Last Updated on: January 26th, 2021
Positive affirmations are the answer! Well, it’s one of them. 😉
This is the first post in a 3-part series of things you can do to improve your life and increase your success.
Post #2: Use Meditation, the Law of Attraction, and Visualization to Be More Successful
Post #3: 3 Ways to Change Your Mindset and Become More Successful
Answer these Happiness and Success Questions
Do you want to be happier and more successful in life?
Do you want to improve a certain area or aspect of your life?
Do you want your business to thrive?
Then change your mindset by using positive affirmations!
NOTE: This blog post is available as a PDF. Download it now. Save it to your Google Drive. Use the built-in worksheet to fill in the blanks, create your own positive affirmations, create your list of goals, etc., and change your life FOREVER!
About Your Mindset (and How to Change It)
Our mindset is made up of our thoughts and beliefs. Our mindset is how we view things. It involves our attitudes and a particular way of thinking. Simply put, it is our state of mind.
Each of us has a set of different thoughts that regularly occupy our minds. These thoughts are determined by our experiences, our education, where we live, and how we were raised.
Sometimes we have good thoughts. Sometimes they are negative or bad.
Generally speaking, a person leading an average life will have different thoughts than a business owner who is successful, happy, and prospering. Millionaires and successful people or influencers, for example, tend to think differently than the average person. They are positive people who think positively about everything!
People (such as myself) who suffer from depression and/or have suicidal thoughts also think differently than the average person.
Trust me… I know this from personal experience.
I once tried to kill myself. I also suffered from suicidal thoughts for years. But I eventually learned how to deal with such thoughts. I also learned different strategies and techniques for overcoming them and changing them.
I share and teach you these techniques in my book, From Nope to Hope.
In fact, one chapter of that book is all about positive affirmations (what they are and how to use them)!
The majority of this article was copied from this book! (About 95% of it!!!)
A very important step in overcoming negative thoughts is to re-frame your thoughts and practice positive self-talk. This involves taking the opposite of what you are thinking and reframing it so that it becomes positive.
For example, instead of saying “I want to die,” you would say “I want to live.”
“I want to kill myself” becomes “I don’t want to kill myself.”
“I just can’t handle the stress anymore” becomes “I am strong and I can handle anything life throws at me!”
“I am worthless” becomes “I am a person of value.”
Even if you currently think these positive statements are not true, if you tell yourself something often enough, you will eventually believe it.
If you want to become happy and successful, you can.
The reason you can become happy and successful is simple:
The human brain can be trained!
Our brains consist of two parts: the conscious and the subconscious. By changing our subconscious thoughts, we can change our negative conscious thoughts and replace them with positive ones.
The best way for us to do this is to use positive affirmations and positive self-talk.
What are Positive Affirmations?
Affirmations are positive statements that are repeated on a daily basis that alter your current (usually negative) beliefs by sinking into your subconscious.
Even though these statements might not initially be true, the constant repetition of them eventually makes them a reality!
This is a strange phenomenon, but it is also a theory that has been proven to work. In a way, it is kind of magical!
How does it work?
If we continually feed our subconscious mind with thoughts and imaginary situations that depict our desired reality, our subconscious starts believing it after some time. Our subconscious then tries to make these inner scenarios match with our outer reality of life, thus changing our thought processes.
“Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results.” ~ Willie Nelson |
How I Use Positive Affirmations (and My History with Them)
I start my day by waking up, going to the bathroom, and then drinking a glass of water and taking my Diabetes medication. I then make a cup of tea. While the water is boiling, I make my bed. When my tea is ready, I drink it while reading and reciting my list of positive affirmations. (Because I am a smoker, I also have a cigarette or two with my tea.)
I then review my To-Do list for the day, shower, get dressed, and go to work. (If it’s summer, however, I go swimming outdoors, to the free public pool near my house!)
I first learned about positive affirmations in 2014. That was the year I started my freelancing business, Wording Well. It was also the year I first became a published author.
I was initially skeptical when this theory was introduced to me, but I decided to try it, just to see what would happen. I really wanted to succeed in the writing field, and I was willing to do anything and everything I could to ensure my success.
