The Power of Client Testimonials

Testimonials image

Trust. Credibility. Customer satisfaction.

These are three things you want your clients/customers to have.

One way you can achieve this is through testimonials, which can be very powerful (and will help you to achieve more sales)!

Article Overview

In this article, I’m going to cover everything you need to know about client testimonials, including

  • why they are so important
  • how to obtain them if you run an already established business
  • how to obtain them if you run a new business
  • the anatomy of a good testimonial
  • the different types of testimonials that exist
  • where you can use testimonials, and
  • how to make the best of the testimonials you’ve been given.

As a bonus, I’ll also mention a few things about how others can help you earn money through referrals, which are different but yet at the same time similar to a testimonial, depending on how you look at them! 😉

NOTE: This topic became of particular interest to me recently, because I was doing some work on my website. I created a new SERVICES OFFERED page, which now divides the four services I offer into four different pages. I also removed the testimonials from each section and gave them their own page!

Why Testimonials are Important

Client testimonials act as social proof – proof that you are who you claim to be, proof that you are trustworthy and honest, and proof that you can deliver what your client/customer wants.

The following three quotes speak to the power of testimonials: Read More