Last Updated on: June 14th, 2021

These are my false teeth. And I love them.
Wanna know a secret?
Yeah, thought you might… 😉
Okay, here goes.
When I was 22, I had all of my teeth removed, and got false teeth.
Nope, I’m not kidding!
Wanna know why?
Okay, I’ll tell you. I did promise you last week that this week I’d share a personal, embarrassing story. Telling you all that I have false teeth certainly qualifies, doesn’t it?
Do I really have false teeth?
Yes, I really DO have dentures. The funny thing is that I’m pretty happy I have false teeth now.
You see, when I went to the dentist oh so long ago, my teeth were in rough shape. In fact, my dentist told me that I could undergo several root canals and keep my teeth for possibly a few more years, but that I would have to get them all removed eventually. I decided to forgo the root canals and have all of my teeth removed that year. I’m so happy I did this, too!
I underwent anesthetic for this surgery. The dentist had made a set of false teeth for me, and they were inserted into my mouth immediately after my teeth were extracted. I woke up with what felt like a mouthful of marbles, and I was in major pain. However, the surgeon gave me a very limited amount of Tylenol 3s for it.
At the time, I was dating C. He was a wonderful guy who was in love with me. He literally worshipped me, and put me on a metaphorical pedestal. He’d never, ever hurt me; he was a total sweetheart. I’m telling you this because when I ran out of painkillers, he took me to the hospital, to the emergency room, so that I could get some more. My face was badly bruised – a normal consequence of having so much surgery done in my mouth. I can still remember the triage nurse glaring daggers at C, asking him in a stern voice, “What did you do to her?”
I laughed when I heard this, and had to explain that C did nothing and was simply trying to take care of me!
This memory makes me smile to this day. It probably always will. I found it kinda humorous. Don’t you? 😉
*For a real good laugh, take a look at this pic of “redneck” dentures. (I know the guy who posts this stuff, and this picture is hilarious.)
After the surgery; after getting false teeth
It took a long time for my mouth to heal. As the bones in my gums settled, my dentures rubbed them the wrong way. I had to continually go to the dentist’s office so the dentist could shave down the parts of my dentures that were irritating my mouth.
The great thing about getting dentures was that my confidence was boosted. I had previously had an overbite, and when the dentist created my false teeth, he lined them up so that I would have a perfect smile. The pain that I had experienced in my jaw from my rotten teeth was also gone. I felt so much better once my mouth was completely healed and the dentures “fit” me properly.
As it turned out, getting my teeth removed was one of the best decisions I have ever made. The only drawback is that dentures don’t last forever. I am now on my third set of lower ones, and fourth set of upper ones. The last time I needed a replacement, only the upper set of teeth was covered by my dental plan.
I still have to brush my teeth. I also use mouthwash.
My views on mouthwash
I think that mouthwash aids greatly in our oral hygiene. I never used mouthwash as a child since my parents only bought Crest toothpaste. My brushing habits were poor; I’d only brush before bedtime, and sometimes not even then. I can recall placing my toothbrush under running water when my mom told me she was going to check to see if I brushed my teeth. I fooled her a couple of times but then she started checking my breath when she got suspicious. I rarely flossed, except the day before a dental appointment. I thought I could fool the dentist! In the end, I paid for the neglect of my teeth with root canals and, ultimately, the removal of all of my teeth.
Will my son need dentures?
When I had a child of my own, I brushed his teeth constantly, from the time he started growing them! I also bought mouthwash for him to use once he was old enough. My son has beautiful teeth and a great smile. When I took him to the dentist, he never had cavities. He still has a nice mouthful and is cavity-free.
2017 UPDATE: My son is 27 and still has great teeth. He did have a few problems with his gums late in 2013. For Christmas that year, one of his gifts was a paid trip to the dentist to get them looked at and assessed. He wasn’t flossing, and his past use of chewing tobacco contributed to his slowly receding gums, but he was told that if he flosses regularly and continues to take care of his teeth, he should be fine. Now he flosses regularly, too, in addition to using mouthwash and brushing his teeth. If he continues doing these things, he won’t need dentures. Phew!
A Funny Memory about What My Son Said about My False Teeth
Shortly after I got my first set of false teeth, my son and I went out for dinner with my family. I didn’t realize what an impact my new teeth had on my son until our meal was finished and my four-year-old opted for the Jell-O, offering me some. I politely declined. His response: “How come? False teeth?” He knew I was having trouble chewing, but the fact that I could easily swallow this dessert didn’t dawn on him, in his innocence. My mother and I still laugh when we remember this occasion!
Do any of you have false teeth? (Are you willing to admit it?) Share stories of your pearly whites in the comment section! And smile with pride. 😀

Yes, this is my smile. 🙂
I’m 34 and seriously pondering getting all of my teeth ripped out and replaced with full dentures. A lifetime of neglect, a broken jaw at age 15, drink, drugs, and I was lucky to have the teeth I did. Then last year I had this wretched plague and over the last 12 months I’ve had numerous teeth grind to stumps, blacken, and be de-crowned, and ones that look ok and seemed perfectly fine have SNAPPED without any warning, nor real pain, nor blood, which is possibly associated with the plague.
I am at the point now that I cannot smile at my own parents, afraid to smile in front of the ladies in case I put them off, and afraid to EAT in case of more snapping.
I’ve sought advice from friends, getting mixed responses of ‘save them’ vs ‘get them all ripped out’ and will try contact a professional come monday
Michael, I would recommend getting dentures, for sure! Good luck!
Hi, Lorraine,
Great post! I’ve bookmarked it. It’s really refreshing to read a post about dentures which isn’t tilted towards buying dental implants over dentures – at any cost! I’m 57 and I’m going to need a partial lower denture soon. I just had a front lower tooth erupt last week, which was giving me a lot of pain. I had it removed yesterday and so the pain has gone, but a rather embarrassing gap has appeared. One silver lining is that my remaining lower front teeth have been bent back for years and in a way I’ll be glad to be shot of them. They will all need removing at some point.
The trouble is I have an overbite and my dentist seems unsure how to proceed with fitting a denture. It’s almost as if he wants to kick the can down the road to avoid addressing the problem. I can’t believe though that I’m the first with an overbite to require a denture.
Your teeth look very attractive – both inside and outside your mouth! Kudos to you for writing this post. One question I have is about the bone loss associated with topoth extraction. Does this change or diminish the shape and size of your jaw/chin? Although looking at your photo, you don’t seem to have suffered any problem.
Jools, I had an overbite and my dentist was able to correct it when he made my dentures. He is retired now, but his name is Dr. LeCocq and he lives in Thunder Bay. He hs a daughter named Leanne. Maybe your dentist can try looking him up and contacting him for some advice.
Thank you for sharing your story with us. You are such an inspiration to all people, who may be afraid of dentures.
Buy Partial Denture Online recently posted…Tips to Smile Confidently With Proper Oral Care
Hi Lorraine!
Thanks for sharing such an important post☺️☺️
I had to share it. So many people need to hear about the truth!
Had my top teeth removed 10years ago was in a lot of pain afterwards for about 6weeks but was in pain before that and was always having to go dentist anyway when my month settled down and gums had shrunk my new teeth was great. I had always had wonky teeth but my false ones r lovely and straight and white, best thing I did.
Debbie, thanks for sharing your experience. Getting dentures was the best thing I did, too!
Hi Lorraine I’m due to get 10 teeth out on the 20th of February, I’ve been so worried about it but reading this post & the comments has put my mind at ease a little bit. I am getting the top dentures fitted first then the lower ones a few weeks later. I am having the 4 front teeth in between my canines taken out plus a few back ones, my front lower teeth are staying in but they are removing a few back ones one of which is my chewing tooth so I’m worried about eating until I get my bottom set fitted. I already struggle with eating partly due to losing my appetite after being in Hospital for emergency back surgery in 2017 & partly from toothache as I have some holes in my teeth. I have a few concerns about g the dentures like being able to talk properly, will I drool a lot? Do you need to take them out during the night or can you sleep with them in? My Dad had some made but he never wears them as he said they are uncomfortable, I’m worried I’ll feel the same way. Do they move around in your mouth if you don’t use a fixing gel? Thank you for taking the time to read this, any advice would be greatly appreciate.
Rachel, you’re not going to drool. Relax. YOU WILL BE FINE!
You will have to stick to soft foods for a week or two but you will LOVE your new teeth after the procedure is done! I love my teeth and can eat anything now, even raw carrots. 🙂
I don’t take my teeth out unless I develop a sore in my mouth (it happens about every three to six months). I only take them out to brush them and I rinse my mouth out with mouthwash when I am doing that, too.
My mom hates her lower plate and never wears them because they hurt her. She only wears her upper plate. My advice is to keep going to the dentist to get them adjusted so you can get used to wearing them all the time. Don’t fall into the trap of not wearing them… like my mom and your dad did.
Good luck and keep me posted!
You are really a true inspiration for all the people who are hesitant to get dentures. I loved the way you enjoyed your false teeth.
Thanks, Katy!
My grandmother is looking to get dentures. Thanks for sharing your story about your dentures and the benefits of them. She’s hoping to find a good professional who can help her with this.
Sam, tell her I wish her the best with her new teeth venture!
If your false teeth are made well and adjusted properly, you should be able to enjoy all the delicacies the world has to offer without having to worry about a thing.
Peter Babichenko recently posted…Dental Flippers: A Perfect Solution to Missing Teeth During Implant Treatments
Peter, I completely agree!
Hi Lorraine!
I think my transition to dentures is now complete.
About a month or so ago I had my permanent dentures fitted. They fitted very well from the start and have needed minimal adjustment. They are also less bulky than my immediates. So I found them easy to adapt to.
Before being fitted with my new teeth I had decided that I would stop using an adhesive. But I haven’t. An adhesive makes my dentures more stable, helps to stop food particles working their way under my plates, the lower one particularly, and gives me peace of mind and more confidence. Also, I don’t need to rinse my dentures after each meal. So I just put them in when I get up and take them out when I go to bed. The trade-off is that it takes longer to clean my gums and dentures at the end of the day but I think it is worth it.
I can’t say that I can eat raw carrots with ease with my dentures like you but I can eat most things, even if I have to cut things up small sometimes. There are also some hard or sticky foods I avoid. Overall though, I manage pretty well.
Am I happy now that I have made the transition to full dentures? Yes, I am. There is nothing worse than bad, painful ugly teeth. I now have attractive, even white teeth that I can be proud of and no longer feel inhibited to smile. I am completely free from pain. Now that my diabetes is under control I feel healthier than I have for many years. After the initial expense of getting dentures (mainly the cost of the extractions as well as two sets of teeth) the cost of maintaining my dentures should be reasonable as my new dentures will not need to be replaced for quite a number of years. So I too can say “I wear false teeth and I love them”.
Thank you for your advice and encouragement.
Kevin, thanks for the update on your situation. It is so good to know that you have adjusted to your dentures… finally! Hooray!
Your experiences with your transition are valuable and I am so glad you shared them here so you can help others realize they are not alone in their struggles.
I’m sure you will continue to love your dentures for years to come!
Congratulations on having a nice smile now. 🙂
Take care!
My father is thinking about getting a partial denture set this year. It is good to know that mouthwash can help him keep his mouth cleaner while he has the dentures. It is also good to hear that you really like having the dentures.
I’m glad my experiences helped!
Hi Lorraine!
I just thought that I would give you an update. Since I last wrote things have gone down hill a bit. I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes which has taken a few months to get under control. It explains a number of things: why my gum desease was so pernicious and why I have lost quite so much bone in my jaws. My dentist says my gums look as if I have been toothless for years as I have quite narrow shallow ridges. One thing I now know is before my diagnosis my teeth were beyond saving.
I have had a hard reline line so my dentures are fitting well. I worry about putting too much pressure on my gums when eating as I do not want to lose more underlying bone so I am still favouring a less demanding diet, although I can eat most things. I have also taken to using an adhesive, Poligrip. I did not think I would but my dentures are more stable, eating is more efficient and less food works its way under my plates. Cleaning my dentures at the end of the day is more of an effort. Still my dentures look great. I can smile without embarrassment and I have no pain.
Later this year when my dentures become loose again I will have a permanent set made. Then the transition will be complete.
Thanks for the update!
I am glad you are still loving your new teeth and the benefits you are reaping as a result.
Too bad about the Diabetes, but at least now you know what’s going on and can deal with it.
I also have Type 2 Diabetes and I take Metformin (a prescription pill) for it, to help control it. I also have started walking and eating healthier foods.
Many people have Diabetes and you are not alone, just like you are not alone with having dentures.
My eyes have gotten a bit worse because I am getting older, and so I just got new glasses about six months ago and they have bifocals built into them. They are called progressive bifocal lenses. While other people just think I wear regular glasses, I know they are different… and more like “old people’s glasses.” I don’t like getting older or that I feel like I am falling apart… but aging is a part of life, and I must learn to accept it.
Please let me know how you are doing once you get your permanent set made, and thanks for keeping me updated. I love hearing from you!
Hi Lorriane!
Thanks for the encouragement.
So we are more similar than I had thought originally: dentures, diabetes and poor eye sight. In my case I have had poor eyesight all my life and had glasses well before I went to primary school so I cannot remember a time when I did not have to wear strong corrective lenses for severe hypermetropia.
I will keep you posted.
Sounds good, Kevin. I appreciate that!
Hi Lorraine,
Thanks for the reply and the encouragement. I am certainly not at the stage where I can eat raw carrots. My bite is still not at all as strong as I would like it to be. So I am still quite selective in what I eat and cut things up quite small. I certainly look forward to the day harder foods are no problem.
For all that I am very pleased with progress so far.
Kevin, your gums will take a long time to heal, but they WILL harden up over time. You WILL be able to munch on raw carrots ONE DAY.
And when you do, think of me. (lol)
I’m proud of you for how far you have come!
Thanks for the update and take care!
Hi Lorraine!
Just to let you know of my progress. My gums have healed real well. The dentist said that it looked as if I had my extractions much longer ago than three months. I have lost a lot of bone but my gums seem to be a good shape to support dentures. I have also had my dentures relined again so they fit real well. I am very pleased with them. My eating ability is improving and I am managing an incresing amount of different foods. My taste has returned too. After the initial discomfort and frustrations things have gone better than I could have expected. It is so good to be free of pain and have teeth that I can be proud of. So far I am very pleased with my dentures and have no regrets that I opted to have all my teeth out. I hope it continues that way. Probably in the next three months I will have a hard reline and then some months after that I will get my permanents. I am looking forward to that. Thanks for all your encouragement.
Kevin, that’s fantastic! I appreciate the update.
See, I told you… you had nothing to worry about! I knew you would heal and things would improve!
It’s still good to hear, though. Your experience will likely help others… if they end up reading your story! So thanks, again, for sharing your experiences!
Let me know when you get to the point where you can eat raw carrots. (You’ll get there. I did. I can chew ANYTHING now!)
Hi Lorraine!
Just to let you know of progress. My back teeth were extracted in early July and last Thursday week all the front ones came out and immediate dentures fitted. So I have been wearing false teeth for a little over a week.
I did not expect the first few weeks to be easy and the first few days certainly haven’t. Some aches from the extractions (not too bad) and some sore spots. I am salivating like mad at the moment and my dentures still feel quite strange and bulky. I am wearing them 24/7 to get used to them as quickly as possible. I am consciously keeping them in place when I speak but speaking with them has not been too much of a problem. My bite is nonexistent so I can only manage the softest food. So eating is the real issue which I need to overcome.
On the plus side my teeth look really great. I could not be happier with them. For the first time in my life I have the even, white teeth I always wanted. I also have no regrets that I have had my natural teeth out. I feel it has liberated me from years of discomfort, pain and ill health. So I have a=every encouragement to master my dentures which I feel sure I will.
Thanks for the advice and encouragement.
Kevin, it’s great that you love your new teeth. I knew you would. 😉
It’s tough to eat right now, but as you heal, you will be able to tolerate harder foods. Hang in there. Healing is temporary. 🙂
My biggest problem was learning how to speak without my teeth flying out of my mouth. I’m happy you’re adjusting to speaking!
Keep me in the loop and let me know how you are doing!
Hi Lorraine!
Can I ask you a question? Do you use a denture adhesive? I was determined not to rely on an adhesive when I got my dentures but I was wondering whether it would help me to adapt to my new dentures if I used an adhesive, particularly learning to eat with my dentures and speaking with more confidence. What I do not want to become is dependent on an adhesive for all time..
No, never. 🙂 I just got used to how they feel. I didn’t want to use one because I didn’t want “glue” in my mouth! Plus, it seemed like too much work for little benefit. I simply learned how to handle my new teeth in my mouth… and you will, too. Give it time!
Hi Lorraine!
Last week I had my first soft reline. It is amazing how much the shape of my gums have changed, particularly the lower gums, in a little over a month. For the first time since the extractions I have been completely comfortable with my dentures with no soreness, swelling, burning sensations or pain which is quite a relief. In fact it has been quite a hard time. Eating has improved a little but I am still on very undemanding food as my bite and ability to chew into my food is still pretty pathetic. Mouthfuls are small and meal times take much longer. I find my dentures have reduced my sense of taste quite markedly, which is unfortunate. Maybe my sense of taste will return, I don’t know. Also, I wish bits of food did not work their way under the plates, although I have become quite adept at cleaning my lower denture and gums with my tongue. I don’t know about you but I find it easier to sleep with my dentures in, even though I dribble quite a lot. On the positive side, I am very pleased the way my denture teeth look and how quick and easy it is at the start of the day to give them and my mouth a clean.
Kevin, I also sleep with my dentures in. I only take them out once a day, to brush them when I rinse my mouth out with mouthwash.
Your sense of taste will improve. It’s just a matter of time.
Yeah, I hate getting small pieces of food under my dentures. So painful!!! I usually use my tongue, too, but it doesn’t always work. Sometimes I have to take them right out of my mouth to remove the culprit! This is really embarrassing to do in restaurants, so I usually go to the bathroom to do it, although I have become quite adept at covering my actions (and teeth) with a napkin while I do this!
I’m glad to hear you are doing better. Life will only get better and better from now on!!!
Thanks for the update!
I just wanted to say that im 22,and im in need of getting dentures for teeth, ive been looking around online for peoples thoughts on it,but alot of them werent given straight answers,reading this post makes me feel more confident about getting them, im going through aspen dental,they seem to be affordable,and have payment plans too. My questions are mainly,do you actually need to take them out at night,do you need to take them out to clean them or can you brush them like regular teeth and do you feel like you are wearing dentures or do they feel like youre teeth were never gone?
Matt, I don’t take my teeth out at night at all. I just take them out to brush them (and I use mouthwash in my mouth when I do this).
It feels like my teeth were never gone. I’ve adjusted to my dentures and I feel like they are my real teeth now. 🙂
Good luck. I think I was 22 when I had all my teeth removed! You’ll be happy if you get dentures, trust me.
I have false teeth and I absolutely love them. I was plagued by gum disease and kept losing teeth. I was told I was not a candidate for implants. Some doctors said yes – others insisted no and said the only way to cure gum disease was for the teeth to go and that implants act like teeth. I decided on dentures. Rec’d a top denture first and they matched my lower perfectly. Then the lower teeth started to go one by one. I had paid $3,500 for my top denture and the removal of 10 teeth — all I had left on top. Now I needed full dentures and was financially challenged. I ended up going to a dental school at the local college. Cost was $720 for the dentures, $350 because they had to do 2 corrective surgeries to even out my ridge and $800 to remove my remaining 8 teeth. I opted for pretty white BL2 – after all if I was getting a full set why not get them white.
My teeth are stunning. And even with getting white teeth no one really knew that I had new teeth – just lots of compliments on how good I looked. That’s how you know they did a great job.
It takes longer at a dental school and I was fortunate because I had my prior uppers. But it was so worth it. They took a lot of care with me and used all premium materials. Even the surgery that was performed was done by an oral surgeon and the supervising dentist was a prosthodontist.
If you are having financial issues, check out your local dental school – you also can pay as you go.
Thanks for sharing your story! And congratulations on your new smile! 🙂
I have advised others to check out their local dental schools and colleges. I’m happy you did this and that it helped you! Way to go! 🙂
Hi Lorraine!
I am 27 and I have bad teeth. It’s my fault really as I haven’t looked after them and I haven’t been to a dentist since I was a young teen. My teeth are now starting to give me trouble. Some ache and some are just crumbling away and my gums bleed so I need to have them dealt with even though I’m terrified at the prospect. I know I will need some extractions but I’m thinking that I would prefer them all out and just get used to full dentures rather than saving some teeth and having partials knowing that this is just a start to getting full dentures eventually. What would you do in my position?
Thanks. Great blog.
Kevin, if you know you are going to have to get a full set of dentures eventually, just do it now. The sooner the better!
I was told the same thing… that I could go through ten root canals and then, five years later, I’d have to get dentures anyway. So why put off the inevitable? Just do it and get it over with!
Lorraine: Thanks for the reply. Although it is not what dentists advise, I’m sure you are correct. Having had bad teeth and gums yourself and knowing what a curse that is, is there anything about wearing dentures you regret?
Kevin, I love my false teeth. Read my article again. 🙂 You will see!
Thanks. I am sure you are right (whatever dentists say). I know the first few months after extractions and dentures are a trial but once your gums have healed dentures are much better than bad teeth and gums. That’s what my dad says. Your confirmation is greatly appraciated. I will take your advice.
Good to hear! Good luck!
Hi Lorraine!
I have taken the plunge and made an appointment with a dental practice that specialises in making dentures so I will see how I get on.
Way to go! Good luck!
Hi Lorraine!
I am on that way now. I had the appointment. The dentist wants to save some of my front bottom teeth (I think four) and make a bridge so that this can anchor a bottom partial. I am not sure that I want this but now is not the time to make a fuss. All the rest of my teeth will come out. All my back teeth are coming out on Thursday so wish me luck. After the gums heal the top front ones will come out too and dentures will be fitted. I think that will be in a month to six weeks time.
Great! You will be so much happier with your teeth and your smile once the work is done and you are healed!
I had a partial and it pinched my cheek! I got a second partial, and it never stayed put. Eventually, I gave up and stopped using itdespite how awful I looked.
I am 71 and have had the same upper denture for 20+ years (yes, I use adhesive — Fixodent powder).
Today I had my remaining lower teeth extracted and have an immediate lower denture. I am anticipating this to be a success story because I am determined to make it work! (Did that sound like Tim Gubn on “Project Runway”?? LOL! I also have a great dentist, which helps!
As for eating, I can grind up my food in one of those small food processors made for making baby food until my gums are healed and I can use adhesive.
Today .. and for the next few days, it’s Boost, Ensure, and lukewarm coffee .. and I am fine with that!
Don’t read the negatives on other websites. Your own mindset controls 90% of your success! Go for it and have realistic goals.
Wising you all the best!
I had my top Molar extracted 4 months ago. I was given an option to have it root canaled but unfortunately, 2 of my dentists that I consulted either is hesitant or won’t do it at all. I decided to have it extracted (I thought it was causing a lot of trouble in my sinus but I was wrong). Now I’ve regretted the decision and was depressed. I am wearing partials now, though it is quite a struggle to accept, I still cant find my confidence back. Thank you for your story. I hope to find my self-esteem again. 🙁
Ayel, don’t worry so much. They are just teeth. Your teeth do not define who you are!
You are much more! And your confidence WILL return. Just give it some time!
You will be fine!
Im 21 and had a retainer with dentures on it because im ashamed that my friends will know im wearing one. Last week, a couple of my friends saw it and im so embarassed by it. I dont know what to do. 🙁
Nicole, don’t be embarrassed. It’s a temporary thing. And your friends will LOVE your teeth when it is removed! They will be jealous of your beautiful smile!
hi.. Lorraine..i going to have put 3 of my teeth and i’m so scared that i going to look ugly…..i hate myself so much…the other day i want to my dentist and she say that i might have to do dental implant or get dentures?? i don’t know what to do?
Chill out, Ben! You’ll be fine!
Get the implants or dentures. It’s up to you. Both are all right. 🙂
Many people have your same fears. But things will be ok! I survived getting ALL my teeth out, and getting dentures put in. I look and feel great now! 🙂 You will too!
oh ok… but if i get dentures do my face going to look funny or old?? i don’t want to have a old face because i’m still young!
Ben, you won’t look any older. LOL
Look at my pic! I look young! 🙂
oh ok…but that say if u don’t have no teeth u going to look old?
You won’t look old, unless you actually ARE old. LOL
Lorraine you are just amazing and an inspiration. My teeth are all coming out on Monday but I have read so much positive stuff on here that I’m not afraid. Probably the speech worries me a bit but I plan to master that quickly. Thank you for the great comments. Looking forward to my new great smile 🙂
Chantal, you’re going to love your new smile! I just know it! 🙂
Send me a pic on Facebook so I can see!
Well, it’s done and dusted and not HALF as bad as I thought it would be. Seriously, if anyone is in doubt, or scared, please don’t be. If you have loose teeth, gum disease, broken teeth or need dentures for any reason, do it! Struggling with bad teeth is a health risk and now I feel so much better that my mouth is clean. I had mine done on Monday this week and today I was at work selling medical equipment. I LOVE my new smile and SO thankful to my amazing dentist who was fantastic and supportive all the way. He’s my new hero!
Chantal, I’m so happy for you!
Congratulations! 🙂
And thank you for giving everyone such good advice. 🙂
Thanks for the positive thoughts!!
I’m getting 18 extractions this afternoon & opted for immediate Same day healing dentures , all the positive feedback has helped me realize I’m making the right decision . Been struggling with my teeth for years & hopefully my experience will be ultimately the same as yours !!
How did everything go, Frank?
I am having my top teeth out and petrified it will hurt and the false ones won’t work
They will work, Carol. It is natural to be scared, though. But relax. 🙂 Things will be fine!
Hi Lorraine
Thanks for sharing your story. So many people are scared to admit that they have false teeth. And there are others that are afraid to get them. They can make the world of difference to your life.
You’re welcome, Jade.
I agree. Sometimes it just takes knowing you’re not alone to get help!
hey Lorraine is ben.. i’m so sad that two of my teeth going to come out and i’m going to look ugly… i want to my dentist and he say i might loss some of my teeth and she told me that i might need dental implant.. i’m so scared that it might cost alot of money for dental implant!!!
Ben, check your local colleges and universities. They might have a free program for you, via their dental hygienist programs. I know they offer free services in Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada, through Confederation College. Perhaps you can save some money that way!
oh ok… i very need someone help me because my dentist give me a dental implant dentist e-mail and i e-amil him but no one e-amil me back….. i hate my teeth so bad that i wish i never go through like this and i going to lose my front teeth because my nephew accident kick me in the face and i don’t know what to do now!!! oh Lorraine do u know any website for dental implant that don’t cost alot of money because i don’t have that much money and i live in a poor city!!! well thanks for listen to me!!! u help me alot!!!
Sorry, Ben, I don’t. You’ll have to do some research on Google by yourself.
Good luck to you!
oh ok!!! thanks Lorraine!!
Good Advices. I live in Alexandria and get my dental checkups regularly from . Dr. Charles Varipapa, DDS. He is the best.
It’s good to see you love your dentist and get your teeth checked regularly, Sam.
Wow, Great Article. good hear from You and keep up the good work.
Thanks! I will. 😉
About time I found a site that gives me hope about getting dentures. I have spent a fortune on my teeth..remaining 10 on top..fortunately all my front teeth.. are caps. I knew dentures were inevitable but reading other posts got me freaked out…like I will never eat again .they will never fit right and so on….went to 3 different dentists to make sure they could not be fixed and outcome is same..too far gone..tired.of pain and missing teeth. My front tooth is severely accessed and was told to.remove asap…but why spend 1200 on a snap on tooth when I will still need dentures. It’s a genetic thing because I go to dentist every 6 months..
My question is my oral surgeon said if you do top and bottom they can align better but cost is high to do all they same time..and I would like to keep lower fronts as long as possible..I have no lower back teeth
Does anyone know can the tops be aligned good with my old bottoms?
Also my biggest worry is not being able to chew with no lower back teeth and dentures on top
Jeanne, I’d advise you to spend the money and simply get all your teeth removed and get a full set of dentures. I have NO TEETH, only dentures, and I LOVE them.
My mom, however, uses only her top/upper set of dentures as her bottom/lower ones are too painful to wear. Over time, her gums have hardened and she can chew almost anything, including steak! (She cannot, obviously, eat raw broccoli or carrots.)
I hope this helps you make a decision.
Good luck!
I am 24 and got all my top teeth removed in June and just got my dentures last month at first I didn’t like them but now I’m getting used to them I’m slowly starting to eat food with them I can now smile and I feel alot better
That’s great, Kimberly! I knew you’d adjust… and grow to love your new teeth! 🙂
I been going Thur this since sept had all my bottoms pulled already had upper I was missing all my back bottom teeth they still to this day can not get my bottom denture to work it’s was to big sticks out makes me look like monkey they are doing something wrong tom I go again they discoverd I have over bite and the bottoms should sit back more ! These are wax and my third try in any suggestions what they may be doing wrong !Thanks
Glad this page was here to read. Gives me some hope. I am a grinder and my teeth are at the gum level now. 7 root canals and not crowns due to grinding. Veterans Admin states it is not worth the money to repair my teeth. alas for 10 years the VA has been saying that.
I am going to have my teeth pulled if the VA will do it as they are slow. Takes months for a appointment.
But I feel better after reading your blog. Thank you What a blessing.
Hey, Sam, I’m glad you feel better! Thanks for your comment.
You’re going to love your new teeth! 🙂
This post is awesome! I myself am 28 and have been fitted with immediate upper denture for about 4 months now and bottom teeth extracted and placed with immediate denture for about 9 days. I don’t regret it one bit. I had not been to a dentist for about 10 years maybe more, and my brushing habits and dental hygiene weren’t nearly where they should have been for about 5 years. I suffer from anxiety and depression and was bed ridden for a while with nothing positive in my life which contributed to a lot of it. I am also an addict of alcohol and xanax (been good for 6 months) and that definitely played a huge role in them decaying rapidly. My mom always told me you need to go to a dentist and your never going to get girls if you have decayed teeth. Believe it or not i did lol but they didn’t really get horrible until beginning of this year when my xanax and alcohol tolerance hit new levels and I was just constantly zoomed off both combined constantly. It’s been hard adapting to life without both but i’m proud to say my anxiety has been greatly reduced after knowing I can smile, even after I got the top done I knew how bad the bottom teeth were still and couldn’t crack a smile at all worrying I’d show bottom teeth. I smile constantly now, and have even had absolutely no issues with speaking or eating. Best decision I’ve made in my life even though i was told the bottom could have been saved. I spent less for complete dentures and will not have to return for future visits that cost just as much as root canals and crowns. The extraction was actually really fun and the laughing gas made the side conversations of the ddm and his assistant extremely funny and an experience to tell. everyone reacts differently to the procedures involved but I can sure say it has gotten my confidence back
Andrew, that’s great! I’m glad you got your confidence back!
I know this post is old and hopefully I still get a response, I am 26 years old and have been having teeth problems, for the last 5 years I had 6 cavities filled…then The next time I went back to the dentist to
Check for cavities I had 18 cavities which also all got filled… Last time I went they said I have 17 cavities now 🙁 that I have to get filled but haven’t yet…I don’t know what to do… This is so ridiculous I mean how much of my actual tooth structure will be left by the time they are done??? Maybe I’m
Being dramatic I don’t know.. But I don’t see how having over 40 cavities is normal, I’m worried about the future of my teeth too, there gonna drill and fill then what next I have crowns and root canals and then just lose them anyways? I really am at a loss of anyone has advice please give it to me thanks !
Erica, it’s probably best that you just get false teeth.
Then you will have no more cavities.
I’ve had mine for 23 years now, and I love them.
This is what happened to me root canals every time I went dentist cavities I took care my teeth faithfully dentist every six months ! I also had. Crowns then lower partial upper denture my last six teeth at bottom had its toll they kept filing them partial making the tooth it hooked to break one at time! Well over three months I believe I went had the rest pulled! Got sick it! Still waiting have not started my impressions due to fact I just went two weeks ago had tissue cut out for denture to fit properly! Good Luck What ever you choose! Some us just get cavities and it can be from other things ! She one dentist tried talk me out it! My mouth my decision!
