A NEW GIVEAWAY! Featuring: Author Jamie Lynn Miller + Her Tell-All Interview!

memory's prisoner

UPDATE: The giveaway is closed, but please read on to discover Jamie’s awesome works!

There are a few important things I’m featuring on the menu today. Two have to do with giveaways! Exciting, right? Another is that I had some technical issues with publishing this post, too. Oops! So please don’t forget to read a special guest post from Greg Narayan, and watch his video!

Another thing on today’s menu  is a super-hot, tell-all interview with male erotica novelist Jamie Lynn Miller!  

Plus, Jamie has a bonus for you! Warning: this post contains content not suitable for children. Double warning: it may also turn you on! Triple warning: gay sex is involved, so if you are homophobic, please leave my site right now. I’m serious. Just leave.

BUT, if you are open-minded, like a good read, and want to expand your horizons (or maybe just want to win a free copy of an awesome book!), then keep reading. You won’t regret it! Read More

A Special Featured Friday, Featuring Author Donna Jean McDunn, and A BOOK GIVEAWAY!


UPDATE: This giveaway is now closed.


Read on for:

  1. Information about how to enter a double giveaway multiple times;
  2. My review of “Nightmares”; and
  3. An interview with the author, Donna Jean McDunn!

Note that these will be presented in backward order, too! (Kind of like a countdown…) 🙂 Before you read on, let me preface this by saying I hope you all had a sPoOkY hAlLoWeEn last night! I’m so glad that we’re in a new, exciting month; the month of November is famed for being NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month). If you doubt you can write a novel in one month, you should read this post. The numbers will amaze you. If reading is your thing instead of writing, READ ON, and meet Donna!

Meet Donna

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An Interview With Jen J. Danna, author of “Dead, Without a Stone to Tell It”

I am an avid reader of murder-mysteries, crime dramas, and novels that utilize forensic science techniques. I have favorite authors that I consistently read, but I also read books by authors whom I have previously not read, too, as long as I am somehow drawn to the plot or think that it will be a “good read”. Recently, I came across the website of a “new” writer, Jen J. Danna, who offers the first three chapters of her novel, Dead, Without a Stone to Tell It for the perusal of the general public.  I began reading it, and decided to contact her and strike a “deal” with her.

DeadWithoutAStoneFront 72dpi

Our Deal: I would blog about her book and write a review for her on Goodreads if she sent me an autographed copy to read. (I know I just wrote about this in another post, but I felt I needed to mention it again!)

I also asked her if I could do a casual “interview” with her, to glean some information about the publishing process, from a traditional publishing standpoint. (You may recall that I interviewed author Melissa Bowersock to learn about self-publishing.) I was very pleased when Jen J. Danna responded favorably to my request!

I had the opportunity to speak with Jen on May 31, 2013. We spoke for nearly an hour-and-a-half!

I learned a few things from her, which I will share with you. Read More

Autographed Books in Exchange for Reviews? Yes! Yes! Yes!

Is offering an autographed book in exchange for a review a sweet deal? I think it is, if it involves a book I want to read, and so did the three authors with whom I have struck deals! They all responded the same way: Yes! Yes! Yes!

In face, Lisa Jacskon herself saw this post, and took me up on my offer. She, indeed, sent me an autographed book! 🙂

A while back, I made some arrangements with a few authors. Basically, I offered to write a review and a blog post in exchange for an autographed copy of their book. Well, the reviews have been written and posted, and so now I am writing this to fulfill my final requirement.

PLEASE NOTE THAT, IN THE FUTURE, ALL REVIEWS WILL FOCUS ON ONLY ONE AUTHOR. (I was a “newbie” when I first started doing this, but now I see the importance and the value of devoting a post to each author I feature.)


For now, I’m going to simply tell you about the books I’ve read already…

Drumroll, please…

These are the autographed books that were sent to me!

These are the autographed books that were sent to me!

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Author Pete Rogan Tells Me, Lorraine Reguly, A Story via Video

Recently, I was able to do a Google Hangout with Peter (Pete) Rogan. He told me all about his book, “Mission: La Glaciere” in the video below. Here is Pete’s summary, taken from one of the comments he made on the YouTube page where the video below can also be found. You can read about his upcoming two books in the comment section there.

For now,

“Mission: La Glaciere” is the story of a lone US Space Marine Squad, down on the French colony world of Aurore to recuperate, hijacked by the German commander of the defenses to locate a hidden alien airbase on the frozen end of Aurore, an area three times the size of Antarctica and twice as cold. With them is the leading human expert on the aliens, who was their captive for two years, and the experience has left her… fragile. Intrigue, adventure and honor in a hostile alien landscape.

If you like adventure, aliens, and intrigue, and/or are a science-fiction (sf) aficionado, then this video (and book!) is for you!

Oh, Pete also said:

This isn’t just a book about aliens. It’s about confronting the unknown, and what the unknown reveals. Readers with an interest in sf that’s more than find the aliens and blow them up will find something here to reward them as well. Right down to its Ernest K. Gann ending.

You can get “Mission: La Glaciere” ONLY IN ELECTRONIC FORM at DriveThruRPG.com

for only $5.22!

Also, follow Pete on Twitter!

I hope you liked the video!

As always, I welcome comments! Pete does, too, and will be available to respond to your replies! So don’t be shy, have your say!