After using positive affirmations for a few months, I saw some extremely positive results. In fact, I wrote an article for the Be a Freelance Writer website, titled Two Simple Things You Can Do to Kick-start your Writing Success. The first part of the article is devoted to using positive affirmations. I mention some of the sample affirmations I used, as well as all of the positive things that happened in my life as a result of using them.
I am constantly surprised at their powers!
How Positive Affirmations Helped Me in Other Areas of My Life
I have revised my list of affirmations since then. I have added new ones and deleted ones that were no longer applicable to my situation.
I also specifically tailored my affirmations to fit my life. For example, when I found out I had Diabetes in June 2015, I decided to lose weight.
I have been overweight my entire life. I dieted many times, but I always gained the weight back when I stopped dieting.
I knew the only way I would lose weight and keep it off was if I changed my lifestyle and my eating habits. I knew I had to exercise regularly. I knew I had to start eating healthier foods.
And I had to maintain this way of living to see my desired results.
In June 2015, I weighed 356 pounds. This is about 161 kilograms. (Yeah, I know it’s A LOT.)
From June 2015 to October 2016, I lost a total of 69 pounds (about 31 kilograms). My weight loss averaged about one pound a week. Some weeks I lost more, some weeks I gained a pound a two back, depending on what I was doing and what I was eating.
I didn’t starve myself. I ate regularly. I still ate chocolate and pizza (two of my favorite foods), but I didn’t eat them as often. I started walking regularly. Once I was able to move better, I started exercising more, doing dance workouts. I also stopped drinking soda and started drinking water instead.
When I began this weight loss journey, I added some new affirmations to my list. Those particular affirmations focused on my health and served as a good reminder of why I was doing what I was doing. I have since made sure to use positive affirmations that are relevant to me and my life.
You can do this too.
You can make your own list of affirmations. You can make them specific to your life, too.
Trust me, once you use them, you will become happier with yourself, overall, and more successful!
Look at my smile. I’m not lying!
The Types of Positive Affirmations There Are
There are several types of positive affirmations, including general ones (which help everyone), health-related ones (tailored specifically to your situation), work-related ones, and success-related ones.
There are also affirmations for when you are lonely, when you are scared, when you are nervous, when you are angry, when you feel insignificant, when you are conflicted about a decision, when you are around strangers, when you can’t sleep, when you are worried, when you can’t get your loved ones to support your dreams, and for when you want to give up.
The neat thing about positive affirmations is that you can create affirmations for any situation!
Some Examples of General Affirmations
Today is going to be a good day.
I am a wonderful person.
I am confident and strong.
I can do anything I set my mind to.
I am organized and smart.
Doors of opportunity are constantly opened for me.
I expect great things from myself, and I will achieve my goals.
I feel strong, excited, passionate, and powerful!
Today I am concentrating on meeting my goals.
Today I am concentrating on moving my life forward.
I am competent, confident, and calm.
There are NO LIMITS to what I can achieve!
Today, I am optimistic. I remember that my thoughts create my reality. I think positively and surround myself with positive energy!
I am awesome!
I am willing to attract all that I desire, beginning here and now.
Today is a wonderful and delightful day – I am alive and moving toward my goals and self-actualization.
All that I desire is coming to me in both expected and unexpected ways, and I am happier with myself for learning how to attract success and be successful in all that I do.
I am loved in many ways by many people and am loving myself more and more with each passing day.
I release the need to judge or criticize myself (or others) and welcome positivity and peace into my world.
I am patient, kind, thoughtful, and understanding, and am taking the steps needed to move my life forward.
I have access to unlimited assistance and can achieve anything I set my mind to.
I am embarking on this journey to a better self because I want to make positive changes in my life.
I deserve all good things.
I deserve to be happy.
I deserve happiness and success.
I am motivated.
I am in control of my life and my destiny.
I am becoming the best version of myself that I can be, and no one can stop me.
I am unstoppable!
I love myself and my life.
I am blessed and grateful for all I have.
I act with dignity and self-respect.
I am the only one who can make me happy. I make myself happy by being a good friend to myself.
I am my own best friend.
I love myself, my body, my looks, and my life.
I am loved unconditionally by many people.
I am amazing!
I enjoy life to the fullest.
I treat others with respect and appreciate their individuality.
I make a difference whenever I can.
Some Samples of Work-Related Affirmations
Doors of opportunity and abundance open to me NOW!