Really loved reading your story! It is such an amazing thing to be proud of your smile and I can feel that you are extremely happy with yours, through your writing. I’m sure you’d agree that your self-esteem was elevated when you had your false teeth made, Lorraine. Thanks for sharing such a happy story.
Yes, I love my teeth!
Thank you for the compliment.
BTW to add, I work in a dental office!! So you can imagine my low self esteem aND headaches
OMG. Wow!
At least you’re in the right place. 😉
Well next Friday Ia am getting the last of my 7 teeth pulled one has already broke off at the gums do do to much pressure on it from my partial ! I Believe my dentist at that time also knew it needed a filling replaced! I have no choice but to wait three months to get my bottoms! And it really bothers me now more then ever cause of a comment from a friend which is no longer a friend of mine how I can go to work looking like that! I have to work no choice! I will be taking that Friday the day of sat and Sunday off only! I work with the public I have no choice! Afraid loosing weight I just lost weight last few months! My self esteem right now is very low! I do have uppers but will get new ones along with my lowers! There really is not anyone to talk to about this just getting it off my chest! People can be cruel and she’s one of them! Thanks for listening ! Cheryl Also any ideas what I can eat? Can I eat ice cream or have to wait!
Words can hurt, I know. But ignore them. Do your best.
You can eat anything, by the way, that won’t cause you pain. 🙂
Thank you I have talked to others and it’s only hard if I make it hard and worry to much! Also you can hardly see your not wearing bottoms! So it is what it is! All stocked up on soft foods too! Have Great Day?
I have bottoms. My mom does not.
Good for you!
Hi Cheryl my story much the same I just had all mine pulled on Tues and I had trouble keeping the new teeth in and I work with the public and I won’t go in public without them and I’m scared and angry that I did this I’m still swollen and my gums still hurt in spots where the dentures rub me wrong and my jaws are so tight I can’t eat or drink I am getting protein shakes down that’s it I have tried scrambled eggs but it was still hard to get them down
Hi my name is Wendy and I just had all mine pulled on sept 19 and I’m scared and angry that I did it I’m 52 and all my teeth were slowly breaking right down to the gum so I had to but the first set of dentures were put in right after but after hrs of trying to wear I couldn’t stand the pain then I started gagging I had trouble swallowing so now they are out um still swollen and certain spots on my gums from the dentures still hurt so I’m afraid now that I won’t put the teeth back in and I look horrible without teeth doesn’t even look like me even though I’m still swollen it doesn’t matter I hate that I look bad and feel bad
Give it two weeks for the swelling to go down. The pain will disappear too… eventually.
Go see your dentist and ask him to shave down your dentures so they won’t hurt you.
You will need to do this about 10 times in the coming 6-9 weeks.
Then all will be fine!
Thank you for posting this, i don’t feel so alone anymore. I’m a single mom in my late 30’s, I’ve always had issues with my teeth. As a child I was never been a fan of the dentist, in my early teens I dealt with years of painful braces. In my late teens I was put on daily blood thinners that resulted in constant bleeding from my gums no matter how much I brushed or flossed my gums still bled. Fast Forward to today, I haven’t had dental insurance or been to a dentist in 11+ years. My teeth are a mess, I’ve got broken teeth, cavities, you name it my mouth is a mess. I can’t stand the pain anymore, so I’m going to seriously look into having my teeth pulled and get dentures. I’m scared, mainly because I can handle pain, except if it’s tooth/mouth pain.
Ali, the pain is temporary. Your new teeth and great smile will be FOREVER! 🙂
Do it. Get dentures. The sooner the better, from the sounds of it…
I just had mine done last Friday lowers all pulled! I was sick and discusted I done this I had no choice! My partial was leaning on my last few teeth breaking them ! One by one loosing a tooth! Before I went one broke off the partial broke the tooth! I always took care my teeth but sometimes it can be useless! I have been back to work three days later after! Cashier talking to customers everyday! Self check out only! You still have to talk! I hide my mouth sometimes! I know if I open my mouth to wide you can tell! I also got the Cindy Brady lisp!’I came to grips with myself it is what it is! You don’t like way I look it’s only temporary! I am starving Hungary! I gave all my food to my daughter! My choice I did this! But in time I will have my Nice Teeth Back! White not slanted nor stained! Good Luck it’s gets better day by day! Do those warm salt water riinces! They help!
I had them done very mixed emotions about it! What people think how I look I can go on! Nothing to eat but very hungry as I am not getting mine until like Dec! I did Go back work three days later did not know how my coworkers look at me BUT I have to work no one has said word a few know said they can’t tell! But I know u can if I open to much! I enteract with customers EVERYDAY ! They treat me the same ! But I will have my Beautiful Smile Back Soon! Pearly Whites! While New Upper Too! It gets better Day by day! Good Luck!
Interesting story as I’ve been asking people who I know have full dentures what they think. Some say (especially any Dentist you ask) do not do it. I understand that. It’s about the same as asking the person who mows your lawn if you should cover it in concrete to get rid of the weeds. Once your teeth are out of your mouth, they are out of your wallet. Many who have full dentures feel they are great.
My teeth are terrible, Those I have left anyway. I am 60. I have always had buck teeth and a terrible overbite. In my mid 20’s I had most of my bottom teeth removed surgically. They were rotted to the gum line and I went to the hospital for that. (I live in Canada btw, so it cost me nothing). The one molar I had left in the bottom became abscessed and I eventually pulled it out with my fingers a few months ago. So I have 7 teeth left on the bottom. They are the front teeth and are horrible. Shrunken gums, ground down (I grind my teeth in my sleep), crooked and I find I have been sucking on them lately unconsciously which makes me look worse and distorts the shape of my face.
Since I’ve basically been using my bottom gums to eat since my 20’s I have no problem eating. Even nuts. All of my upper teeth aside from two are still there. Not that great though. Why my bottom teeth rotted out and not my uppers after all these years is anyone’s guess, but you take what life throws you I guess.
Shoot ahead 40 years. Now I am an elected official. Deputy Mayor actually for the past 4 years, and returned for the upcoming 4 years just last week. I have to do a lot of public speaking and go to a lot of meetings. I have to be on TV quite often. It’s absolutely embarrassing to be in a position like that with a mouth full of scraggly teeth which I have to hide all the time. If someone makes me laugh, I am immediately embarrassed because I think they have seen the state my teeth are in.
As a Councillor, I have a good plan, and what that doesn’t cover I have no problem paying for, but I cannot afford the 20K plus deal where they use implants or magnets whatever. So I am right on the edge of having the buggers all pulled out. The question I have for anyone out here, is how did you adjust and how long did it take? When I close my mouth, my upper molars are so close to my bottom gums you couldn’t slide a cigarette paper between there. Will I be able to chew at all after all these years with no lowers in the back? Are they going to flop around and “clack?” Will I be able to speak properly so I don’t look like a fool on the late night news and sound like I’m half in the bag?
Like you, if I had have done this years ago, I would likely be fine now, but I couldn’t afford it then. And I’ve been quite comfortable with my toothless self until lately. Up here, I can have all my teeth removed for about 300.00. A full set of dentures from the Denturist (not the Dentist – I’ve been told to stay away from them for that) is about a grand. And ceramic at that, not plastic.
I’m just about ready to do it, so any input, pro or con, would be very helpful towards me making a decision.
Thanks in advance.
RD, I’m sorry you’ve had such bad luck with your teeth. However, it seems like you have adjusted well, and so I’m sure you’ll adjust to whatever you decide to do next.
I cannot speak to the issue of implants, since I don’t have any, nor anyone who does.
Perhaps a reader will see your comment and reply to it.
In the meantime, I suggest you speak to your dentist about this.
Good luck!
Hi Lorraine,
Just a follow up. After a visit with my dentist and a panoramic x-ray, which revealed a wisdom tooth that had never came in, and a cyst attached to it, I needed to go to the hospital to have it removed. I decided since they were putting me under for the procedure that I would have all of my teeth removed at the same time.
I went to my denturist and had immediate dentures made, which were in my mouth when I woke up from surgery. I had very little pain. Didn’t even use the Tylenol they gave me. Not much swelling either.
I have had very little trouble with my dentures. They fit pretty good but I need past of course at least for the lowers, and now after only two months I am able to eat just about anything providing I cut hard things like steak into smaller pieces before I put it in my mouth.
I am very pleased with the outcome, and honestly wish I had have had them all taken out years ago. Yes, it was pricey. The dentures were 2800.00 and the surgery 1500.00, but considering I hadn’t spent more than 500.00 on my teeth in 50 odd years I’m still further ahead.
My confidence level has improved. I find my self smiling more and not trying to hide my teeth when I speak. All in all, I am very happy. It was partially your blog and the comments on here that made me make the decision to do this, and I just wanted to thank you. Are dentures perfect. No they are not, but they are certainly better than what God gave me, and the bonus is that I will never have a toothache or need to go to the dentist again.
All the best.
Rick, I know how you feel. I am super happy with my dentures, too!
I am also more confident and I am glad you are as well!
This is great to hear! 🙂
I could not figure out how to leave a comment so I’m replying lol. I hope it’s not too late to add to this. I am 30, soon to be 31. My boyfriend and I have just moved from Georgia all the way to Texas! My birthday present to myself is getting my teeth fixed. I am not sure how many teeth Will have to be pulled but I know it’s plenty, and they will have to put me under because of panic and anxiety. Since I am new to this neighborhood I don’t know anybody that could check in on me. My bf will be with me the first day, but how long would you suggest having someone be with you after surgery? I’m scared of being by myself afterwards ?
Gina, you don’t need to be with anyone. You’ll be just fine. In pain for a while, but just fine!
Losing teeth because of a texter and scared. They were perfect teeth and a lady pulled into the highway, texting, and I was the one she hit.
Dentists are going back and forth with me about root canals. One says root canals on accident teeth do not work. Another says dentures will ruin my life. It would be partial upper and maybe partial lower.
I have been in so much pain I cannot think straight.
Rachel, first of all, dentures will NOT ruin your life!
I have had dentures since I was 22. I’m 45 now. I am FINE, and I love my teeth!
Get another opinion. Don’t go for the root canals. They will not last, and they will be painful.
This was what my dentist told me: I could get a bunch of root canals done but I would have to get false teeth a few years later.
He then said I could just opt to get the false teeth now. (This was when I was 22.)
I chose to do this, and avoid the root canals. (I’ve had root canals in the past, and they were painful.)
So I think you should see another dentist or a denturist.
Find someone you like, and get false teeth. Get all of them pulled out, if you can, too. Get a complete set of both uppers and lowers. That is what I have, and I am HAPPY with them!
Good luck! (And soooo sorry to hear about that accident. I hope the person texting/driving gets charged!)
I am 30 with false teeth mine are bad how not pretty and I need a partial asap. I am waiting on my next check to go finally get a set of new teeth it’s so embarrassing and her story gives me much high hope and one day, soon I can be that confident once again !!
Kris, you will be happy with your new teeth once they are fixed, I’m sure. 🙂 I was, and am!
I am 21 and am in so much pain from decayed tooth. Front teeth at that, it’s so embarrassing, how much did it cost or what should I do financially to afford dentures and tooth removals?
Rach, there are a few things you can do.
1. Contact your local college. Many colleges offer free services if they have a dental program, because students in training need to practice on real people. Offer to become one of these people in exchange for free services.
2. Go to a dentist and ask about a payment plan.
3. Seek government support.
4. See if any local businesses will sponsor you by providing funds to you.
5. Ask your dentist for more suggestions.
I hope this helps. Good luck!
Hi I don’t know if I am doing this right or not I go on Wednesday to get the bottom 9 taken out and I am scared I am terrified of what my new teeth might look like and if I can enjoy life again
Colleen, of course you will be able to enjoy life! Why wouldn’t you?
It’s just teeth, for crying out loud… not the end of the world.
You will be fine, once the pain subsides. 🙂
I was. So were millions of others.
But I get it. I know it’s scary. I was terrified, too. But I lived through it, and so will you.
Stay positive!
You were right they told me there would be problems and I had none! I saved 500.00 dollars I go to denturist dec 13th
That’s awesome, Colleen!
See… I told you that you are stressing out for nothing! 😉
Good luck at your appointment!
You will be fine I just had my last 7 out couple months or more ago now I just can’t get my dentures as my gum line bones are not going into place as they should! So I need another procedure to shave the bone down this will be Dec 1 hopefully I can move on! But I went out later with my daughter that night to do some things the day I had them all pulled ! You will be fine ! Good Luck !
Thank-you for your story. Upper extractions and immediate full upper in 48 hours. Picked up my “new teeth” today to take with me to the oral surgeon. They look nice, although the teeth seem small. We shall see once they are in. Not looking forward to the adjustment to my new teeth; however, your story has given me hope that all will be fine with time.
You’re welcome, Tracy. Good luck with your new teeth!
Yes, all WILL be fine. 🙂
Eventually. 😉
Lorraine, Thanks so much for your positive postings and encouragement. I am terrified on a few levels. First I am on state medical and they will only pay for one set of dentures, therefore I have been advised not to get immediate temporary ones but to wait till my mouth heals for the permanent ones & I read that that could be up to 12 weeks!!!! With NO teeth at all . I would not even want to leave my house .Also I am afraid that the teeth will be incorrect for my small mouth : like the teeth themselves being too large or just not appropriate for my face. I am not afraid of the surgery, I am afraid that the dentures will be wrong for me and I will not adjust to them. BTW I am a woman 65 yrs old and need to get this done soon. How do the makers of the dentures know what is right for me. Also it is diifficult taking xrays because I gag easily. Any anwers would surely help. Thanks again Vickie
I would stick to the advice of your dentist, Vickie. Don’t worry about things that have not even happened yet! I’m sure you’ll be fine with even one set of dentures. My mom wears only the top ones, and she eats just fine.
I know a guy who has no teeth and no dentures, too. He can eat pork chops, and pretty much any other foods (but not raw carrots).
Good luck. You’ll be fine. You’ll adjust to your dentures. We all do!
Hi Tracy I have had my upper denture for like 15 years I love it and a partial on bottom I always took care my teeth but it runs in family my mother had dentures at 18! My last seven teeth on bottom is full fillings partial making them crooked! So every time I go dentist one or the other needs filling or replaced filling! I have state back up medical as I work while disabled so they are paying for new dentures and getting bottoms pulled Sept 16 I will not get temp as my insurance will not pay for that! My friend just today told me how people going see I have no lower teeth it will be about three months no lower teeth he did say I have good bone structure! Question is will I look funny? Will my chin sink in? Now I am worried cause her comment! Thanks Cheryl
You will be fine. My mom does not wear her lower dentures, and she does not look funny.
Thank you as I work with the public myself afraid to open my mouth I am taking three days off! You made my day! Thanks Again Tracy
You’re welcome!
Hey Vickie I’m 23 and got most of my teeth removed back in June and I have state medical insurance and I won’t start my denture process until October you will be fine people really don’t notice that I don’t have teeth and I still eat a whole lot of foods
Kim….Thanks for understanding my message…Wow 4 months without any teeth ! For me it’s not so much about being able to eat it is more of an appearance thing. I only hope my gums heal quicker than 4 months..I admire you for your courage and confidence.. I have very little of both at the moment,,,But I am hoping I will see this through soon and bravely. Thanks again so much for the encouragement
I had alll my teeth pulled on monday. In so much pain, cannot eat anything, help, is so much pain normal? I have tried to eat, everything comes back up. I feel like a rugby player with gums on both sides. How long before it feels better. It feels like i will never eat again!
Joan, what you are going through is TOTALLY normal. I was in pain for about two weeks. Bad pain!
I think I lost about 20 pounds during that time, too. Eating hurt so much!
But… you WILL get better. You will heal each day!
My suggestion is to take multi-vitamins until you can eat normally again.
In the meantime, eat soft foods like scrambled eggs and tuna sandwiches dunked in soup. These are high in protein and will help you heal faster.
Eat anything soft, so you don’t have to chew!
I hope this helps.
Let me know, please, if it does.
Good luck, too!
I had all 28 of my teeth pulled two weeks ago and got an immediate set of dentures. The first 5 days were the toughest of my entire life. I had never been so low in all my life. Part of it is because I had to undergo the surgical extraction of 28 teeth with only local anesthetic. I could not afford general anesthesia or sedation. My new teeth are pretty however they don’t fit well as I’m still very swollen. I’m optimistic about this though and can’t wait to be fully healed! For anyone new to dentures and post multiple extractions I highly recommend the Boost nutritional drinks. They have tons of protein in them as well as loads of vitamins and minerals to keep you nourished on your liquid diet! Oh and I am 35. I was worried about dentures so young but ultimately I had no choice. My self confidence can only improve from here!
Joan……..I am having all mine pulled next week……I am a 68 year old lady in panic mode…Can you give me any hope of a future? I feel like my life is gonna be over……….Thanks
You’ll be FINE. It’s not the end of the world. It’s just teeth. And you’ll feel so much better once you heal!
Hi your answers have been very helpful. I have an extremely loose tooth which I know has to be removed. I have had gum disease for many years and had expensive treatment, but the abscesses just keep coming back. I have had two back teeth removed thus far, but to be honest I’m fed up with sore gums, stinky breath and crowded teeth that the floss gets stuck in-between the teeth. My question to you is, I am thinking of getting all my teeth removed and getting dentures, if so can I get a temporary plate straight after extractions? as I definitely don’t want to be walking around without teeth! I could possibly just have my four front bottom teeth removed and four top and get partial dentures? what would you think is the more cost effective in the end?
Tracey, I would see what your dentist recommends for you. It all depends on the health of your other teeth. Some people only need partials. Some need a full extraction and so therefore need full dentures.
My personal opinion is to speak to a professional who can assess your situation.
Good luck!
I also wear dentures: in 2014 I had 16 teeth left. I went to a denture clinic. I was told that my teeth were too strong. so I got a pair of pliers and a steak knife. I started to work on my teeth. at last one of my lower front teeth cracked. I went to the clinic and she pulled that tooth. she said if there was anything else. I said that I wanted full dentures. she wrote the order and sent me to their oral surgeon. he said that he would do the extractions. 1/16/15 she did the impressions. on 1/21/ 15 I picked up my dentures, on 1/23/15 I went to the oral surgeon and he pulled the rest of my teeth and put my dentures in. a year later I got my permanent dentures. I took desperate steps to reach my goal, but it was worth it. it was the best thing I did for myself. roger Woonsocket, rhode island usa
it will be 5 years in january that i got my dentures. it has been a wonderful experience. not having to worry about what to eat. i had partials and was told i could not add any more teeth to them. if anyone is thinking about getting dentures, do not hesitate, it will be the best choice you will make.
Thanks for sharing your experience, Roger! I am very happy with my dentures, too!
I just happened upon this. Lorriane’s story could be mine, but I got full upper dentures and a lower partial when I was 17 and I just turned 60. I love my dentures. I have perfect, straight, white teeth with NO pain. I do not need to use any short of “glue” to hold them either.. I actually went on a search for dentures since for the first time in 33 years I am getting new dentures because my old ones simply wore out…meaning the tooth surfaces are basically gone. I must admit I am having a adjustment period with these new ones that I never had with before. Maybe it is age. I think attitude has alot to do with adjustment to dentures esp if you didn’t want them. I did. I see, Lorriane you said you have had 4 upper dentures. Did they feel different to you when you got them? was there a adjustment?
Each set felt weird when I first got them. I adjusted to them quickly, though! Plus, the dentist had to make a few physical adjustments for me each week until they became comfortable. Now they just feel like my real teeth!
Thank you for sharing your story. I came across it as I’m searching for a dentist due to a tooth ache tonight. I absolutely HATE the IDEA of going to the dentist. I am scared to death of the cost. I hate the smell and sounds. I hate the pain and healing time that follows a dentist appointment as much as I hate the procedures themselves, but at least some dentists give you laughing gas DURING the procedures. And I have extreme, unrealistic anxiety about being judged for my far from perfect oral health habits and for letting my problems go for so long.
Some of my earliest memories of the dentist include a very rude dentist that made me feel like I was “naughty” for gagging during a dental exam. I hated getting “judged” during an exam and having it declared that I did or did not have a cavity and feeling compared to my siblings who were also getting checkups. Then, around the age of 10, I had trauma to my 2 front, top teeth that caused me to loose the bone that holds your teeth in place. I had several surgeries to do bone grafts which helped but I had unstable front teeth which also had gotten longer than normal in the process and I had terrible “buck teeth” for several years. I had 2 sets of braces, several appliances to correct my bite and widen my jaw, and a gum graft on my lower gums. By the time I finished high school, I had a very nice smile, which I still hid from everyone out of habit from being extremely self conscious. After several years out of braces, I ended up with one crooked tooth on the bottom and a small space on top, but they weren’t too bad. Then, when my second child was small, he was having a fit one night from being overly tired and away from home, and he threw his head back and hit me straight in the mouth! those front teeth were knocked loose! I pushed them back in place and avoided eating much for a few days and they firmed up but within a couple years I bit into a sandwich and a front tooth snapped and I was sure it was going to fall right out of my mouth. I was 25. I found a dentist and talked about all my options. Both front teeth were broken up inside my gums, and had been for a while. (toddler temper tantrum I’m sure) Implants weren’t an option because I did not have the bone to support it. Bridges damage surrounding teeth and have to be replaced every 10 years or so and are expensive. Every option was expensive, temporary and would end up looking unnatural. We opted to go with a full set of upper dentures, and the day after I turned 26, I had all my upper teeth pulled and got the fixture. EVERYTHING I hated about my teeth, color, size, shape etc, I was able to fix. I basically told the dentist exactly what I wanted and got it. Actually, the first set that was made, before any teeth were pulled, were longer looking than I wanted and I told them to re do them-and they did! That’s been 12 years. It was a difficult adjustment. I remember crying because I couldn’t eat an M&M several weeks after getting dentures. I thought it would never feel “normal.” But, after several adjustments to make sure they didn’t rub wrong, and one full realignment, I feel pretty great about them. I LOVE my smile so much more than I ever did growing up. Sometimes I get angry that I went through so much as a child to save those teeth just to get them pulled later, but I wouldn’t change that decision.
BUT, all the extreme drama with the dentist has left me with extreme fears and anxieties. I’m sure I could use a readjustment or even new uppers. And I KNOW I have multiple cavities and problems with my bottom teeth and I am so scared to even go to the dentist. I went once in the 12 years since I got dentures and the tooth they fixed just kept hurting after and felt like they hadn’t done a thing. I don’t live in the same state as I did when I got the dentures in the first place and I am fearful that when I find a dentist, the amount of work I need done will never be affordable and either they’ll tell me I’m ridiculous for considering dentures or they’ll give me bottom dentures and then I’ll end up looking like one of those horror stories you hear about when someone looses all their bone structure in their face because of getting dentures young.
I am in pain and am pretty sure I have an exposed nerve. My husband says “just go.” My head says “just go” but my fear says “you’ll waste money and regret it,” and “it won’t do any good.” I am also fearful of picking the “wrong” dentist.
Of course, there’s many horror stories about dentures online. Thanks for posting a positive one.
And thanks for letting me tell my story. Very few people get to hear it!
Shelly, “JUST GO.”
You will NOT regret it!
Hi, I am 44. Just got full top denture in March. I HATE it. H.a.t.e. it. The denture is beautiful, but I hate it in my mouth. The dentist fired me. Because I kePT going back, because it was too big, I could not talk or eat, they flop around. Now there is spit and sit bubbles up there , it is on my nerves so bad. I go to new dentist Monday morning. I hope he can help me. I have tried ever type of adhesive there is. I feel like I have a mouth full of poo! My nerves are so bad from this, I chew constantly.
I feel like the roof of my mouth has been chopped up in a meat grinder.
Please help me, give me some advice. I search day and night for advice.
The old dentist told me he would throw these away if the didn’t fit. He didn’t keep his word, he done 4 realigns. Still not good.
Please help
Thanks so much
Sue the dentist. He did not keep his word.
I have no advice for you, other than that. Sorry!
Good luck with your new dentist.
Hi, I can’t tell you how much better I feel after reading all these comments and how positive you are. I am about to have some teeth pulled and will require partials top and bottom on the right of my jaw, thanks to a massive jawbone infection that needs to be scraped out on Tuesday. I won’t get dentures for a while as this has to heal. I am just wondering if you can keep them in at night, rather than plopping them into a glass of water at the side of the bed. A bit of a passion killer :/ You may have posted about this so apologies if I’ve missed it. Thanks so much for all your work and help on one of those ‘touchy’ subjects that are difficult for everyone. It really helps : )
Liz, I never take my teeth out. Not even at night. I just brush them when they’re dirty, and rinse my mouth with mouthwash once a day.
Good luck with your procedure!
I’m glad you feel better. 🙂
Well I got my new teeth today and I love them but it’s been a long wait 3 months.
I have a question for you what is the best thing to use to hold my new teeth in place
Stephen, good for you!
I’m not sure… I don’t use any type of glue or anything in my mouth for my teeth. The uppers are suctioned in and the lowers just kind of sit there. I’ve learned to control their place in my mouth. You will, too, I think, in time.
I’m 27 years old and I went to the dentist yesterday and they told me the most affordable way to fix my teeth are to extract all my teeth on the top and put 4 implants in and use dentures that way.. but first I have to use the removable ones until my gums heal and heal around the implant post… I’m extremely scared and nervous.. I already did the impressions yesterday and I am going to do the procedure on Wednesday 6/15 I’m extremely scared, embarrassed, nervous… Cuz I’m only 27 amd have to get dentures.. and on top of it all I’m having to stay awake for the whole procedure!!! I’m need some positive/comforting affirmations and advice…
Stephanie, I was 22 when I had my teeth removed. Do not worry! You’ll be fine!
I’m getting my teeth pulled and immediate denture in 2weeks. I only have 3 days off, is that enough for the swelling to go down? Will I be able to talk normally? I work in retail so I’m really worried. Do you use denture paste? What kind is best? Can you tell that I’m very nervous!! Please reply!
Amy, be glad you have those three days off! You will need them! I don’t know if this enough time, to tell you the truth, but you will be okay. You will have to get used to your new teeth and talking may be a challenge for the first little while. But you will adjust.
No, you don’t need paste.
You’ll live.
I did. So have millions of others!
I just had all my top teeth pulled on Monday. I was awake for the whole procedure . They gave me to different pain meds I feel a little bit of pain in the front of my mouth. Idk if it’s my gums trying to heal or what. I go back to work tomorrow I can’t wait until my gums heal so I can start the process to get my dentures.
Kimberly, I cannot believe you were awake for the whole procedure! Wow! That’s amazing!
It’s going to take time for your mouth to heal. Yes, you’re going to be in pain for a bit… like a week or two (or maybe three).
You’re going to love it when you get your new teeth, trust me. Your confidence will soar! You’ll look great, too, with your new smile. 🙂
Good luck!
I have this hard bump on my gums in the front where my front teeth were and it really hurts the only part of my mouth that hurts is the front
You might have an abscess. Get it looked at!
I went in the dentist said it was from when I was sleeping my bottom teeth did that to my gums I just hope this bump goes away soon
Oh, okay.
I hope so, too!
Good luck!
I am so happy to have found your page! Your encouraging words and positive outlook are so helpful to me. I had my teeth removed and dentures put in two weeks ago. While I am happy to have straight, white teeth for the first time in my life, I found myself getting a little depressed about not being able to chew anything. I realize that these things take time, but it does feel like I may never eat normally again. What I wouldn’t give for a grilled hamburger!! I guess that will come sometime in the future. The positives so far, being able to swish icy water around in my mouth and have no pain, the bad taste I always had is gone, knowing I will never have another toothache. So as I continue on in this journey, I want to thank you for putting yourself out there to help all of us going through this. 🙂
It’s wonderful to hear that you love your new look! I am sure you will have much more confidence now!
As for eating? Give it time. You’re only two weeks in. Your mouth needs to heal!
Try eating small bites and really focus on tasting and savoring your food. Remember that your pain is TEMPORARY. I can eat raw carrots now. I sure couldn’t at first! 😉
Hi PA I also had all (13 remaining) teeth removed on Friday May 20th and so it has been 10 days and like you I wonder if I will ever feel normal again. The pain is mostly gone thanks to the Hydrogen peroxide mouth baths I have been giving myself but a very annoying problem has developed. The tongue seems to be riding over the teeth on the left side of my mouth and is irritating the bottom of my tongue. I revisited the denturist today and mentioned this and he got out his tiny electric sander and sanded it a bit but it is still driving me crazy, Apparently my next appointment is June 9th when I get apparently a liner that will solidify the fit in my mouth. I had been without teeth where it is irritating me and I keep telling myself that is the problem but I am not sure. Sure would like to go back about 60 years and this time I would definitely remember to brush after every meal 🙁
Don, we cannot go back in time, even though we sometimes wish we could! I’m sorry to hear you’re having so many problems. Things will get better. Hang in there!
Thanks, too, for replying to PAgyrl. 🙂
I broke a toothpick off in between 2 and 3 on my right upper jaw. I then lost 1 2 3 and 4 and my canine has had a mass of junk above it in my. I went to the dentist and she ground down all my teeth and capped them and gave me a plastic partial. I’ve been nothing but sick this entire time and never stopped complaining about it. When I was at the dentist after she had done all the work and took all my money she sent me away. The nurse while I was in the chair told me all my teeth are loose. The dentist told me it’s not my teeth it is my sinus. So I went to EMT he refused to see me. I’ve gone to every specialist and they want lots if money and I believe that they will keep taking my money and I will still lose my teeth anyway. thus has been prolonged for too long and I want to get on with my life. They won’t pull them and they want money and I gave it all to that dentist who has ignored my pleas.
Keri, go see a different dentist! You can even check out your local college or university and seek advice from the professor teaching the dental program.
Good luck!
Lorraine,I am having all pulled and dentures,yes I am very nervous. The worst part for me will be going back to work,I was only allowed to take off 12 days,so hoping I look somewhat normal by then. How long were you off work? I work in a hospital and I deal with ALOT of people,I am very worried about slipping dentures,lisping and looking weird. Any advice? Thanks.
Pat, you will be okay. And you will love your new look, too!
Advice? When your mouth heals, and you start to feel pain, go to your dentist right away. They will make adjustments to your dentures and alleviate you of the sores forming in your mouth. Expect to do this each week. Sorry to say, but that is how it will be for the first little bit. But once all is said and done, you will totally be able to eat anything you want, and they won’t fall out, either. 🙂
Hello, I don’t know if you can answer these questions for me. I wore braces as an adult, which caused an excessive open bite / overbite… I can’t chew, only a few teeth touch. It’s getting worse and worse by the day; and I look terrible. My jaw has moved so much. I lost bone, facial structure, everything. I would have never gotten braces if I knew this was going to happen. The orthodontist just keeps saying to go have jaw surgery and blows me off. Even if I had jaw surgery, which I cannot afford, I am going to lose my teeth anyway because of the damage. If I get all my teeth pulled and dentures, will they be able to place them so I can bite and not have this crazy look anymore? I just want my teeth to meet and be able to smile again. I’m used to not eating foods I enjoy anymore. That’s not even an issue at this point. I just want to function, have my face look normal again and smile. Will I look the same, just with dentures, or will they be able to place the dentures in a different position. I hope this makes sense and you can answer or assist in any way.
I don’t know what to tell you except see another dentist. Get another opinion!
I have to get all my top teeth pulled in 2 in a half months. They are refusing to give me dentures same day as surgery, they say i have to wait 6 to 8 weeks. I have exstremely low self esteem and i have no self confidence. Im afraid of what this is going to do to me mentally and emotionally. Because the dentist says i can go back to work 3 days after surgery. I have a feeling i will lose my job cause i will refuse to return til i have teeth. I am also exstremely afraid of the pain because i have a very low tolerance to pain. Its BS that they only give tylenol 3 for the pain when tylenol 3 wont even get rid of a headache for me. I know it will be worth it in the end because toothaches suck,i practically live off oragel. But im so afraid,part of me dosen’t want to go through with it. If i lose my job im screwed. Im also worried about eating, others i know who have dentures told me i will lose tons of weight til i get used to dentures because i will be starving my body only eating jello and other soft foods. Yeah it will be nice to lose a few pouds but if i lose to much i will look like a walking skeleton. Idk just scared,dont know what to do, im not mentally prepared for this ?
