blog called ‘6 Reasons why you should not serve Spam’ and strangely enough I got no spam answers for it. I wont post a link, I don’t want to end up on the wall of shame! lol
Funny, you ended up in the spam folder anyway… Maybe because you did not take the time to read your comment and correct your typos? You produced two. But maybe you won’t see them. Unless you read this reply!
This is one reason why I choose to moderate comments. To help my fellow “peeps” out there!