My financial abundance overflows today!
Success and achievement are natural outcomes for me!
I can do whatever I set my mind to!
I expect GREAT things from myself!
There are no limits to what I can and will achieve today!
I can have what I want!
I am vacationing every year, without harboring feelings of guilt.
I am conquering my fears.
I am a millionaire!
I have an unlimited supply of money, and will, for the rest of my life.
Here are Some Sample Health-Related Affirmations (Some are Geared Toward Those Who Want to Lose Weight)
I am receptive to learning how to change my body and life and will make a conscious effort each day to improve myself.
I am making changes to the way I eat.
I am making changes to my thoughts about food. Food exists to sustain me, not to comfort me.
The desire to be a better version of myself and reach my goals is motivating me to make this important lifestyle change.
I am on my way to a healthier and leaner self.
I am strengthening my willpower.
I have softer, moister skin now, because of all the water I drink.
It’s never too late to lose the weight that took me years to gain.
I don’t need to eat junk food to feel happy or comforted.
Because of the changes I am making, I can move faster and breathe better.
I am making exercise something I enjoy doing.
I am getting healthier with each step I take.
I am quashing my cravings for sweets.
I am seeing results.
I love myself.
I love my new focus.
I want to lose weight.
I do not let stress or negativity bother me. I have found ways to curb these negative things, such as eating healthy foods, adding exercise to my daily routine, and remembering to focus on “the big picture.”
I don’t need chocolate, sweets/treats, or other “junk” foods to feel good or improve my mood on a temporary basis. I am MUCH better off without them. I don’t need the extra calories or the sore stomach that results from eating chocolate and junk.
I am loved in many ways by many people and am loving myself more and more with each passing day because I am worth it and need to be healthy in all ways.
I am embarking on this journey to a better self because:
- I need to make a change NOW.
- I want to be healthier.
- I want to be successful and attain all of my goals.
- I want to be alive and well when my grandchildren are born/grow up.
- I will be more successful in other areas of my life if I am healthier and happier.
How to Create Your Own Positive Affirmations
When you first start using positive affirmations, it is best to simply use the ones others have created. You can copy any of the sample statements listed in this chapter to create your own list.
You can also use the affirmations from the following resources found on the internet to help you. This article on the Prolific Living website will provide you with some sample affirmations for each of these categories I mentioned earlier.
This article on the Self-Help and Self-Development website provides a list of 35 additional affirmation topics.
Remember, once you start using positive affirmations on a daily basis, your subconscious mind will begin to change your conscious thoughts. Your negative thoughts will begin to dissipate. You will become more positive. Your life will be better. As a result, you will have more hope.
How to Get Started with Using Positive Affirmations (Part 1)
Make a list of the affirmations you want to use. Print it out, or write it out by hand. Then read each statement from that list out loud every day, preferably every morning immediately after you wake up.
If you incorporate this practice into your routine and start your day by reading and reciting your positive affirmations, you will begin each day on a positive note.
Within ONE WEEK, you will already notice a difference in your life! But don’t stop there… keep using them, daily, to achieve their maximum effect.
They truly work!
It’s also a good idea to identify the specific areas of your life that you want to improve and create affirmations for each area.
And say WHY you want to change.
Then list your goals (both short-term and long-term).
It helps to make a list of your obstacles, too, and find solutions to overcome them.
For example, when I went on my weight loss journey, I wrote this:
Why I WANT to Change
- I want to change my life and the way I eat because I’m unhealthy and overweight.
- The desire to be a better version of myself and reach my goals is motivating me to make this important lifestyle change.
- The people who are going to support me are myself, my son, my real-life friends, my family, and my online friends.
- My most unhealthy choices are made when I watch TV. To combat making poor choices, I can stand up and stretch or do some light exercises. When I get the urge to munch, I can choose healthier snacks such as raw carrots or nuts to curb this trigger.
- I am on my way to a healthier and leaner self.
- It’s never too late to lose the weight that took me years to gain.
- I don’t need to eat junk food to feel happy or comforted.
- I am learning to take solace in the fact that I am starting to reach my goals as well as self-actualization.
My 8 Affirmations for Changing My Body and Lifestyle
- I am receptive to learning how to change my body and life and will make a conscious effort each day to improve myself.