Sarah, I would suggest talking to a different dentist and relaying your fears to him. See if they can find a solution for you. Tell them that I had my dentures fitted in my mouth the same day as I had all of my teeth extracted.
I’m sure that if you ask around, someone else will help you!
As for the pain? Yes, it’s going to hurt for about 2 weeks. There is no getting around that. But it’s temporary! And you will LOVE the way your mouth feels afterwards! No more pain in your jaw, no more pain in your mouth, no more pain PERIOD. It’s great!
Your eating habits will change over time, as you heal. You will eventually get to the point where you can eat anything. However, for the first 2 weeks or so, you should plan on having soft foods. Stews, soups, pasta, steamed veggies, mushy cereal, bananas, etc.
Just remember, you are going to look great and feel great when all is said and done. I promise!
Well, here goes. I am a 41 year old man and I’ve had truly terrible teeth since I was about 10. When I was a kid, many of my teeth came in funny (grew over each other, crooked, etc). We were on public assistance at the time and my Mom couldn’t afford to have anything really done for me. I also had a really bad experience with a dentist when I was around 12 ( I’m pretty sure he was related to dr. Mengele). I’ve had most of my rear teeth on the bottom/top removed, I have more cavities and chipped teeth than I can count, and I’ve also been wearing a “flipper” top front tooth since I was 21. I have so very many problems with my teeth that I just don’t know what to do. I would love to be able to truly smile (something I haven’t done since I was in my early teens) and not be in pain. I have a hole between 2 of my top teeth such that, after I’m done eating, I have to stick a toothpick up there to clean out the hole. Not what I pictured myself doing at 41.
I have 2 main concerns regarding getting my teeth removed. First, the cost. I’ve read about implants, partial implants, and dentures. Other than just regular dentures, I honestly don’t know how people afford these procedures. They seem prohibitively expensive considering that many insurance companies don’t cover them. Secondly, I’m concerned about getting my teeth pulled and bacteria being released into my system. I’ve heard that this can happen when rotten (god I hate that word) teeth are removed. Maybe I’m just being paranoid. Anyway, sorry for such a long post and thanks for your original blog piece. It’s good to know I’m not the only one going through this.
Jack, you don’t need to worry about bacteria being released into your system when your teeth are removed… you need to worry about it NOW!!!
Bacteria fester in your mouth. They travel everywhere! You ingest them each time you swallow.
You should find a way to get your teeth fixed sooner than later.
To help with the cost, contact your local dentists and ask them if they know of anyone who would help you pay for dentures. Also contact your local community colleges and universities, as the students in the dental program often do pro bono work under the instruction of a certified dentist.
Good luck!
How long does it take to get used of having dentures in your mouth?
Not that long, Ruth. About 2 to 3 weeks.
Thank you
You’re welcome.
Omg I’m so glad I found this. I went to the dentist yesterday he told me he needs to pull out all my top teeth. He said I will have same as u temp set so I leave with teeth the day of surgery lol …. I got out called my husband and cried my eyes out 🙁 …. truth is I’ve hated my smile my whole life I got a huge gap in front. Dentist said he can fix it with denture.. I’m truly gutted and sad and scared … just don’t want to end up looking like a horse with giant teeth …. thanks everyone I appreciated reading ur comments x wish Me luck x.
Roo, you’re going to be so happy with your smile when all is said and done!!!
I’m glad this post helped you, too. 🙂
Move forward with hope!
Hi, My husband is having two root tips removed on Monday,he does not like to go to the dentist or oral surgery.He has dentures but they do not fit right,what will help him deal with this
Hmm. I am not sure, Ruth. Maybe he should take a couple of painkillers a few hours before he goes. That will cut down his pain and his anxiety levels, too.
Meditation might also work!
I just got all my teeth pulled and the denture they put in immediately looks very big.Even the teeth my real teeth were never this big
You will get used to them! I thought mine were big, too, but there weren’t.
I’m 23 years old and getting all my top teeth pulled out soon I’m a little nervous about all the pain I’ll be in and having to go around with no top teeth until I get my dentures.
Kimberly, you will be fine!!! A little pain is a small price to pay for the end result!
How long does it hurt for?
A couple of weeks.
The pain that you have after u have them taken out is nothing compared to a bad tooth ache from a rotten tooth… im in the process of getting all my teeth pulled one side at a time. .. after I had my fourth son at 28… teeth just started breaking and decaying from the inside out. ..I still don’t know why. ..I guess maybe from lack of some vitamins or because of gum disease… it sucks but I’ll deal with a little pain from the healing over a bad tooth ache any day. Good luck… just make sure you get what they call dry socket.. thats the only time you would get severe pain.
My top teeth are really bad I only have my son after I had him a lot of my teeth started falling out and decaying I know how those bad tooth aches feels and I did not like them I just want to be able to smile and feel better about myself I hate how I look right now with my bad teeth good luck melissa and thank you
Lorai new I am so glad I came across your article! I am a 33 y/o female and have had my remaining 28 teeth pulled between the middle of December 2015 and finally the last 2 on April 15 2016. Although I am thankful that I no longer have painful cavities or broken teeth I am not going to pretend that being a woman without any teeth is not hard emotionally or taken its toll on my self esteem. My dentures will be completed on April 29th and I’m telling you that day can’t come fast enough! I have been a bit nervous since I went in and had my first bite test done on Friday. The wax molds were huge and made my bottom lip stick out in addition I could not close my mouth all the way and I have developed a few bumps below the extraction sites of my lower gums which really hurt when placing the wax molds. I’m really nervous that I’m going to end up with these huge teeth that cause my mouth to look full and ridiculous. I go back to the dentist this coming Friday to try on my dentures via the teeth being placed in a temporary wax mold that fits my mouth and I’m excited and scared too. God I hope they get my bite right and I don’t end up looking like a barracuda! It’s so embarrassing talking with this lisp and I look really different without teeth when I do speak. Thank you for being a shining light on this topic. I have only heard negative feedback about being too young, ect from dentists since my real journey began in December.
Things will improve with time! Good luck!
I’m actually 21 and have a disease in the bone of the roof of my mouth. Sadly, all the teeth must be removed from the top and I’m getting dentures pretty soon. I’m pretty terrified, though. Any advice to deal with the emotional part of it all?
Casey, yes. Think about how happy you will be. Think about how happy I am with MY teeth!
You have nothing to fear, really. My dad had all his teeth out at age 16 when he was hit in the mouth with a hockey puck. And he is now 74.
You can live a good life with false teeth, you know. Just like people who wear glasses can get contacts. No big deal.
Brave lady 🙂 I’m having dentures this month and I just turned 40. I am terrified ?
Don’t be, Lin. You’re gonna love them!
Hey, Lorraine! I’m really encouraged by reading your story. I’m 25 years old and am about to have the rest of my (rotten) teeth extracted. I’m so ready to be able to smile again and not wake up every day or night in pain! My dad had to have dentures at a young age as well. Is there anything you can’t eat?
Brandi, I can eat anything now. But tough things to eat include nuts, chips, raw carrots, and anything that can get under the plates. Ouch! Eating such things in private is a good idea, because you can then take your teeth out and remove the painful pieces! LOL
So watch what you eat in public!
You’ll be fine. It will take adjusting, but no foods are off limits, really.
Good luck!
I’m 43 and have just been told all my teeth need to come out as have gum disease and broken decayed teeth and I’m terrified also as don’t know how long it will take and am also terrified my dentures might fall out
Michelle, I’m sorry to hear about your teeth. But getting dentures will solve your problems, and they won’t fall out! They will take some getting used to, though.
Good luck!
Hi Lorraine and thank you for been so brave to share your story.I am 54 and always had a mega phobia with dentist.Got a top partial and appointment for hospital end of this month hopefully they will agree to take them all out! I have zero confidence cannot eat very well and always in pain.I know everybody is different but how long before you get use to the bottom set? Will my dentist make denture or hospital?I am so scared at the moment but in pain look really gaunt and fed up that i cannot enjoy food at the moment.Any advice would be truely appreciated.Thank you Jules x
Julie, it takes a while to adapt. Read through the other comments here… there is a ton of info in them.
Good luck!
Thanks to everyone for sharing their stories, it’s what brought me to the conclusion that I must have this done!
I am now 2-weeks post-op, had 22 teeth removed, and my immediate denture placed. I know that I’m a pretty impatient person, but want to know if what I’m going through is considered ‘normal’.
I love my dentist, he’s doing a great job of taking care of me. I do ask him questions, but want to hear from others.
He has me coming in every few days, to make adjustments, check healing progress, etc. My lower gums are healing very fast, the top is good, as he says.
He doesn’t want to do a soft reline yet, until the gums are more healed, so he did give me some Sea-Bonds, and they work ok for a few hours, but get loose again. Is this normal?
I still can’t chew, I have no confidence. I realize I’m still adjusting, and my mouth is changing, but frankly, I’m kinda starving, and have been losing a pound a day since I had this done. Is this normal? I expect that there will be foods that will be tough, probably forever, but seriously, I need to be able to eat food, that I can actually chew, rather than just swallow. How long until you were able to actually chew your foods? Will I ever feel confident that my teeth aren’t so loose that they’re falling out, while I’m trying to practice chewing? What are good foods to practice on? Any tips would be greatly appreciated!
I absolutely LOVE that I’ve done this for myself, my self-confidence is coming back, and I LOVE my smile now!
Jennifer, I lost about 20 pounds while I was healing, too. So, yes, this is NORMAL!
It’s going to take a while for you to adjust. But you will. Trust me!
I had to learn how to speak and how to laugh without my teeth falling out when I first got them, too. This is also very normal! And yes, a bit embarrassing, but you will adjust. Just practice talking when you are alone. That way, if they do fall out, no one will see. And practicing these things will make you adapt faster.
I wish I had someone to tell me these things when I had all of MY teeth out!
Luckily, you have me. 😉
I am sure your smile looks great, too. Mine sure does! 🙂
And I’m no longer shy or insecure about my looks.
Oh, btw, I am on my third set of lowers and fourth set of uppers. I’ve had my teeth for about 22.5 years now. They don’t last forever, you know. And with each new set, I had to go to the dentist/denturist every week for an adjustment. Sometimes twice a week. But eventually, the visits will dwindle, and you’ll go every two weeks, then every three, then once a month, then once every two months, etc. You will know when you need an adjustment, too, as your mouth will start to become sore, and will get worse if you DON’T go get your teeth adjusted or shaved down. The tiniest little speck on your dentures will need to be shaved off, but the pain will go away once this is done.
Been there, done that, many times. Yep, it’s a pain in the butt, but it has to be done.
Good luck, and if you have any other questions, just ask!
As for eating? Eat whatever you can comfortably chew. Stews are good to eat. Any soft foods, too. Stay away from raw carrots until you are healed, though! Unless you are a sucker for punishment. 😉
Try foods like pastas, tuna sandwiches, cooked veggies, etc. Soft foods with substance are best to avoid losing weight. Unless you can stand to lose a few! LOL Like me. 😉
Anything else, let me know. OK?
Hi Lorrain,
I just wanted to say thank you. I am going in to get the rest of my upper teeth (I have already had all of my back teeth removed) removed a week from today, and will have the remaining lower teeth removed next year (insurance reasons, or I’d do it all at once). Researching this has left me a little nervous. All I seem to come across is people saying that they wish they has never done it, and all the complications that come with dentures. I have had issues with my teeth, it seems like forever, and I am in constant pain from them. It’s gotten to the point that I’m actually kind of used to it, and don’t remember ever NOT being in pain of one sort or another. I just can’t imagine that I will regret this discussion, but then, I don’t have the experience so I was starting to get a bit anxious about this. Although I have never once regretted having my back teeth removed, so I think I just need to quit researching and go back to being excited to have this done! Hahaha!
Tracy, yes, be excited! Look at it as having a brand-new “you”!
Once you are healed, you’ll be soooo happy you made the decision to get dentures. I know I am!!!
Dear Lorrain:
I have had some sort of upper partial since I was 18, alas it keeps getting bigger as I lose more teeth and now worry about losting my bottoms. too. I get extremely anxious that I might have even more bone loss than I have had already. I hope this has not happened to you. Your smile looks great! Do you know of any books that provide some inspiration on such matters? Thanks so much for your help! CP
I had all of my teeth removed the same day, so I cannot relate to your situation.
Perhaps you should ask your dentist, as they will have access to the types of books (or other resources) you are seeking.
Good luck!
I was searching about dentures and if it hurts getting them I have horrible teeth I have a huge fear of the dentist that keeps me from going I have panic attacks even thinking about going. Your story brought tears to my eyes because I have dreamed for years to be able to smile I now have a abscess and my face is swollen I have always just dealt with the pain and its sever pain as I’m sure you know I would love to be able to eat anything and talk to people Im a stay at home mom thank god because I’m to embarrassed to work with people I just found out my insurance covers dentures now and I pray I can get the courage up to go to a dentist alot of it is because I’m embarrassed of how my teeth look and that I will be judged this is something I have been dealing with for years I just wish I had the courage that you did I am also afraid of the pain I know that sounds silly because I’m sure the pain I feel now daily is alot worse than if I got my teeth fixed having the problems I have has effected every aspect of my self esteem who I am my life and my children’s life I have phone conference instead of going into school I haven’t kissed my husband in years and the list just goes on and on I’m scared to death I can’t even begin to tell you the fear I have ivthink I was 12 the last time I went to a dentist now I’m in my mid 30s your story has given me hope and I thank you for posting it I hope one day sooner then later I can be saying the same thi ng as you
Perhaps you should speak to a hypnotist or a psychiatrist so you can get over your fear!!!
Best of luck to you, Paula!
Paula, I don’t usually respond to comments but I really felt a connection reading your post and thought telling you how I was able to overcome some of my own fears might help you.
First: finding the right dentist. There are dentist that understand the fear is real and will help make a plan that is best for you. And it’s very important to know when you make an appointment with a dentist it doesn’t mean you’ve signed a contract for life. If your “gut” tells you (not your fear) not to trust this person then don’t, just say “Sorry I need to leave” I unfortunately didn’t trust my instinct once and it was a nightmare. But don’t give up you’ll find the right dentist.
Second: getting in the right frame of mind to see it through from start to finish. Your a mother, use that to your advantage. Mothers can see and do things that she is unable to do for herself when she knows it’s what’s best for her children. If one of your children was living with the pain and embarrassment you are right now, I have no doubt you’d do everything you could to help them find they’re way back. I’m sure your husband and children feel the intense sadness you carry and see the pain your in, its got to weigh heavy on their hearts. What an awesome opportunity for you to show your children being afraid is not a bad thing but pushing through the fear and conquering it is always the best policy, they will have a front seat to watching your courage and strength turn into self esteem and confidence. It’ll be life changing for all of you. By taking care of yourself will teach them to take care of themselves. Show them no matter how dim their Star might get, some hard work dusting it off always brings the sparkle back. Looking at it that way hopefully helps you overcome your fear.
Good luck!! Ella
Hi Lorraine
I am thinking about getting both upper and lower but haven’t decided yet. I had 4 teeth extracted a year ago and still have 8 (could be 9) more to go. I really don’t like the partial with the wire going across my remaining teeth (which still have to be redone due to cavities). I would need a partial for all the molars that are/will be missing top and bottom and right and left side. I am a little worried about the bone loss and sunken look. I am not worried about age I have an 18 old with healthy teeth which makes me super happy.
I do enjoy reading everyone’s post, its good to get as much as info as I can so I can make the right decision for me.
Janey, I wish you the best!
My dad has some pretty bad teeth, and he wants to fix his smile as much as he can. He heard that he could consider getting dentures, but he wasn’t sure if that was going to be a good idea or not. That being said, I really appreciate you sharing your awesome experience with dentures and how you like them so much. I’ll make sure I show this to my dad right away so he can feel more comfortable with getting some. Thanks a ton for the help.
You’re welcome, Brandon. I wish your father the best!
Wow, this is such an awesome story! It must have taken some courage to tell it. I am so glad that false teeth were able to help you smile confidently again. There is no shame in that. Thank you for sharing!
Thanks… and you’re welcome!
Lorraine I can’t thank you enough for your posts! Long story short I always tried to take care of my teeth! As a teen I needed braces and the dentist my parents took me tt never said one thing!!! I found out years later. I have a very pronounced overbite and I am a grinder and I have TMJ? after battling for years with bad teeth and costly root canals that I ended up losing I had no other choice except dentures. My parents both were in dentures in their 40’s! I am 51.I’m in the process of extractions. I had several pulled 2 weeks ago and today some more! On the 9th I have 7 scheduled and then a week later my final 3! I love my dentist yet he doesn’t do the immediate dentures! I have to wait 10-12 weeks! I have cried and done everything right to try and save my teeth. He wants them to heal before fitting my dentures! Will my boyfriend know it when we kids! I want to be like you and keep mine in! Will they fix !y bite or will I grind them? I have been really sad about having to give up my teeth…yet excited to smile again. You are such a inspiration!
Thanks, Tammy!
My best advice? Listen to your dentist. He knows your mouth better than I.
Good luck!!!
Is it possible to use a temp denture right after having your teeth removed? Wouldn’t the gums need to heal first before using a denture.
I had my dentures inserted immediately after all of my teeth were extracted.
I healed WITH my dentures in my mouth.
Sure, I was in pain for a while, but I managed.
Now, I’m super-happy I had all of my teeth removed!
I’ve been told they don’t have your dentures ready when they pull your teeth. You have to wait weeks up to a couple months to get them. If I could leave with dentures at the time my teeth were pulled, I’d do it.
They had mine all ready for me! They put them in right after they extracted my teeth, too!
So, don’t believe everything you hear. You are being misinformed, Kathy.
Any thoughts on implants?
I have no experience with implants. Sorry!
Hello Lorraine, I hope you reply back to this comment because it would mean so much to me. I have to get dentures at only 22 years old. I have had a tough life of abuse and depression, this being what takes the cake as the hardest challenge yet.
I am frightened about getting dentures because I am afraid of how it will change my life. I do not want my face to deform or my face to reabsorb so much that dentures won’t fit… but I am convinced these are horror stories that happen very rarely or not at all.
I am going to college and taking this step to better my life, but it isn’t easy. I found a job and worked there for five years, so have been taking great responsibility in my life since all the depression in my life started. I always wonder what could of been if I could have good natural teeth. I am also slightly afraid of what potential girlfriends would think. It is hard to think of what to say if and when someone realizes I have dentures instead of real teeth because I am going to run a fundraiser (only way I will ever be able to afford this procedure.)
I was 22 when I got my dentures. Best decision I’ve ever made!
You’ll be fine!!!
I’m 29 and had my full extraction done yesterday. Although I’m swollen, still in some pain and working through the lisp, I’m happy. I was certainly scared going into it and figured I would be self conscious being under 30 with false teeth, but if it wasn’t for the swelling I’d be confident enough to go back to work tomorrow.
I wasn’t brought up with a good oral hygiene routine and ended up with the choice of a half dozen root canals, which my dentist said would only delay the inevitable, or to go for the full dentures and not be in constant pain anymore. My teeth were always too big for my mouth which left them over lapped and crooked. I can’t wait for the swelling to go down so I can take some pictures with my son and actually smile! His oral hygiene routine is strict and well monitored because I don’t want this for him. It was far too late for my natural teeth to become a nice smile but he will learn from my mistakes.
For the first time in my life I have a beautiful smile and that confidence over rides the fears I had going into this. Its only day 2 but I am so much happier and better off than I imagined I would be at this stage.
I went through a lot of message boards and videos while making this decision and I just wanted to share.
I’m so glad you decided to share! Thanks!
Good luck with your new teeth! Enjoy your new and improved smile, too!
Hi, I am 38 and about to get a full upper denture and a partial lower one. I have had trouble with my teeth since my early childhood with my two upper front teeth snapping in half when I was 17 and bit into a slice of pizza! I am so happy that I will be getting rid of my teeth at last and looking forward to my denture adventure! Thank you for sharing your story x
Vivien, I wish you the very best with your new teeth, and I’m glad my story/experience helped you in some small way!
So I’m 22 I am having bad tooth pain. Like its between the teeth. I feel like they are gonna be pulled. I’ve already had 3 pulled and gonna have another 2 pulled. But I also have 15 cavities. Should I just have them all pulled and get dentures? My mother and father, and grandmother all have dentures. I’m afraid to get them but I don’t wanna be in pain. My next appointment is coming up but I had to wait like 5 months to get this one appointment. I’d love to have my teeth but with how much pain I’m in its tempting to get dentures. They hurt so bad I put orajel on them but it wears off in 2 mins. Then I’m in pain again. I found using a baggie of ice with a towel around it helps the pain on one side but not the other. I’m just really worried! Help plz.
Dawna, I’d suggest talking to your dentist to see what he or she thinks, but it’s my opinion that dentures are the solution! Good luck! Let me know how things go!
Thanks for the post Lorraine and for sharing your experience! I am sure that it will help a lot of people! I wrote a little bit about what dentures here if you are interested:
Thanks for sharing, James!
That’s an incredible story, and I’m glad your dentures worked out so well for you! My dad’s teeth are in really bad shape, and the dentist has brought up the prospect of getting dentures a few times now, but I think he’s concerned that he won’t like them. I’ll definitely tell him your story and the confidence that your dentures give you, and maybe he can experience the same. Thanks for the great post!
You’re welcome, Kyle! I hope he finds the confidence he needs. Sometimes it just takes a little boost from someone who’s been there, like me.
Hi Lorraine!
Thank you for all your efforts to counter the propaganda about dentures. I think it is important that people should know that dentures can be an excellent alternative to natural teeth,
I always knew that it was only a matter of time before I would lose all my teeth. I never looked after them and did not want to. I wanted them out before they started being a painful problem. Fortunately I found dentist out of the country who was happy to pull all my teeth. That was five years ago when I was twenty-five. I have never regretted the decision,
The pros about dentures that dentists never tell you about:
Your teeth look great, You can have the teeth you always wanted. Mine are even and white. So dentures improve appearance and always will if you have periodic replacements or relines.
Getting dentures is the most cost effective dental treatment you will ever get. Yes there is the expense of the extractions and a temporary denture. After that the maintenance costs are much less. Just a periodic reline; I have had one. And a replecement after seven or more years; I am still on my first set of permanent dentures.
They are .easy to keep clean.
You feel much better and healthier once bad teeth and gums are eliminated.
There are no nasty dental appointments and no more pain from bad teeth.
A good set of dentures is comfortable to wear.
Now for the cons:
Your gums will shrink. Actuallythis is an advantage and makes possible dentures that are not bulky and ones that rest on well rounded firm gums. After the first six months to a year the shrinkage is imperceptible so dentures stay stable and secure for quite a long time before a reline is necessary.
Your eating will be compromised. Yes, you have to learn to eat with your new dentures and it takes time. And yes there are some foods that may be too hard or chewy to eat with dentures. I find I can eat most things and I have not found my enjoyment of food has been compromised.
Dentures are less stable that natural teeth. Of course, you can take them out whenever you want. You will learn to control your lower denture and overall your dentures should be stable. Certainly I have never found I needed an adhesive.
You will still have to visit a dentist. Yes, but not for any expensive or painful treatment.
Overall there is no doubt in my mind that for many people dentures would be a much better option that battling with bad teeth and gums. Certainly, I am very glad I made the transition to dentures and wish I had made them earlier.
Keep on with your good work!
Callum, well said!
Thanks, too, especially for sharing your experiences!
I am so glad I came across your story, Lorraine! And every single comment from everyone has been so very helpful. I’m 40, and I have had rotten teeth since I was a kid. Didn’t help matters that I had a dentist at the age of 6 that was a little too teeth-yanking happy and hated small kids. Hello dentist-phobia. Thanks to him, I ended up with double teeth in the back (I had a tooth right in the middle of the roof of my mouth) and a seriously wonky crooked canine tooth that makes me look like Snagglepuss. I have always hated my teeth to the point I never really smile, but smirk instead to cover the snaggletooth. By the age of 17 things got worse, as the snaggletooth caused a cyst in the roof of my mouth that went part way into my sinus passage. As well as rotting pretty much all the upper teeth behind it, and several teeth in the front. I haven’t eaten on both sides of my mouth. Ever. If it’s not one thing, it’s another. Every dentist I got the nerve to see (because I had prescription Ativan or Xanax that got me through it) usually played stupid upon coming across the cyst in my mouth (“We have no clue what it is. Maybe it’s cancer”) and refused to work on me until I went to the Dr. Well, the Drs had no damn clue either. Did I mention the cyst would sometimes flare up, swell with infection, then explode in a rancid fury ? Last Dr I had would recoil in disgust from me and my mouth. Let me tell ya, that works wonders for your self esteem….NOT. So let’s throw some depression in there. Especially when you’re with a man that asks you to not breathe in his general direction because your mouth smells like death and you haven’t been kissed in so long you think you’ve forgotten how. Back in 2011 I was hospitalized due to my intestines exploding and going septic…and the pain was so horrible something slightly miraculous happened where I lost my fear of pain, and almost completely lost my fear of Drs and Dentists and ‘procedures’ being done to me. When I was well enough, and since my hospital bill was such that I was paid up for all medical procedures for an entire year, I decided it was high time to figure my mouth problems once a for all. I finally found a dentist that identified what the whole cyst thing was about (and it wasn’t rare or uncommon, imagine my shock), and since it fell into the category of EarsNoseThroat specialist, I found that my medical could actually remove it (free, because I got free medical for a year) as opposed to spending thousands at an oral surgeon. So, that got dealt with. Took 3 months to recover. Then I started going to my dentist and systematically having all the rotten back teeth removed. After that, I spent probably a year where I did nothing to improve my mouth because my depression got bad again (and I was drinking far too heavily to care). In 2013 I was hospitalized yet again (alcohol this time), and it took another year of getting my head straight (sober) before I looked in the mirror one day and did NOT care much for what I saw. Because I had no back teeth, and I’d lost alot of weight from not drinking, the right side of my face looked like a skull. I said enough was enough, I want dentures, Of course, finding a dentist that didn’t try forcing me to keep all my rotten teeth was hard, and almost every single one was against dentures. I finally got my usual dentist to see how serious I was, and this past April 29 I had what remained of my back upper teeth pulled (only 3). I go in for impressions on the 8th of next month, and I really don’t understand why it is TAKING SO LONG. I was already pretty skinny before, but after only being able to chew on one inch of front teeth (incidentally, my dog knocked out one of my front teeth back in June, so I can’t chew on the temp tooth there) I have lost more weight to the point it’s begun to freak me out. No matter how much I manage to eat (and I usually give up because it takes so darn long to chew on 1 inch of teeth), it’s not gotten better and now the people around me are asking if I’m ill (as in cancer ill) or if I’m anorexic. And always, people are constantly trying to shove food down my throat which is leading to a food aversion, which is sooooo not cool. I have explained multiple times to the same persons (and we’re talking family, here….I’m too self conscious to want to go out much anymore) that it’s hard to eat, that this is part and parcel of getting dentures. It wasn’t until I talked to my brother last night who recently saw pictures of me that my father had taken when he came to visit 2 weeks ago that I faltered and now I don’t feel like I’m not holding myself together very well anymore in this quest for dentures. Our other brother is calling me ‘Skeletor’ behind my back, and the brother with whom I talked to told me I looked like my mother before she died, when she lost alot of weight. I spent 2 hours looking in the mirror an even went so far as to take selfies of myself in different angles (and I have never ever taken a selfie, ever) and things just got worse from there. My face looks like a skull. Now, I am not ill, this is from not being able to eat a whole lot. And I wish the people I’m related to, married to, gave birth too could be a little more positive and not so cruel. So I got online this morning instead of curling up in a ball and crying, and here I am. I want to say thank you for this thread, thank you in advance for my long winded and TMI post (I really have no one to talk to about dentures or self confidence issues due to awful teeth), and thank you for those of you who liken dentures to glasses, cuz I never thought of it that way. A question: anyone else with the weight loss that looked frightening? And please someone tell me that dentures are going to fill my face out, because I don’t want to look at myself anymore. I’m terrified I’ll get my dentures and they’ll make me look worse, if that’s even possible. I don’t care if they hurt my mouth for as long as I live, either, I just want to stop feeling miserable about my mouth, and eating actual food would be nice. Being able to chew with my whole mouth will be amazing. 🙂
Candace, yes, your face will “fill out.” And you will look fine! Don’t worry so much. Geez, girl, you stress yourself out too much!
Thanks for sharing your story of getting dentures! I am really glad that the dentures worked out so well for you– your teeth look absolutely great in your photos! In fact, I think that my mom needs to read about your experience– she has a lot of teeth that are badly damaged, and I know she is in a lot of pain. However, if she had them removed and got dentures, then I think she could be a lot happier like you!
Delores, show your mom this post and this comment thread.
Thanks, too, for the compliments!
Thanks so much for sharing your story. You can tell how many people it helped by the comments since you posted in 2014. I’m 48 and have had at least 15 root canals, 2 bridges, 20 crowns, and on my 2nd implant. My upper 4part bridge is a continuous source of pain. I’m now considering having it removed & getting a partial. I wish I had taken better care of my teeth growing up & enjoyed sugar less. The TMJ doesn’t help either.
I’m happy to help others however I can, Becky, and wish you the best of luck with your teeth!
Hi Lorraine,
Let me just thank you for sharing your experience with us, you just opened a door to so many people to share their experience too!!!
Today I had five teeth removed 4 bottom and one on top, I had a denture fitted for both jaws, I struggling a bit but deep inside I know it’s all worth it.
I am even considering remove all of them and have a full denture.
Over the years I lost so many teeth add to this gum disease and loose teeth I think this will end all this disaster.
Thanks again Lorraine
You are welcome, Rachid! I’m glad my experience helped!
This is so interesting to me! I had always assumed that dentures were a last resort solution for seniors, but it’s great to see that’s not the case. I’m so glad you’re happy with your results! I’m encouraging my aunt to see a denturist for her own teeth, and she’s reluctant. Maybe if I show her your article she’ll realize the potential benefits.
Jane, please do. Dentures are NOT only for seniors; they are for anyone needing a fresh set of teeth!
Interesting to hear, I remember when I was younger I had several cavities. I remember thinking if only I could just get rid of all my teeth and put in fake ones. Hearing that you still have to brush and take care of them is too bad, but at least there is no more pain. How long would you say a pair of dentures last?
Yvon, dentures usually last between 3 and 5 years, depending on how you care for them.
I am 43 and am on my 4th upper pair and 3rd lower pair. My lowers, however, should be replaced, as the back teeth are worn down quite a bit.
When I was 13 years old I was hit in the mouth with a cricket ball which loosened my two front teeth and resulted in a very bad abscess. I was taken to hospital and had these teeth removed with a small plastic denture fitted (not what you want at 13 !!). The dentures rubbed the adjoining teeth until they were filled and then eventually taken out. This process continued for some years The dentist eventually advised me to have all my top teeth removed which I did at 25. My first set of dentures fitted quite well and lasted me until I was 40. I am now 60 years of age and my second set are in need of replacing. I have been this morning for my impression. I am nervous because my second set have served me so well but are now well worn. I had a metal strengthening band inserted in them and this was the best thing I could have done. I have asked for a similar insert in my new set. Wearing dentures has, over the years, become second nature to me and I would not deter anyone who is thinking about having them instead of looking at stained and rotting real ones and enduring endless toothache.
My new set will be ready three weeks today and I’m quite looking forward to having them. Thank you for allowing my to share my own personal experiences.
Gary, thanks for sharing your story! Good luck with your new teeth!
Well I have never heard of a story like this! I’m not sure if this counts as “embarrassing” as you seem to be so proud of telling it! However, I totally understand what you mean. I have a close friend who may be in a similar situation as you were, and dentures might be the option. Strangely enough I doubt the thought of dentures as a solution has even crossed his mind at all! Anyway, thanks for the story! I’ll forward it on to him.
I’m sure he’ll appreciate that, Douglas. Thanks!
I think this is good for people to read, because people often cringe at the idea of dentures. Dentures should be more like glasses. They are a device to help not hurt, so I think it’s reasonable to believe that dentures should be well accepted.
I agree, Dolores.
