My True Story About How I Nearly Died


I’ll never forget the weekend of August 24-26, 2012 as long as I live. It was the weekend that marked a major, life-changing event. I nearly died that weekend. The weird thing is – I’m actually grateful for this experience, because it led me to my son. 

Let me tell you about it.

This was taken last Halloween but it pertains to the story in this post, so I am using it here... I love colours (as you may know) and this love is evident in this picture! I line up my dabber lids following the colours of the rainbow! (Notice the Certs? I love Certs, too!)

This was taken last Halloween but it pertains to the story in this post, so I am using it here… I love colours (as you may know) and this love is evident in this picture! I line up my dabber lids following the colours of the rainbow! (Notice the Certs? I love Certs, too!)

What happened in my life and how I nearly died:

On Friday, August 24, 2012, I went to Bingo. I ordered and drank iced tea that evening, and began feeling a bit weird. I got a stomachache, and began feeling nauseous. I hadn’t eaten anything, so I knew I didn’t have food poisoning. I thought that maybe the iced tea was tainted. I don’t think I will ever know if it was, for sure. I just know that I felt fine beforehand. Read More

Do you need to Get Busy Living?

In May, I happened to take a step that has turned my life around. Actually, I have taken several steps this year (2013), which have improved the quality of my life. I’ve learned a lot this year, thanks to Danny Iny, and I have accomplished a lot, too, especially in the last few months. I have to thank my son, a few friends, and myself, for most of them. Now, I also have to thank Benny Hsu (pronounced “shoe”, not “sue”). 🙂

This is...guess who? Yup, it's Benny Hsu!

This is…guess who? Yup, it’s Benny Hsu!

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4 More Blogging Awards, A Total of 27 Blogs to Visit, An Awesome Video I Found + Tips On How To Accept An Award

Discovering new and interesting blogs is what giving and receiving blogging awards is all about. Todays post reveals 4 more awards that I have received, a total of 26 links to blogs you may want to visit, and a video that is awesome!

If anyone is counting (and I am!), these are my fourth, fifth, and sixth and seventh awards! I am the proud recipient of the WordPress Family Award, the Super Sweet Blogging Award, and the Best Moment Award. I have combined them all into one post, for simplicity’s sake. If you want to check out some new blogs, take a look at the blogs that I have nominated as well as the blogs of the people who have nominated me.

Read the whole post, too, so you can learn a few more things about me…if you want! I already told you a few things when I received The Liebster Award, The Very Inspiring Blogger Award, and The Shine On Award, but in case you missed those posts, you can read them now!

The awards I have been nominated for are The WordPress Family Award, The Super Sweet Blogging Award, The Best Moment Award, and The Unique Leaves Award. I am accepting these awards simultaneously in today’s post.

The WordPress Family Award

I have to thank Barb at My Un-Puzzled Heart (Barb’s blog is no longer active) for this award and The Unique Leaves Award. This award recognizes me as part of the WordPress family! I am touched by the outpouring of awards I have been getting lately, and think that it’s a great gesture when people share these. Unlike some people who think that they are “above” accepting such an award, I am honoured that others have included me in their participation.


There doesn’t seem to be any rules for this award, either, except to nominate ten people who have WordPress blogs and notify them of their nomination, so here is my list of ten bloggers on WordPress who will hopefully accept their award as graciously as I have accepted mine. Read More

The “Shine On” Award

The Shine On Award is my third award (if anyone is counting!) in five months of blogging. I have to thank the blogger, Barb, at MY for nominating me. Yes, her blog is called MY. Why? Ask her!

Here is my award:



1. Display the award logo on your blog.

2. Link back to the person who nominated you. (I did, but then had to unlink to it as it became “broken.”)

3. State 7 things about yourself

4. Nominate 15 other bloggers for this award and link to them.

5. Notify those bloggers of the nomination and the award requirements.

7 Things About Me 

  1. I am bisexual, I think. The ratio is probably 90/10, in favour of men, though. I could tell you some stories…but I won’t. Not yet, anyway!
  2. I just came out of the closet online.
  3. I have no idea how people are going to react.
  4. I don’t really care how people are going to react; I am still the same person I always was!
  5. I think that there is more acceptance these days about the “alternate” community. (I am not sure what the politically correct term is, but I think it’s something like BGLT=Bi/Gay/Lesbian/Transgendered community.)
  6. I recently met two women online who are BGLT and are wonderful poets, authors, etc…
  7. You can find out who they are in my next post, which will be about ebooks and them!

15 Blogs I Am Nominating

  1. Poetic Parfait where one of this blog’s commenters lowers her walls and unveils herself in her poetry. (Christy, you are welcome; this is one way for me to thank you for your support!)
  3. Toby’s blog, Dumbass News. Toby is a great guy, and most of his post are funny! (…mostly because people are “stoopid”)
  4. Charles Franklin’s blog, This College Dropout, which is a blog mainly for indie authors
  5. Lesley Carter’s blog, Bucket List Publications
  6. Raani York’s blog, where she writes from the viewpoint of a couple of cats!
  7. Daily (W)rite, a blog about writing
  8. Someone Like Me, a new blog in the blogosphere by Chere Harbridge
  9. Casa de la K, Kelley Stephen’s blog
  10. Aleshia Clarke’s blog, Aleshia’s Angle
  11. Harsh Reality, by Opinionated Man
  12. Creative Writing with the Crimson League, Victoria Grefer’s blog
  13. Searching for the Happiness, Wendy McCance”s blog
  14. Cities of the Mind, Connor Rickett’s blog for freelance writers
  15. The Cheeky Diva, written by the cheeky diva!


Anyone care to comment?