- I am willing to attract all that I desire, beginning here and now.
- Today is a wonderful and delightful day – I am alive and moving toward my goals and self-actualization.
- All that I desire is coming to me in both expected and unexpected ways, and I am happier with myself for learning how to attract success and be successful in all that I do.
- I am loved in many ways by many people and am loving myself more and more with each passing day because I am worth it and need to be healthy in all ways.
- I release the need to judge or criticize myself (or others) and welcome positivity and peace into my world.
- I am patient, kind, thoughtful, and understanding, and am taking the steps needed to move my life forward.
- I have access to unlimited assistance and can achieve anything I set my mind to.
Short-Term Goals
- Do daily affirmations to help keep me positive and on track.
- Take time to do a daily “check-in” to see if I’m feeling nourished and loved.
- Drink water and eat healthy foods. Chocolate and pizza are to be avoided at all costs.*
- Exercise each day, even if it is for only ten minutes at a time!
Long-Term Goals:
- Lose 180 pounds.
- Have softer, moister skin.
- Breathe easily.
- To feel better.
- To move faster.
- To live longer.
- Foods that I’ve eaten habitually for a long time.
- Negative family influences.
- Lack of willpower.
Action Steps:
- Drink water.
- Move more.
- Eat fruits and vegetables each day.
- Avoid chocolate, cakes, and cookies.
- Drink tea and protein shakes.
I am embarking on this journey to a better self because:
- I need to make a change NOW.
- I want to be healthier.
- I want to be successful and attain all of my goals.
- I want to be alive and well when my grandchildren are born/grow up.
- I will be more successful in other areas of my life if I am healthier and happier.
How to Get Started Using Positive Affirmations NOW! (Part 2)
1: Make a note of your current positivity level (how positive do you feel today?) Rate it on a scale from 1 to 10. For example, you can simply write “My current positivity level is _______.”
2: Now think about the different areas of your life that need improvement, and create a list of positive affirmations for each of these categories.
You can use the sample affirmations I provided and you can create additional ones. Be sure to tailor them to your specific situation. You can also use your current negative thoughts and write positive ones for each of them. Just create positive statements that are opposite of your negative ones.
3: After you create your list, print it out, or write it out by hand on some paper. Keep it handy. Read and recite your affirmations for one week.
4: At the end of that week, do another self-assessment. Rate your positivity level on a scale of 1 to 10. For example, you can say “My positivity level after one week is _______.”
5: Repeat this at the end of the second week, too, saying “My positivity level after two weeks is _______.”
You will definitely see a change in your positivity level!
6: Continue to use your positive affirmation even when your life has improved. Don’t stop. You can cut back, maybe to three times per week, but don’t stop using them completely. Their power will lose their effectiveness if you stop!
Keep using them so you can live a happier, more successful life!
I want to make the following changes in my life:
Why I WANT to Change:
Short-Term Goals
Long-Term Goals:
Solutions (ACTION STEPS)
I am embarking on this journey to a better self because ________________________________.
Today I am going to concentrate on _________________________________________.
I am _________________________________________________________________.
A successful _____________________________ lives within me, and today that person is_________________________________________________________________.
I am competent, confident, and calm.
I am also _____________________________________________________________.
Doors of opportunity and abundance open to me NOW!
New opportunities come easily to me!
There are NO LIMITS to what I can achieve!
Today, I am optimistic. I remember that my thoughts create my reality. I think positively and surround myself with positive energy!
I feel strong, excited, passionate, and powerful!
I expect GREAT things from myself!
Amazing opportunities constantly come my way!
I ask for it, visualize it, claim it, expect it, and receive it!
Success and achievement are natural outcomes for me!
There are no limits to what I can and will achieve today!
I can have what I want!
(Create your own affirmations here now!)
__________________________________________________________________________(Insert additional lines to add more affirmations!)
Remember to buy a copy of my self-help book, From Nope to Hope, to help you learn additional strategies for leading a happier life. You can also BUY IT ON SALE directly from me!
Even though this book is geared towards people suffering from depression and suicidal thoughts, the techniques I teach you to use will help EVERYONE become healthier, happier, and more successful!
Look at how happy I am with my book!