Hi Lorraine
Have only just seen this post! I don’t really have a question just my story really! I live in the UK and I’m an oh-so-young 44 year old I had all my teeth removed on 24th April 2015 and after nearly 7 weeks of no teeth get my new dentures tomorrow (unless you are private patient in UK you do have to wait under the NHS to get dentures but as I’m not rich I went down the NHS route) have had several fittings last weeks was in wax and the dentist has done a fabulous job. I am a little scared though as I’ve heard real horror stories about having dentures and have had no teeth now for 7 weeks!
I had all my teeth removed in hospital under sedation and have had a few problems with pain etc and remaining bone fragments which are now all sorted. I gag really badly so I’m really worried now I won’t get used to having teeth again!!
I loved your blog post and wish I’d found it before my op! I think unlike most people I couldn’t wait to get my teeth out they were soooooo painful and all breaking I have a condition where my immune system attacks other parts of my body so having my teeth removed was a godsend I cannot tell you the pain I had prior to the removal!
I hope the gagging isn’t too bad and loved your story!
Emma, thanks for reading and sharing your story. Too bad you read it after the fact! But, hey, it’s good you are taking care of yourself. I’m sure the gagging won’t last forever.
Good luck!
How much adhesive do you use (assuming you use any at all)? I find it very helpful, both in terms of comfort as well as function, but can never quite make it through a whole day; usually by dinner time the bottoms are starting to come loose.
Pete, I don’t use any adhesive at all. I’ve never had any problems eating, or otherwise, either.
Hi. I’m 19 and would like to remove my teeth but I’m not sure if that’s a good idea. I have an overbite and multiple cavities. And it will take a lot of work and years to fix my teeth. Do you think I should get fake teeth too?
And is there anything bad about getting fake teeth?
How much did it cost you to remove and get the teeth?
Angelica, when I had my teeth removed, I was on government assistance and so the costs were all covered. I had an overbite, too. The dentist corrected it when I he made my new teeth.
I suggest you read through the post and the comments here for more information.
Good luck!
Hi Eva,
I am so very, very glad, thrilled, you are getting proper help. I do hope you heal. I really would like to know the biological dentist you are going to, but I respect your privacy. Lorraine is right if you have more than one biological dentist in your area. Maybe you have already checked this out though.
I just returned from a conventional hematologist/oncologist. He was very cruel. He told me I have a complicated medical background, as if I did not know that already. He asked about how I was doing, and when I attempted to tell him, he did not want to hear. He told me he would only treat my blood clot problems and all but told me to leave. I get that all the time. Something like, “I take care of your big toe, if your little toe hurts, don’t ask me, and leave my office.” It is a cruel world out there. I used to have money, but losing my treatment, and subsequently my engineering job changed all that. My quality of life is now ZERO. I am so very happy if anything I said helps you avoid the pitfalls I have inadvertently fallen into.
I was extremely alarmed when I read your first post, so responded as quickly as I could. That was not a very well written post.
Please do keep us informed of your situation. Long-term health and being able to wear beautiful dentures is so important.
God bless and be with you each and every step of the way, and may you heal.
Just curious. Did you get the book?
Kind Regards,
Marianne Rodgers
Dear Lorraine and Marianne,
Fortunately I have been to see a highly reputed biological dentist in my area with whom I will slowly have teeth extracted a few at a time. His recommendations make total sense to me, since his focus will be on improving my jaw alignment and cleaning up the bone complications from all the root canals, as section by section we let things heal. It will cost way more than doing it all at once, but considering my health challenges, I think this is the way to go.
I will update you as I make progress. Thank you so much. The information has been invaluable!
Eva, this sounds very painful. I would STILL go to another dentist for yet ANOTHER opinion.
ONCE YOU HAR THE SAME THING from at least two or three dentists, I think that will be your answer.
Good luck!
Thank you so much for your courage and for all the upbeat kindness you extend to your visitors. I think I could be part of your club: I inherited a really lousy set of teeth, ate too much sugar when I was younger, and now, at 63, I’ve had all of my teeth crowned and more than half of them have root canals. I have major health issues, not surprising after all this dentistry. Reading this entire page tells me that maybe I ought to have gotten dentures a long time ago. My Dad had his at 35. I’ve always known I could be facing that same fate–in my mind, a terrible one!
Last week one of my bridges, lower front, broke off leaving rotten stubs–the dentist magically glued it back on temporarily–and if I go with the plan the dentist offered I’m facing $13,000 worth of work, including implants, more extractions, and a new lower front bridge. I’ve been practically comatose since receiving this news. So depressing! There’s never an end to this! And no one I know has this level of dental problems so they don’t really understand. At my age and with my financial situation, this new dental expense is devastating. I could go with the cheapest rendition of their solution, extracting the stubs and getting yet another root canal, and a “temporary” stay plate, OR….I could perhaps switch gears? I am so, so sick of the ongoing and never-ending pain and expense of getting my teeth fixed. Whenever I have mentioned dentures, my friends, dentist, and endodontist, have all discouraged me from getting them. “You want to keep your own teeth.” Even when they’re mostly all dead?
Unfortunately, my problem is not my smile. I love my smile. It’s pretty much my best feature. The crowns are top of the line. Would the denturist get it right, make teeth that will be recognizably me?
I’m so grateful to discover this page and that dentures might be the wisest next step, maybe starting with the lowers. Or maybe it’s better to do them all at once? The pain and adjustment period sound yucky but I’ve been through such hell already with my teeth, could it be that much worse? It might improve my health!
I have to admit that my pride and my sensuality have me in a great deal of fear about this: I love fully tasting my food, speaking without a lisp, and kissing! The thought of introducing a lover to my toothless situation freaks me out. Yes, people in their sixties kiss and use computers! 😉 And not having the full-on experience of kissing unless I take the dentures out is pretty abhorrent; time perhaps for celibacy? Also, does anyone have the problem of dry mouth? This condition has encouraged gumline decay. Do you know if it’s more difficult to have successful dentures with this condition?
Another question: there seems to be a discrepancy between what you’ve said is best–to have the temporary plates go in immediately after extraction–and the opinion of others, to let it all heal first. Is your thinking on this still the same?
Your words of encouragement have given so many a new perspective. Your bright and optimistic attitude are a great gift to your readers. Thank you for this forum for us to express ourselves and for your beautiful service!
Eva, I think it’s best if you speak to your dentist and let him/her address your questions. The only thing I can say is that it’s best to get them done all at once. 🙂
I’m glad my experience helped and comforted you! 🙂
This just came in from a reader who was unable to leave this comment on my blog.
I want to reply to eva, but I can’t make it work. Eva is in very, very big trouble. If she has a dentist who is trying to get her to keep her teeth at this point, with all those root canals, he/she just does not know what he/she is doing or only wants the money. I rather think the dentist just does not understand the situation eva is in. She needs help. I am still suffering severely without my pretty 27 teeth that had no cavities that I had pulled improperly. I am the living dead. Boy, I wish I had healthy gums. Money is a very big problem for me. Eva is right that she should have had her teeth pulled properly much younger. Uninformed dentists are trained to save teeth at all costs. WRONG! My life-time dentist advised e to get that root canal that finally infected all my gums. I am here as a witness. If she can come up with that money she needs a dentist who will really help her. She does not realize it, but healthy gums are what is most important. You know, and I know, that dentures are BEAUTIFUL! but if your gums cannot heal because of infection and disease, then even just getting them pulled is a bad idea, like what happened to me. I did have very pretty teeth, but I have a vry diseased mouth. You become the living dead. There is a dentist that can and will help her. It will cost, but why not pay for a cure, not for continued infected gums and jaw bone, and severe illness. I need much more than $13K for help, but I do not have the money. If I had known, even at her age what I needed, I could have been saved so much pain and suffering 24/7. But, I kept my teeth too long and I only had one root canal. I am still so very sick. I know one man who spent $50k for bone grafts, root canals, implants, etc. They all failed. If he had just had a dentist who was not determined to make him keep his teeth, and he had his infections treated properly, he would be OK today. Poor man, he is very sick, and he has no teeth. At least give eva this information so she can become informed and maybe get well. The kindle download is less than $10.00 Dr. Nordquist web site is at She could call his office and ask for advice This could literally save her life. Also see this site Even though I cannot currently solve my torture, if one person can be helped, it will make me feel I have done my job as a human being and as a Christian, a servant of Jesus Christ. I do know of a dentist in Tijuana Mexico who is well trained. If I had had the $12k needed for his treatment, I might be OK today. But if I were her I would ask Dr. Nordquist for his advice about this dentist in Tijuana. Dr. Nordquist will know, I am pretty sure. Maybe Dr. Nordquist can tell her a proper dentist in her area. The dentist in Tijuana is at Lagos has a good reputation in the dental world who know about him. I can give her more information. You have wait a while to see him because he is so busy, but as I understand it, he is good. I wish I could have gone to him in the first place.
Another video There are actually a lot of dentists who could help eva, but all want so much money. If I can communicate with eva I can give her much information that she can study to become informed and giver her the ability to make better decisions regarding her health. I wish her the very best and I wish her good health. I a an engineer and was making good money at her age. I just wish I had been more informed. I did not have any of this information at her age.
Marianne Rodgers
Eva, you also need to see a different dentist!
And be firm. Tell him you want ALL your teeth removed.
Hi Tammy,
So sorry you have to lose your teeth. You mentioned being so tired. You will be able to eat. Just be creative with your blender as long as you need to. Be sure to post again if it takes an inordinate amount of time to heal as that would indicate a more serious medical problem. I am going through that now. I would give anything just to have a healthy set of gums. Dentures themselves, are quite beautiful.
I am so glad that I found your site. I am almost 46 and should have had dentures done a few years ago already. I have decaying and rotten teeth all over my mouth. We have spent so much money on my teeth already that I could have gotten implants trying to save them. I am in tears now knowing what has to be done. One of my front teeth just cracked and is about to break. I also think that my teeth are making me ill. I am fatigued and just feel horrible. Not to mention the depression and anxiety that I have developed from this. I am absolutely terrified to get dentures. I do not want to do it. I do not have any other options my dentist said that my teeth are not savable. Where I go they are awesome caring people so I am not worried about that. The way they do it is to pull and you have to wait 3 months before they will fit you for dentures. I have already gone from a size 16 to a size 6 in less than 3 years because of my depression. How am I going to eat and what am I going to eat with no teeth for 3 months. I want to feel better and look better. I do not want my teeth to kill me.
Tammy, you will be able to eat even if you get dentures. Trust me, I didn’t starve!
Best of luck to you!
Even without any teeth for those 3 months you can eat. First couple of weeks you will need to eat soft food but then you can start eating whatever you want. I had to wait 6 months to get mine. I could eat crispy tacos, potato chips, etc anything I wanted. It’s all worth it I promise you.
Your story is very touching and will help many. I also found a site that has a place where people can ask real Denturist questions called Ask Denturist Darryl that may be a good resource for others:
All the best!
Thanks for the resource, Jason. 🙂
Hi Lorraine,
I have been looking up information on getting dentures. My teeth are in real bad shape and I have not gone to the dentist ever only when I’ve had a problem with my teeth. I never brushed or flossed either, well sometimes but not enough. Well the truth is, I’m afraid to get my teeth out, afraid to be without teeth and afraid to get dentures. Its been months since I saw the dentist and told me that all my teeth have to come out. I’m glad I saw your page and I read tons of comments. I feel ready to make my appointment and start the process of getting dentures. I hate not being able to smile and talk to people. I will try to look on the bright side and I hope everything works out. I’m still a little nervous….Wish me luck 🙁
Faith, good luck! Things’ll work out. You’ll see.
I hope I have given the right impression. Los Algodones is a wonderful place. I forget if there are 80 or 800 dentists there. I could not go back for help, just too far away and too expensive on a social security pension. The problem is not all the dentists in Los Algodones, it is my infection. Many Americans and Canadians, especially, and many Europeans get wonderful dental care, at about a 70% discount there. For conventional dentistry, caps, fillings etc. I hate to say implants and root canals because my problems very possibly started with a root canal in my early 50s that kept hurting for over 6 months. It was my USA dentists who did the root canal and would not listen to me when I said I was having problems. I had always thought if I kept up my dental care, which I did at great expense, I would be fine as I got older, at least for dental problems. Not true!!! That root canal in my early 50s, I believe led to symptoms which I am sure you could not believe about 4 years after the root canal. As you know, it is not always the best health choice to keep your teeth. I have a difficult time believing my symptoms myself, except I have been through and am still living through them. 24/7 torture. Doctors will not listen or talk to dentists, and dentists will not listen or talk to doctors, at least here in the good ‘ol USA. I have a conventional strong scientific education, biology, chemistry, math, computer science, accounting. I took my degree with a BS in computer science major and a business minor because I needed a well-paying job to support my family. I could have easily taken a minor in all the other subjects along with my computer science degree. I only needed 1 or 2 classes to complete a major in all those other subjects. I received my degree actually on my 40th birthday while having 4 little ones in toe.
Los Algodones is a wonderful place, even to get dentures, they made mine. It is my infection and the lack of proper medical care for Lyme disease and all chronic illnesses in the US, Canada, much of Europe, New Zealand, Australia, and much of the world. Modern medicine is great treating acute illnesses, broken bones, heart surgery, etc. Get Lyme disease, the great mimicking disease, or some other autoimmune disease and you are out of luck and are treated like a criminal.
Los Algodones is a great place for “normal” dental work. Fancy dental work that you could not otherwise afford. So many Canadians were there. I went there because my friends with “normal” health had such great experiences and have beautiful teeth. I had to talk my dentist in Los Algodones into taking out my teeth. It was my attempt to get rid of my oral infection. At least the glue, puss, or whatever it is no longer has teeth to stick to. I don’t know what will happen, but it was not the fault of my Los Algodones dentist.
Look up Yolanda Foster and her battle with Lyme, and her battle to make the world aware of Lyme. All Yolanda’s money has, so far, not helped her much. Also look up a very long but happy story of Canadian, Christa Christa and Justin now have a wonderful little boy, and Christa is doing very well, except a year or so ago she was still getting headaches. I WAS doing very well, but had my Lyme treatment devastatingly jerked. Mexico, as far as I can tell still does not do LANAP. That is one treatment I wish I had known about. I only very recently found out about it. Dumb USA dentists, they could have suggested it
Marianne, thanks for sharing all that!
I posted here before when I had 27 teeth, with no cavities, out on December 10, 2014. I was wearing the dentures, still with pain, but thought all would heal. I went to Los Algodones, in Mexico because of the cost. I met so many denture wearers there, eating steaks!!! However, I have Lyme disease, and the infection I was hoping to get rid of did not go away. I can no longer wear the dentures and the infection is as bad as ever, but I do not think it is worse. It feels like my gums are balloons, difficult to talk even. I took NSAIDs for pain, and now have a very sick gut that is not healing. I have lost 10 pounds and it is difficult to eat, not because of lack of teeth. It is because, as even before I had my teeth taken out, it is difficult to get food past the infection and I take baking soda to try to keep my stomach and intestines from being so acid, and burning so bad. If there is someone else out there whose main problem is infection, probably periodontal disease, think twice. At least I do not have a glue sticking to my teeth that I cannot remove, since I have no teeth. Maxillofacial surgeons, dentists of all kinds, doctors have never given me any help with this. I have met other people with this problem. Lose teeth, the infection is clear. It is torture 24/7. When I got back from Mexico, reacted to oxicodone, like having a heart attack, I went to the ER and was told to go to a hospital where maxillofacial surgeons work. I am not lying, going to that hospital was the worst thing I ever did. The treatment was totally abusive. I have read on this post of people with broken teeth, puss of all kinds, and when they had their teeth pulled, their infections went away and they seemingly have done well with dentures. I would give anything to be able to wear dentures, but at this point I do not think it will ever happen. I have recently learned of LANAP gum treatment. The cost, as I understand it is about $6k, a lot of money, which I do not have. I am guessing now, but I think I would have had to have it done every year to get rid of the infection. If you have the money, it may be worth looking into LANAP if you have gum infection. If your infection is like mine, you may be sent away, money or not. If you are interested at all in Lyme and the abuse patients receive, look up Yolanda Foster on the web. Actually, I do not think Yolanda has the oral connection yet, or does not know about it. Modern medicine is criminal!!! My Lyme treatment was working, I felt “normal,” for 4-5 years. But modern medicine, and conventional doctors decided I did not need treatment so took it away. It took less than 6 months for me to lose my well-paying computer science engineering job, and the degeneration has continued for over 5 years. On treatment, I had no dental problems, or oral infection. I could go on and on about this, but this is enough for now. Just remember you have a criminal medical community out there and if you need treatment that does not fit in one of their pigeon holes, you will be abused. In the name of “do no harm,” doctors will let you suffer and die.
OMG, Marianne, what a horrible thing to have to go through! Thanks for giving everyone a heads-up about that place!
Wow Lorraine, what a great story, and I have to say how impressed I am at your positivity! I will be joining you as a denture wearer. I have to admit that I am a little nervous, but at the same time, your story has given me some hope. I do hope that the dentures work as well for me as they have for you, because I would prefer to avoid needing to get implants. Just one question for you, out of curiosity, how long from your first surgery did it take for you to feel “normal” again? Thanks again for opening up and sharing, especially when the subject is potentially embarrassing.
Caroline, there is nothing to be embarrassed about! Many people have false teeth!
Hi I have questions I have appointment April 6 and my teeth are awww ful broken chip gone I have 17 teeth that are bad and when I found this web site it really encourage me to go ahead and get false teeth everyone stories and information Thank you all so now I am ready just to take the lil teeth I do have out and get dentures I am 32 years old but I miss my smile and being able to talk with confadence to others I wanted to know after my teeth are pulled can they all get pulled at once what best way to get it done and I also wanted to know is how soon can I get my false teeth hoe long will I be with out any teeth I mean it porbally will not look as bad as it dose now but I am in school so am concern about walking around with no teeth
Shalee, most places will fit you with dentures beforehand, so you shouldn’t be without teeth at all. I had mine put in right after my surgery — they put them in while I was still knocked out.
Ask your dentist to do the same!
I don’t think there’s anything wrong with having dentures regardless of age. There aren’t very many things you can do to improve dental health, but sometimes, you just run out of options and need help. Dentures are there when you need that help. Because of that, I think it’s extremely important to let yourself get the help you need. I know that I wouldn’t want to walk around with bad teeth, trying to make good impressions, get jobs, and just live a normal life. I’m sure a lot of people feel the same way too, so getting this kind of help can be really important.
Jackson, I agree with everything you said!
To mj
I have dentures top and bottom but there only temporary ones until I get the permanent ones. I never heard of flexible dentures either did they say how much they cost? Just curious. I am getting my new permanent ones in a few months and I can wait but I do have implants on the bottoms but the top I just have temporarily ones. I will do some research on the flexible ones and try to find out but if you find out please let us know
Thanks for chiming in, Traci! 🙂
Hi Lorraine,
I’ve been toying with pursuing freelance writing, though while doing research, I was so blessed to find your candid, personal reflection re your denture experience.
I am faced with making that same decision, which I do not take lightly.
.I’ve heard, it is much better to have dentures placed at time of teeth being removed, so your gums will form to the shape of the dentures as they heal, making the fit tighter.
. Opinion’s re “Flexible” dentures.
Would love to hear from anyone having experience with Flexible dentures, good or not..
Many thanks…
MJ, I’ve never heard of flexible dentures. Hmm. Sounds like an interesting concept, though.
Thanks for posting your story, Lorraine. I found it because I was searching for information about dating someone who has missing teeth.
I’m 53 and I just met an online date in person. I noticed right away that his jawline looked different than it did on the website. I now realize he’s probably missing his bottom teeth. I liked the way he looked on the website, with a longer jawline.
But when he asked me if he looked like his picture, I lied and said “Yes,” because, at the time I couldn’t quite put my finger on what was different about it and/or I didn’t want to say “Your face is shorter.”
The ironic thing is, after a year-long separation from my husband of 22 years, my divorce was just finalized a few months ago. Prior to separating, one of the things that bothered me about my ex was that when he got a full set of false teeth a couple of years ago, he rarely wore them around the house because they hurt. We were already on the rocks, had been for most of our marriage, but it still irritated me that he wouldn’t try to look more attractive to me and I told him so. Bottom line, though, the false teeth issue is not what caused me to leave him, our deep incompatibility did.
Anyway, so here I am meeting someone I might really like and he has teeth issues too. We have our second date this weekend. I’m thinking I’ll just ask him point blank: “Are you missing your bottom teeth?” And if he says yes, “Why don’t you replace them?”
At least then I’ll know what’s up with his teeth and jaw line.
What do you think about me taking a point-blank approach with him?
Mattie, honesty is the best policy, always. Just reassure him that you still think he is good-looking! You know how insecure men can be… and not admit it. LOL
A direct approach is great. Go for it! 🙂
Thank you, Lorraine, for honestly addressing the fears many of us have about dentures. My dentist is recommending that I get a full upper denture. I am an effective public speaker and I make my living speaking in front of large groups of people every week. I’d like to hear how dentures affect speech. Is there a long time and/or permanent change?
Sandra, I can speak fine now, although I did have to practice for a week or so! 😉
Nope, no permanent change! You’ll be fine, trust me. 🙂
My teeth started going bad as soon as my dental insurance ran out and from that point, all I could afford were extractions. This left me at 30 with 17 teeth left in my mouth and my front two rotting away and visibly brown. I was constantly aware of how awful my smile was and it made me not smile anymore. Last week, I had my remaining teeth pulled and a full set of dentures put in right away. The pain and discomfort from healing and the dentures have often made me question my decision over the last week. After reading your story, I feel so much better! I frequently worry that people can tell my teeth are fake, but after seeing how great your smile looks… I don’t think I’ll be worrying about that again! Thank you for sharing your story!
Jenn, I’m glad you feel better now that you heard my story. 🙂
Good luck with your new teeth!
Thank you so much for this: my boyfriend is 26 and about to start this process (as a result of an accident he was in as a teen that severely damaged his teeth, and now the root canals/crowns and remaining natural teeth are starting to fail, break, and get infected quite frequently, causing pain and potential antibiotic resistance). It is a tough place to be in not only financially, but emotionally, as someone his age typically does not need this kind of procedure done. We know that it will be a huge improvement both medically and cosmetically, but of course it has been tough and embarrassing for him to come to terms with. He has several people in his family with dentures, but all of them were at least 50 when they got them, so while they might be able to share with him the physical experience of “what to expect,” he hasn’t had anyone to talk with about the unique experience of getting dentures at a young age.
What is it like getting used to eating with them? That is one of the things he has been worried about. He knows that, theoretically, it is easier to eat with a full set of teeth, but he has also gotten used to eating with/around his missing teeth and knows that at least those are real, they can bite and pull. How drastically do your eating capabilities change once you have dentures? Do they pull off easily with any tough/hard/chewy food, or does it just take some getting used to?
How long does it take to recover from the procedure? What you describe sounds really painful and long lasting, but I have also known people who were back at work the next day, claiming to just be a little sore. I would imagine it would depend on the case, so are there any indications beforehand of how intense the recovery process will be?
How long does a set usually last? You were 22 when you got them and have a 24 year old son, so I am guessing you have probably had them for at least 20 years by this point. How often do they need to be replaced, and why?
Finally, when you were in your 20s, were people who didn’t know you before getting the dentures able to tell that you had them? And if so, what responses did you deal with? What was the biggest social hurdle you faced as a result of having dentures at a young age? What advice would you give to someone who is about to have this done?
Sorry to bombard with questions. There just doesn’t seem to be a whole lot out there for young people who need dentures, and while my boyfriend knows that it is the necessary next step and things will ultimately be better, he is understandably nervous, embarrassed, and wondering what to do from here. I am here for him 100% but also have not been there and do not know what it is like, so thank you for sharing your story.
H, here are some answers for you:
1. No one knew I had dentures unless I told them.
2. It took me a few weeks to heal.
3. I can eat anything now.
4. They need to be replaced every 3-7 years, depending on how well you take care of them… and if you grind your teeth.
I hope this helps!
Thanks so much for your blog! ! Your smile is beautiful. So, I’m 35 years old & needing to have my teeth pulled & replaced with dentures. Now unlike some even though I had cavities my teeth were always so white & my smile was the most attractive thing about me. So, with that being said I’m having a lot of emotions run through my head, URGH!! The dentist recommended that I wait the 6-8 weeks. I just don’t know what to do!? But, my teeth crumble that’s how bad they are (the one’s that haven’t fallen out) so this needs to be done, just need to build my confidence up!
Shekinah, just go get your teeth done — you’ll be fine!
Hanna I would give anything to to have been be able to afford implants or veneers! But in my situation dentures were more affordable!
I’m 18 years old, I’ve had horrible teeth,seems like my whole life. My dentist says this is due to weak teeth. I’ve had two root canals on the same tooth and I have two crowns. My dentist now wants to crown more. I’m so afraid of having dentures I would rather have all my teeth surgically drilled in then to have dentures. I guess why I’m really writing is to ask, why didn’t you get implants or venners, why did you so quickly pull them out.
Hanna, I was told that my teeth were so bad that I’d need ten root canals to fix them… temporarily, as I’d have to get them pulled out about five years later. I hated getting root canals, so I simply told my dentist to just go ahead and take them all out now.
That was when I was 22. I’m 43 now, and still consider getting false teeth one of the best moves I have ever made. 🙂
My teeth are a load of crap. I’m 27 and have coeliac disease so for years when it was undiagnosed I wasn’t getting any nutrients absorbed into my body. I have dreadful teeth which are falling out of my head, tons of fillings done when I was 15-16, and some since then. I have good oral hygiene, brush my gums, teeth, use mouthwash and it makes no difference. Eating is a just a painful experience and bits of my teeth sometimes break off. What a joke. Obviously I have a hideous smile and can’t smile at all, so I look miserable all the time. I really think in a few years I will have all the teeth pulled and dentures fitted.
Hector, I think it’s best if you get your teeth looked at sooner than later. Dentures surely will improve the quality of your life! I know they helped me with my confidence. Plus, I was no longer in pain from having rotten teeth!
Best of luck to you!
Hi. My name is Kay. I’m 25 and I need to get top dentures. My appointment to start pulling all the back teeth (which there are only about 5) is at the end of the month. I have a front tooth that is about to break soon. I’m nervous I won’t get dentures in time before it breaks. I’m nervous of the actual pulling, the healing, like how long will I be out of work? How long will it actually be painful? Are they noticeable? Do they slip Out when you talk? Do thwy affect your speech? ? Ive got so many questions and worries. I’m just ready to get the whole process over! I know when it’s all said and done I’ll feel so much better about myself! But until then I can’t help but worry!!
Kay, it’s natural to worry and have questions. Your dentist should be able to answer them for you. Just make sure you keep your appointments! You’ll be okay.
Read through the comments on this post to find out more about the various experiences of others, okay? You’ll find all the answers to your questions there!
I had my bottom ones done on Monday and I now have three sore spots that are turning into ulcers! The bone graft filled wounds are healing nicely and not really hurting but my god the ulcers hurt so bad! Using lots of orajel! Waiting for the bendzodent to come in the mail lol! Still completly happy with the results this just cannot wait for it to be completly healed so that I can go have the posts put in to make the snap in!
Jennifer, rinse your mouth with warm salt water every few hours. That will help combat further infection, plus help to alleviate some of the pain.
Orajel is awesome, but it’s only a pain reliever; it’s not good for treating infections. You’ll need antibiotics for that.
I have an update on my surgery that I got done on Monday morning 23 February 2015. I already had my top dentures done and I was having issues with keeping them in because I only had 6 teeth on the bottom and the reason for my top dentures not staying was because I had no back teeth to hold the top dentures in. Now, I have the bottom dentures and being that I just got them they are a little flimsy which was expected but most of all I am extremely happy with my dentures. I am trying to get used to them and I actually talk pretty normal which is surprising to me but I am happy with them I also got the implants snap in ones so in a few months I will be able to snap them right and the top dentures should stay in great. I am so excited and I can’t wait. I am so glad I did this I feel pretty confident with what I did and yes the financial part will take a while to pay off but it’s so worth it. Lorraine thank you again for putting this blog out here for people to see we are very blessed to have you and everyone as a support group. I say to anyone that needs dentures to look into getting implants at least for the bottom ones if you can afford it of course it doesn’t always work for everyone.
I am going to pay this off but I know it will be well worth it. This was definitely well worth it.
Again thank you for listening you guys are the best
Traci, thanks for sharing! 🙂
Oh I’m so happy that you’re satisfied with your fake teeth! I’ve actually been considering getting dentures for a while now. As you said, I think it would be a real confidence boost. Having beautiful teeth can make a huge difference on a person’s face. How long was your mouth sore after you got them?
Megan, I think it took about a month or so to heal.
And I agree, having great teeth DID boost my confidence, and would do the same for anyone else, too!
Hi! Your story sounds somewhat like mine! I had my top dentures done at 25 when they told me that I had so much infection if I didn’t do something about it my daughter would grow up without a mother!! Now I am 33 and I just had my last 6 bottom rotten highly Infected teeth pulled and a bottom denture put in this morning! Trying to deal with the pain with Tylenol 3 also! Wondering how long it will take my loving man to take me to the emergency room for better pain meds lol!! My poor child was not as lucky as yours she had to have all her teeth capped by age 4 and now the adult teeth are coming in deteriating quickly. I am at a loss on her teeth but trying my hardest to keep her from every going through what I have been through! So I have a question how long did it take you to get used to your bottom ones? I am going back in 6 months to have post magnetics put in to hold them in better place for the rest of my life!
Jennifer, I don’t think it took me very long to get used to my bottom dentures. A couple of weeks? A month? Not long, anyway.
Good luck with your new teeth! Tell your daughter to brush at least three times a day and floss at least once a day, before bed, then rinse her mouth out with mouthwash after she flosses to rid herself of the remaining particles of crap in her mouth.
Thank – You for this site! Very informative. I am 44 years old and now going to the dentist for the first time since 1989!! I have done a lot of research about this and I now feel O.K. with going to the dentist. (does not hurt that my husband of 18 years is fully supporting my decision!) I have decided to go to Affordable Dentures in St. Charles Mo. I have my first appointment with them on Tues. Feb 24th. I went to a local dentist last week on the 11th of Feb. : The cost that they quoted me was RIDICULOUS ($11,785)!! WITH MY INSURANCE! I am going to have all of my teeth removed at my local Oral Dental Surgery Center..24 teeth… cost with insurance; including being knocked out for the surgery….$987.50 and Affordable Dentures is going to make my Temporary Denture before hand so the Oral Surgeon can place them right after my surgery. After 3 days I am supposed to go back to Affordable Dentures and have my gums examined and get a full check up. Once my gums have healed I am supposed to return to Affordable Dentures to have my Permanent Dentures made. I have chosen to go with the ULTRA Package that they offer… the best ones they offer. They are supposed to be “picture perfect porcelain teeth”. And yes they do have the LAB on site, so I can check them out as they make them for me. The cost for my teeth from Affordable Dentures is $1,710.00 start to finish, (temporary dentures too) all check ups and follow up alignments included. so I am looking at a total of $2,697.50. Way crazy better than trying to save BAD teeth “fixed” for a few more years as my local Dentist wanted too. thanks for reading my story ….. Wish Me Luck as I start my New Smile journey next Tuesday!!!! Michelle
Good luck, Michelle! 🙂
Hi Michelle,
Some insurance companies won’t cover much for dental but they will pay if you go to a hospital or surgeon to have teeth removed. I guess they figure if you have to be knocked out and monitered by an anesthesiologist it is considered a medical procedure and not dental. I never knew this till after my surgery so mine ended up costing $7,000 before insurance and my insurance only covers $1000. My implants were $2000 per post and my dentures (including temporary and permanent) are only $1500. After talking with others who have had the implants, I am finding out that I still got off pretty cheap. I know I spent over $10,000 trying to save my uppers and that was total waste. Thanks to our family genetics the constant dental visits were really not an option for me. The only thing it accomplished was giving me a complete phobia about dentists! When I had the uppers removed, I waited 8 weeks until my gums healed before I got dentures…with the bottoms, my dentist popped in the temporaries immedietly after removal. I have to say, the temporary plate does help protect my gums and my stiches so the pain hasn’t been unbearable. Day six after my surgery and feeling more comfortable every day. After all the suffering I’ve done because of my former bad teeth the discomfort is nothing! My only regret is that I hadn’t done it sooner. I have many years of family pictures that I refused to smile in….never again!! 🙂
I am 20 year old male from Nova Scotia its 6:30 AM on Feb 20 2015 and my surgery is today at 1:30 PM for full mouth teeth extraction.
