Last Updated on: June 14th, 2021
Becoming a master writer and improving your writing skills is something most bloggers, freelancers, and authors strive to do.
That’s why I (Lorraine) have helped my guest today improve her writing by co-writing this blog post with her. (She sent the basic draft, and I added to it.)
It’s difficult to write a stellar blog post on the first, second, or even the third try. Great writing requires revisions!
Not only that, but writing a blog post or an article that will captivate the reader is not something many people can do. In fact, many people will run to the hills when asked to write a blog post. The simple reason for this is that it is tough coming up with paragraphs of words that will make the reader sit still and want to read to the end. Authors sometimes feel the same way when beginning a new book, too.
While it’s easy to write an email or correct someone else’s work, it suddenly becomes a tumultuous task for a majority of people when they are asked to write an interesting, comprehensible piece. Here are 20 helpful tips on how you can transform your bland writing into an art of work that is a page-turner:
20 Ways to Improve Your Writing Skills
There’s no doubt about it — writing is a skill. To improve your writing skills, there are a plethora of things you can do. You can hire a writer to help you, of course (either hire me or hire someone from Custom Writings) but the best way to improve your own writing skills is to use the following 20 tips!
Here are the 20 best ways for improving your writing skills. Please use them! If you do, you’ll become a master writer in no time!
1: Start with writing good sentences.
You can’t dare dream of becoming a great writer if you are vulnerable to write “your” instead of “you’re” or “they’re” instead of “their.” Knowing the meaning of homonyms will help you master your writing skills quickly.
Furthermore, inspiring content, is made up of carefully thought and well-written sentences. You must also learn how to pick the right words which will disqualify your work from just being bland and making it terrific.
2: Use a conversational tone when writing.
When you’re blogging, it’s best to use a conversational tone with your readers. Generally speaking, most bloggers and freelancers write conversationally.
However, if you are writing am academic paper, you have to follow some strict impersonal rules. The use of a conversational tone when writing keeps the reader hooked in almost every other type of writing. One of the best ways of handling this area is by including personal questions or questions that provoke thought and imagination in the mind of the reader.
3: Do some research on how best you can use vocabulary words in your work.
This can only be possible if the writer has first researched their target audience. There are master writers who target children, and others whose audience is made up of teenagers, travelers, scientists, couples, and so on.
The right word choice will definitely make your work interesting, depending on who is reading and who you were targeting when writing your blog post.
Also, every day, it’s a good idea to learn some new words. To improve your writing skills and your vocabulary, you can, for example, use the Tameri Guide for Writers.
You can also subscribe to Miriam-Webster’s Word of the Day.
Or Wordnik.
Or WordThink.
You can test your vocabulary and improve it at Vocabsushi.
And you can learn more English at BBC Learning English, where you can even choose your native language!
4: Practice your writing.
The only way to become a master writing and improve your writing skills is by practicing. No one became a master writer without practicing their skills first, so write as if your whole life depends on it! This will help you allocate time and effort to your writing endeavor.
With practice, your writing technique will improve and this is what will eventually make you an accomplished writer.
5: Read others’ works.
Rarely if ever, will you find a writer who never read others’ works before starting their own writing journey. How can you write if you don’t know what a good piece looks like?
An aspiring writer must first read, widely and deeply, the various works of other writers.
Reading should not be restricted only to the topics you love, but also in content that does not really amuse you. Read all types of content to help you know the mistakes to avoid in your work.
6: Write something memorable.
The biggest mistake most writers make is writing things that are not memorable. Don’t censor your writing. Have courage. Be brave, and write about your personal experiences, too.
7: Form a habit of writing daily.
Writing is not like going to the movie theater or swimming where you get to relax and let things happen. In writing, you have to develop a strong culture of ensuring that will help you hone some useful master writer skills over time. The best way is to set some time aside every day to write.
When you’re writing, remove all distractions. To help you do this, you can use many different methods. Close all of your internet browser tabs. Avoid Facebook. Close your email app. Turn off your phone (or turn down the notification sounds). Turn off the TV. Write in private. Close your door. Do whatever you need to do to give yourself a chance to write in peace.
