Earn THOUSANDS A Month like “F.I.T.S.” Series #freelancewriter Gina Horkey

FITS Series Freelancer Gina HorkeyFITS Series Welcome Image
Today’s F.I.T.S. (Freelancer In The Spotlight) is Gina Horkey, creator of one of the best courses for new freelancers that I’ve come across! I met Gina through Elna Cain, a freelancer who lives in my city, and who created an equally awesome course called Write Your Way to Your First 1K. Elna and I regularly get together at Starbucks, and she will be featured in the F.I.T.S. series next month.

Before I turn things over to Gina, however, I want to ask you one question: Did you pick up your free gift yet? Get it when you subscribe to my author newsletter. (Yes, I’m shamelessly promoting my author website, folks!)

Now that my shameless self-promotion of my author site is out the way, please welcome Gina Horkey to center stage.

Gina Horkey headshot

Take it away, Gina!

How I Got Into Freelancing

Once upon a time I dreaded going to work each day.

I worked for almost a decade as a financial advisor and had a thing going. My husband had recently quit his job to become a stay-at-home dad to our two toddlers, I worked less than 10 miles from home, made a good salary and had a lot of future potential in my career.

Despite all that I had going for me, I felt unhappy and unfulfilled. I’m a doer, so when I notice a problem, typically I want to fix it ASAP. Working in finance was my first “real career.” I had wanted to quit before, but I don’t like feeling like a failure (and that’s what I imagined quitting would feel like).

Try, Try Again

So instead of immediately looking at alternative career paths, I tried to throw myself further into my work and look for ways to be happier in my current career. I enrolled in the CFP (Certified Financial Planner) program and proposed a plan to buy into the larger practice that I worked as a part of.

I went through and passed the exam for the first of six courses (it’s kind of like getting a Master’s degree, but specific to the world of personal finance) and started the second on investment planning. That’s when I realized this is NOT what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. I was good at it – I just wasn’t passionate about it.

I liked working with clients and helping them to achieve their goals, but it wasn’t enough to keep me there for the next 20-30 years. I wanted and needed more!

Trying Something New

Once I was finally honest with myself about what I really wanted, I gave myself permission to look into other options. I turned to my trusty friend Google and started a haphazard search that ultimately led me to Leaving Work Behind and Tom Ewer.

I really connected with Tom and his story about leaving his former career behind to become a successful freelance writer. I’ve always liked to write and have spent many daydreams wishing I was a published author. I’m fairly intelligent – why couldn’t I do this too?

So I submerged myself into the wonderful wide world of freelance writing. I took a course, launched my own website and blog and started pitching for jobs. Within two months, I had an unpaid writing gig writing for the Huffington Post and my first paying client. I was ecstatic!

All In

When I commit to something, I typically see it through. My friend Shannon once told me that I’m the only person that she knows that actually does what I say I want to. I took it as a compliment!

For example, I said I was going to run a full marathon – I did (I’m NOT a natural runner). I said I was going to write a book – I did (I just never got to the second draft). I said I was going to quit my job – I did (but I’m getting ahead of myself here).

As I mentioned, I have two toddlers and a wonderful husband. I also was working full-time (but only four days per week). I had people to answer to and that depended on me – financially, emotionally and who needed my attention – and lots of it!

So, I had to be extra diligent about my working schedule. I would get up at 4:30 in the morning (thankfully I had the foresight to auto-brew some coffee) and work on my freelance writing business for an hour or two each morning. I also got to work on Fridays and would get a babysitter from time to time on the weekend when I could (my husband was working weekends on a large building project for my parents at the time).

I was diligent, focused and made the most of the time that I had. My “why” for starting this whole writing business was so that I could continue to provide for my family (I’m the breadwinner) and try to find a better long-term career fit for me. And I wanted writing to be it!

Freelancers can make thousands per month like Gina Horkey.

Teaching What I’ve Learned

Within the first six months of launching my freelancing business, I was making over $4,000 per month. Someone suggested that I should start thinking about launching a product and at first I blew it off. Who was I to launch a product so soon?