Not only am I scared and going half nuts I have NO friends now to talk to, I have a boyfriend but am scared this will affect him to and that’s killing me.
I’m not getting immediate dentures for a few reasons so I’m not sure how long I have to go being “toothless” before I can get my dentures.
Wish me luck everyone thank you for reading.
Tre, I hope things went well for you! Let us know!
I have a phobia regarding dental work due to having a drunk dentist as a child, my teeth becoming loose due to anorexia. Now 25 years later I need extractions done and I am double scared as I have high blood pressure and had a stroke 8 years ago. I am terrified of having dentures, but its comforted me to read some people are happy with them. On the one hand I want dentures, but am terrified of the process and I don’t know if there is anything extra risky about extractions and high bp, I do take medication for high bp. Any words of wisdom?
Maria, if your teeth are that bad, dentures are the solution. Trust me. I love mine!
After a lifetime of dental nightmares, I had all my uppers surgically removed when I was 27. I absolutely LOVE my upper dentures and have never had a problem with them nor do I use any adhesives. I am now 49 and yesterday, I finally had the courage to go back to the dentist and have my lowers removed. I found a dentist who specializes in cosmetic dentistry and who has taken seminars on dealing with people who have dental phobias. I can not begin to explain how wonderful this dental experience has been compared to all my past visits with other dentists. My first visit I actually began my morning by throwing up in anticipation of my visit…then when I was explaining to the Dr. and his staff about my irrational fear, the tears were in a steady flow (and the dentist hadn’t even touched me!) That was just the consultation visit…once we decided to go ahead with the extractions, my new dentist gave me a prescription for Valium to help me relax the day of my appointment and told me to “bring the loudest music I could find”. So, yesterday morning I went Ipod in hand and still terrified. I was wide awake for the entire process of having 11 teeth pulled and two posts implanted for my future dentures. I thought I would be toothless for the next 8 weeks until my gums and jaw healed but my dentist had made a temporary lower denture to wear while I heal. I was a little leery about popping dentures onto my gums which are now full of stitches but he gave me a couple of prescriptions and a wonderful product called “Dental Gel”. The Dental Gel contains aloe to sooth the gums and also a product that keeps your mouth from smelling like rotting flesh. He told me the dentures would also act as a compression dressing for my gums. The prescriptions were for antibiotics because my gums were infected, 800 mgs. of Ibuprofen to help with pain and to reduce the swelling, and also a prescription for Hydrocodone to take in between the scheduled ibuprofen to manage any additional pain. I woke up this morning with very little discomfort and have not had to take any of the Hydrocodone! I still expect the bruising to show up in the next couple of days but I can honestly say (given all past dental experiences) that this was the best thing I have ever done! I opted for the more expensive option of denture implants because I have heard the horror stories of peoples teeth “flapping” when they talk and because I want to be able to eat anything I want. My dentist says that my final plate will snap to my gums. I am beyond happy with my current temporary plate and can’t wait for the permanent one ( in 4 to 6 months when I am completely healed). For the first time in a long time, I am no longer embarrassed to smile. Granted…my surgery was just yesterday but I can not describe how happy I am right now. I am also now in love with the Dental Gel and will always have some on hand in case of any sore spots with uppers or lowers.
Peggy, I’ve not heard of Dental Gel before, but it sounds like it’s working for you!
Congratulations on your new set of bottoms, and thanks for sharing your story. I’m sure it’ll help others as much as mine did. 🙂
Keep on smiling!
Peggy I’m actually getting the implants on Monday and the rest of my bottom ones pulled too. Can you actually talk with the bottom ones in too I’m getting the same exact thing as yiu. Thank you for the info i will ask my dentist to give me that too
Not sure if Peggy’s reply went through as I got an email with her reply in it.
It said:
Hi Traci, the first day of my surgery, my lips and tounge were so numb I was having a lot if trouble talking. Once the numbness wore off, I haven’t had any problems speaking. My teeth were pulled on Monday and it is now Thursday…my gums and jaw are pretty tender today but that’s to be expected with a mouth full of stitches. The discomfort is easily managed with the Tylenol and ibuprofen. People are amazed by my new smile and no one can tell they are false teeth. These are just my temporaries and I expect my permanent ones to be even better! After a lifetime of dental pain and misery, I still say this is the best thing I have EVER done! If your dentist doesn’t have the dental gel, you can order it online. I Googled it and the cost was about 17 dollars for a four ounce tube. Definitely worth it! Kind of acts as a cushion for the stitches, soothes the gums and keeps your mouth from smelling like rotting flesh. And No, I am not a salesman for dental products…I’m just really impressed with the product! It’s called “Dental Gel super relief formula with Oxygene”. I think it’s made by Oxyfresh.
“My dentist recommends holding on to as many of my own teeth as possible but often I just wish they were gone – less pain and expense.”
You are so right! Dentists are always finding reasons to retain this tooth or that. You have to be determined. I had the option of having some teeth out and the insertion of partila dentures but I said I just wanted them all out and I succeeded. That was years ago now and I have been a satisfied full denture wearer since then.
Me, too!
So refreshing to hear a good denture story. Though a lot older than you (57) I have had a lifetime of dramas with my teeth. I have always looked after them well and regularly gone to the dentist. Just had another 5 out yesterday – already had a partial top plate and now have a partial bottom plate to replace front four extracted and give me some chewing teeth at the back. I was happy with the top on when I got used to it and now expect the same from the bottom on plus the false ones look sooooo much better than my teeth ever did. My dentist recommends holding on to as many of my own teeth as possible but often I just wish they were gone – less pain and expense.
Leanne, it’s funny how dentists recommend that… I’m not sure why they do. In my opinion, it’s better to just get false teeth and neer have to worry again about the real ones.
Good luck with yours!
I’m getting my teeth removed in a few weeks & scared too. I personally would not go to a place called “Affordable Dentures”. Are they made on site? If not, you need to find out where they are made. There could be some major issues depending on where they are made & who will be making them. I don’t know where you live, but I suggest Spodak Dental in Delray Beach, FL. They have an “A” plus rating with the BBB. Also read the patient reviews, which are all 5 stars. Look online for the video of the interview that was on the news. It was with Dr. Craig Spodak. He explains possible problems that could arise depending on where the dentures are made.
Pushing 40 and am thankful to find you all as a bit of a “support group”. I went today for a consultation at Affordable Dentures. After seeing some reviews, I am very opprehensive about using a “chain” outfit, although I know they have more payment options. Have kind of looked at Advantage and Aspen too,but not sure what to do next. I definitely want to do this, and soon, but not sure who to trust. Self concious, confused and yes,slightly depressed. Any input?
Darin, follow your gut. But seek out the best option for YOU.
Don’t be depressed; you’ll be happy when you get dentures!
I’m going to the dentist next week to make a plan on getting full dentures. I’m 57 years old and have had bad teeth for so long. My teeth just crumble. I’ve had crowns and root canals so many times and they never take. When I was 6, I’d go to the dentist and he would just drill and drill and drill. I had a mouth full of big old fillings that just started to fall out leaving big holes. I’ve been watching videos for several days about life with dentures and I am so ready! Thanks for sharing your story – it helps alleviate the fear. I can’t wait to flash that big smile!
Good luck next week! I’m glad that reading about my experience helped!
I am 29 and had 7 of my upper teeth pulled out today while I was awake and a plate fitted straightaway. I am now in a lot of pain and cried when I got home but I am hoping it will be worth it. I wasn’t taken to the dentist when I was younger. I didn’t go till I was 24 and had a bad experience and a bad dentist who made me feel so small and ashamed of myself. My mum passed her fear onto me. My two front teeth had a massive gap and where uneven my other teeth slowly started to fall out and I’ve been living off soft food and avoiding eating in public for the last year or so. I have no self-confidence. When people speak to me my hand is in front of my mouth and there are no photos of me smiling. Last year I met my partner and we are getting married in May. I decided I needed to smile and not worry on our wedding day. I went to meet my new dentist in November. He is lovely and puts me at ease. I still have panic attacks in the chair but I’m a lot better. I came home this afternoon in a lot of pain but also so downhearted about losing so many teeth. I just hope when my mouth heals it will be worth it. Reading everyone post those as made me feel so much better not alone or ashamed of what I have had to have done.
So glad you’re feeling better (and less ashamed) now, Lynz! 🙂
I have an overbite. I have already gotten most of my top teeth pulled except for 6 and my dentist is telling me that I should get invisilign braces and get partial dentures. I really don’t want to because I have a overbite, one a huge gap(space) between my two top teeth and one of my top front tooth is crooked. she is saying that those 6 teeth are healthy, but I would rather just get dentures rather than pay 4000 for invisalign and then pay for partial dentures. Does anyone have any suggestions. I really just want to get the 6 top teeth pulled and get dentures. Is there anyone that can help me makethis decision?????? Also will the dentures look crazy because I have an overbite with my own teeth. HELP. I don’t know what to do. I am 36 and I just want to smile. Tired of smiling with my lips. Tired of looking at pictures and I am the only one that cant show my teeth.
Kareen, I had an overbite, but it was corrected when I got dentures. Get dentures!
My advice to you is to keep your own teeth as long as you can. IF you have the money. I’m not putting dentures down, I have them on top. But they are not your own teeth, and they will never feel like your own teeth or eat like your own teeth, you know what I mean? I’m just saying THERE’S NOTHING LIKE YOUR OWN TEETH, so keep them as long as you can, if your financially able to do so. Good luck to you!
I can only tell you what I wish I had done. I has some major problems with my top teeth. I had 3 different teeth that needed a root canal and crowns. It was going to cost me almost $4,000 to fix. I didn’t have dental insurance. Plus my teeth have always had this grayish tint to them. It had something to do with some kind of drug my mother had to take when she was pregnant with me. I think it was an antibiotic. Anyway, I never smiled because I thought my teeth were ugly and I hated them! I just couldn’t see spending $4,000 on the dental work knowing that their would be even more dental work to come every year. Soooo, I had all of my top teeth removed by an oral surgeon long before they were ready to come out! and I did it knowing that all of my other teeth were still healthy. All but just those 3 teeth. Now, I will tell you that one of those teeth were in the front. Well, I like my top denture, it’s pretty and I can smile with confidence now. But to be HONEST, if I could go back in time, I would spend the money to get my natural teeth fixed and keep them as long as I possibly could. Even knowing that there was nothing the dentist could do about the grey tint of my teeth. There is just nothing like your natural teeth. Sure, you’ll get use to your dentures, but it’s not the same. But that’s just me and how I feel about it. So I say YES! Keep your natural teeth as long as you can, as long as it’s not effecting your health or your happiness.
In order to max out my dental insurance, I needed to have half my teeth pulled in 2014 and the other half in 2015. Had my first round of extractions right before Christmas and yanked the rest last Friday. They gave me my dentures the same day. Today is Sunday. They look great but they don’t fit as snugly as I would like, plus of course there’s some pain. I’m not sure how much of the pain is due to the procedure itself and how much is due to the dentures. I have a follow-up appointment on Monday and I will go over all that with my Dentist, who’s done a great job and whom I completely trust. He did mention we would probably need to make some adjustments, although I have to wonder how you can possibly adjust the darn things; they look pretty finished!
Anyway, my question concerns food: What kind of foods are people with full dentures typically able/not able to eat? I would guess there are certain things that simply can never again be enjoyed. Right now I can’t imagine eating an apple, for example, or corn on the cob, and forget about something like beef jerky! If people would share their experiences in this area, I would appreciate it.
Hi Pete. It might not seem like it now, because you are in pain, but once the pain is gone, you’ll be able to eat anything you want. It might feel a bit awkward at first, and it might take a tad bit longer to chew, but YOU WILL be able to eat beef jerky, raw carrots, popcorn, etc. I do!
Wow. That would be great. I almost don’t want to get my hopes up, though. Not many things I love better than a crisp gala apple.
Thanks for the reply. And thanks for this blog, too, by the way. It’s good to read all the different accounts of what people went through and are going through. Helpful, comforting, and, in this instance, encouraging.
Pete, you’re welcome. 🙂 Lots of luck to you!
I have a appointment with Affordable Dentures in St. Charles Mo. On Tuesday Feb. 23. I am going to have all of my teeth removed (23) and I so Scared. I have been told that I will not be “knocked out” just given pills to make me not care about the extractions. I am so terrified of the Dentist. They have told me that it is not painful ; yet I am still scared. I want reassurance that I am not going to be freaking out during the removal of my teeth.
Michelle, you will be fine! Have faith in your dentist to execute the surgery properly!
Lorraine is right about that…..if you feel like you could eat it, then you probably can! I can eat corn on the cob, steak, jerky, popcorn. I was told not to eat really hard things like peanut brittle though. If you do, you take a chance on breaking your dentures. And I don’t know about you, but I don’t have $1000 laying around to spend on another top denture!
I am finally taking the steps to a better smile and a better healthier mouth. However I am getting all of my teeth removed next week and I am freaking out a little. I’m 46 yrs old and currently working in retail. I’m a little worried about how I’m going to deal with co-workers and customers after this procedure. I will be taking a week off afterwatds, and hope that will be enough time for recovery.
Thank you for having this blog. I feel this is a very personal issue and I really don’t want to talk to anyone about it.
Stella, you’ll be fine if you’re taking a week off. When you return to work, if you DO have any issues, I am sure that if you simply explain your situation to others, they’ll be more forgiving! Stop stressing!
It’s better to be open and honest with others, even if it’s hard to… people really, really appreciate honesty. Trust me on that.
My question is has anyone had both done and did anyone get the implants with it. When you first got them how was the bottom ones. It seems cost effective to get implants then without bc I heard so many different stories. I wanted suggestions
Traci, I’m not sure what your question is…
My question is how did you feel when got your bottom teeth done did you talk different? I already got my top dentures and I’m more nervous for my bottom teeth to get pulled I only have 6 teeth left on the bottom
Traci, I used to have a bit of a lisp before I got my false teeth. Now I don’t. So yeah, I talked differently — better!
I will admit, though, that they took some getting used to… but, as with anything new, there will be a period of adjustment. Hang in there! You’ll be OK!
I had 24 teeth removed -upper and lower. 6 implants – 4 on top and 2 on lower. I had severe peridontal disease – was told at age 14 would have dentures by age 30 but I just had it done at age 51. I was knocked out completely. Oral surgeon did the extractions, bone grafts and implants were covered by gum tissue until healed. I was given immediate dentures which were/are a pain but I think thats my dental tech’s inexperience combined with mine. Its a whole new world.
I had implants uncovered 3 weeks ago – initial surgery of extractions was done Oct 8 – so its been about 4 months.
Last week we did impressions after posts were placed into the implants. We still have to do wax try ins and get the perm set before final fitting. I would be extremely depressed at this point IF I didnt have implants but I think that is because I was treated differently and had a different thought process than others who just knew they had to adjust to dentures without implants. Everyone I know that has them seems to do well – those without implants and those with them. I think the mental part is the most important part of the process. Its going to be challenging either way – its tough but it can be done. Just keep positive and know that deep down no one that really loves you will criticize your decision. Best Wishes.
Last May I had my teeth pulled I stil have my immediate dentures I’m ok with the uppers. Well now I need lower dentures too. However I’m going to get 2 implants snap in ones and my insurance pays for some the cost is not too bad. My worry is this how is it different then the upper dentures? I’m more nervous bc of the horror stories o have heard. I think I’m nervous bc of being able to talk bc they said they will be flimsy until the dentures will be locked in.
Thanks for any suggestions
If you have reassurance for lower dwn
Traci, I don’t know anything about implants. Sorry!
I wanted to say thank you for sharing your story am 32 and was not raise on good oral hygiene too so my teeth are very bad and really thinking about just getting rid of my teeth for false am missing some already I have a nice smile that I miss and very ashamed to show once againe thank you
You’re welcome, Shay! 🙂
Hi. I am 23 years old and finally got myself to the dentist in November. Last I went to the dentist I was 18 and still never had a cavity. I became ill around that same time with neurological disease and my teeth quickly rotted out which I’m still unsure why. In November when I went to the dentist I found out my teeth can not be saved and I’m supposed to go to a prostodontist far away for dentures. I’m terrified of having my teeth extracted as I’ve never had dental work besides braces. Here it is, late January, 3:30 in the morning and I’m awake in excruciating pain unable to sleep for the third night in a row. You are the first person I have found who have me any sense of “this will be ok”. If you don’t mind, can you answer a few seemingly stupid questions? Was yours done just with numbing injections? Did you have to have antibiotics? Is that mandatory even if you don’t have infection? Was post op pain worse than the excruciating pain from exposed nerves etc(i am not weak with pain, having many tattoos and piercings but I don’t think I can handle anything worse than this but refuse to take medication)? How much did they bleedm And odd for this to be the most important to me but did anything in this process make your stomach sick (how ever they numbed you, swallowing blood, medication)? Thank you. I know it’s allot toask but iI have no where else to ask, and these things are what is holding me back. Ihave to do something. I can’t handle this pain and i look horrible.
Alex, I’ll try to answer your questions.
1. Post op pain was bad. Really bad. I had to take Tylenol 3s for the pain. But… pre op pain was just as bad, albeit a different kind. My jaw constantly hurt from the poison in my system… which sounds like what you are experiencing now. Gosh, I feel for you! I know that kind of pain SUCKS!
2. I was knocked out completely for my surgery. They removed all of my teeth and inserted my dentures in one fell swoop. Each person’s situation is different, however, so I don’t know what your dentist is planning for you. But I can assure you, they will give you some type of numbing agent!
3. I didn’t take any antibiotics.
4. My tattoo hurt less than my post op pain did. By far!
5. I didn’t bleed. At all. But when I went to get my stitches out, it hurt like hell.
Yet… despite all the pain I initially went through following the surgery, having my teeth removed and getting dentures is still BY FAR the BEST DECISION I HAVE EVER MADE. I’m truly happy now… and pain-free!
Dear Alex…….After reading your fears, it reminded me so much of myself not that long ago.
About two years ago I went to a place where all they do is dentures. They put me to sleep and an oral surgeon had to remove all of my top teeth. They immediately put my temporary denture in. Yes I was in pain for a good 5 or 6 days, but they give you pain medication. And I never had to have any stiches pulled out because they used the kind that just dissolve after a while. I think what I remember being the most aggravating was the bone spurs. The little tiny tiny pieces of bone that will just appear in your gums. You can feel it when you run your tongue over your gums. Most of the time I could just take my finger nail and pull it out by myself. But then sometimes I would have these little tiny bones that I could feel under the gum but I couldn’t get them to come out. That was frustrating. I could have easily gone to the denture place and they would have taken care of it for me, but I chose not to go.
I also got very depressed over the loss of my teeth, which I didn’t see coming. I was shocked that I was depressed because I couldn’t wait to get them out of my head, because they looked so bad. But I found out through talking with other people who had had all their teeth pulled that it’s normal to “mourn” the loss of your teeth. I eventually got passed it. I know that I’m much healthier for having this done. PLEASE Alex…….if you haven’t already done it, find a good oral surgeon, and a good denture place and just do it. You’ll be glad you did, once everything is healed up and you get all the kinks out of your dentures and they fit right. But do yourself a favor and DO NOT get the immediate dentures. The ones where they pull your teeth and pop your dentures in all in the same day. It’s a much more painful process. That’s the way I did it and I wish I had done it the old fashion way, where you get your teeth pulled then wait for your gums to heal and shrink up before you get your denture. Yes, you have to go without a denture for a while, but it’s a LOT less painful! Ask around and get some other opinions and you’ll see. I didn’t listen. Good luck to you!
I had all of my teeth removed Jan 5th. I have had such bad experiences with dentists, I was terrified. Even just going in to speak to the oral surgeon I was sobbing like a baby. I am 50 years old and have had bad teeth my whole life. They finally got so bad that I was on penicillin for 3 months and I was still swollen and infected. I had no choice because I did not want to die from all of the infection. I have a wonderful husband of 35 years, 3 kids and 6 grandkids that I want to spend a whole lot more time with. So after all my meltdowns I was put to sleep and they were all removed. Afterwards I was very pleasantly surprised. I never had much pain. At least nothing that over the counter tylenol couldn’t help, and I only had to take those for the first 24 hours. The worst thing for me has been not being able to chew. I want some meat so bad lol its Friday and on Monday it will be 3 weeks. I have been living off chicken broth with dumplings and mashed tators with gravy, and occasionally a bowl of ice cream 🙂 I do not have dentures yet, in fact they have not even been made yet. The infection was so bad in my teeth/mouth that my whole face was swollen so they said I needed to wait 6 weeks after having my teeth removed, take antibiotics for the first 10 days after removal and then after the 6 weeks I could come in for impressions and get my dentures ordered. I know I will have a better life now they are gone but I will be so glad to get my dentures (I hope) lol if anyone has any tips for me and my soon to be dentures, they would be greatly appreciated.
P.S anyone that has been putting it off because your scared. Trust me…no one is more scared than I was. I did alot of research before choosing my oral surgeon. Once I chose 3 that had the best feedback from people, I went to have several meet and greets with each of them and their staff, asked pages and pages of questions. The one that never acted like I was being ridiculous for asking so many questions, and didn’t try to rush me, always had a smile and although I didn’t take them, gave me a script for 2 Valium because he seen how stressed, scared and emotional I was…he was my pick! Great oral surgeon and great staff! So please do your research and stop putting it off. You will feel so much better! BTW sorry this is so long and thanks for sharing your stories!
Thanks for sharing your experience!
I appreciate you giving others the encouragement to NOT be a procrastinator when it comes to their oral health, too. 🙂
I agree!
I don’t know where to even start on my depression that revolves around this subject. My teeth…all holes, decay, rot, pain, misery, etc. I have trouble figuring out if the physical pain is greater than the mental pain. I do know I need to find a solution. I’ve known it for years BUT I haven’t done a thing about my problem. People have given me pats on the back and some advice and some organizations to start with. Still….zero activity on my end. It’s all my fault and I’m now too scared to live. This anxiety makes me want to hide forever or just stop existing. I know this wasn’tthe direction of your piece, but I needed to vent to someone who’s been there. Thanks for reading. your smile is gorgeous. with.
Alex, thanks for the compliment on my smile. 🙂
Feel free to vent anytime. Maybe one day you’ll be ready to take the first step.
If your teeth and gums are a complete mess there is only one solution: have them out. Dentures take time to get used to but they are a much better alternative than a mouthful of painful bad teeth. You don’t need to vent just take positive action. There are people here who will help you every step of the way.
Alex, I have the same problem as you. So often I am in pain, and I have lost so many of my teeth in the back. I am so, so embarrassed about it, and don’t talk to anyone about it. I am terrified of dentists since I had a really bad experience when I was around 8 years old, and just the thought of going, churns my insides! My parents never really taught me how to brush my teeth properly, and I’m paying the price now. I haven’t looked after my teeth properly, and now they are a huge mess!! It didn’t help that I was in an abusive relationship for 6 years, where my teeth just got much worse, because of his abuse.
I can’t afford to go to the dentist, not even for a check up, and I’m so scared, and I don’t know where to start. Looking in the mirror I’m so embarrassed, and I get so, so upset. Like you, Alex, I just want to hide, but that’s not possible. Hopefully we will both find the courage and a solution soon.
Thanks for all these helpful links. I liked the how to brush teeth link the most. I really feel that brushing properly is important.
dentists aurora co
Of course you do. 😉
I’m so glad I found this post! I am 44 and just had all 24 of my teeth pulled 5 days ago with immediate dentures. I’ve been so excited to finally have it done but now I’m feeling a little bit of depression. The pain is starting to subside but I still feel like I have a shoe in my mouth! I want to chew some soft food but it’s so awkward. I ventured out today to the convenience store and the clerk did a double take when spoke with such a lisp. Being young with dentures is more common than I thought. I go back to work tomorrow ugh…but you can bet I will be laughing and smiling for the first time in years! Thanks for your time!
Julie, thanks for sharing. I’m sure you’ll be just fine, in time. They take a bit of getting used to, and everyone is different, so just take your time and practice talking in front of a mirror to gain your confidence back. You’ll be smiling soon! I just know it! 😀
I started having my teeth pulled in early Oct. I went back every couple weeks to have more pulled. All my teeth were gone by the end of Nov. But, I’ve had to see the dentist 3 times to have pieces of bone that have to be dug out. This has all been a difficult experience. I still have about 6 sore places where bone is trying to push out. I go again next Monday. I dread going back. And once I do get dentures, how will I get used to the dentures~? I have been very depressed these past 3 mo. & know I’m still a long way from my mouth feeling normal. Thank you so much for sharing your experience. It gives me hope (BTW, I’m 70 yrs. old & I think that adds to my depression beings how I turned 70 on Thanksgiving Day – 70 sounds old enough but having no teeth really shows how old 70 looks~!!”
Margery, congratulations on being 70 and using a computer! Very impressive!
As for your teeth… keep seeing your dentist, regardless of how you feel. Please. You know it’s the right thing to do.
It’s too bad you’re having so many problems with your mouth bones. I wish you the best!
Good luck!
Being 70 is not old anymore, especially if you have your health. And everybody knows how to use a computer now days. It is no exception to be 70 and use a computer. The comment about be 70 and able to use a computer is a put-down.
Marianne, my parents are 68 and 73, and neither one of them knows how to use a computer. In no way did I mean to offend you! I think it’s fabulous that you are computer-literate. I am not a technical person by any means and it always astounds me when I see others doing things my parents or I cannot do.
I’m sorry you felt offended.
I finally had impressions made altho I still have sore spots that feel like bone wanting to come thru. I go tomorrow to see my impressions. What do impressions look like~? Are they “dentures” without the teeth~? Just the “gums” to see if they fit~? I don’t know what to expect. My mouth isn’t real big & I gag easily so I’m nervous.
Margie, they are a sample of what your dentures will look like, but they are made of wax.
They’ll feel weird, but you only need to try them for a moment! Relax!
I just wanted to say a big THANK YOU to all of you!
Reading this blog post and all of the comments has really helped me come to terms with the fact that I am 33 and my dentist strongly suggested I get all my remaining upper teeth pulled and get dentures. (With my lower teeth to be done in the future)
I’ve always had bad teeth, even as a child. and no matter how much I brushed and flossed, it never seemed to help.
It also doesn’t help that I had several horse riding accidents when I was younger that has caused micro fractures in my teeth.
Thank you all again for giving this girl the courage to finally make that call to her dentist and say “Gitt ‘er Dun” 😀
You are most welcome! Now go “git ‘er done”! 😉
Hi Hannah
Well I want to let you I had the same fear as you did but seem to get over it. But everyone is different I think you will have a lot support from all people here. I have dentures too it took awhile to get used too but hopefully you will be okay.
You can pretty much do anything within reason once you get used to them.
Just remember they are temporary until you get your permanent dentures bc your gums shrink so it takes 6 to 9 months for your gums to come back but it all depends on how your gums heal. I have temporarily dentures but I have mine since May but I will be getting my new ones soon. Make sure you clean them. Remember they are like stars they always come out at night. I wish you luck. Keep smiling and let us know how it goes.
Best of luck
HI! I have one question if you don’t mind. How are you dealing with the bone loss and changed face structure? Thank you.
Hope, there really is nothing to deal with. I just wear my dentures, and all is normal!
I’m 23 and I’ve never actually been to a dentist before. The few times I have, I got overdosed on laughing gas and they couldn’t work on me, but I guess dentists don’t use that sort of thing anymore. It also didn’t help that my family is incredibly poor, I’m technically homeless right now. Apparently things have happened in a way that I have to go see a dentist soon and I’m pretty positive they’re going to tell me the best thing to do is have all of my teeth removed. I guess I just have so many concerns over it and it seems like you’re the only person that is so upbeat about it. Other people I’ve talked to with dentures tell me it’s the worst thing that’s ever happened in their life, so of course I’m terrified now.
Do you think they would remove all of the teeth at once or just some over time? I’m like 95% sure they’re all going to have to be pulled. Does not having teeth make your face warp? Like, will it look like your chin has receded or change the shape of your face? Does that change when you get older? When you have those dentures, how does it fit in your mouth? Like, can you eat anything with them or does stuff like ice cream get in under them? I’m not sure about you, but I have pretty high anxiety and I’m wondering if knowing something is in my mouth can fall out will make me worse. I have no idea how these things work, do you sleep with them? What about exercising and stuff? I’m sorry if it’s a lot of questions but I’ve never in my life met anyone that would talk to me about teeth before and it’s a lot of built up fear I suppose.
Hannah, it’s best to get all of your teeth removed at once and false teeth put in. They function as regular teeth. Your face will only look a bit funny when your dentures are out. Other than that, you will appear as normal as can be!
Getting used to talking with them in will take a few days. They won’t fly out of your mouth, either. At least, they shouldn’t!
Many people have dentures and you don’t even know it. So stop worrying!
Your site is so encouraging! However, I have what I think is a frightening story. I am a Lyme patient who had a lot of treatment. When I lost my treatment, my oral infection began with not being able to clean my teeth. Dentist to doctor to dentist, ad infinitum over the last 3 years. The Lyme took my job as a computer science engineer, so the dentist at from $150 to $400 most visits nearly broke me. I had an increasing clear glue-like discharge coming from between my gums and teeth making me increasingly sick all over. I got polyps in my stomach and colon and was told they could not be removed because I would bleed to death because there were so many. I found dentists want to save your teeth at all costs. I found dentists and doctors WILL NOT work together. Better to die with a mouth full of teeth than to live without the teeth. Long story short. I had 27 teeth without cavities pulled on December 10, 2014, using Novocaine in Mexico. I was terrified, but the procedure was easy. Dentures put right in and I kept them there 8 days. Interesting that I had bent roots that never would have let the teeth come out on their own, no matter how bad the infection got. The bent roots could not be seen on the panoramic x-rays because of the way they pointed. I immediately could see better. I had swollen cheeks at day three, and bruising at day 4, but both are gone now. Then I got sick, 15 days later, sore throat, and just sick, 102 degree temp. The pain was to severe so I have had the dentures out for over a week. My gums are so sore, so went to the ER. Most docs I have seen have been kind, but the ER doc at a hospital where there are maxillofacial surgeons was very unkind telling me to go back to Mexico. The glue discharge seems to be gone. And yes, I had almost all my teeth, they looked OK, but were turning yellow, so the dentures are much prettier than my teeth were. I am determined let the gums heal no matter what it takes, and wear those dentures day and night, and eat steaks. I am 72 years old, and have suffered with this oral infection for 5 or 6 years, and started seeing the docs and dentists three years ago. Your column is so encouraging, and helps me look forward to life without an oral infection, and a pretty smile.
Marianne, I am sorry to hear of all your troubles! I have to say, however, that I’m truly impressed that you are in your seventies and are using a computer! Good for you!
Also, it’s good that you have a good attitude towards the future. I’m sure you’re going to be smiling soon!
Thank u for sharing. I had a lot of problems like you an opted to have all upper teeth pulled in my early 30’s. Oral surgery all pulled at once and they put my upper in before I woke up….that was like 12 years ago….i still have the same upper…although it has broken teeth and doesn’t fit anymore….so I finally got the courage to get bottoms pulled. 9 teeth.most were broken at roots. The timing however did not allow for me to have a lower yet. I am getting a new upper and lower. So since last Monday I have an upper and no bottoms. I have to go back to work Monday and I’m tired of sounding like Cindy brady. I can’t get my dentures til next week. Any suggestions?
Thanks for sharing your brave story…cathy
Cathy, most people won’t notice that you don’t have bottom teeth. It’s the upper ones people notice the most, even when you smile. If you are really self-conscious, simply refrain from talking to others OR just tell them you are in the process of having your teeth fixed. Most people are really understanding and will sympathize with you!
I hope this advice helps!