8: Be strict with yourself.
Create a schedule and stick to it. You need to have a schedule and decide that every other week you will be publishing an article or a blog post. This will help you keep yourself on toes. You will also become a better writer.
9: Create an outline before you start your writing.
There should be some basic outline such as what to write, when to write it, how to write it, and probably where to write it from. When you have figured out these questions first, you are most likely going to love writing, and your chance of delivering a great piece increases drastically.
You can also use a mind-map to help you organize your thoughts when you’re brainstorming and creating an outline.
A neat tool you can use to create a mind map of your own is BUBBL.US.
10: Self-edit your work seriously.
Everyone should follow the self-editing tips outlined here (and the additional 17 tips Lorraine provides you with in this post).
The best way to get the very best of your writing talent is when you are your worst critic. Don’t shy away from removing whole sentences from your work. Don’t be afraid to replace entire sentences or phrases with a single word. It is with severe editing that you will stay with the very best content which will keep the reader entertained.
You can also download my bonus checklist of 17 Editing Tips for Writers!
11: Use an editor.
A good editor is what you need by your side as a writer. Never underestimate the value of a proofreading when it comes to you delivering a good book or article. However, such an editor must be patient with you. The editor should not just tell you that something doesn’t work but rather show you why it can’t work and probably even give you some suggestions.
If you cannot afford an editor, get your friends or family to help you.
You can also use apps to assist you. One is the Hemmingway App. Yet another is Grammarly.
Did You Know You Could Become a Freelance Editor?
Being a freelance editor, in my opinion, is even better than being a freelance writer. First of all, it pays more. Secondly, it is the best job I could ever ask for. I love editing, I love words, and I love helping others. Finally, I love reaping the many rewards (check out the many benefits of being a freelance editor).
If you are not currently working at your dream job and want to be a freelance editor, then sign up to get on the “interest list” for my upcoming course!
I am in the process of designing a course that will teach you EVERYTHING about being a work-from-home editor and entrepreneur.
This includes:
– how to get paid up-front… ALWAYS! (before you do any work)
– how to get testimonials
– how to market yourself
– where to find work
– how to leverage social media for your business (because, YES, you will be actually running a business if you are successful!)
– how to keep accurate records
– how to easily calculate your costs
– how to communicate with potential clients so they turn into ACTUAL clients
– how to organize your time (so you can complete all of the tasks involved in running your biz)
– how to deal with difficult clients
– which projects to accept
– when to raise your rates
Plus, I want to get to know you so that I can give you EXACTLY what you need to succeed!
So, DO you want to know more about how to become a freelance editor?
12: Try imitating your favorite writers.
When you start writing, you can try to write like your favorite writer because with the imitation, you will learn a few tricks and, over time, find your own writing voice. It is important to note here that imitating the style of another writer is not plagiarism. (Plagiarism occurs when you copy someone else’s words and pass them off as your own.)
13: Make your content shine.
Make your content persuasive as well as one which the reader can trust and take as a point of authority. The best way to hack this is by researching your work first before writing, especially if a topic requires you to have factual information.
When readers trust your writing, they will want to read more of your work.
14: Give details to all of your writings.
As much as there is a need to write clear and brief content and avoid unnecessary details, it is paramount that you breathe life into all of your arguments. The best way to do this is by ensuring that no argument or statement is left hanging. It’s also good if you can back up your facts or assertions with statistics.
15: Create a killer headline.
Learn how to write capturing headlines which will make the reader want to read not only the first line, but all the way to the last word that you have written. A good headline is a primary feature of a good blog post. By managing to write headlines that capture the attention of the reader, you have successfully passed one of the most important tasks of becoming a master writer. Headline Analyzer can help you to write the best headlines, especially for a text you provide on the Internet.
You can also use the tips outlined in Quicksprout’s infographic to help you.
In addition, you can use any of the strategies outlined by these 71 bloggers to write a catchy headline.