NOTE: This blog post is available as a PDF. Download it now. Save it to your Google Drive. Use the built-in worksheet to fill in the blanks, create your own positive affirmations, create your list of goals, etc., and change your life FOREVER!
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Great Post Lorraine, Thanks for sharing your story. Congrats for your Book also.
monu recently posted…UP Police Fireman & Jail Warder Online Form 2018
Thanks, Monu!
I love all of these! My absolute favorite is the one that says “Doors of opportunity are constantly opened for me.” I think a lot of times I doubt myself, then wonder where the opportunities are! How could I be presented opportunities if I can’t even be trusted with having the right mindset about them?
I also love how much you tackle the “why.” A lot of times I believe people want to lose weight for societal pressure, but if we took the time to sit down and write out the “why” we may realize there is so much more behind that one question.
I cannot wait to read the rest of your book!
Jessie, first of all, thank you for connecting with me in Elna’s group! You are one of the nicest people I have met there!
Secondly, thanks for buying my book. You will see that we have a lot in common.
Thirdly, I truly hope you create some affirmations of your own and use them daily. They will help you in so many ways! They will allow you to stop doubting yourself, too. Just try this. You’ll see that they WORK!
I look forward to chatting with you more!
Hugs, girlfriend!
Oh, and you need a gravatar… get one at
The gravatar is the little picture of you that shows up beside your comment any time you comment on a blog!
Thank you so much! I just went and did it, a lot easier than I thought. I cannot wait to read your book. I have done morning affirmations since I started listening to the leadership podcasts Craig Groeschel does, but I think it is time to renew them!
Jessie, what I love about you is that you are a woman of action! You always do the right thing and want to learn how to do things better. That is so admirable! I wish more people were like you.
Yes, please, create your own affirmations! You will be AMAZED at the results you will see!
I’m so glad we connected. You are a rockstar, my friend!
Great Post Lorraine, Thanks for sharing your story. Congrats for your Book also.
Nidhi, thanks so much!!!
I am glad you liked the post. These are my “secret” to happiness!
Great Article! Affirmations are simple statements. But statements that are said with enough confidence and multiple times in order to make your brain believe that those are true.To become self-confident, all you have to do is proclaim a couple of times ‘I am confident’? That’s impossible!
Read more:
Jakes Pietro recently posted…10 Powerful Prosperity Affirmations that Work
It is not impossible. It is true. That is the power of affirmations!
So basically positive affirmations are lies we tell ourselves to make things seem better? I cant do that. if I told myself I deserve to be better ill get worse because I don’t deserve better
Axel, no they are not lies. They are truths we want to come true. By repeating them daily, your brain will convince your body to take actions to make them a reality.
Trust me, this stuff WORKS.
Try it for a week or two; you’ll see.
And take that negative attitude and that negative self-talk of yours and write affirmations that are the OPPOSITE of those!
You DO deserve better! You ARE worthy! You CAN be happy!
Seriously, dude. Try this. Affirmations totally work!
Great article Lorraine, I’ll be back to read the following parts and more. God bless!
Edwin, I hope these helped you. 🙂
Nice post thank you for sharing and giving information to us .It’s good to read your article.
By seeing this article we improved a lot .There is no limits limits to what I can achieve in my life .
Thank you
That’s true, you can achieve anything you set your mind to! 🙂
Hello Lorraine,
I have read your this blog and got more information by this beautiful blog. I agree with positive affirmations which really help me. I want to tell you thanks for sharing this very nice article.
I love positive affirmations and swear by them! I am glad you like them too. 🙂
This is a much-needed post for all.
I agree… and thanks! 🙂
I know that this is what we are always being told but you know, when others have told you things that imply the complete opposite then it is hard to forget the past and move forward to something more positive. It can take a whole lot of work and a whole lot of talking to begin believing in yourself again.
Yes, but it’s possible to believe in yourself and move forward!
Great Post Lorraine, Thanks for sharing your story. Congrats for your Book also.
Thanks, Arjun! 🙂
This is a much-needed post for all. Truly, I am inspired by your post and will be trying affirmations in my daily life.
I would like to say you are doing a great job.
Keep up the good work.
Mehedi, that’s wonderful to hear! I hope you are using your affirmations daily!