Hello Lorraine, My teeth aren’t so much rotten, but most of the larger molars are full of amalgam. I also suffer from halitosis and bleeding gums. It had crossed my mind recently to ask my dentist whether it would be better to get false teeth, rather than keep re-filling. The amalgam has turned black on most of my teeth and look awful when I smile. I had the front two teeth capped about 30 years ago and they are the best looking of all of them. Being now 60 years of age, it would be nice to have smile-friendly teeth and sweet breath for once in my life. I am certainly encouraged to go for it from what you have written of your experience of dentures. Thank you for reading.
Hi Sue. I think you should definitely consider dentures. Sure, it’s going to hurt… for a while. The end payoff will be worth it, however. At your age, you still have a lot of life left and so it’d be wise for you to consider false teeth. Your gums won’t bleed anymore, and your halitosis might even go away. Win-win, if you ask me.
I’m glad I was able to offer you an alternative! Good luck!
Hello again Lorraine, Thanks for the feedback. As it happens, I have an appointment with my dentist next week, so will definitely ask what options there are to improve my teeth, breath and smile. Implants look fantastic, but costly, so not everyone can afford them. Veneers wear off over time, crowns may be OK too. Also with modern ceramics, dentures look a lot nicer than years ago. My parents had false teeth and boy, did they look false. Anyhow, I will let you know how I get on Lorraine. A very happy new year to you.
Sue, most false teeth nowadays look real, so you have nothing to worry about. It’s good to hear you’re seeing your dentist.
Happy New Year to you, too, Sue!
Hi Lorraine, there has been so much great information in your blog, thank you! I had 13 top teeth removed yesterday under oral sedation (so still conscious) and immediate top denture fitted. I have to say that I have no pain at all last night or today and only minor swelling. What is getting me though is the denture on the roof of the mouth – I had no idea it would go so far back! I am still getting the urge to gag especially when talking, but guess this will go with time. I’m only 42 years old so was worried about getting a denture so early, but it’s amazing when you start talking to people how many actually have dentures and you wouldn’t even know! 🙂
Jeanna, you will get used to it in time. If you don’t, your dentist might be able to adjust it for you.
Congratulations on your new teeth, and thanks for your comment!
I am 58 and on Dec. 10 I had my top teeth removed and dentures immediately placed. In Nov. I had the lowers removed and also immed.
dentures. I am not adjusting at all
I gag constantly and still can’t speak or eat with them in. Constant trips to the dentist isn’t helping. I am so depressed I don’t want to leave the house. Is there any hope or are there just people who can’t adjust? My mouth is very small, dentists have always remarked on this. Could this be the cause of the gagging? I don’t even want to wear them it is so miserable. I so wanted this to work out, the teeth are very pretty, they look good but I can only wear them for a short time. Do you have any tips for me, Im kind of desperate at this point. Thanks so much for the postings.
Dee, what has you dentist said about this issue?
I was in the same boat when i had all of my top and all of my bottoms removed and immediate dentures placed 2 months ago.
I lost 15 pounds and gagged constantly. I didn’t think i was ever going to adjust.
What helped me believe it or not was mints. Lots and lots of mints. I had a mint in my mouth non stop, morning and night, for a month…and eventually i did adjust too the dentures being in my mouth.
My only problem now is i am addicted to mints! 🙂
Thank you Lorraine and Corey, for your responses! My dentist just keeps me coming back in. The bottoms have been relined 4 times, still won’t stay in. Last visit they have agreed to make a new bottom.
Corey, it gives me hope to know I’m not the only one who has the gagging issue, but also knowing that you are doing better, they just told me to have tic tacs in all tje time now and it does help a little. I will keep trying and hope it will ease as yours did. Lorraine, thank you so much for all of the info. Your courage in putting this denture issue out there also gives hope because the majority of posters are positive outcomes, I hope you keep on doing this!
Good luck, Dee! And you’re welcome. 🙂
Good to hear that you’re gonna get new bottoms, too.
Having the false teeth can really create problems for you. But if you care properly, they can be pretty handy for your missing teeth. Make sure that you take proper care at regular intervals as directed by dentist.
Excellent advice!
Hi my names Jenna. I’m 26 my teeth R very thin, decayed, and starting to feel loose at the bottom. I have bone loss around two teeth at the front. This is making me very depressed. I feel like killing myself. I don’t want to look like a freak. I can’t stop crying and everyday is a struggle. I have not been eating as I worry my teeth will crack all wobble more. I know I need dentures but scared don’t know anyone my age with them; they all have perfect teeth. I’ve always brushed so don’t know what’s happened 🙁
Jenna, I was in my early twenties when I had all my teeth removed. They were bad. Really, really bad.
I think you should visit your dentist as soon as you can, and get some professional advice on what to do with your teeth. You might need dentures. If that is the case, it’s not the end of the world. You’ll be okay. It’s just surgery in your mouth, after all. Tons of people have false teeth, me included.
Make an appointment today, Jenna. You’ll feel better once you do!
I’m 33 and just got all my teeth removed and full dentures exactly 2 months ago.
At first i had mixed feelings about them as i gagged terribly for the first week or so, but after a few adjustments and getting used to my mouth being full of teeth again, i love them! I’m pretty much able to eat anything i want again too….even stuff i couldn’t eat with my real teeth (because they were painful and in terrible shape) except for the sticky stuff…but where there’s a will, there’s a way lol!
Thanks for your story!
Corey, it’s good to hear you have adjusted. I’m glad my story helped, too. 🙂
My name is Lauren. I am almost 60, which I guess is old. I’m going to need a full upper plate right after the New Year, when my dental benefits kick in. I presently have a partial and up until now had 2 dental implants top eyetooth and right front tooth. Due to an autoimmune disease which caused osteoporosis both implants came out within 3 weeks of each other. So here I am right before the biggest holidays of the year and I don’t even want to leave my house or talk to anyone. I am somewhat excited at the prospect of having (I hope) pretty new teeth. I’ve had a partial for 3 years so I am hoping the adjustment to a full plate should be easier. I’m starting with a new dentist which I am a little nervous about. If anyone has any advice or words of wisdom feel free to share. I know it will all be alright, but right now not so much! Thank you in advance.
Lauren, my best advice is to go through the pages of comments left on this post, as many questions have already been posed and answered.
It’s great that you have benefits; many people don’t. You’ll be alright.
And 60 is not old. 😉 You’re as young as you feel!
FYI, when you get your new teeth, you’re going to feel like you’ve dropped 20 years and be happy to smile (and leave the house) again!
I am 42 and decided with my dentist today to get a full upper and partial lower (just my two back molars on the bottom) due to periodontal gum disease. I’ve had to have deep scaling cleanings since I was around 19 years old and have always had deep pockets. Never the best flosser, just 2x a week and brushed once a day, sometimes skipping a day… so my lazy fault. Over time, my pockets got 10+ on 3/4 my mouth and it’s time to take them out. I also have thyroid issues and was told that might be a contributor too. After getting my dentures I won’t have to worry about heart disease related issues I don’t think… do you know… No teeth = no periodontal gum disease, right? Well I am excited about no gaps and whiter teeth, i’m just worried about the healing process because I have a 9month old to care for. Am I going to be in a whole lot of pain for weeks and weeks? Do they put in stitches after each extraction? Did you lose weight while healing?… that could be a plus too 🙂 After reading your thread I felt a bit better so thanks. It was good to find out that if you use a Cpap machine at night you should wear your teeth… I hadn’t mentioned to my dentist that I use one, so i’ll tell him so before the extractions. I’ve been pretty down today, overwhelming prospect taking all my top teeth… since they currently don’t look too bad, I guess all the damage is under the gum line. I’ll be extracting in January TBD. I wonder if they’d let me keep my teeth… I know, strange right… 🙂 I’d like to keep them in a little jar for safe keeping…
Heather, having your teeth removed is just like any other surgery… you’re going to have a bit of pain while you heal afterward. The good thing about having mouth surgery (teeth extractions) is that it is not debilitating. You can still carry on with your daily activities and care for your children.
I think you should speak to the Tooth Fairy. She might have something to say about keeping your old teeth… although I did keep mine in a baggie for a few years. I finally threw them out, though. They looked gross.
Hi Lorraine, I am 34 years old and I will be getting a full set of dentures on the 5th of January. I have had all the top taken out just this Tuesday and next Tuesday the 23rd (just two days before Christmas) I will have all the bottom removed. I have not had my dentures made yet as I will have them made on the 5th. My question is do you think that they will fit or look right after I have let my gums heal before I get them and put them in?
Crystal, I’m honestly not sure. Consult with your dentist.
I know they will look fine, but I’m not sure how they will fit.
Mine were made beforehand.
I also forgot to mention. I did get a quote to fix my top teeth and get a partial. I have several front teeth that have root canals done several years ago and have large fillings in them. I couldn’t afford crowns at the time. Now I’m afraid they’re too brittle to save and spending all the money to try and save them could possible be a waste of money because the teeth would be brittle and after crowns were placed it could break off in near future no quarantines. I understand that! Then i would have more expense to have pulled and add to partials or then get dentures. So, does anyone know of anyone having these dental issues. That could give me some advice?
Tracy, you could ask your local college if they have a dental program that services the public for a reduced fee. Most do. Some are even free!
That’s my best advice to you.
I’m 48 and in the process of getting full top denture and lower partial. I am scared!! I have Sleep Apnea and use a bipap machine with full mask. With having Sleep Apnea I’ve been told I must sleep in my dentures so my airway does not close off. So, it’s hard enough accepting the fact I need dentures now I must sleep in them for my breathing a whole new ball game. Thus terrifies me…. Any advise thanks
Tracy, once you have your dentures, you will get so used to them that they will feel like your regular teeth. Trust me on this, I know. I always sleep with mine in. I only take them out to brush or clean them. Other than that, they’re in my mouth full-time. You have nothing to worry about!
I know this is all very scary, but you really don’t have to get stressed out over this. It’s not as bad as you think it is!
You’re really brave.
I’m not happy with my teeth. I’m having jaw surgery within the next year.
Sophie, it’s not a matter of bravery; it’s a matter of living life with the hand you were dealt… or in this case, teeth!
I wish you luck with your surgery. You’ll be much happier afterwards. Guaranteed.
In July I had 4 upper molars removed…. And on Friday dec 12 I had the remaining 6 front teeth extracted and I received my immediate denture!! Even though it does not fit well at all… I love it!!! I have a beautiful smile again…. I have covered my smile for the last 4 years … The extractions did not hurt at all. I just had novicane. Dentist says when gums heal he can do a reline so they fit better….. I really can’t eat anything except soft foods and that is even difficult because immediate denture is way too loose… I have to use adhesives which is not fun.. But I am still so happy I finally did this and I love my new smile…. The discomfort is well worth it!!! Wish I would have done it a long time ago:). Now to start working on the bottoms…
Good for you! Keep on smiling!
Wow, well this is crazy but I’m 17 years of age and as well as you I had poor oral hygiene and it kind of runs in the family, but I just had like 29 or so pulled and I’m currently on my 3rd day of healing. I could have had them put in the same day but the dentist said it would be better to heal first so I could have the best fit. It’s just hard going through this so young. But it’s nice to hear a nice story on the subject! I can’t wait to be able for the first time in my life to be able to be confident and smile!
Mikey, you’re not alone. Take a look at how many people are going through the same thing as you — look at how many comments have been left on this blog post!
I wish you a lifetime of smiling!
Hi guys im 25 and have to have 14 teeth out on Wednesday and false teeth put on straight away now i dont like the idea off not knowing whats going on and also so scared to stay awake how long does the sedation last for and if your put to sleep how do u still talk to the dentist cause u would know what u am saying please help im so scared i cry every night cause i so badly want to be able to smile again i suffer with panic attacks as well so thats not helping at all i have all roots theres no tooth on none off mine all black dirty roots thanks all Ben
Ben, relax. You’ll be fine! You’ll be knocked out for about an hour or two. You’ll still be able to talk.
Stop crying and chill out. Things will be okay!
I know I will be knocked out but I never taken any form of tablets or been put to sleep (knocked out) before. I’m scared in case I have a panic attack whist I’m under the sedation I’m such a nervous wreck
You can’t have a panic attack if you are knocked out, Ben. Relax. It’ll be over before you know it and you will be fine, smiling proudly in no time!
Hi Lorraine
I had my whole top teeth removed 3 days ago leaving only 5 teeth on the bottom. I’m in some pain and wanted to know what you did for your pain or what others have done. I was awake the whole time and thought that could be why I hurt because I was so tense. Also I’ve noticed others saying it hurts to wear dentures and I was wondering how painful?
Dawn, if you take some Tylenol or Advil, you should be okay. The pain won’t last forever!
The only problem with dentures is that you’ll have to visit your dentist regulary so he/she can shave down the problem spots that will crop up. As your gums heal and settle, your dentures will need to be adjusted. The tiniest little spot can cause a lot of pain.
You’ll know when this happens; your mouth will be VERY sore. Try not to let it get to that point, as it takes days to get better from one of those spots.
Other than that, you’ll be just fine and will be smiling proudly again in no time!
Forgot to say I’ve always been embarrassed to say that I had dentures? Why is that? The one or two people I’ve told that I had a top denture said they didn’t realize and they look so real.
Peg, dentures look very real. No one knows my teeth are fake when they meet me! Relax!
I had to have a full top denture when I was around 18 or 19. My teeth had always been bad. I had 7 of my baby teeth pulled when I was younger. Then in late teens went into the hospital and had 12 out at once. I waited a while to have the top denture put in so I didn’t go anywhere, covered my mouth when I talked or smiled, but was a stay at home mom, so tried not to go anywhere until I got the denture. For the past many years I’ve only had 9 teeth left on the bottom. Now they are aching badly and I would like to just yank them out and get a plate, but there is no way I could put the plate in after surgery. I have a low threshold of pain and am suffering enough now. But how do I go to work with no bottom teeth? Right now if I take my top plate out my gums and bottom teeth won’t meet, trying to make them meet hurts my jaw. So I couldn’t eat anything without them and even just trying to go for a few minutes hurts the jaw. I’d have to wait to get them in but what would I do about my jaw?
Also what does everyone think of denture clinic compared to a dentist for price and quality?
I’m sure you can get away with wearing no bottom teeth without anyone noticing. My mom does. She refuses to wear her lower dentures, claiming massive amounts of pain anytime she puts them in. So she has ceased wearing them altogether. Of course, she has to watch what she eats; she cannot chew hard food like nuts or raw carrots.
I hope someone answers your questions about the denture clinic vs. a dentist re: price and quality, as I cannot speak to that issue.
Good luck… and let’s hear from someone out there… please!
Hi Lorraine, what a bLessing to have found your post. My mother had 9 extractions and a partial denture put in a few days ago. This has been very hard on her. She took out the partial today and she immediately began to cry. I think the shock of seeing her toothless mouth stirred so many emotions in her that she was inconsolable. I’m not sure how to help her cope. I know that you had a very different experience but Do you have any advice as to what I can say or do? I just wish that I could make her understand how beautiful she is.
Sandra, it sounds like your mom just needs some simple reassurance. Remind her how many million others have gone through the same thing. Show her this post. Show her the multitude of comments that people have left on it. Sympathize with her; she’s in pain, and this is a scary experience. Keep repeating yourself, too. Eventually your mom will adjust to her new situation.
You sound like a very loving daughter, and I’m convinced that no matter what you do, you will do the right thing! 🙂
Lorraine…it’s hard for me to think that i going to have false teeth soon and i’m scared that my family will say that i’m still young and i got false teeth…so Lorraine if we have false teeth can we talk or laugh?? because i say some people who have false teeth fall out want that laugh!!! i hate my life and i hate myself too!!! well thanks for listening to my sad life!!!
Ben, of course you can talk, laugh, eat, kiss, drink, and do whatever else you do with your mouth. False teeth won’t stop you from doing any of these. At least, they shouldn’t! 🙂
thanks Lorraine for e-mail me back.. i’m still little scared and i always brush my teeth but my teeth and my gum don’t hurting and i hope i can’t save some of my teeth and Replace the bad teeth..well talk to u want i come back from the dentist…bye…
Ben, sometimes it best to simply remove all of your teeth at once. Remember that.
hi.. Lorraine i just got back from the dentist he told me that i might get to save most of my teeth but i just need to replace the bad one with crown….will Lorraine i still hate myself and was look at my old pic and i began to cry because i going to miss my beautiful all my fault and i wish If I could live my life again I would have looked after my teeth better and keep it clean…well thanks for talk to me it’s help me alot!!!!
Ben, you will still have a nice smile after you get dentures. Take it easy on yourself.
oh ok. i know this is hard for me because i still young and i still want to get merry and have kids but if i don’t have teeth none one will date me…well thanks for help me!!!
You’ll be okay, Ben. Many young people have dentures. It’s not a big deal, really.
Thank you for placing first set fears aside. I too, had my sad set of teeth replaced with plastic ones. Best thing I ever did. Now, can you offer advice on replacing them? Mine developed a crack this weekend. Since you have replaced your uppers a few times, I thought you may point out details to create a pleasant experience.
Mary, I think you’ll be in good hands if you simply let your denturist take care of you!
They might also be able to repair the crack, enabling you to keep your current set of teeth. Find out.
Im on day 3 in so much pain had a full upper set hope it gets easier i just want to take them out they hurt so much ugh
Mylynda, hang in there. It’s going to hurt for another two weeks, at least. But it will get easier, and once you get past the pain, you will be alright. Trust me on that!
Make painkillers your best friend, eat soft foods, and visit you dentist regularly for him/her to shave down the rough spots.
Let me know in a week how things are progressing. I know it’s hard to go through this new experience alone. I’m here for you!
I just did the exact same thing yesterday, I’m 26, and I feel like this was an amazing decision
Melody, good for you! It was!
Lorraine…Thanks for the support. Unfortunately I had throat cancer in 2009 and as a result, my teeth,
began to deterate two years after the 10 intense raditation treatments. I’m sure the chemo didn’t
help my situation. At any rate I have been fooling myself believing that the teeth would correct
themselves. My first visit to a dentist I was quoted $24,000. to replace my teeth. (2011) No way
could I raise that money without hocking my home..just didnt want to do that. Beside disturbed me
that he would state “he needed my business to be able to pay for his airplane.” At any rate I have since
met a great dentist with some class. Costs down to $5,000. But I believe I’m going for the cheaper
job of dentures. (very hard to play trumpet with no Chet Baker) Will let you know, in the
future, how things turn out . Thanks again for your article.
Richared, definitely let me know how things go! Good luck!
Hi. Anybody know why suddenly after just the weeks of use my false teeth are staining very badly. I clean them regularly and rinse them after meals.
Tony, please speak to whomever made your teeth about this issue. See what they say, then let the rest of us know, please, because I have no idea!
Well I’m very scared. My teeth were perfect untile the dentist lied and said I had a cavity between my front teeth. I let him fix it later found out that it should have never been touched . I’m so scared that eventually I’ll have to remove those two teeth . I been crying every sence. He filled it with that composite filling which made it sensitive 🙁 Been to like five dentist since . I dont want to lose those teeth in the long run.
Shar, I have a hard time believing that a dentist would lie to you! What did the other dentists say you should do?
Thanks for your story! I’m actually getting dentures in a week, and the closer I get to D day, the more nervous I am! What shade did you choose for yours? My dentist chose the shade for me, and I’m really nervous that they aren’t going to be white enough….I’m getting A2….any info or tips you may have on learning to talk with dentures would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks again.
Jodi, trust your dentist. He’s the expert, after all.
Good luck! You’ll be fine and smiling proudly in no time!
Talking might take some getting used to… they will feel weird at first, but you’ll adjust to them eventually. Talking is fine for me, now. 🙂 Just practice!
Hi Lorraine,
I am 24 years old, and I need to get a few teeth removed. But I am so scared to go to the dentist as these are my front 2, maybe 4, top teeth… And I don’t want to have to go without those teeth as I would be embarrassed. I already have a low self-esteem, and i wouldn’t want to be toothless also. Right now I can’t even smile without showing my teeth or covering my mouth, and I feel dentures would be a good fix.
Is it possible for them to have teeth ready and made for right after you get the teeth pulled?…
Jay, yes it is! They made my dentures first, and then put them in my mouth immediately after they extracted all of my teeth, during the surgery, while I was still under anaestetic!
They can also make you a partial, if you only need a few teeth removed. 🙂
Well hello my name is Evette tomorrow is my visit to the dentist and the lady told me that when they pull all my top I get my dentures same day is that trueccan somebody tell me plx
Evette, didn’t your dentist tell you what to expect? Please talk to him/her for details on going back to work, too. Good luck!
I just got my dentures both sets.I have bone loss in my bottom,this makes me look older than I am.My new lower set I am not pleased with..they are so small they do not even show in my mouth and they are always other old set did not do this.I was hoping my lower set would be mor fuller and the teeth a little more bigger.I am so self concious..I hate to smile.Please tell me what I could do..should I go back and say I am not satisfied with the bottom ones.My older ones did not move on the bottom but my new ones do.Thanks so much.
Yes, I would go back and complain to whomever made your dentures!
Good luck!
good thing I found this. u inspired me! after reading this article of urs I finally decided to get false teeth asap. I used to have rabbit front teeth but now it’s kinda ruined. I’m the type of person that is terrified of doctors and dentist 🙁 omg I hope I’ll do good when I visit the dentist soon 🙁
Good luck, Winnie! I’m glad my story helped you. 🙂
Last April I started the process of looking into getting my teeth done and I also started weight watchers. I have since lost 60 lbs and have a whole set of perfect teeth!! I have a great smile, I willingly laugh and show my teeth, I have much better self esteem. I eat every thing I did before. Even more so as before it hurt to eat chips, peanuts etc. My health overall is better due to no infections in my teeth.
Jessica, I’m SO proud of you! 🙂
You must look and feel like a million bucks!
Way to go!
hi.. Canadian i’m very scared that i might loss all my teeth and i’m only 32 year old and i’m still young and i don’t wanna to loss all my teeth and i’m so embarrassed to talk to my family and friends..i feel like i don’t wanna to live in this world and i hate myself so much!! well thanks for listening to my bad life..
Ben, take it easy. I’m Canadian, too. I was also in my early 20s when I had ALL my teeth removed.
It’s not the end of the world, you know.
Getting false teeth was the best decision I’ve ever made regarding my health. You’d be wise to make the same decision. It’s not as back as you think.
Trust me.
What is your biggest fear about getting dentures?
thanks Canadian for e-mail me back..the biggest fear is that i going to look ugly and my family and friends will make funny at me and no long get to eat the thing i like to eat and i’m wish i can turn back in time so i can been 10 year old again!!!
Ben, relax. No one is going to make fun of you. I bet if you polled your friends, they all know at least one other person with false teeth!
thanks for e-mail me mom sisters have false teeth and if i have false teeth i will no long get to eat the thing i like to eat like pizza and other thing..i wish we can grow new teeth… i will hate myself for a long time…well thanks for listening to my life..
Ben, pizza is one of my most favourite of foods, and I can assure you that I eat it regularly. You’re worrying for nothing! You will be able to eat it, too!
Ben: I think I faced a very similar situation as you are now. My teeth were in a very bad way. My fault really I had not looked after them properly. I suppose I always thought. I would lose them anyways. My mum wears dentures like yours and so does my dad. So getting dentures seemed a normal progression. That happened to me just over three years ago when I had all my teeth taken out in two sessions. I was 31.
Don’t get me wrong, getting dentures is a big deal: life changing in fact. Aynd there is no going back on it. It takes time to adjust. There are some immediate advantages. For a start I have even white teeth rathef than crocked discoloured ones. So yoh leave the dentist with a great smile. Eating is a much bigger issue. It takes time and I found tbat it was only after six month when my gums had fully healed and stabilised (they shrinkc rapidly at first) that I became proficient at eating. You will still have to modify tbe way you eat. Dentures are not so good at biting. You sort of grind down your food so you need to cut it up first. Except for the crisliest pizzas you should manage well enough.
If you play a contact sport you will not be able to do so with your dentures in. Actually I find I like it with my dentures out so usually at home I go toothless, except sometimes for eating. That means inevitably people see you without your teeth. I was a little embarrassed ar first but I don’ t mind now. In fact I think it has heiped me to accept my dentures and being toothless.
If I could live my life again I would have looked after my teeth better. But I am sure dentures are much better than bad teeth and that is what they repaced. They are easy to maintain after the initial stage of getting them and learning to use them. I had mine relined about six months ago as my gums had changed shape. So that is the only time I have seen a dentist in two and a half years. And I have had very few problems with tbem. So cheer up! Life is much better with dentures than witbout.
I love seeing the interaction between readers of my blog posts.
Thanks, guys, for helping one another out!
thanks Kevin for comment me.. i’m doing ok but i still scared and i don’t know what to do because i don’t wanna to loss all my teeth and last time i want to the dentist and that told me to stop smoke before i loss all my teeth and i got scared and i stop smoke and the dentist told me that i might loss some of my teeth only and right now i only loss 3 teeth and my other teeth are ok but the dentist told me to go visit a professional cleaning but i told my dentist that it going to cost alot of money and i don’t have money to pay….so he just told me to brush my teeth and stop smoke..i very hate my life so back!!! well talk to u later!!!
Understandably people are anxious about the prospect of extractions and can have little idea what dentures are really like before they get them. That said, millions of people have trodden the well-worn path of losing all their teeth and wearing dentures for most of their adult lives. Most of the make a successful transition to dentures and life is enhanced, rather than blighted, by having them.
I think most of us know in our hearts when it is time for our teeth to go. If your teeth are destined to be lost, I think it is better just to face up to it. Certainly I am happy with mine and would not want to go back to the days of pain and discomfort with bad teeth and gums.
Kevin, thanks for responding to Ben. I think it’s wonderful that you, as a guy, can offer him such reassurance.
I wouldn’t trade my dentures for the world, either, and am sooo happy I don’t have any pain or bad teeth anymore as well! 🙂
Thanks Kevin for e-mail me back..i want to the dentist and he told me that i have to wait for long time to get my teeth put out because my teeth are still good and he told me that i might need gum surgery only and i don’t know what to do..i’m scared??? will thanks you for responding back!!!bye!!
Hi guys, I had top teeth removed only leaving five so therefore I had a partial plate made so teeth out plate in straight away. I found the first three days were very painful in regards to the teeth been pulled and had problems eating and talking for the first week. I over came this by taking pain killers for the first three days every 6 hrs which was great and I did not remove the plate at all in them three days. After the first week was over it took around another two weeks for the plate to settle a not feel so tight in my mouth.
Six months down the track once all the healing was complete I looked into getting a new plate a much thinner one and a horse shoe shape one to give more room in the month and ones without wire gaplse.
Now I have the best set of teeth that you can’t even tell that they are not real at all, the only time I ever remove is when cleaning them otherwise there are in 24/7. I just wish I did it sooner instead of been too embarrassed to do anything about it early.
So for the people out there to scared just do it you will not regret it and you can manner the pain it doesn’t last that long you probably have been putting up with the pain in mouth now a lot longer.
Terri, what a wonderful story! Thanks for sharing your positive experience with getting dentures!
It’s going to help allay the fears others have, I’m sure, and assist them in going through with their scary experience. 🙂
Keep on smilin’!
Thank you for your kind and encouraging words. Hopefully this will make it easier to accept in a positive experience vs. something negative.
You’re welcome, Mary. 🙂
Will be going from a top partial to a top denture soon. Seeing I had a top partial should the adjustment to the top denture be pretty quick and easy to adjust to the denture.
Mary, I think you’re right. It should be an easy transition. 🙂
I am going to have the remaining top 5 teeth pulled and have a top immediate denture put in soon. Does it always hurt after words or does it not happen sometimes like that. I recently had a top tooth pulled and a temp. tooth put in my top partial and there was no pain whatsoever and had no problems.
Please advise.
Mary, every person has a different pain threshhold, so it is really difficult to say what will happen in your case. However, if you had no problems before, I think you will have no problems this time around, too. 🙂
Hi, my name is Rodney, I am 49 years old and I had my teeth removed on November 12, 2014 because I had bad teeth and my daughter-in-law suggested to my wife that I would look better with false teeth. I was so nervous and excited as the same time but I had good support from my lovely wife and children as well as the dentist was exceptional. I am dealing with the pain slowly but am glad that I had it done. I have both upper and lower dentures, and am finding it hard to chew so sticking to soft foods for now. Talking is something that I feel as if I am a toddler again, but know it will all come back in a few months. So if anyone is looking at getting full dentures, I say go for it as I wish I had done it a long time ago.
Thanks, Rodney, for giving others hope!!! I appreciate your sharing your story, too. 🙂
Glad to hear you had a great experience!
Hi there everyone. I am Denice, 42 11/12 yrs, almost 43.
Monday i had 7 bromen and wrotten teeth pulled. I go back in 1-2 weeks to remove 6-8 more, then 1-2 werks later pull the final few left. All will be removed and full dentures are in the making. Dentist promissed me i would not go toothless. I am very sore, but still the bottom front teeth (8) left hurt more than the extractions do. I can’t wait for them to be gone. And hopefully a great smile to replace the sad face of constant tooth and facial pain.
I am so glad I found you all here. I am scared, embarrassed and also hopeful. I pain often at the dentist. I didn’t with this new dentist!! They were all kind and gentle. And I didnt get tearful at all this time.
I just wish he would have taken them all at once. Tired of the pain.
Rambling now….
Glad I found this blog. Its very encouraging. Thank you ALL
Denice, I know how you feel; before I had my teeth pulled, I had so much pain in my mouth and my jaw. It totally sucked!
Please read through the pages of comments on this blog post; many people have offered good advice. 🙂 Thanks for your comment and for sharing your experience, too.
Wishing you the best, and a nice smile!
Hi Lorraine just to let you know since the last time I emailed you had two implants done at bottom gum so when get new sets in January will hold better can’t wait now to get new set but I have done well with my false teeth even my partner seen me with out them he said you are still you with or without them but I have really done well and would not go back to have horrible teeth again Lynn
Lynn, it’s great to hear from you! Thanks for the update! I love, love, LOVE my false teeth too! 🙂 I’m so glad you are happy with yours. I told you that things would be okay. 😉 I hope all of your pain is now gone, and you’re smiling every day!
My name is Tony and I am 66 years old. Have had disgusting rotting teeth and too embarassed to smile for years. On Friday I had all teeth and posts removed, under sedation. My false teeth went straight in and as advised I wore them that night. I finally took them out the following night. When I got up the next morning I could not get them in as the gums are so swollen. Now I am just waiting for the swelling to go back down so that I can get the teeth back in.
When I first looked in the mirror and saw my lovely new teeth I almost cried, I couldn’t believe it was me looking back,out of the mirror.
Your story has really encouraged me and I cannot wait to get the teeth back in.
First of all, thanks for sharing your experience!
Secondly, I want to give you a piece of advice: get your teeth in ASAP. Seriously. My mom had a set made for her, too, and she didn’t like the feel of the bottom plate, and so she took them out, claiming the pain was too much to bear. She never put them back in. Now she only has an upper set of teeth, also false. She cannot eat certain foods as a result. 🙁
I’d like for you to put your teeth in no matter how much they hurt you. The more you adjust to them NOW, the better off you’ll be in the long run! Yeah, it might hurt. A lot. But they are going to hurt for a while anyway, and so getting used to them now is best. Trust me on this, please.
See your denturist/dentist regularly, too, to get them adjusted. This will involve a bit of shaving down of the spots that give you trouble. But again, worth the incovenience.
Please let me know how things progress! I’m interested in hearing back from you!
Hi. Lorraine,
Thanks for your encouragement.
Had to return to the hospital where I had them removed today as I thought I had an infection in my mouth.
The surgeons at the hospital prefer you to wait for one week before you insert your teeth evidently. That way the sockets get a bit of time to heal and the swelling of the gums should go down meaning the teeth wil be more comfortable to start off with. It seems that the dentists want to get them in straight away but the surgeons are not necessarily in agreement,
Anyway. Swelling is much reduced today and the pain is much more manageable. Tomorrow I shall have another go at getting the teeth in. I think if I’m lucky they will go in, I know they will feel uncomfortable but I also know that I can wear them as I managed 36 hours to start with.
Looking forward to grinning and being able to eat something a little bit more substantial.
Tony, at least you’re happy with your teeth, and it sounds like you’re doing alright so far. Great!
Soup and crackers can get old, I know. 😉 It’ll be nice to have a steak, right?