16: Be honest.
In every topic you pick to write about, never tire or become afraid to write what you think. If you are writing about a top brand of computers, which has been adorned with glowing tributes, don’t be afraid to say what it is you feel, exactly. If the computer is hard to operate, just say so among the very many other great and bad features about your subject.
17: Research your topic.
Work carefully when you are researching your topic. It is easy to assume that research material is something that you can get on “Google.” Make your story different by doing in-depth, trusted research, backed up by stats, which will give a different point of view on a topic where every other writer thinks they are experts in.
18: Write on time, using a deadline.
Take time to write your project, but never sleep on the task. Make and keep a deadline. With the rising use of the Internet all over the world, more and more bloggers are finding it necessary to post a blog each or every other week. This is to help keep their readers entertained. Moreover, the longer you stay away, the higher the likelihood of being forgotten. You can give yourself a deadline for improvement of the draft, then for proofreading, and then for publishing.
The problem with self-imposed deadlines is that many people forget to stick with it. Life gets in the way. So make sure that you have a good work-life balance and be flexible when creating them.
19: Get a computer-writing app.
Unlike twenty years ago, you can now download an app which will help you write best blog posts. Such software will help you become better and definitely consistent over time. The app will help you navigate the world of writing and you will eventually mark your niche which will be marked by your style of writing.
There are tons of apps you can use! Look around, and find one that works for you.
Here are 20 distraction-free writing apps to choose from. This list has both Windows and Mac options, as well as phone ones.
20: Vary your writing environments but stick to your best one.
A master writer knows all too well the importance of having a good environment to work. You are probably never going to have much done if you are always writing from stool in some bar.
Admittedly, writers get ideas from all over the place, including bars. You could be walking your dog, seated in a train or laughing with friends when an idea hits you. Jot it down for later writing.
Just don’t forget to write in a quiet abode where you will have the chance to string beautiful words together in peace.
Christine Allen is young writer and blogger. She believes that you can get everything that you want. You just need to be sure in what you really want and be patient. You can follow her on Google Plus, Facebook or Twitter (@allenchris90).

Really such a amazing post dear.
Hey Lorraine,
In my teaching experiences, I have had many bizarre encounters with undergraduate college students. I am set ablaze, though, when I encounter a case of intentional plagiarism. With the ease and accessibility of websites like yours, it’s crazy that students decide to cheat instead of doing the work on their own.
The problem is that a college or university’s retention goals often take precedence over academic dishonesty. In an effort to retain students, I fear that some colleges and universities have compromised ethical principles. Each graduating student should only receive his or her degree if the highest standards of integrity have been met.
I realize that some cases of plagiarism can be used as teachable moments. It is no surprise that a student’s first research paper will be littered with copied material and lacking appropriate citations. These students were never shown the proper rules concerning paraphrasing, summarizing, and directly quoting a source. However, submitting all or most of someone else’s essay is a matter of common sense and basic ethics. Because each situation varies, I would recommend that the student be placed on some kind of academic probation or expelled.
This kind of behavior is astounding to me because my college experience involved apprehension and fear towards my professors. I would double check my citations and quoted information multiple times so that I could not be accused of any type of plagiarism. For some students, they are obviously willing to take the risk and hope that the instructor does not notice. Perhaps colleges and universities should crack down on severe plagiarism cases and ‘up the ante’ a bit in academic standards… even if the year’s retention goals aren’t met.
Rasmus Kreutzmann
Rasmus, I agree. I worked hard when I was in university, too, and NEVER plagiarized ANYTHING. I also always cited anyone I quoted.
It’s sad that people still plagiarize. They are only hurting themselves in the long run…
All this tips are really useful. It will really help those people who want to improve their creative writing skill.
Especially students will definitely use these ways to improve their writing skill because the present education system gives more importance for the writing skill.
Thanks, Mollie. I know these tips will help others if they use them!
it is amazing information like me so thanks to share ideas Lorraine
I am happy to help you!