But then I started to review the notes I had taken from the beginning of my new business. I realized that by documenting my journey, I had created a blueprint of sorts that could help someone else launch a successful freelance writing business. So I did what I did best – took action and started writing.

For the month of November, I wrote at least one new lesson each morning. What I had at the end of the month was a 30 day course to help aspiring writers launch a web-based freelance writing business.

Gina Horkey E-course cover

I decided to make it into a “take at your own pace” email course. Meaning you purchase and get lesson one delivered to your inbox immediately. You determine when to get the next lesson by hitting the “done with lesson” button at the bottom of each email. In essence, someone could take it in a month, in a few days or stretch it out longer if they’d like – it’s up to you!

[Tweet “New to #FreelanceWriting? Check out this step-by-step outline to getting started!”]

Where I’m at Now

I currently have a very diversified freelance business (in April I earned more than $7,500). Writing is still at the core of it, but I’m also a virtual assistant to two very successful webpreneurs, my course is doing well and I actively coach almost 20 other freelancers (writers, web designers/developers, editors and more!).

I love that my business is varied – it keeps it fresh and interesting. It can be challenging at times too, as there are a lot of irons in the fire at any given time and my attention is diverted. Honestly, I NEVER feel like my to do list is complete and find myself overwhelmed from time to time.

I try to keep it under control by planning my days and weeks as best I can (using the Pomodoro technique) and try to focus on the next right thing. Feelings of overwhelm can often lead to fear, freezing up and inaction. The key to overcoming fear lies in the answer to this ancient proverb:

“How do you eat an elephant? One piece at a time!”

So I urge you, keep moving forward, keep doing the next (hopefully right) thing and don’t let fear get the best of you. My mantra for the year (feel free to steal if it resonates with you) is:

Why Not  Me, Why Not Now?

Why not you, why not now? What have you got to lose?

Author Bio:

Gina Horkey 3D ebook cover


Gina Horkey is a writer for hire, with a background in personal finance. She also offers coaching services and really enjoys helping other freelancers gear up to quit their day jobs and take their side hustles full-time. Please stop by Horkey HandBook and say hello and download a free copy of 8 Tips to Start Your Freelance Career off on the Right Foot!


And don’t forget to grab her super-helpful course!

(She’ll give you the opportunity to make some money at the end of it, too!)





[Tweet “Learn how to make money as a #freelancewriter this year. Get set up here.”] [Tweet “Thanks @horkeyhandbook for creating this awesome #freelancing course!”]


Did You Know You Could Become a Freelance Editor?

Being a freelance editor, in my opinion, is even better than being a freelance writer. First of all, it pays more. Secondly, it is the best job I could ever ask for. I love editing, I love words, and I love helping others. Finally, I love reaping the many rewards (check out the many benefits of being a freelance editor).

If you are not currently working at your dream job and want to be a freelance editor, then sign up to get on the “interest list” for my upcoming course!

I am in the process of designing a course that will teach you EVERYTHING about being a work-from-home editor and entrepreneur.

This includes:

– how to get paid up-front… ALWAYS! (before you do any work)

– how to get testimonials

– how to market yourself

– where to find work

– how to leverage social media for your business (because, YES, you will be actually running a business if you are successful!)

– how to keep accurate records

– how to easily calculate your costs

– how to communicate with potential clients so they turn into ACTUAL clients

– how to organize your time (so you can complete all of the tasks involved in running your biz)

– how to deal with difficult clients

– which projects to accept

– when to raise your rates


Plus, I want to get to know you so that I can give you EXACTLY what you need to succeed!

So, DO you want to know more about how to become a freelance editor?




Prostitution Paid More Than Teaching & I “Tell-All” in a Podcast Interview



Did you know…

Prostitution used to be a way of life for me?

Not anymore.

Now I write, edit, and blog.

I also help others turn their e-books into print books.

And I provide advice to others through coaching.

But prostitution earned me more money than blogging. Or teaching.


However, now my days are structured differently.

And I love them.

We All Have Skeletons

You probably have a story about your past that you’re not proud of.

In fact, almost everyone does.

But… do you own it?

Do you tell others about it, or do you keep it hidden, praying no one ever finds out?

