A Special Featured Friday, Featuring Author Donna Jean McDunn, and A BOOK GIVEAWAY!


UPDATE: This giveaway is now closed.


Read on for:

  1. Information about how to enter a double giveaway multiple times;
  2. My review of “Nightmares”; and
  3. An interview with the author, Donna Jean McDunn!

Note that these will be presented in backward order, too! (Kind of like a countdown…) 🙂 Before you read on, let me preface this by saying I hope you all had a sPoOkY hAlLoWeEn last night! I’m so glad that we’re in a new, exciting month; the month of November is famed for being NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month). If you doubt you can write a novel in one month, you should read this post. The numbers will amaze you. If reading is your thing instead of writing, READ ON, and meet Donna!

Meet Donna

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An Interview With Jen J. Danna, author of “Dead, Without a Stone to Tell It”

I am an avid reader of murder-mysteries, crime dramas, and novels that utilize forensic science techniques. I have favorite authors that I consistently read, but I also read books by authors whom I have previously not read, too, as long as I am somehow drawn to the plot or think that it will be a “good read”. Recently, I came across the website of a “new” writer, Jen J. Danna, who offers the first three chapters of her novel, Dead, Without a Stone to Tell It for the perusal of the general public.  I began reading it, and decided to contact her and strike a “deal” with her.

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Our Deal: I would blog about her book and write a review for her on Goodreads if she sent me an autographed copy to read. (I know I just wrote about this in another post, but I felt I needed to mention it again!)

I also asked her if I could do a casual “interview” with her, to glean some information about the publishing process, from a traditional publishing standpoint. (You may recall that I interviewed author Melissa Bowersock to learn about self-publishing.) I was very pleased when Jen J. Danna responded favorably to my request!

I had the opportunity to speak with Jen on May 31, 2013. We spoke for nearly an hour-and-a-half!

I learned a few things from her, which I will share with you. Read More

Need to Know About Self-Publishing? Melissa Bowersock Reveals All!

Just how DO people self-publish their books? Do YOU have a book that needs publishing? Do YOU need some information? Full of a plethora of much sought-after info, this post will both educate you and allow you to become “comfortable” with the idea of self-publishing!  In it I will share quite a few things — mainly, what I have learned about publishing from Melissa Bowersock, author, blogger, and creative spirit.  Read More

4 Things to Say (Announcements, Thanks, and My Latest Discoveries)

Ok, people, I have a lot to say, and not much time to say it, so please listen up!

First of all, I want to say thanks to all my new Followers — from WordPress and Twitter. A big “shout out” to all of you! Keep sharing my stuff, and I will do the same. Or, at the very least, I will “like” it, to let you know that I read it (assuming I don’t comment)!

Secondly, I want to thank Read More