I love colors. I also like rainbows, mainly because they are one of Mother Nature’s way of showing us the beauty of colors. Of course, I must mention that I’m like most people on this planet: I’m sighted, not blind.
However, my favorite color is black. Before you jump all over me and claim that black is not a colour and white isn’t, either, let me stop you. Save your breath! I’ve heard it all before. I know black is actually an absence of color. It doesn’t change the face that black is still my favorite color. 😉 Besides, as Karl Lagerfeld points out, “Black is the color that goes with everything. If you’re wearing black, you’re on sure ground.”
Plus, it’s no secret that, when it comes to clothing, black is slimming, as black hides the visible shape of the body. It does not allow us to see shadows created by extra lumps and bumps! As someone who has never been a skinny person, I like black for this reason!
I love looking at a bunch of colors together, too. For some reason, looking at something colorful makes me happy, even if it’s just a pack of markers encased in clear plastic sitting on the table next to me, or a picture on the wall. When I create artwork, like the cat collage I made my dad for Father’s Day last year, I tend to use all of the colors of the rainbow, or even a rainbow itself!
Colorful Facts
It is interesting that studies have shown that something printed in black letters on white has more authority with readers than any other color of printing. This is amazing, given that so many colors have been identified. Did you know that zomp is a color? It’s the last one on the list.
Colors and their Meanings
There are many different colors, and each one has its own meaning. The 8 most common ones are:
- red = energy, passion and action
- orange = adventure and social communication
- yellow = the mind and the intellect
- green = balance, harmony and growth
- blue = trust and responsibility
- purple = imagination and spirituality
- brown = security, protection and material wealth
- black = hidden, the secretive and the unknown
Then there are other colors, such as:
- indigo = intuition, perception and the higher mind
- turquoise = open communication and clarity of thought
- pink = unconditional love and nurturing
- magenta = universal harmony and emotional balance
- gray = detachment, indecision and compromise
- silver = illumination and reflection
- gold = wealth, success and status
- white = purity, innocence, wholeness and completion
The psychology of color meaning elaborates on these meanings and also mentions that some of the meanings are positive and some are negative.
Gems, Roses and Crystals
Gemstone colors have different meanings than those of roses, especially when two different colors of roses are paired together.
Crystals are different yet; they have varying healing properties and energies. Black is the most powerful color. It’s a good thing black is my favorite! 😉 Read More