I’m Open and Honest… and Gutsy!

I’m probably the gutsiest person I know.

Who else do you know that openly admits to being raped, doing drugs, and getting involved in prostitution?

Likely, no one.

Just me.

I’m Proud of Who I Am

I finally learned to be proud of my past.


Because it has made me who I am today.


I “Tell-All” in a Podcast Interview

I was recently interviewed by David Ralph from Join Up Dots.

The podcast is now live.

In the podcast interview, I mention:

  • that I quit school four times
  • that I was raped
  • why I thought it was my fault (19:01)
  • that I sought counselling (19:27)
  • that I turned to drugs and prostitution
  • that I got pregnant twice and had one abortion
  • that I brought my rapist to court (23:33)
  • that I gave my son to my friend to foster for a yearv (29:51)
  • that I quit teaching to return to prostitution because the money was better (begins at 30:52, ends at 33:07)
  • how and why I lost contact with my son for three years (41:52)
  • how I nearly died
  • what my big turning point was (42:12 – 47:35)
  • that I re-connected with my son
  • how re-uniting with my son changed my life
  • why life is not always about money (52:50)
  • the biggest compliment my son ever gave me (52:01)
  • how I became an author and entrepreneur

… and so much more. I also recite something special at 103:53.

Have a listen to it.

Get to know me better.

Perhaps you’ll learn how to be more courageous in your life, too.

Leave David a Review?

Afterwards, if you can, please leave David a reveiw on iTunes.

How I Pass On My Message

I use my book, Risky Issues, to help pass on my motivational message. This book is now part of the Thunder Bay Public Library, AND it’s being sold in one of the local bookstores!

BUY Risky Issues from Amazon or CreateSpace.

Me and My book


Share Your Skeletons

I’d love to know if you have the guts to share some of the skeletons in your closet.

Do so in the comments! I won’t judge you. I promise.

Baby Sammi, Now 3, Needs to Have Her Bad Eye Removed


Samantha MacLaurin (AKA Sam or Sammi), aged 3, was born with cancer in her eyes. This rare form of cancer, called retinoblastoma, is hereditary. Her father has it, and has had one of his eyes removed, too.

Sammi is my niece and I’ve blogged about her before.

She was the youngest participant in the 2013 Relay for Life walk, and had the honour of kicking off this relay with her big brother, Alistair, her father, Charlie, her mother, Janice, and the wife of the the Thunder Bay mayor. She was the youngest participant, and is the youngest cancer survivor (to date) in Thunder Bay! She remained the youngest participant in the 2014 Relay, too.

Sam waving

Not at the relay, but cute pic of Sam as a baby, when she first learned how to wave!

A Diagnosis = Bad News

Sammi is currently at the SickKids hospital in Toronto. She’s been there since last Tuesday, when she went for her regular check-up. She’s been cancer-free for the past year, so our family expected her to be okay this time, which is why we were so shocked when we learned that she has a mass (a tumour) growing behind her bad eye. (She has had cancer in both eyes, but one eye is better than the other. We refer to her right eye as her “bad” eye.)

We were devastated to learn that her bad eye has to be removed, too.

Sammi also needs 6 rounds of chemotherapy. The poor kid. Each round will occur three weeks after the previous one. Then they will be harvesting her bone marrow, too.

To prepare her for treatment, Sammi had to have another port put into her chest. She had one put in her when she was a baby, but had it removed in 2014. She had surgery for this the other day, and was not allowed to eat until after her operation. My sister said Sam kept saying “Hungry, hungry!” all day.

Below is a the picture my sister took when she was FINALLY able to eat.


Tests and Treatment

Sammi also needs to have another MRI (she had one on her head ONLY last week) and a bunch of other tests, because the doctors are still unsure of the exact location of the mass. The tumor might be in the eye socket or in the optic nerve. What they do know, however, is that it is NOT in her brain. Her next MRI will be a full body one, and is scheduled for this Friday.

The plan, according to her doctors, is to remove her eye after the second round of chemo.

Sammi also needs to remain in Toronto for three to six months, which presents complications because someone also needs to care for Ali, Sammi’s six-year-old brother, particularly when Charlie is at work.