By the way, I think you meant “This is amazing information for people like me. Thanks for sharing your ideas, Lorraine.” 😉
I like how thorough your tips are. I would also recommend brainstorming exercises to generate lots of ideas.
Yes, Beth, brainstorming is a great way to organize your thoughts and ideas. Using a mind map really helps in brainstorming, too!
Hi Lorraine , Today I came across your blog and landed at this page. I found good article with great information. When it comes SEO then content is king so we should not ignore the quality of content. I like your strategies and will use to improve my writing skills.
Thank you very much for sharing useful information.
Hi Imam, thanks for visiting my blog!
I hope you visit it again soon. There are a lot of great resources on the Resource Kit page. I do hope you check them out. They will help you.
The thing most bloggers are realizing now is how important good writing is to SEO. Grammar, typos, etc. all play a role in ranking a blog post.
Good luck with your writing skills!
it is amaze information like me so thanks to share ideas Lorraine
I know English is not your first language. Because you told me on Facebook that you want to improve, I will say that this comment should say:
This is amazing information to me. Thanks for sharing these ideas.
You could also change the last sentence and say:
Thanks for sharing your ideas.
By the way, thanks for stopping by my blog! I appreciate it!
Hi Christine,
Your post was nicely crafted. I’ve read all the 20 points thoroughly & found that we should practice all of them except one, one by one.
But I totally oppose #12 because you always should try to be yourself. At the end of the day, you’re you.
So imitating somebody else doesn’t suit with me.
However, rest of the 19 points are very very essential to be a damn good writer.
Hey, SM, I agree with you! I am also opposed to #12 because writing is something each of us does in our own unique voice!
I think you are a good writer, by the way. Then again, you need to be when you are a freelance writer! LOL
Awesome tips to be a great writer.
For me, Writing practice is the best way to improve the writing skills and another one is, noticing the way of writing of other bloggers or writers whom way of writing you liked most.
There is a blogger and Internet marketer named Kulwant Nagi from Bloggingcage, I loved the way of his writing and I always learn from him.
Either way, Thanks for sharing this post here.
Chetan, I agree, practice is definitely needed to become a better writer!
It’s great that you learn so much from Kulwant Nagi, too. 🙂
Thanks for your comment, and for sharing that!
Wow really good post.I will follow this tips as I am a new blogger. Thanks for this awesome post.
Check the Resource Kit page. It has a lot of good tips for bloggers. 🙂
Hey Lorraine,
Writing is very rewarding, but sometimes our work doesn’t meet our expectations. We’re always seeking perfection, and we can be so hard on ourselves. Brushing up on the basics of grammar and spelling is a must for any writer. We need to spend some time learning the correct uses of punctuation and basic rules for written English.There is no better way to get better at writing than to practice.Being repetitive with our choice of words can limit what we are capable of. If we find ourself writing a piece that mentions the same words or terms often, get a little more creative and swap those words for similar ones with the same meaning.
It should be no surprise to us that most passionate writers are also passionate readers. We can learn a lot about our craft by reading regularly. Eventually, thanks for sharing much information pertaining to this subject.
With best wishes,
Amar kumar
Amar, I agree with you. People don’t use a thesaurus often enough, in my opinion!
Reading is something I have loved doing ever since I was a child. I would read anything I could, during every opportunity! (I can even remember reading the shampoo bottles in the bathroom while sitting on the toilet, as a child.)
One summer, I read a book each day. I think I was around 12 or 13 then.
I still read, mostly for enjoyment. I find it interesting to see the different styles each person (blogger OR author) has.
Writing is something I also love doing. And I enjoy writing rhyming poetry.
Words are awesome! They can hold so much power!
Thanks again for your comment, Amar, and your visit, too. I sure appreciate it and look forward to seeing you here each week. 🙂
Christine Allen great write and today one of my problems solved in the form of . I think it’s a great tool to get good headlines . Lorraine is my facebook friend and I came here from there .
Hi Guntaka. Great to see you here!
Thanks for visiting and commenting. I’m glad the headline analyzer helped you. I use it often. 🙂
Have a great week!