Cathy’s Publishing Advice For E-books and Cassy’s Advice About HubPages

Recently I met a wonderful woman online. Her name is Cathy Nerujen.  Let me tell you how I met her; it’s a shocking story. To me, anyway! Then I’ll tell you about Cassy. Oh, and if you want to know about e-books, read on!

This is me, in case you didn’t know!

How I met Cathy:

During one of the discussions in one of my groups in LinkedIn, I was reading through the comments  when one comment jumped out at me. It was a comment Cathy made about poetry. Having encountered no one  else in that particular group who has a fondness for poetry, I decided to click on “reply privately” and send Cathy a message. I told her about my new poetry blog, mentioned a few other things, and we began corresponding. I told her that I was thrilled that she so readily shared some information with me. (I am still amazed at how many super-nice people there are in this world!)

I decided to share one of her emails with you. (Of course, I got her permission!)

Here is (most of) what she wrote: Read More

The “Shine On” Award

The Shine On Award is my third award (if anyone is counting!) in five months of blogging. I have to thank the blogger, Barb, at MY for nominating me. Yes, her blog is called MY. Why? Ask her!

Here is my award:



1. Display the award logo on your blog.

2. Link back to the person who nominated you. (I did, but then had to unlink to it as it became “broken.”)

3. State 7 things about yourself

4. Nominate 15 other bloggers for this award and link to them.

5. Notify those bloggers of the nomination and the award requirements.

7 Things About Me 

  1. I am bisexual, I think. The ratio is probably 90/10, in favour of men, though. I could tell you some stories…but I won’t. Not yet, anyway!
  2. I just came out of the closet online.
  3. I have no idea how people are going to react.
  4. I don’t really care how people are going to react; I am still the same person I always was!
  5. I think that there is more acceptance these days about the “alternate” community. (I am not sure what the politically correct term is, but I think it’s something like BGLT=Bi/Gay/Lesbian/Transgendered community.)
  6. I recently met two women online who are BGLT and are wonderful poets, authors, etc…
  7. You can find out who they are in my next post, which will be about ebooks and them!

15 Blogs I Am Nominating

  1. Poetic Parfait where one of this blog’s commenters lowers her walls and unveils herself in her poetry. (Christy, you are welcome; this is one way for me to thank you for your support!)
  3. Toby’s blog, Dumbass News. Toby is a great guy, and most of his post are funny! (…mostly because people are “stoopid”)
  4. Charles Franklin’s blog, This College Dropout, which is a blog mainly for indie authors
  5. Lesley Carter’s blog, Bucket List Publications
  6. Raani York’s blog, where she writes from the viewpoint of a couple of cats!
  7. Daily (W)rite, a blog about writing
  8. Someone Like Me, a new blog in the blogosphere by Chere Harbridge
  9. Casa de la K, Kelley Stephen’s blog
  10. Aleshia Clarke’s blog, Aleshia’s Angle
  11. Harsh Reality, by Opinionated Man
  12. Creative Writing with the Crimson League, Victoria Grefer’s blog
  13. Searching for the Happiness, Wendy McCance”s blog
  14. Cities of the Mind, Connor Rickett’s blog for freelance writers
  15. The Cheeky Diva, written by the cheeky diva!


Anyone care to comment?

Baby Sam Walked in the Relay For Life Fundraiser for Cancer Research!

Some of you may remember Baby Sam from this post, and I have to thank those of you who donated to this little girl’s fundraiser for cancer research. Today’s post is to give you an update of this brave, smart and adorable little girl, and to show off my new video-making skills!


Samantha, affectionately called Sam by her friends and family, is my one-year-old niece who has retinoblastoma. This is a rare form of eye cancer, usually hereditary.

Her father, Charlie also has retinoblastoma. He now has only one eye. Sam, on the other hand, still has both, and can see well enough to spot crumbs on the floor!

Her last check-up at SickKids Hospital in Toronto revealed that her cancer has been “killed” as a result of all of her treatments. She has made many visits to SickKids since she was two days old, and has received cryotherapy, chemotherapy, and laser therapy to treat the tumors found in both of her eyes.

Sam also has glasses, stylish baby blue ones, as seen in this photo:


On June 14th, 2013, Sam walked a lap in the Relay For Life fundraiser in Thunder Bay, Ontario. She was asked to “kick off” the event, and decided to accept that honour! Read More

A Cat Photo Collage, Complete With Instructions on How to Make a Collage!

For Father’s Day, I made a photo collage of the many cats my dad has owned. It’s fantastic! My dad loved it, and loved the poem I wrote for him, too, called “Cat Love.” He said it was the best present I could have ever given him. 🙂

homemade collage of cat pictures

“Cat Love” Poem

Here is the poem, which is pasted into the collage:

Cats provide companionship,

semi-conditional love and joy;

Purring when happy,

growling when annoyed.

They each have personalities

and unique characteristics.

They have an amazing ability to heal

using their purrs and licks.

Cats are just like little children,

and will eat wet food on command.

They’ll ask to go outside

so they can roam and play.

They’ll bring home mice as presents,

whether cats are orange, black, white or grey.

Cats are adorable little creatures

– I think this is something we all know –

For all the reasons listed here,

this is why we love them so! Read More

Cats: Photos + The Ordeal Of Treating The Hole I Found In Prinnie’s Leg

Let me tell you about Princess, a sweet little kitty-cat who wouldn’t hurt a fly, how I thought we were going to have to euthanize her, and the amazing recovery she has made. All in the last 3 or 4  weeks. Documented with pretty pictures, too! (and a couple of semi-gross ones)Prinseyes

Some background about Prinnie:

My parents inherited my sister’s cat, Princess, when my sister moved in with her boyfriend, who just happens to be allergic to felines. Princess goes by the name of Prin, or Prinnie. Rarely is she called by her full name.

Prinnie is about 17, has beautiful blue eyes, and normally does not venture out of the house except in warm weather. Considering that we live in Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada, where it is winter for most of the year, Prin does not go out often. However, spring has finally arrived, and she went outside about three weeks ago. When she did, she was terrorized by a mean cat from the neighbourhood, who only recently started coming around. Prinnie ended up limping, not wanting to move, and she stopped eating. Read More