Hi Lorraine and congrats on your book. It is wonderful that you are sharing your own experiences and mantras with people who want to move forward with their lives. We can all use some guidance and encouragement to help us move forward. Best of luck with the book sales.
Doreen Pendgracs recently posted…Harrisburg, PA–exploring the Pennsylvania Capitol
Doreen, thanks so much! Everyone needs a helping hand now and then. 🙂
I know that this is what we are always being told but you know, when others have told you things that imply the complete opposite then it is hard to forget the past and move forward to something more positive. It can take a whole lot of work and a whole lot of talking to begin believing in yourself again.
Elizabeth, you’re not wrong.
When we are constantly berated, it can take a lot to rebuild our self-esteem.
However, it CAN be done. Just look at me, for example. My father continually put me down… as a teenager. He still does this, and I’m an adult now.
But I have learned to respond to him in a different way. The choices I make now are MINE and MINE ALONE. I can choose to listen to him, or to ignore him and simply leave. (Guess which option I now choose?)
Using positive affirmations are helpful in changing my overall mindset too. Give them a try… they work!
Have you tried using them yet?
Hi Lorraine,
This is a much-needed post for all. Truly, I am inspired by your post and will be trying affirmations in my daily life.
I would like to say you are doing a great job.
Keep up the good work.
Robin Khokhar recently posted…How to increase Alexa Rank of your Website?
Robin, thanks for the compliment.
Yes, please try using positive affirmations. They really work wonders!
Sadly, people tend to dismiss things that seem like “yesterday’s news” simply because they’ve been known for a while.
Positive affirmations is a perfect example of this. Many of us don’t put it into practice because it feels “too old or too simplistic to work.” But you have tried it yourself, Lorraine, and it works like magic.
I’ve also tried it myself, and it works like magic.
What does this tell you? Sometimes we don’t need the latest and greatest breakthrough to achieve success. This can be a powerful weapon to fight off just about everything.
Weight loss is a great example. You explained that you actually GAINED weight on some weeks, despite your continued efforts. It’s easy to start giving up and come up with excuses at that point, but these positive affirmations kept you going.
And today you’re stronger than ever, physically and otherwise 🙂
Virtual hugs, Lorraine!
Keep it up and thank you for sharing such wonderful knowledge.
Elvis Michael recently posted…6 Ways to Boost Your Business Presence through Social Media
Elvis, sometimes you just have to look at the big picture, not the day-to-day peaks and lulls. This is important to remember! We all have good days and bad… regardless of what we are doing.
The key is persistence. That’s where positive affirmations really help me…
Hugs to you, too!
Hi Lorraine,
It’s nice coming across such a resourceful blog. Talking abour affirmative words, I’d like to say, after going through your this post I got a clearer comprehension.
Would definitely go through some post on ur blog.
Thanks. Please go ahead and check out the Resource Kit for more info!
Great article, Lorraine! It is so true and it works!
It sure does, Jo Ann!
I love using these. They have helped me so much! 🙂
Hi Lorraine,
Affirmations are a great way to fast-forward success stories. They are good, awesome and fabulous. They are doors of opportunity for super excellence. If you can make the confession and choose to act, whatever you say, you will experience.
It’s good to read your story again, today. I want you to know that you are a source of inspiration for many. Patiently waiting for the two parts remaining of this series. Keep up the good work. You deserve more.
Today, like you, I am optimistic. I remember that my thoughts create my reality. I think positively and surround myself with positive energy. I feel strong, excited, passionate, and powerful. New opportunities come to me with no stress. There are no limits to what I can achieve. Greater things I will do. I’ll make more money. I’ll add value to lives. I’m blessed and I will remain blessed.
Thanks for sharing 🙂
– Prince.
Prince Akwarandu recently posted…8 Super Smart Ways Writing Enrich Your Life Everyday
Prince, you totally rock! I love how you incorporated some affirmations you love in your comment to me! 🙂
*seriously smiling over here now* 🙂
Thank you, too, for mentioning me in your latest blog post! You’re crushing the blogosphere these days! I’m so proud of how far you have come in the short time I’ve known you!
Keep using these affirmations daily and you will soon see an even bigger jump in your success!
Keep smiling, Lorraine. For the mention, you worth it – then, I gave it.
I’ll keep using them as you stated.
Have a fab day!
You, too!