Glad you’re feeling better. 🙂 Thanks for coming back to reply!
Best, Lorraine
Hi Lorraine,
The swelling has finally gone down enough for me to get my teeth in.
I have been out today, giving everybody a lovely friendly smile and showing off my wonderful new teeth. I am managing to eat some soft foods and slowly getting used to having them in my mouth. I feel like a new person.
Anybody out there just starting, jus persevere, it is soooooo much worth it I promise you.
Tony, I’m so happy for you! I bet you feel like a brand-new person, or like a child with a new toy at Christmas. 😉
Congratulations on your success with your experience. It’s great to hear a positive story, and I’m sure it allays some of the fears of others who may be reading this have. Thank you for sharing!
Have a blessed evening.
You, too.
I am currently looking at dentures for my mom. I am not sure what is the best way to help her. The dentist says that dentures will work perfectly for her needs. I hope she likes them.
Nancy, I hope so, too!
Tomorrow I go to the dentist to start the process of getting all my teeth pulled and dentures put in. I am 32 years old.
I am so scared because of the pain of having them pulled but I am trying to tell myself that if I can endure the pain of black broken teeth and swollen gums it can’t hurt much more than that.
Its embarrassing to think of being 32 and have dentures.. the thought of having to tell a future husband that I have false teeth is horrifying but I guess having a mouth full of rotting teeth isn’t very attractive either.
Anyways thank you for being so honest and open about your experience.
Amanda, I was in my early twenties when I had all of my teeth removed. Surprisingly, it’s not as embarrassing as you think. When I meet new people, I simply ask them if they know anyone with false teeth. Most people do, and it’s not a big deal when I tell them I have a mouthful of dentures. Trust me, it might seem like a big deal to you right now, but it won’t later on. Most people get jealous, in fact, as there is less daily maintenance to do! 🙂
I wish you well with your experiences. The pain eventually goes away, and you’re going to have a beautiful smile, so there are other upsides, too!
Let me know how things go… I love hearing from people who read my stuff. 🙂
FYI, You’re welcome. I’m here if you need me.
Thank you.
My consultation went well. Out of all my teeth in my mouth, only two could be saved. They are on the bottom, but due to decay they need a lot of repair, so I decided to just tell them to pull them all. They want to do 2 implants on the bottom so that they are more secure.
Now I just have to figure out how to come up with the money. I am kind of in a different situation so praying it all works out.
They said I had two abscesses so on antibiotics for now.
Thank you for your encouragement.
Amanda, I think you are making a good decision. It’s better to simply get rid of them all and get a full set of dentures. In the long run, you’ll be happier, and you won’t have to keep going through extractions each year.
Sorry to hear about your infections. I know they can be painful! 🙁
Wishing you the best of luck with everything. When you do come up with the money, it will be invested wisely. 🙂
I’m glad I was able to help you, in whatever way I did. 😀
Hey, I was just wondering if you didn`t have any problem with bone loss on your jaw.
Christinne, I did not.
Hi Lorraine, ive been in search of someone who actually loves they’re false teeth too! Sorry where are my manners! I’m Kirsty aged 26 and yesterday I had 10 upper extractions and 12 restorations. I’m in the stage now where I’m trying to get used to the feeling of having my dentures in, so im wearing them non stop, plus i feel hideous without them in! Parts of my mouth still ache and hurt but I’m assuming that’s down to the yanking and tugging the dentists did whilst I was still under. How long did it take you to get used to your dentures? Im certainly hoping I’ll be used to mine soon, I’ve found that I can speak without a problem though. I’ll leave you a photo of with and without 🙂
Without false teeth in:
With false teeth in:
Kirsty, I am so glad you are adjusting to your new teeth and are happy with them! It didn’t take me that long to get used to mine, either. The only problem I had is that I tended to grind my teeth and play with them. Oh, and when I laughed, I had to be careful they didn’t go flying out of my mouth! I also had to get used to talking with them, too. I’d say it took me a couple of months to do these things.
Nice pics.
I was told today that I will need a full set of dentures and I am 50 and really scared. Will my face sag with all the teeth they are going to take out? Will I still be able to talk on the phone all day as a recruiter. I am really scared.
Caroline, your face will not sag! You’ll also be able to talk, but it might hurt for the first little while. Don’t be scared. You’ll be okay!
Thank you so much, this is Caroline! I am just getting these post and can you email me with updated post and I would like permission to mention you in Facebook for denture wearers.
Of course, Caroline. Feel free to post a link to this post, mention me and my story, whatever you like! 🙂
Thanks. 😀
I am 2 days into immediate dentures and had 19 teeth taken out the remaining last Friday and you are such and inspiration. I asked you a few months ago about sagging jaw and I don’t think my jaws are going to sag a lot. Thank you.
Caroline G
That’s wonderful, Caroline! I’m so happy for you!
Thanks for coming back to give us an update! 🙂
Now go smile at everyone. 😉
Thank you for sharing! I will begin the extraction process in about 3 weeks and im a bit nervous… and very excited. I have an overbite and I wanted to find some insight from others. Googled dentures with overbite pics. Thats what led me to your blog and im glad it did.
Growing up with the taunts from my overbite and crowding teeth was just hell! So, i learned not to smile without blocking my teeth with my hand. When i was in my late 20s the bad dental habits started catching up with me. Pain Pain Pain from infectcions and toothaches, as many will know, can lead you to curse the heavens. I have dealt with those very often. The tiniest touch of a brush caused bleeding etc. You could not pay me to attempt to floss. So i stopped doing anything other than moutwash.
Now, come Nov 4, i will have 18 teeth removed. Besides having to deal with the pain, which ive learned how to cope with, i will not have temp dentures for a month! I will not venture far from home during that period. You know something, I dont care about any of that. I will be cheesing morning noon and night by Christmas!
I have lived for 30 some years with horrible teeth. There will be no point to try to hide my new smile via dentures. Knowing that doesnt really ease my feelings of impending shame and embarrassment. However, reading your blog and comments have!
All in all, the fact remains, that it is what it is. So, i will just have to flow with it.
One thing i am concerned about is, getting all emotional the very moment i see that new smile. I have put my husband and dental staff on notice. I may go down from the shock, and they will have to wheel me across the street to the ER!
April, it’s good that you have a great attitude about your upcoming procedure! That’s the spirit! 🙂
I totally understand the whole overbite issue; I hated mine and was so glad they were able to fix it when I got my false teeth.
I wish you much success with your new teeth – when you finally get them – and with the surgery. Let me know how things go and how you are coping afterward. Ok?
Hi, I have worn upper dentures since i was very young in my 20’s. I also have had a partial below. However, I went through cancer treatment and my lower teeth have just almost rotten away.
I am scheduled tomorrow morning at 8:15 to have the 5 remaining teeth removed and I will be give the temporary plate. I am supposed to return to the dentist the next day and the following day after. and to come anytime if i have any problems.
I am so nervous. I just texted my dentist and she will call me at 3:30 today to answer some of my questions and calm me down.
Your article is really helpful to me, you have such a positive attitude and you have been wearing these for many years. Thank you for posting this. Carolyn
Carolyn, I’m glad that my article has helped you settle your nerves. I know it’s scary to have to face surgery of any kind!
I wish you the best! In time, you’ll be just fine, and you’ll be smiling again before you know it! 😀
That was one inspiring story! This is a good example for all those who are neglecting their oral health. Having false teeth is something that you don’t have to be embarrassed of. You are very lovely, trust me. You have a very kind dentist, by the way.
Thank you, Paul!
I agree; having false teeth is nothing to be embarrassed about. 🙂
HeyaLorraine -I had an Indian doctor pull all my top teeth six months ago – can’t wait to get back to see her again and get my lower teeth removed – 🙂
Oliver, how are you doing with your new false teeth? Are you healed yet?
It sounds like you love them! 🙂 Great!
thanks lorraine – yes i love having no teeth cos i never realised how time consuming and uncomfortable they were – there’s something erotic about a mouth with no teeth that i adore !!!! 🙂
Thank you so much for sharing your “toothy” experiences. I have had 21 teeth pulled and immediate dentures placed two days ago. Not a lot of pain but wondering when I can really eat anything.
I am sixty six…work full time at a “front desk” job and while recuperating have been practicing answering the phone.
About six weeks ago I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes so I am learning a whole new set of rules about everything.
Still, I am a trooper…raised five kids on my own and some of my grands. I am a Christian Life Coach and work as an office administrator and event planner in a 55+ community where I live as well. Oh, forgot to say that I moved by myself for the first time in 50 years. Believe me, EVERYTHING is new to me….downsizing, relocating, new teeth and new health challenges.
I am so hungry and can only eat when I take these teeth out, but I wonder when I will be able to eat other things.
I know that certain foods are over forever, and my dentist says it takes 2-6 weeks to get fully healed then talked about something called liners (???) that he will place.
Someone asked why I did not get implants and I laughed in their faces. I do not make enough money to pay for that and my teeth went bad due to not qualifying for insurance. It happens. As an advocate for seniors and changing the societal view of seniors, I am one of those boomers who speaks out about everything!
Anyway, I did not come to vent, I came to thank YOU for being so helpful and unafraid to be transparent. My mom lost all of her teeth at age 38 due to a gum disease….she went on to write a column in a local paper and became an ordained minister.
I have had experience with being homeless with my kids….lights, gas and water shut off for a month, until we came to Minnesota where I went back to school ( married at 17) and got a degree in Human Services so I could work with battered women ( I was once one), went on to win two awards in African American Literature and wrote and published two books by the time I was 64. I intend to go forward and remain and inspiration to others of my generation and the up and coming generations. I was just gifted with my second great grandchild yesterday and I am looking forward to the rest of my life!
Young folks like you just make it so much better!
Zenobia, thanks for sharing all you’ve been through. I’m sorry to say that I don’t know what “liners” are, but I’m sure you’re in good hands with the dentist you’ve chosen. Also, I’m so glad you found this post and the ensuing discussion helpful. Everyone has been great and has offered their own experiences, and I really appreciate that, too. Plus, they’ve been having conversations with one another, too, offering their expertise to each other. (Thanks, everyone!)
As for eating? I think you should just eat what you can, when you can. You’ll heal in time, and be back to “normal” before you know it!
Feel free to respond to others here, too! 🙂
And keep smiling!
Lorraine, I can’t thank you enough for addressing this. I am 52 and have two broken teeth at gum line..on top and close to the front. eyetooth on one side, first molar on other. I am one of those people whose gums show when I smile. Anybody else here do that with dentures? Does it make them look less natural? Pretty sure this is going to be my only option. Also…can’t afford and am going to a sliding scale type place…should I be concerned?
Stephanie, I think that all dental students have the same goal: to give you the best dental service they can.
I wish you the best of luck with your procedures!
Oh, and I don’t show gums when I smile. I’m not sure if I have seen that from anyone, either.
Maybe someone will pipe up and let you know about their experience…
Hi Lorraine,
First I want to thank you so much for sharing your story. I have done a TON of research and it was so comforting to come across your story and all the positive comments! With that said I am 32 years old and had 32 teeth removed about 3 weeks ago. I now have full upper and lower dentures. I too had very poor dental hygiene as a child. My parents were very good about taking me to the dentist but when you have your first root canal and crown at 12 it just sets the precedent for problems in the future.
I can’t say my experience is outstanding yet. I did get intimidate temporary dentures. The bottoms fit amazing and I love the way they look. I can’t say the same for the tops. They didn’t make them properly. There is a 1/8 of an inch gap all around the top between my gum and denture, the front teeth are shifted off center, and I have been told by my dentist that the teeth are too long. Since this was clearly a mistake on their end they have promised to remake them, but they can not take new impressions for another 2 weeks. I am having a tough time closing my mouth and eating. I am hoping the new upper dentures will help aid in eating more food as well as not looking like I have ginormous top teeth.
I am still EXTREMELY happy with dentures and wouldn’t trade them for my real teeth. I can smile without the fear of one of my rotten/chipped teeth showing up, no more bad breath, and the pain from the infections is gone. The little bit of “rubbing” pain is nothing like tooth pain from infections.
I just wanted to share my story! It may not be easy or perfect, but it is still worth it. Everyday I can eat a little better and it sounds like I should really give myself 2 months of healing before I feel great. And I definitely look forward to my final permanent set!!
Jessica, you sound very happy, and I’m glad you are working through your problems. It’s too bad that they didn’t make your first set of uppers correctly, though.
I appreciate that you have shared your (mostly) positive story. Others need to be reassured that there is a light at the end of their tunnels. 🙂
Congratulations on joining the toothless community! 😉 And loving it!
The final stitch came out yesterday. When can I brush my gums? I can’t find much online about full extractions. The other day I tried alcohol free mouthwash, but it still burned.
Courtney, I’d ask your dentist/denturist about that. For now, use salt water, as warm/hot as you can stand it. Dissolve a teaspoon into a small glass and gargle with it. It’ll help prevent infection.
Let me know what the dentist says, okay?
I am a 31 year old woman who has had dentures for about 4 years. Well at night I take out my lowers and leave my uppers in, well for the first time in three years I accidently left them sitting out in the container soaking. I was so tired.! Well at midnight my 10 year old son woke me up asking mommy why is there fake teeth in the bathroom ? I about died….. I had had immediates put in so he never noticed being 5 when I got them. I have had bad teeth my entire life I was born with half an esophagus and have dealt with horrible GERD. Since birth,. Well the acid from my throat ruined my teeth.
Anyways my question is how do I explain this to him? He just kept asking when . Now I feel like crawling in a box
Tasha, all you have to do is be honest. By explaining that “Mommy had bad teeth,” he’ll understand that’s why he has to brush his – so he doesn’t get bad teeth, too.
Remember to be simple in your explanation. Tell him more and more as he gets older, as he will have the capacity to understand then.
I hope this helps! It’s what all the parenting books and blogs say to do: give them enough of an explanation that they can relate. Make it age-appropriate. They’ll get it.
Good luck! Let me know how it goes, too. 🙂
i cant comment properly right now.i am too upset.maybe i never will be able to but i had to tell you how much this post meant to me.ive come across ur post just today and your blog too.
but this post made me feel a warmth and something else comforting which i cant explain.
i have problems with my teeth.due to is the end of my world.i really cant type as the tears are getting in the way so ill just end with what an inspiring lady.and a comforting post to someone like me who feels very vunerable with this issue right now.
Kate, I am so sorry to hear you’re going through a rough patch. I hope things get better for you!!!
I am the beneficiary of a local university’s dental school and their wonderful student dentists! I had all my upper teeth and a few of my lowers extracted last year (yes, last year) from a local charitable health organization. I will be a year with no upper teeth on August 9. I am finally getting my new dentures (full uppers and a partial lower) on Wednesday and am excited beyond belief!
I know from the paperwork I was provided that my dentures would have cost $1250, but, through the grace of God, my first set of dentures (and only my first set) are being provided through a grant. I know how fortunate I am and will be forever thankful for these wonderful people!
Please check to see if your local college or university’s medical school has a dental school also. You might be able to get dental work done (not just dentures, but all kinds of dental work) at a reduced price or, maybe, even free.
Mary, thank you for sharing your story, and also for this excellent information!
Thank you so much for this thread! I found it today when Googling what my husband will be able to eat (he had his lowers pulled today – except for the front 4). He will get his lower denture in a few weeks, and then repeat the process for the uppers after January 1 when his new year of dental insurance kicks in. I am going to be doing the same in a couple of months.
I want to offer a tip for people who are facing financial challenges in getting dentures: if you live near a university that has a dental school, find out if the dental school has a clinic. The faculty usually has a clinic with below-market prices, and there usually is a “senior” student clinic as well – where the prices are even lower. The students needs “live mouths” to practice on, so it can be a win-win for them and you.
Great tip, Pat! Thanks for sharing it!
I had forgotten that colleges and universities offer discounted (if not free) services!
Hi there!!!!
Glad I found this post! I’ve been torturing myself as to what to do! I’m 44…I was a child who didn’t like to brush my teeth and I have paid for it dearly in my adulthood. Most of my teeth have fillings…I have had 2 root canals on my front tooth and an eye tooth beside it. I have a partial on the bottom which I don’t mind and I can eat pretty much anything with it. The issue is, my front tooth where I had the root canal “snapped” about a month ago…right at the gum pretty much! It came out in one piece which was a good thing because the next day my wonderful dentist took me in and “glued” it back on with whatever they use for fillings…but, its very temporary until I figure out what I want to do. He gave me a quote on an implant. That thought scares me!!! its extremely expensive for one tooth, considering I have a mouth full of fillings. The tooth beside the one he wants to replace will probably “snap” one day I’m sure because its pretty much just filling built up into a tooth. I dread the dentist because of all the horrible things I’ve put myself through…although, if I smiled at you, you would never know my mouth was in such disarray. I have a nice smile because my dentist made what I had work for me….but, I’m honestly considering having all my top ones removed…and I’m not sure how many teeth I’m supposed to have on top, but I only have 10…I think I had some molars removed years ago. My sister had dentures at 25 and LOVES them. I think I’m leaning that way for cost purposes as well. My coverage covers dentures “once in a lifetime”. If I get an implant…nothing. If I get a partial…well, there goes any coverage for a full denture in my later years. I guess I’m trying to talk myself into it! I’m calling tomorrow for a consultation about dentures after reading everyone’s comments on here! You have all helped me. I guess I’m worried about people noticing or just my teeth falling out if I laugh or kiss someone! But, I’m sure that won’t happen as I haven’t seen my sister spit hers out across the room! lol Thanks everyone! Any additional info you want to share to help me out, feel free!
Lynne, it sounds to me like your mind is made up and that you know that the best thing for you is to get dentures, and soon! It will be painful at first, but soooo worth it in the end. Read through the comments others left. There are a ton of gold nuggets of wisdom there!
Good luck, and let me know when you decide to take the plunge! (I will be here to help you through it.) 🙂
Like you, I had bad teeth for many years. I took the first opportunity I was offered to have them all out. That was about seven years ago. So I have been wearing full dentures since then. I do not want to make light of the discomfort and frustrations that you will experience from the time of having the extractions to being fully proficient in using your dentures. In my case, while there were improvement along the way, it was about six months after extractions when my gums were fully healed and stable that I was happy with my dentures. Yes, there are limitations and you will have to learn to adapt to them, but I am very happy with my dentures and I would not want to go back to bad, deteriorating teeth. I think you will find the same.
Wow, I’m so happy I found this site. I need to have a complete mouth renovation, I have decided to do it, I think. Questions, I go on vacation the 20 of aug. is it a good idea to have them done before I go? I would love to go with a smile, I wouldn’t care if I couldn’t eat. I have several broken at the jim line, I might add I’m scared to death of Dentiest!!! I would appreciate any suggestions and thoughts! Thanks!
Read through some of the other comments, PJ. There is a lot of wisdom and advice in them!
Good luck to you!
Blessings to you and this community! I have been flipping out because I have 12 cavities and a broken tooth. I opted to have the broken decayed tooth extracted (tomorrow) and have been in turmoil over it. Couldn’t believe I had 12 cavities!! My dentist said it is most likely due to dry mouth from a prescription I’ve been taking for the last year. Im 30 years old, and up until this point in my life, I have had 6 total fillings.
You have done a selfless, beautiful thing by telling your story, and you have given me hope. I imagine one day beyond this life we will all have new bodies, including teeth. 🙂
I praise God for your post and for so many of the comments!
to all of you with dental issues, you are not alone. God bless!
Jessica, I’m glad my experience has helped you feel better. 🙂
You’ll be just fine. Stop flipping out. If you think you have it rough, read some of the other comments on this post. You will feel better immediately!
Hello Lorraine. Thanks for sharing this with everyone . I am 24 and doubt i will have many teeth by 30 even though i think i take very good care of them these days. I have suffered from depression before and couldn’t be bothered to wash change brush my teeth etc as regually as i should for weeks at a time. I am so angry with myself for being so foolish but what can you do… I have been losing sleep recently as all my teeth are loose and i passed out (sat up!!!) and then vomited when i came around the other day after realising just how wobbly one was! It has been causing me great upset. You said earlier on in the comments that you thought this might be TMI and you sometimes thought of taking this post down but please don’t! I am sure you have made a lot of people feel much more confident about something they have been very distressed or embarassed about. Thanks x
Katherine, this post is turning out to be one of my most popular posts! I won’t take it down; it’s helping waaaay too many people – and I’m glad. 🙂
Sorry to hear about your situation. Vomiting because of your teeth must be scary.
Please take care of your teeth. They are the only ones you have.
Feel free to comment and visit my blog anytime, too. 😉
I’m glad it makes you happy. You know I read once that it used to be quite common for boys to be bought a false set of teeth for their 21st birthday or to young brides for a dowry.
I just googled it and it came up with this, it’s got some other interesting (and quite gross!) facts on it that are worth a read I reckon! Makes me feel a lot better about what is on offer tooth wise these days!
Katherine, what a good find! Kinda gross, too, having animal teeth in your mouth. Ugh!
I agree with you. We have definitely come a long way in the tooth department where false teeth are concerned. Phew!
I know right…. it’s a pretty hanging idea having somebody else’s teeth in your mouth…. let alone that of another species!!! 🙂
Yep. Gross!
Hi Lorraine. No, I am in no pain now, just a little sore on my gums but been rinsing in corsodyl which is very good; rinsing night and morning and yes, go around smiling a lot. Best thing ever? All my friends say they look good and you would not know they are dentures and they love them!
That’s fantastic, Lynn! So good to hear!
The great thing about dentures is that you can’t tell your teeth aren’t real. Definitely a top benefit!
Thanks for letting me know; I appreciate it, Lynn. Best of luck to you, and keep smiling! 🙂
I’m 30 years old, and I’ve had horrible teeth for most of my adult life. I haven’t had the money or insurance to get them out. I finally have insurance that covers it, and I had my surgery consultation this morning. I’m going Tuesday to have them all pulled. I’m terrified and excited at the same time. The problem is that my insurance doesn’t cover immediate dentures and my dentist said I have to wait something like 4 to 6 weeks to start fitting dentures. As much as I hate my teeth, I’d rather have jacked up teeth than no teeth. I’m thinking about seeing if my insurance will cover same day dentures, and then trying to get them in a couple weeks.
I told my family I’m going to cry when I get them out, and I’m going to cry when I get the dentures. I cannot recall a time in my life when I had white teeth, let alone straight and normal. It’s a huge blow to self esteem, you know? Most people I know think I am antisocial and uppity because I rarely ever smile or talk. They don’t understand it’s because of my teeth. So I know that anybody that sees old pics of me and then pics after dentures….It’s going to be very obvious that something is different. There is not one picture of me smiling for real, in at least the last 15 years. And I know that when I get my new teeth, I won’t stop smiling. Lol. Thanks for letting me vent.
Hey, Courtney, I’m glad to have provided you with a place to vent! Sometimes it helps, even though I’m a total stranger…
I know how you feel. I hated smiling, too, when I had my overbite. I was sooo happy with my new teeth when I got them for that reason alone!
As for you… yeah, you will go through a few weeks of hell but the end result will be worth it. I promise. You will have so much self-esteem and confidence once all the hard times pass. It’s going to suck not having teeth for a while, and you’re going to get sick of eating soup and Jell-o and yogurt and applesauce and mashed potatoes and all the other soft foods, but once you get your new teeth and your mouth has healed, you’ll feel like a million bucks! Trust me on that one!
Please let me know how things go. Stop by every now and then to give me an update. I can be your shoulder to cry on, no problem. I know things are going to get worse before they get better, and I want you to know that you don’t have to go though all of this alone. I’m here for you, Courtney… if you want me to be. Okay?
And good luck to you! 🙂
Thanks 🙂 I don’t have many real life people who have experienced it. I have been doing a lot of research, so hopefully I can be prepared for what to expect, both after the extractions, and then after I get the dentures. And hopefully my kids won’t ask me a thousand insensitive questions (they are at that age, lol). The last thing I’ll want is to be called out on being toothless. Unfortunately, I’m sure that’ll happen fairly quickly, whether from my kids, or others in my house. I haven’t even had them out yet and I’ve already heard the “Guess what you’ll be able to do”. Sigh, lol. Although I guess on one hand I’m sort of glad I’m not getting the immediate dentures. It sounds like they take a lot of initial adjusting, where if I just wait a few weeks, I won’t have to worry about that. I just can’t wait. 🙂
Courtney, if you explain to your children what they should expect from you while you are undergoing this change, they will be less likely to harass you when it comes time to get your teeth taken out.
Yes, dentures take tons of adjusting, but when it’s all over, it’s worth it. Trust me on that one. I love my teeth — now!
I got my teeth out Tuesday. These stitches are driving me nuts! I sound ridiculous when I talk, which I hate. But I can say I don’t regret it one bit. I actually didn’t have any visible swelling, which was unexpected, and my gums look like they are healing well. It almost feels like the bottom front teeth area the stitches are too tight. It’s not painful per se, just a feeling of pressure. It’s very annoying. I can’t wait to start bugging my dentist about the insurance authorization for my dentures.
Hang in there, Courtney! You’ll be happy in another month or two. I know it’s a long time to wait…
Just remember to let your mouth completely heal before you start eating hard or crunchy foods. And rinse with salt water or mouthwash – whatever your dentist says to do! 🙂
I’ve become fond of the food processor. I’ve put spaghetti in it, tacos (with soft shell, and even BLT’s (just use a few spoonfuls of mayo) . I’m just having trouble remembering that I can’t slide the food off the fork with my teeth anymore, lol.
You made me laugh! Sounds like you’re living it up with all those fancy foods. 😉 (Yeah, lol.)
Had my false teeth adjusted; it’s been nearly a month now. I was sore but I have been back 3 times now and it has settled down and feels really good. Had chicken and they feel good. Best thing I had done! Have to use a little fixadent but now smile with confidence! I love them, so anyone who is getting false teeth go ahead get them done.
Lynn, I’m so glad to hear that you’re getting along well! Good for you! I knew you would be fine… all you needed was a little time. I am so happy for you! I bet you’re smiling a lot now! Congratulations and thanks for coming back to inform me you’re doing great. 🙂
I bet you’re feeling better, too, now that your mouth has healed. Or are you still in pain?
I need my teeth removed for yrs now. I got bad gums, rotton teeth, teeth currenty breaking again and again. I envy your braveness and only hope someday ill have false teeth so i can eat and not just try to swallow food. Im currently even scared to look in my own mouth! You made the right choice.
Mike, it sounds like you need to get some false teeth ASAP! Best of luck!
One good tip for eating while healing. About a week into the process I took a tip, went to my favourite restaurant at the local shopping centre and had a big three-egg omelette with a delicious savoury filling. Absolutely painless to eat and very filling. A satisfying real meal, in other words … On another topic – I don’t need any “glue” either, thank goodness. I tried some right in the beginning just to see what it was like, and it was awful. BTW somthing which helped a close friend during the healed-but-still-tender stage was Snug denture cushions. Easy to apply and maintain, tasteless and really gentle to tender gums. The process complete, he doesn’t need them any more. This tip might help some of your writers who are beginners and struggling.
Thank you, Petro! I hope these tips help someone — and I’m sure they will. I appreciate your sharing!
Lorraine maybe we discussed it before when you helped me but how long til I can eat harder foods bits been a month and even trying to eat steak or a chip or anything not soups or applesauce or like that I can not bit or it hurts which really sucked with my family on the 4 th and ribs they were pigging out on lol. So was just wondering because I know a lot of people say they can eat anything corn on cob, chips, anything and I miss that.
Cierra, everyone heals at different rates. That said, I would have to say about two months or so… but the change will be gradual. Your mouth will heal in its own sweet time, and your healing cannot be rushed. If you are still in pain, I’m sorry to hear that. I know you must be getting frustrated!
Have patience, Cierra. You WILL heal. I’d try progressing to foods that are kind of “medium” in hardness before trying to eat steaks or raw carrots, though!
How long has it been since you had them removed?
I had all my top teeth out in one go – they were just plain worn out (no fluordinated water in my city when I was growing up/hitting adulthood), and I had an honest dentist who said fixing all those ailing crowns and teeth that were more filling than teeth was an exercise in futility. He did this under a local and I afterwards I honestly felt very little pain. Fortunately fr me he did a very good job with the immediate, and on the fourth day after the “Big Pull” I had to deliver a talk to a discussion group. Bit nervous about that, but it worked like a charm. Like you, Lorraine, I am very happy with my denture and eat just about anything. I imagine that in due course I’ll have to have a lower as well, but it holds no fears for. I know this sounds like a Pollyaana story, but I thought I would tell it so that any of your readers who are worrying about the discomfort and hassles of getting false teeth will know that each individual case is different, and they have an even chance of striking it lucky like me. And even if they don’t, they won’t regret it in the long run.
Petro, it is good to hear that you had a successful and positive experience with getting your upper teeth done! That’s great!
I appreciate you sharing your story AND thinking of others who may be reading this.
YOUR COMMENT WILL OFFER COMFORT TO OTHERS, I’m sure. Thanks for speaking up. (Yes, pun intended.) 🙂
Petro: You were fortunate to come across “an honest dentist”. If there were more of them there would be more dentures wearers and a much better understanding how satisfactory dentures can be.
Cool story, im getting new teeth in 3 days, and am extremely nervous, but it will be nice to have a nice smile 🙂
I wish you tons of luck, Mark! Let me know how things go! And you’re right, you’ll be able to smile with confidence. 😀
Hi Lorraine 2 weeks after 28 extractions and full upper and lowers im doing great, I got to eat some real food tonight (hotdog no bun, lol ) and I do like the new smile 🙂
Mark, that’s great!!! I’m so happy for you! You must be starving… but happy. 😀
I have read some of the comments on here and feel I am not alone in this.The issue I am facing is the cost and not being able to afford it.I am ashamed and dont smile because of missing and bad teeth.I am trying out a site that takes donations but so far no luck,I dont think too many people are trusting of sites like that.I have also posted they can donate directly to my dentist.I will keep trying untill I can smile again.
Loretta, false teeth are expensive, I know.
Good luck with raising money!
Thank you,I will keep trying and not give up hope.I have been in contact with a few dentist but they aren’t interested in helping out.
Loretta, I’d try contacting a few different ones!
Lorraine, it is so wonderful of you to share your experience with dentures! I know everyone here appreciates your experience.
I too am facing possibly having to get them, but I am not sure to what degree I will. I am 43 and have REALLY struggled with bad teeth for so long now. I have had numerous crowns/root canals. I am missing upper teeth in the back on both sides. I floss daily, brush with a Sonicare toothbrush 2x daily. I believe at this point, it is genetics working against me. My sister is like you. She had to get all of her teeth pulled when she was 22 and get dentures. She loves them. I had to pay to get my son’s pulled and dentures a couple of years ago….he was 23.
A couple of weeks ago, my lower left bridge came loose and I went to the dentist scared to death. He looked and couldn’t see anything wrong so he recemented it back in. Now I am having something going on in the same general area and probably need to go back but I am scared. I am not necessarily in pain. I have a pain in my ear but also a bit of pressure in that area. I am SO TIRED of dealing with all of the issues. My front lower teeth are all good and I am also okay with the majority of the teeth on my lower right, it is just the remainder of my lower teeth on the left. Also, I have had all of my upper front teeth crowned (6), I am missing my molars on one side and only have one molar on my left which is crowned; however, there is decay underneath the crown and insurance will not cover to get it redone because it has not been 5 years yet. Also the one beside it has the same problem. UGH!! At this point, I don’t know whether I should just get the upper teeth pulled entirely due to all of the issues. Additionally, is it possible for them to even do a lower denture on just one side?
My problem is that I have had back to back health issues since the beginning of the year and I have used up all of my sick time and personal time. I only have vacation left for the remainder of the year. I would need to take off and would need immediate temporary dentures as I work for the state and audit various agencies and am in constant contact with Directors, etc. Do you happen to know how much time it would be recommended to take off for adjustment/healing? How long does it take to get used to talking with them?
Any recommendations and advice is greatly appreciated!!
Beth, I don’t really know what to tell you except to consult a dentist and ask his/her opinion.
As far as healing time goes? I’d say about a week off from work would be preferable. It takes a few weeks to get used to talking with them, but everyone is different.
Best of luck to you.
Maybe others here will offer up some suggestions…
Hopefully I am not too late for some helpful hints…
Start immediately reading out loud to yourself with a newspaper in hand or an e-book etc.