So far, with the help of his paternal grandpa, his maternal grandma, and his auntie (me), Ali has been okay, but he’s missing his little sister and his mom.

Charlie also goes to Toronto once a month for appointments. He is leaving later today for his next one, meaning Ali and I will be staying at my parents’ place until Charlie returns.

Sam’s first round of chemo will be given later today, too.

Sam’s a Fighter

Sam is fighter, and I’m sure she’ll be fine, in time — well, as fine as she can be.

Hopefully the chemo won’t make her too sick, and hopefully there will be no infection when she has her eye removed.

Living in Toronto for 3-6 months

My sister and Sammi will have to remain in Toronto for several months while Sam is treated.

It’s still unsure when Ali will be joining them.

Fortunately, accommodations are being made for them to stay at the Ronald McDonald house. Apparently they will be permitted to stay there for up to a year. This option is much cheaper than staying at a hotel, or even renting an apartment.

Many of the costs are covered through government funding.

However, if you want to make a donation to their family, you can. You can use the button below, and donate through either a credit card or PayPal. I’ll make sure all monies go directly to my sister.

Janice did not want me to ask for any donations for her family. Instead, she’d prefer that any donations be made to cancer research, which can be done through Sammi’s Relay for Life cancer fundraiser page. (Click the Donate to Samantha link to be brought to the donation page.)

Sam’s team is called Agony of DeFeet. At the end of this post is a picture of their team banner.

Cancer Research Works

The Canadian Cancer Society has funded Dr. Chan’s (one Sam’s former doctor’s) retinoblastoma research. Dr. Chan has discovered that Cyclosporin-A, when given with Carboplatin Vincristine and Etoposide, decreases chemo resistance in RB1 tumours. Basically this means that Sammi’s tumour has a better chance of being killed.

Dr. Chan and Dr. Gallie are the top two RB specialists in the world. Dr. Chan retired in January 2015, so Dr. Gallie is Sammi’s main doctor now, and she is, in Janice’s words, “AMAZING.” She treated Charlie, too, and goes well beyond the call of duty for her patients.

Dr. Chan’s work proves that monies allocated for cancer research are well-spent.

You can see more pictures and videos by visiting Sam on Facebook via her mom’s page.

How You Can Help Sammi


Donate directly to Sammi and her family by clicking the button below.

Donate to Sammi’s cancer fundraising page by clicking this link. (Click the Donate to Samantha link to be brought to the donation page.)

And please say a prayer for Sam.

Thank you.

Some Old Relay for Life Pics:

Sam finished her lap!

Sam finished her lap!

Sam's team banner

Sam’s team banner

Jan and Relay Captain Candace

(At another cancer fundraiser. Notice Candace’s sweatshirt! Janice is holding a picture of Michael Antcliffe, who died of Cancer after writing his book, Hope is My Wingman.)

Jan and Candace

Some Newer Pics, of Sam and Ali



Ali 1

Sam tower 2014

Sam dec 2014

Sam and Ali

Help Sammi


Donate directly to Sammi and her family by clicking the button below.

Donate to Sammi’s cancer fundraising page by clicking this link. (Click the Donate to Samantha link to be brought to the donation page.)

“F.I.T.S.” SERIES: Featuring #freelancewriter Janine Ripper

FITS Series Welcome ImageFITS Series Welcome Image

It’s the first Monday of the month, and so today we are continuing with the F.I.T.S. (Freelancer In The Spotlight) Series on Wording Well, with Janine Ripper as the FITS. Make sure you read all the way to the end so you don’t miss out on her speciall offer, too! 😉

Now please welcome Janine to center stage. 😉

Take it away, Janine!

Janine Ripper headshot


Why I Got Into Freelancing

You could say I’m fairly new to freelancing.

It was in April 2014 that I left my 12-year career in project management after being stressed out and unhappy for what felt like the longest of times.

Between the daily commute, working in an office, and office politics, I felt like I was going mad. And then there was the job itself. Struggling with chronic anxiety my physical health started to take a dive, and so I took matters into my own hands and plunged… right into unemployment. Read More