Where to Find the Motivation to Work

Where to Find the Motivation to Work

Do you struggle with finding the motivation to work, even though you are an entrepreneur?

The greatest part about being an entrepreneur or a freelancer is that you’re your own boss. You don’t have someone peering over your shoulder at all times. You don’t have to worry about sleeping in and getting fired. The list goes on and on.

However, this can be a big disadvantage as well.

What do I mean by this? Well, let me explain.

When you’re depressed, anxious, or easily distracted, you can end up being less productive. This can mean less income or more time working on stuff that seems to take forever to do.

Here are some ways you can get the motivation to work.

Play Some Music

When you’re bloggingg or doing something else that requires intense focus, playing some good music can help you keep focused as you work. Many people will have different ways to play music. Some people will stick to binaural beats and white noise that is ambient and drowns out everything around them so they can stay focused. Some like to play classical music or soundtracks. There are some who like songs with singing, though this may be distracting for some people.

Just open up YouTube or Spotify and see what the music gods can give you. You may even discover music that you never thought you’d like.

Eliminate Distractions

If you have children around, try to work when they are away.

If you are always looking at social media, try using filters to block the site or limit your time during working hours.

Check all your emails before you work, or after.

Being able to do these things can help you stay focused. When you have a normal job, it’s easy for you to stay on track because you may be reprimanded if you aren’t. With freelance work, you may find that you have to discipline yourself a bit. Read More

8 Great Writing Tools to Keep You Motivated to Write



Are you an UNMOTIVATED writer?

If you are, then I have some good news for you!

My guest today, Linda Craig, has compiled a list of 8 great writing resources to help you become motivated again! She’s also appeared on Laying It Out There; she wrote the post How Writers Can Use Blogging to Increase Reading Audience!

Take it away, Linda!

Motivation is KEY to Success

A writer’s motivation determines the success of his/her projects. You might be really inspired with an idea, but your motivation to devote hours, days, and weeks to it may evaporate as soon as you start working. The lack of commitment may result from improper time-management skills, distractive writing environment, improper idea-gathering techniques, or personal issues that don’t allow you to focus on the work.

There are different ways to surpass these issues. One of them is by using online tools and resources that keep you focused on the work and inspire you to write more content in less time. Let’s check out 8 awesome writing tools that will motivate you to bring your ideas to life!

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