What that will do is you will be able to hear yourself and you will be able to make adjustments in how you speak. Oh yeah…the dreaded “S” sound.
I too agree with Lorraine on the time off. If you can take as much time as you can or as you feel comfy with. The more confident you are with your new smile, it will pay dividends to you.
Remember, the only way you can eat an elephant is one bite at a time. Remember… take small bites of your food. Work with soft foods…then graduate to tougher foods as you can.
Practice smiling in the mirror. ;0)
Hope that this helps.
Thank you Lorraine I will defiantly persevere with them I will let you know how they are in a few months time and very big thank you once again
Good to hear, Lynn! Best of luck to you!!!
Had my teeth out last Wednesday should have had them done on the 12th June but a bit of mix up dentures were not there any way all done now you were right – sore on one side when dentures are in going back on Monday have them adjusted all my friends say how nice they look much better than my own teeth did I can now smile and not be ashamed of my horrible teeth. I have got to get used to them in my mouth especially the top ones feels like a load of plastic in my mouth up the top, but as you say it will get better. thank you for your comments on your dentures and I will be saying in few weeks time I got dentures and I love them!
Lynn, oh how I feel for you right now. I know you are hurting and your mouth probably feels like they are full of marbles, but trust me you will grow to love them. Thanks for coming back to let me know you’re okay! I hope you are proud of your smile. I’m sure when the pain abates, you will be smiling a lot! So just give yourself time to heal and know that you are going to be in for a rough few weeks and then will experience pain off and on until Christmastime – but if you keep seeing your dentist to get the rough parts shaved down, you should be okay even before then.
Don’t be afraid to keep me updated of your progress. It will be great to hear how things go for you. Not everyone has the exact same experience with dentures, so I appreciate your comments. My mom still refuses to wear her bottom ones, and has adjusted to eating with only her upper teeth in her mouth. BUt she cannot eat harder foods like I can. So I hope you keep both tops and bottoms in your mouth and get through the pain despite how much it hurts. It WILL be worth it in the long run. Trust me, I love my false teeth! 😀 <– And that is the symbol for a big grin. Here is a regular smile, too. 🙂
Another ‘upside’ to Dentures, I don’t bite my fingernails anymore!
LOL Claire, with one set of my dentures, I was unable to bite my nails – a habit I formed as a child and have tried kicking many times. But then, when I got another set made, I was able to. Of course, I have tried not to bite them, and have succeeded for the most part. I’ve only bit them once in the last year.
But, yes, being unable to bite your nails is definitely a great bonus!
Yes I have already been in 3 times for fittings only having them out for 6 days now. I do hope in a few months when I get my permanent ones made they are sharper and chew food better it still hurts to chew but even trying on soft things these dentures I have now suck lol idk I’ll just be happy to be able to eat something other than yogurt applesauce soup and mashed taters lol thank you all so very much I know a lot of my insecurities come from numerous other health issues and now like I said being so young and having upper dentures. You are all very inspirational.
Cierra, you’re going to be sore for a couple of weeks yet. I think I lost about 20 pounds when I first had my teeth removed, because I couldn’t eat much either. Soup and crackers, Kraft Dinner, soggy cereal and sandwiches will be your main meals for the next two weeks.
I know it’s hard, but it will get better.
You’re in my thoughts.
Yes thank you Claire. I go on the 23rd for my post op check to see how my gums are doing. I gag a little but not too bad. I hope when I get my 2nd set it will be easy to eat. I don’t eat as much like I used too but it’s because I don’t want my dentures to come out.
My only fear is to kiss a guy and my dentures come out and be embarrassed lol.
Does anyone else have that fear?
Hmm. You bring up an interesting issue, Traci.
When kissing, it’s best to tell the guy beforehand that you have false teeth. Of course, this is only my opinion. I know it’s a tough issue, because it can be embarrassing, but if the guy is worth kissing, he’ll understand. 🙂
Plus, some guys like to run their tongue along your teeth (don’t ask me why!!!) when they kiss, and you won’t be able to feel a tongue on your false teeth, so talking about them prior to making out is important.
In time, you will become comfortable with your teeth, and you’ll be able to control them.
Laughing is another issue, too. Mine used to move around a lot when I first got them.
They also moved around when I spoke.
In time, again, you’ll adjust to having them, and things will be okay. Just relax, and take things day by day. 🙂
Besides, maybe the guy you want to kiss has false teeth, too… 😉
I have had dentures since I was 30 yrs old. I have always had the fear of if a woman would accept me for me being toothless but have dentures.
Intimacy is a HUGE thing for me and I always want to make sure that the one I would eventually be with; haven’t found her yet :0( ;knows that I love her very much.
I don’t know if I am being silly or not, I am getting to the point that I want to find a beautiful woman with dentures too. The reason is then we would both be toothless and wouldn’t have an I have tried dating several women and a lot of them are turned off by the fact that I am still young and have dentures
I have read before that both partners being toothless that kisses are very very sensual because there is nothing to get in the way, and the kisses are out of this world because of the soft velvety feeling :0)
Would anyone agree?.
Larry, how old are you now?
Don’t be ashamed of having dentures. I first got mine when in my early twenties. I’m 42 now (look like I’m in my early 30s though). 😉
As for your question about two people kissing who both have dentures… interesting concept. I’ve never thought about that – or experienced it. Looking forward to seeing if anyone offers up an opinion…
Wow! you have taken me back. It seems like yesterday I was 30. I am now 45.
Speaking of that, not too long ago I was at work and the subject of age came up and when I revealed my age nobody believed me. They thought that I was in my mid 30’s. I actually had to pull out my drivers license to prove it. (laughing) Perhaps it’s because I do not smoke and rarely drink anymore unless it is socially.
It’s been said of “Pros” in having dentures. I can think of a couple:
1. Biting into an ice cream cone full on and watching your friends squirm wondering just how in the heck you did that.
2. Eating ice cream toothless
3. Drinking soda toothless. It makes the gums feel funny because they are getting a massage.
4. Really…eating lots of stuff toothless. Although just make sure that you break the food down really good, otherwise it’s harder to go to the restroom
5. Not having to worry about cavities
6. It is kinda relaxing to just take your teeth out at the end of your day and just relax
Would anyone else care to add to the list?
Larry, I can add to this list! Here is one good one: never having to worry about having a root canal ever again (or getting fillings). 🙂
I’ve never drank soda toothless. I might try it. 🙂
Thanks for sharing your story, too. 😉
I’m looking forward to seeing if anyone adds to your list…
Larry, I agree with all the ‘Pros’ you have listed.
I would add the appearance of my teeth.
My denture teeth are white and even and replaced crooked, stained teeth that I was constantly embarrassed about. Then there is the absence of toothaches and much easier and cheaper care and maintenance.
There are some ‘Cons’ as well.
I must be honest there are some foods that I cannot eat satisfactorily. There are times when my dentures move, particularly the lower but I am pretty adept at concealing this from others. I haven’t had dentures as long as you (about seven years) but I would not go back to my natural teeth, even if I could.
I think if more people (and dentists) knew how satisfactory dentures can be, there would be many more denture wearers.
It’s so nice to see a bit more activity here on this site. Thanks Lorraine.
There is always activity on my site, Claire!
I’m 25 and just had mine down for my upper 2 days ago, and I am in so much pain and finally took my dentures out because they are hurting me, I am embarrassed and worried that being a single mother and now so young with false teeth my confidence is way down. Thanks for your story.
False teeth are nothing to be ashamed of, Cierra! Many people have them. Just take a look at how many people commented here!!!
If your dentures are hurting you, then go back to the dentist and let him/her “adjust” them. (This involves shaving down the part of your dentures that is hurting your mouth.)
Please do this as soon as possible!
Yea I got them taken out the 12th and they did shave some the 13th suppose to go back tomorrow just so much pain. I can’t wait to be able to eat and feel confident again. And I know I should be embarrassed but because of my age idk thank you all so much!
Cierra, look at it like this: some people wear glasses, some people wear dentures. Your age should have nothing to do with it. I was in Grade 5 when I got my glasses. I was 22 when I got my dentures.
People cannot tell you have dentures, either, unless you tell them. But I get how you feel, as I often thought my body was that of a lady in her 60s! (Yeah, I felt like my grandma many times!)
Try to focus on the positives. I know it’s hard right now ‘cuz you’re in pain, but once your teeth “fit” you properly, you will come to realize that getting false teeth is not that bad. I know I am happy I don’t have pain in my jaw anymore! And I can eat anything now without my mouth hurting.
Trust me, things WILL get better.
And if you ever need someone to talk to, I’m always here. 🙂
Thank you very much. I really apperciate it. I understand and I believe once they it right and then later when I get my permanents I will feel better, just right now hard to see. I also have glasses so I do understand.
Good! I’m glad you understand, Cierra! Things will get better. But don’t be surprised if they fix the problem and in two weeks, the same problem arises. It takes several “fittings” to get your teeth to fit properly. As your gums heal and “settle,” minor pains will occur. So be prepared. I’m warning you because I don’t know if your dentist told you the same thing.
And you’re welcome. Any time!
Let me ask you so cant really eat what you want until you get your perm dentures right?
Yes, Traci. You can eat whatever you want, any time before surgery. After surgery, you won’t want to be crunching on hard, raw carrots or foods like that. It’ll be soft foods for a while until you “recuperate.” Then, as your mouth heals, you will be able to eat harder foods.
Make sense?
Traci, as Lorraine says. Yes, you’ll be able eat most things once your mouth has started to heal & the dentures settle in. I found with my immediates I was eating well after a couple of weeks.
I must admit though, your 2nd set of dentures will be a vast improvement in comfort, function and appearance. They will give you something to look forward to.
For some reason Dentures have a social stigma about them, I cannot understand why, they are just like glasses, some people need them and some don’t. I happily wear both.
So do I, Claire! 🙂 And thanks for replying to Traci.
Hi Lorraine I am having my teeth out next Thursday 12th June not looking forward to it one bit ,only got front teeth going to put dentures in straight away but reading your story made me feel a bit better and ather people’s story’s to I am age 66 I am sure when this is done I should look better I will let u know how I get on Lynn
Lynn, don’t be scared. You will be alright. Just make sure you stock up on soup, jello and ice cream! Mashed potatoes and gravy, too. And any other soft foods you can think of, as you are going to be sore for a while. I know it’s going to take time to heal, and getting used to your new teeth will be tough at first. But you are going to be okay as long as you listen to your instructions and keep getting your new teeth adjusted (shaved down when they start hurting your mouth). That’s the hard part, and it will take about 6 to 10 visits over the first 2 or 3 months to do. Yeah, it’s a pain, but I promise the end result will be worth it. Trust me. Getting my teeth out was one of the best decisions I have ever made.
I’m happy I was able to help you find some comfort. I know it is nerve-wracking, waiting for what may seem like your “impending doom,” but, I assure you, YOU WILL BE FINE in time.
Please do come back and let me know how things go. The internet is a wonderful thing, and I’m impressed you have a computer at 66 and know how to use it! 🙂
See you soon, Lynn! Best of luck to you, too!
Thank you Lorraine for replying back to me it’s made me feel a lot better I will let you know how I get on after next week Lynn
Sounds good, Lynn! 🙂 I’m looking forward to hearing from you!
I had all my teeth out when I was 28. Everybody thought I was mad. I have now been wearing dentures for about seven years and I have to say that I am happy with how things have turned out. Well fitting dentures are much better than bad teeth. They look much better for a start. Yes, there is a whole process to go through which has its ups and downs. It takes time to become proficient. There are inconveniences (you mention when food gets caught under the plates) and limitations (I can’t eat everything. Some foods are too hard or sticky) but I would not go back to the teeth I had. When your dentist starts the “D” conversation it is usually better to face up to it. I think if more people knew what dentures were really like, they would be less hesitant in deciding to have them.
Hey, Steve, I completely agree with you. Dentures are awesome!
Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
I really like hearing everyone’s experiences with dentures! 🙂
Great to read your positive comments.
I agree with you. I love having Dentures. what more can I say?
Jessica, You’ll be comfortable eating, talking and laughing in no time. Just be positive.
Well said, Jessica. I agree!
I am 40 and have been fighting bad teeth for a very long time. I have just took the plunge (3 days ago) and got all my teeth pulled and false teeth added. It is very painful I wont lie but I think the worst is the plates rubbing in new spots and the dry lips. My mouth is so swollen my lips dont close well and hard to lick them. It is great to hear your storie as a reminder it will get better.
Oh Jessica, I feel for you! I know exactly what you are going through. Trust me, the pain is temporary, even though it doesn’t feel like it right now. It WILL get better. You WILL grow to love them. In about three months. 🙁
As your gums heal and the bones within settle, you will have sore spots popping up. This is normal, natural, and expected. You will have to visit your dentist or denturist to get the irritants shaved down. But, once everything settles, you will reach a plateau and the visits will become less frequent and then you won’t have to go at all. Trust me, then you will be happy, and think, “Hey, that Lorraine chick was RIGHT. I love my new mouth and my teeth!”
Maybe you’ll also think, “Hey, I wonder if her book is out yet. Perhaps I should check.” 😉
As Lorraine says, things will get better, the 1st couple of weeks are the worst, after that it’s daily improvements. Once you get permanents you’ll wonder what all the drama was about. I wouldn’t go back to my bad natural teeth for anything. I love having Full Dentures.
Attitude & determination are the keys to Denture acceptance.
Claire, thanks for responding to Jessica. I completely that your attitude makes all the difference.
This is so true of many things in life, and was particularly true for me after I had my leg operated on.
My nurse gave me a stern lecture about changing my attitude (it was negative) after my surgery, as I was pretty darn depressed and mad that I was in so much pain. Plus, I had to re-learn how to walk, which was super-tough. Each day, they made me take a few steps with a walker, and it hurt like hell to do so. I was upset, crying, and just wanted to give up. When I refused to walk the next day, one of the nurses gave me heck and a lecture. She pointed out that if my attitude was positive, I would heal faster. That made all the difference for me. When she expressed compassion about my plight, that also helped.
Sometimes having a shoulder to cry on and someone to understand and sympathize with you is all you need to move forward.
I too am a relatively young Full Denture wearer. I LOVE having dentures. So much better than natural teeth. I’m able to eat anything at all, including nuts, corn on the cob, spare ribs and can chew gum.
I had them made to look very natural, A nice color and settings to reflect my age, not Hollywood White Picket Fence teeth.
At the moment I’d not consider implants I’m so pleased with these teeth. Regards, Claire.
Claire, thanks for adding your input. I love having dentures, too! The colour of them look natural, and the shape of the teeth were chosen based on my “real” teeth. It’s amazing what is possible nowadays, isn’t it?
Thanks for your encouraging reply Lorraine.
It’s so good to know there are others who, like me, enjoy their dentures.
Admittedly It did cost me, for the ‘Top of the Line’ quality, but it’s paid off in comfort, appearance and function, all of which are perfect.
Although not ashamed of False teeth, I prefer people not to notice and to treat me as though I have natural teeth whenever eating. I just eat/chew as if I have natural teeth. I LOVE False teeth.
Thanks again Lorraine.
Rgds, Claire.
Claire, I’m so happy you’ve had a positive experience with your teeth!
I agree they are nothing to be ashamed of. However, it’s sometimes tough when you’re eating in public and you get a small piece of food stuck under your plate! Sometimes you have to leave the table and go into the restroom so no one sees you taking out your dentures and removing the culprit of your pain – UNLESS you can get creative with a napkin and cover your mouth and remove it by being sneaky (I’ve done this!) without getting caught.
To me, chewing seems the same, too. 🙂
THanks for carrying on this conversation, Claire. It’s so nice to know I’ve helped someone. 🙂
Hi Lorraine. I agree with everyone you are brave to share your story.
However, I am going to share mine maybe someone can give suggestions you have that would be great. OK so here it goes, I do have crowns all my top teeth spent a lot of money but I had to do what I had to at the time which I think a lot people do and don’t realize it until it’s too late right.
Last year in November my crowns in front tooth came loose and the dentist said if I don’t take it out now they are going to fall out so I took 3 teeth on my left side out and they replaced with a stay plate that is so annoying but it’s only a temp fix for now. I have been going back and fourth between dentures and implants.
My insurance will only pay for some much on my dental and they will not pay for implants. However, I know everyone insurance is different but I got a price for max denture which is what I am not sure of still need to get clarification on that again. I paid 500.00 for that and now the full denture is about 3,095 not sure why they have it costing that much but that is including everything.
My other thing is if I get 2 implants it will approx 6,000 but that is only for 2 implants. In your opinion what do you think? The other question I have is did you gag when they put the dentures in? What do you use to keep your dentures to stay in? Do you use something strong over the counter or a prescription to keep your dentures in? I was also wanted to see if my medical would pay for some of the implants or pay a portion of it. I have already submitted the information but so far no luck but it was worth a shot.
I know everyone is different my mom says not to get dentures because she regrets it but I think it’s just because hers are not adjusted correctly but she hates them.
I am extremely nervous about getting dentures but I am tired of spending my money on crowns which I will need again a in few years. The x-rays told me my teeth are really bad and they are not savable otherwise, I would keep them. I felt like I just wasted a lot of money on all they crowns that they added in my a few years ago.
Any suggestions would be great
Traci, I don’t know that I’m going to be much help to you but I will give you my opinion: do whatever it takes to get a good pair of dentures made. Cost is obviously an issue, but if you look at the big picture – like how long you are going to have them for – it will average out to a small amount every month. For example, if you have to pay 3100 dollars for full dentures (upper and lower) and they last you for 5 years, you are paying 3100/5×12=52 dollars per month. That is less than $2 per day for perfect teeth.
I absolutely love my dentures and don’t use anything to keep them in place. My first set was inserted in my while I was under anaesthetic. I had all of my teeth removed then my dentures inserted. And yes, it was painful at first but soooo worth it in the end. Dentures don’t last forever, but they do last between 5 and 7 years, so as long as you don’t grind your teeth, they will not wear down that fast, and might even last you longer, making the overall cost of them about a dollar or so a day.
If money is an issue (it usually is, I know), the only suggestion I have for you is to maybe look into getting some help/assistance from a local welfare/social services agency or maybe having a fundraiser or even see if you can get sponsored somehow by a helpful agency or business in your area. I’m not sure what else you can do, unless you can take out a loan.
I do think that getting crowns that will eventually need replacing is going to be more costly in the long run, and a complete waste of money, too.
Each time I got new dentures made for me, I had to go through a period of adjustment, but the dentist/denturists always adjusted them for free, and I believe that will likely be the case for you if you go this route. (I’d double-check, though.)
I hope this helps, Traci! I’d love to know what you end up doing; when you figure things out, please be sure to come back and let me know how it all went…even if it is next year! Best of luck, to you!
For now, let me know if I helped. (If I didn’t, maybe someone else will see this and jump in with some advice.)
Hi Lorraine,
Well I ended up getting the uppers done just got them done last week. I think they look good and to be honest I didn’t think I would be up the next day but I felt OK I did take 2 days off from work and had the weekend. Now the stitches are starting to come out but I am thinking that is normal. My dentist told me she wouldn’t charge for the soft reline that needs to be done until I get used to them. Let me ask you how does your dentures stay in without anything holding them up. I have to use the fixodent which I hate. I have a question for anyone out there to clean the fixodent besides dunking them what I mean is what can I used to take the fixodent off of the dentures do you have any suggestions? I sometimes put too much and makes me crazy and I can’t eat a lot of stuff when I’m hungry lol.
Traci, my dentures stay in without any glue. (My denturist was THAT good!)
Everyone is different. I hope someone offers a reply to you! Maybe ask your dentist about how to cope with the Fixodent issue… or google it online… or both… 🙁
Sorry I wasn’t able to help out with this; maybe someone reading this will offer up some advice…
I cant stand the “glue” eigther. I only use a very small amount on my bottem ones as they are a little loose. The less I use the eaiser it is to get off. I soak them overnight and then brush them. Or have also just run them under warm watet and wiped with a paper towel. I would rather put a very small amount on and have to reglue threw out the day than deal with the glue still in my mouth. Yuck!
Q: Let me ask you how does your dentures stay in without anything holding them up. I have to use the fixodent which I hate.
Traci, (and everyone) you should never ever have to use Fixodent or the like. Every dentist that works on dentures should be able to get you fitted to the point that you don’t have to use goop to keep them in. In fact, the way that you know that your dentures don’t fit properly is that you have to use goop to keep them in.
I can eat corn on the cob and apples, even though the apples are a little rough (for years I cut my apples into wedges before I got dentures so it’s not a big deal to me.) So that’s what relines are for. If you have to use goop then you need a reline. Work with the relines until you have a good fit without using goop.
Now that does not exclude having more problems with gums receding that you need snap posts drilled so that you just can even wear dentures. Unless you have to do that, get a reline so that the dentures fit perfectly without goop.
Lorraine, it seems that most of the comments on teeth extractions and dentures come from females but us guys have gone the same route. On May 3rd, I celebrated my 4th year the freedom from poor teeth and I couldn’t be happier. My dentures fit well, I now have a smile and best of all, I eat better than ever. I agree with you that my receiving dentures was a great thing!
John, I’m really happy you added this comment about men, and believe you make a very valid point. Many men have false teeth. (I think perhaps they don’t talk about them, though, because they don’t want others to know, for whatever reason.)
It’s great that you have such a positive outlook now and are healed from getting your dentures! I can totally relate. 🙂 Probably one of the best decisions you ever made, huh? 😉
Hi, i was going to get dentures in November un till the dentist told me i had to go 8 weeks without teeth my daughters wedding was in february, so i waited it’s been 3 weeks since i had the uppers pulled, very little pain even with stitches, Motrin 800 took care of it. i just wanted the uppers and wanted to get the lowers done in October. he said they wouldn’t match i had bridge work. No i was a dental assistant for quite a while. Now i have no teeth, i couldn’t pay for temps. i told him i want the dentures at the most 3 weeks he keeps saying no. i’m really getting pissed and tired of wearing a mask. i can say i wouldn’t want them in for at least 2 weeks, the first week i just have some aching. i know they won’t fit right for awhile but i also know when i go in for an adjustment the lab can fill in the low areas. i have a bone chip on the cuspid it’s right up to the top of my gum, i asked him to open it and remove it, he say’s no the tissue will grow in around it. no it won’t not that high. and it’s very sharp. i don’t understand why he wants me to wait 6-8 weeks. I just so pissed, any ideas of what i can do. I’ve had it. thank you for letting me vent
Diane, you can vent anytime! I know that dealing with all of this is tough, but you will get through it… and when you do, you will be so happy that everything is done and your teeth will look great! Trust me, it will improve your overall mood immensely. 🙂
I was in severe pain both before and after – but once I healed, I was thrilled.
Hi, i was going to get dentures in November un till the dentist told me i had to go 8 weeks without teeth my daughters wedding was in february, so i waited it’s been 3 weeks since i had the uppers pulled, very little pain even with stitches, Motrin 800 took care of it. i just wanted the uppers and wanted to get the lowers done in October. he said they wouldn’t match i had bridge work. No i was a dental assistant for quite a while. Now i have no teeth, i couldn’t pay for temps. i told him i want the dentures at the most 3 weeks he keeps saying no. i’m really getting pissed and tired of wearing a mask. i can say i wouldn’t want them in for at least 2 weeks, the first week i just have some aching. i know they won’t fit right for awhile but i also know when i go in for an adjustment the lab can fill in the low areas. i have a bone chip on the cuspid it’s right up to the top of my gum, i asked him to open it and remove it, he say’s no the tissue will grow in around it. no it won’t not that high. and it’s very sharp. i don’t understand why he wants me to wait 6-8 weeks. I just so pissed, any ideas of what i can do. I’ve had it. thank you for letting me vent
I would contact the dental board androgen know exactly what the dental did
I hope that helps my mom had issues with her teeth paid like 1299 and the teeth didn’t fit right she went to another dentist and he suggested that to her and my mom got most of her money back. We think as patients we have to what the dentist tells us to do I’m not all the time it but if you tried everything then contact the dental board. I’m sure you can google the search in your area
I had a girl friend once with false teeth. She made no secret of it. She told me about them the first time we met. Like you, she said she love them. Since she did, so did I.
Good to hear, Stan. I don’t think there is anything to be embarrassed about. I am proud of my teeth! 😀
…And girlfriends who have false teeth can do things other women can’t. 😉
You said that girlfriends who have false teeth can do things other women can’t. That’s an intriguing thought.
Yep. And I’m sure you realize what that could be. 😉
I am in the process of deciding between a mouth full of crowns/root canals and dentures and am so torn!! I’m concerned the root canals/crowns will only be a temporary solution but am scared of the horror stories I’ve read about dentures (facial bone loss, discomfort, lack of fit, etc…). I’m glad I came across your story and have faith that I’ll make the right choice.
Getting dentures was the best decision I have ever made. I’ve never regretted it. I’m sure you will make the right choice for you. I wish you lots of luck. Just remember, you have to go through a period of adjustment. However, it is worth it in the end, and you will have a smile to be proud of!
I also have false teeth, the first time I put them on, I was so tense yet happy deep inside because I know that I can smile with confidence everyday. To have a worst smile is like dying every day and I avoid talking with people because I’m afraid. Thanks for this post, I totally could relate on this.
Billy, I am so glad you enjoyed this post! Having false teeth gave me SOOOO much confidence, too. 🙂 Now I can smile and be proud. 😀
I still have most of my natural teeth. My mouth is really small so I had to have all four wisdom teeth and two of my back molars removed so my front teeth wouldn’t get crowded together. I’ve had every dental procedure in the book except for braces so there are times when I wish I had false teeth! I just spent a lot of money on porcelain veneers for my front teeth so I know exactly what you mean about new teeth being a confidence boost.
Nicole recently posted…Easy Weeknight Dinner: Buffalo Ranch Chicken Pizza
Nicole, it sure is nice to have that confidence boost, isn’t it? I bet you are smiling all the time, now! I think you should be thankful you haven’t had to deal with having braces; I hear they are a real pain. However, the results are worth it in the end.
Thanks for reading and commenting!
Psst. Smile. 🙂
Hey Lorraine; cool story. I imagine that emergency room docs and nurses are so used to seeing battered spouses that they automatically think abuse any time they see bruising. I recently saw a dentist for the first time since i was a kid. my primary care physician said that often dentists can spot disease before your doctor will. so I went. I was told that things aren’t all that bad. I need to have the remaining two wisdom teeth taken out. I also have some cavities that need work. but their biggest worry was a set in infection in my gums that required a deep cleaning even using lasers. then three months later they cleaned my teeth again to make sure i was making progress. next visit will have to have those two top wisdoms pulled. I’ve been told it won’t be all that bad. funny thing is when the dentist asked if i experienced any bleeding in my gums and i had to tell him that being blind i had no way of knowing. smile thanks for sharing and take care, max
You must have shocked your dentist when you told him that, Max. I would have loved to see the expression on his face. Then again, maybe you would have liked this, too. (Sorry, I couldn’t resist adding that. I hope you don’t take offense to it.) And I’m glad to hear you’re taking care of your teeth. It’s important to do so.
Thanks for adding your experience here, Max. Take care, too.
With the latest technology, dentures is something which is good to get back your smile.
Jamison, I completely agree! 😀
I’m certain that someday I might have all false teeth as well. Even though I’ve always taken good care of my teeth, nature does not seem to be on my side. Cosmetically, the look good, but beneath the surface they are not so great. So far I’ve had three root canals and have five crowns total. The individual fake teeth have changed the way I bite down. At times, I think having a complete set of false teeth would be easier. Almost every tooth also has a white filling that has replaced an old silver one, not to mention sealants. When I was younger, I also sent through braces, retainers, and HEADGEAR! Then there’s the time I got my wisdom teeth cut out. Yep, I could write a book on this topic.
Ugh. I feel for you, Jeri.
You should consider getting dentures. This was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made! (If you can afford it, that is.)
You should write a blog post about this, not a book! 😉
You’re a brave soul to reveal this about yourself. I applaud you. I don’t actually have dentures. What I have are 2 bridges. Technically there are false teeth in my mouth but not a full set and they don’t come out at bedtime. My problem was somewhat like yours. I didn’t brush both morning and night when I was a kid. No one ever told me to. I was taught to brush once a day though, which I did faithfully. I did have to wear braces for a while when I was a teenager. I’m told that if worn for too long of a time, they could be attributed to teeth problems later on. I still don’t know for sure if this is true though.
Having false teeth is not really that big of a deal. The only time it becomes a bit embarrassing is when tiny particles of food – especially nuts, popcorn, and raw carrots – gets caught beneath the plate, and I have to take my teeth out of my mouth to remove the painful culprits. Ugh!
Having never had braces, I cannot speak to the last issue. However, since braces are meant to improve one’s teeth, I don’t think they’ll harm them in the long tern.
And FYI, I don’t take my teeth out and put them in a glass of water on the nightstand! I simply sleep with them in. They are a part of me, after all.
Lorraine… you should really, really consider taking them out at night. One time I was at the dentist he explained it to me in one of two ways:
1. Your teeth are like the stars… they come out at night.
2. Your dentures sit on your gums and even though it doesn’t feel like it they impede the circulation in your gums. What will eventually happen is that your gums will recede faster than you think. Think of it like balling up one of your hands into a fist, and then clasping the other hand over it and grabbing onto it. Look what happens to your balled up hand after you take your other hand off. You get that white blanching. Same thing with your teeth and gums. If you don’t you may not have the fun of having teeth without posts drilled into your gums.
Larry, you makes some good points. I will consider taking them out. So far, though, I have not made this a regular practice because when I first took them out, I didn’t like how my mouth felt when I put them back in. It would take about two hours for my mouth to feel “normal” again. So I just left them in all the time.
I didn’t realize that my gums would recede, so now I am going really think about changing my habits and take them out. Thanks for the tips. 🙂
I still have all of my natural teeth, but my husband has a partial and should get the other half, but he keeps putting it off. After having three kids, my teeth went downhill and I have had a few root canals and crowns for my teeth, but over all, they are very healthy. My sister, who’s nine years older than me, had her teeth pulled when she was 30 and I swore I would keep mine. I’m 63 and so far, I’ve been very lucky, but I take excellent care of them.
Wow, good for you, Donna! 🙂 My parents both have dentures. My dad has had his since his teens when he took a puck to the mouth while playing hockey. My mom only has an upper set; her lower set hurt her so much that she decided to just not wear them – and has been “not wearing them” ever since! How she can eat salad and steak, I’ll never know.
Also, years ago, I had neighbours who I used to dine with on occasion. The husband had no teeth at all and he could chew anything. His gums had toughened up to the point where he could chew all his food, but sometimes it was a bit hard to understand what he was saying.
Teeth play an important role in word pronunciation. And dentists make a fortune, too.
No false teeth yet. I’m sure it’s just a matter of time. We are lucky there are false teeth to have.
You have a lovely smile.
Thank you, JR. 😀 <— Look at me grinning!
And you're right – we are lucky – I would be lost without them.
I have a student who has no teeth real or false. I hope his training helps him get a job so he can afford teeth.
Gosh, that’s awful; I hope so, too! What kind of teacher are you?
Wow. No, my teeth are all natural. I guess I am lucky that they are in great condition. Well, for my age anyway. That’s a pretty dramatic thing to happen when you were so young. You seem to have taken it in your stride! I would have been devastated! Well, my mother and father had false teeth from about the age of forty. So, I have surpassed them! Hey, they did grow up in the thirties and forties, I guess perhaps nutrition was to blame in their case. Anyway, lucky for me it didn’t get passed on. Another great personal ‘reveal’ Lorraine! 🙂
Yes, Kris, you’re lucky to have your own teeth – still. Do you use mouthwash and floss every day?
Most people don’t even know that I have false teeth. Well, a couple of my ex-boyfriends do. 😉
I just finished reviewing this post and almost took it down. Funny how one day things like this don’t bother me and other days, I’m like, hmm, TMI? I guess it would be too much information if I got into the details of – um, never mind.
I have nothing to be ashamed of with my admissions in this post, though, so I let it be…
I just wish my son would floss more often, though. He used to “chew” back in his teenage day, and now he has a bit of gingivitis, I think. I tried to tell him it was harmful, but he didn’t want to listen.