How Re-Uniting With My Son Impacted My Life

Last week, I told you my true story about how I nearly died last summer. I am now going to tell you how reuniting with my son, J, has impacted my life for the better.

Re-uniting with him has literally changed my life!

This is a picture of the book that changed my life after re-uniting with my son.

This is a picture of the book that changed my life after re-uniting with my son.

Once We Re-united

One phone call led to another and we began talking on a regular basis.

Not arguing, but talking.

It was wonderful! Slowly, J let me back into his life.

We talked, we laughed, we cried.

I had always tried to be a good mother to him, and I must have done something right, since J is a non-smoker (I smoke), a drug-free person (he experimented a few times, with a few things, and so did I), a health and fitness nut who watches what he eats and works out all the time (my idea of working out is typing, and I love eating, as noted in my guest post on Hunger for Happiness), and a rare drinker (this he got from me; I am not big on booze).

J also is a positive person who somehow motivates me to want better things for our future. He truly is amazing.

He’s also tall, dark and handsome, since he’s half Spanish (I am a white, Canadian girl with Czech roots… so basically I am a white, Canadian girl!) and he’s pretty muscular, too, from hitting the gym on a constant basis. He won’t let me post a picture of him; he is a private person (I’ve mentioned this before). Anyway, when December rolled around, I asked him what he wanted for Christmas. I’m his mom; I wanted to buy him a gift. (I like giving presents!)

He told me that he didn’t want anything. Huh? Nothing?

Nope. He told me to save my money.

What My Son Wanted for Me

When I pressed him, he told me that he didn’t need anything, but that it was nice that I wanted to get him something. Instead, he said, it would mean more to him if I bought myself something that I needed. That’s what he wanted for Christmas – for me to buy myself something! Read More

Do you need to Get Busy Living?

In May, I happened to take a step that has turned my life around. Actually, I have taken several steps this year (2013), which have improved the quality of my life. I’ve learned a lot this year, thanks to Danny Iny, and I have accomplished a lot, too, especially in the last few months. I have to thank my son, a few friends, and myself, for most of them. Now, I also have to thank Benny Hsu (pronounced “shoe”, not “sue”). 🙂

This is...guess who? Yup, it's Benny Hsu!

This is…guess who? Yup, it’s Benny Hsu!

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Author Christine Cowley Shares Information via A Guest Post and a Video

This post is a combination of a

  1. unique guest post by author, writing coach, and micro-publisher Christine Cowley,
  2. an awesome video about “Simone’s Story”, which demonstrates the importance of writing and creating a memoir for others to have, learn from and enjoy, and
  3. a video of a Google Hangout of the two of us talking about the “makings” of “Simone’s Story”. Read More

4 Things to Say (Announcements, Thanks, and My Latest Discoveries)

Ok, people, I have a lot to say, and not much time to say it, so please listen up!

First of all, I want to say thanks to all my new Followers — from WordPress and Twitter. A big “shout out” to all of you! Keep sharing my stuff, and I will do the same. Or, at the very least, I will “like” it, to let you know that I read it (assuming I don’t comment)!

Secondly, I want to thank Read More