9 Easy Ways to Get a Better Sleep

Last Updated on: May 11th, 2019

9 Easy Ways to Get a Better Sleep

Do you need a night of better sleep? When you aren’t sleeping well, your brain isn’t functioning at its peak.

It’s easy to treat our bodies as if we’re invincible and think something as silly as sleep is only an issue of mind over matter, but that’s not how it works. Taking care of yourself is important!

You want to be comfortable in a happy and healthy body because a healthy body will get a lot more work done than a sluggish one. This matters even more for bloggers, freelancers, and other entrepreneurs who depend on their minds to be sharp to get their work done.

If you use these 9 tips for getting a night of better sleep, you will definitely have the motivation to work!

You will also improve your work-life balance!

1: Keep a Consistent Sleep Schedule

When you work for yourself, it’s easy to ignore any kind of routine, but this one matters. By sleeping at the same times every day, you train your internal clock. This can lead to falling asleep faster and waking up easier, which means less wasted time staring at the clock, waiting to fall asleep.

2: Exercise

Daily exercise will help your body feel ready for rest at night. Not only will it help you fall asleep faster, but it will keep you asleep for the night. Even light exercise can produce a significant improvement.

3: Make Your Bed a Relaxing Place to Be

Invest in a comfortable mattress. If your mattress has reached ten years old, it is definitely time for a new one.

Also, look into quality Egyptian cotton sheets and quality pillows.

4: Don’t Look at Your Phone

It’s a routine that many of us have gotten into, and it’s a bad idea. The blue light from your phone will not help you get to sleep. You could turn on the feature that reduces the blue light, but you should avoid looking at your phone before you go to bed.

If you’re really having a hard time with this, put your phone in another room at night. Keeping this distraction out of your room is a great way to get better sleep. You might need to buy an alarm clock if you place your phone far away. However, what I do is use the DO NOT DISTURB feature on my phone. This feature turns off all sounds on my phone (including notifications as well as stopping it from ringing) but it allows the alarm function to still work. So, when I need to wake up, I can still hear the alarm!

It always works, too, because I chose a really annoying alarm and I set it to the maximum volume!

5: Avoid Heavy Meals

For the three hours before bedtime, don’t eat. Indigestion will keep you awake late into the night.

Certain food will also cause you to have strange dreams or nightmares, if you eat before you go to bed. I have experienced this firsthand!

6: No Caffeine

For the truly coffee-addicted person, this can be rough. Switch out your evening cup of coffee for a relaxing sleepy-time tea.

7: Create a Bedtime Routine

Winding down before bed is a good way to let your body know that yes, it’s time to sleep.

Reading a book has always been a good plan for this time of night. Did you know that reading a book can be like going on a vacation?

Journaling can help with, too, especially if you take 10 minutes to write down what you are most grateful for and what went well in your day.

8: Turn on the Air Conditioner or Open a Window

Your body naturally cools down before bed, so lowering the temperature in your bedroom is a good way to signal to your body it’s time for sleep. Studies have found that rooms between 60 and 67 degrees can naturally increase melatonin production, which improves sleep quality.

9: Talk to Your Doctor

If you’ve tried some of these natural suggestions and still can’t sleep, it’s time to talk to your doctor. They may suggest taking melatonin, an over-the-counter supplement, or they may prescribe something stronger.

Having difficulty sleeping and staying asleep can also be indicative of sleep apnea. Your doctor can arrange for you to attend a sleep study, where this can be diagnosed.


Getting a night of better sleep is imperative to a healthy body and proper mental functioning.

Use the tips provided here to improve your sleeping and productivity patterns!

Author Bio: Paige Jirsa – I work with https://stdtestingfacilities.com/, which provides users same-day STD-testing in a discreet and proficient manner.

22 thoughts on “9 Easy Ways to Get a Better Sleep

    • says

      Kim, reading works for me, too. Another thing that works is listening to meditation/manifestation videos on YouTube. Just let one play in the background and you will be impressed with the results!

  1. Sleeping disorder is a common problem nowadays. Stress and diet make your sleep upset. One must follow your great tips to get a healthy sleep of 8 hours in a full darkroom. Also, setting a routine of going to bed early than midnight has a significant impact on your work and body.
    Thanks for sharing amazing tips!

    • says

      Faizan, you’re welcome! I have learned from my own experience to stay away from my phone screen before I sleep so that I can fall asleep faster. That is the best tip that worked for me!

  2. Robert M Brown says

    I’m one of these people who needs better sleep in less time, it’s a good article thanks for sharing with us best tips and tricks

  3. People spend almost half of their life on sleeping, but you shouldn’t cut out it’s part, since it’s a vital process, during which your body and brain restore itself. I’m working from home, i have kids and job at the same time, so it’s not rare for me to sit till late in order to make my writing in time and not miss schedule. The hardest part comes on the next day, when you don’t have an energy to do ANYTHING at all.

  4. Most of the startups and entrepreneurs are not only struggling to be successful but also struggling to have a peaceful sleep. They are sacrificing their sleep for working more. This may bring some good results but this will cause the biggest health issues.

    Sleep is really important for all the living creatures.

    It is good to know how to get a better sleep. Thanks!
    Gaurav Kumar recently posted…5 Sales and Marketing Tips for Startups to Try Out in 2019

    • says

      Gaurav, most bloggers and entrepreneurs know that it’s important to sleep, yet most of us DO make the sacrifice so we can have more time to spend on our businesses. In the end, you’re right… they end up with more serious health issues.

      That’s why finding a good work-life balance is essential!

  5. Woow.. one of the best piece of article, while reading this, i have noticed that out of 9, 6 was found on me, now i understand why i can’t sleep well. Good work, you are rock

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