10 Tips for An Amazing “About Me” Page

10 Tips for an Amazing About Me Page

Today’s guest, Anna Fox, is going to share with you 10 of the best tips she has for improving your blog’s About page… a page that many people neglect to spiff up… but should, as your About Me page is often the driving force behind the decisions your visitor makes, including the decision regarding whether or not that visitor will hire you!

Take it away, Anna!

Look at the Funnel

image 1 for 10 Tips for an Amazing "About Me" Page

In most cases, your website visitors are most likely to convert after two steps:

  • Top of the funnel: The first impression you make with your landing page. Very few people would convert right from here but most customers (those who are likely to turn into long-term customers) will need more information.
  • Middle of the funnel: The second impression is the one you make with your About page. While the first is important, so is the second.

In most cases, people click to your “About Me” page when they are already intrigued enough to give your services or products a chance.

It’s right in the middle of the conversion funnel and plays a central role in how many visitors convert into leads, prospects and customers.

An About Me page tells visitors what your brand is all about, why they will want to deal with you and how to get in touch to finalize the deal.

When you are trying to think of the perfect way to present yourself, it helps to have some tips in mind to draw from.

5 Tips That Will Make Your About Me Page Stand Out

You want your “About Me” page to impress and capture attention, intrigue, and provoke action.

Here are my 5 creative tips to achieve that:

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A Taxation Guide for New Freelancers in the USA


April means “tax time” to many people.

Many freelancers and other business owners use various bookkeeping software or accounting services to record business and personal expenses, such as Freshbooks, Zipbooks, or any of these alternatives.

My guest today is Samantha Staufenberg and she is going to discuss taxation issues for new freelancers living in the USA.

I’m also going to include an infographic for you, taken from The Freelancer Tax Guide For 2016

Take it away, Samantha! Read More

4 Simple Ways for Small Businesses to Protect Themselves Online


Today’s guest is going to do something similar to what Cassie Phillips did a while ago: help you protect yourself online.

I know we can always use more security tips, right? Sophie Lizard outlines 5 tips for freelancers in this post, and here are 4 more for you.

Now please welcome Arthur Baxter to center stage.

4 Ways to Protect Yourself Online

Small businesses don’t have it easy. Cybersecurity is something every business should be aware of, but it’s even more important when it comes to small businesses. According to the Small Business Subcommittee, nearly 20% of all cyber attacks occur in businesses with 250 or fewer employees. Unfortunately, most of the time these attacks could have been prevented if the business had enacted a few simple security measures. If you own a small business, it’s important you follow these 4 security steps to protect it from online threats. Read More

What to Do When Your Writing Business Grows Too Big for its Britches


What to Do When Your Freelance Writing Business Grows Too BIg for its Britches image by David Leonhardt

Today’s guest, David Leonhardt, is an entrepreneur who runs a writing agency, and he is going to share with you what you can do when YOUR freelance writing business grows too big for its britches! Pay careful attention to the many tips he provides, as they could take your business to the next level!

Now please welcome David to center stage!

What to Do When Your Writing Business Grows Too Big for its Britches

What happens when your workload grows bigger than you? You clone yourself, of course.

Due to the lack of reputable cloning facilities in this nameless hamlet where I live, many years ago I developed a different option. I opened a freelance ghostwriter agency, where I coordinate the efforts of a dozen writers.

Moving from freelancer to agency isn’t for everybody, and it doesn’t just happen without growing pains. I am happy to share my experience, and describe some of the key aspects. Read More

6 Ways for How to Think and Act like an Entrepreneur

How to think and act like an entrepreneur

So ya wanna be an entrepreneur, huh???

Entrepreneurship is becoming more and more popular, especially with the advent of the digital age.

Nearly anyone can now become an entrepreneur… or an author (a type of entrepreneur). I became one.

I also became an author. I help others become entrepreneurs, too, by coaching or mentoring them, and also by helping them become authors.

Depending upon which type of field you go into, are qualified for, or simply are passionate about, you will need to have basic skills (and be able to hire others for those you don’t have!).

In addition to being passionate, hard-working, and dedidacated (as well as perhaps have some accounting or book-keeping skills), you will also need to change your mindset, and understand a few other things about entrepreneurship.

My guest today is Katherine Brunt from Assignment Box, and she is going to go into detail about 6 things you need to consider when it comes to entrepreneurship. Be sure to respond to the question at the end!

Take it away, Katherine!

The Importance of an Entrepreneurial Mindset

In order to become an agile and influential entrepreneur, every day should be perceived as an opportunity, one in which any new or innovative thing could be done or planned. This is one of the most desirable aspects of an entrepreneurship, and through which mission statements and strategic visions could be formulated. Read More