“F.I.T.S.” SERIES: Featuring #freelancewriter Janine Ripper

FITS Series Welcome ImageFITS Series Welcome Image

It’s the first Monday of the month, and so today we are continuing with the F.I.T.S. (Freelancer In The Spotlight) Series on Wording Well, with Janine Ripper as the FITS. Make sure you read all the way to the end so you don’t miss out on her speciall offer, too! šŸ˜‰

Now please welcome JanineĀ to center stage. šŸ˜‰

Take it away, Janine!

Janine Ripper headshot


Why I Got IntoĀ Freelancing

You could say Iā€™m fairly new to freelancing.

It was in April 2014 that I left my 12-year career in project management after being stressed out and unhappy for what felt like the longest of times.

Between the daily commute, working in an office, and office politics, I felt like I was going mad. And then there was the job itself. Struggling with chronic anxiety my physical health started to take a dive, and so I took matters into my own hands and plungedā€¦ right into unemployment. Read More

FREE GIFT for Story Lovers (#Readers AND #Writers!)

Story Starts Cover

Do you like reading and/or writing?

Do you want or need some inspiration?

If so, please check out the free gift I’m giving away on my author site, Laying It Out There. You’ll love it!

I already wrote a blog post about it, so there’s no need for me to repeat myself here!

Just go check it out, and grab your freebie before you forget!

Oh, and please tell others about it. I’d appreciate it!


[Tweet “Get a free gift. No string attached. #writers #readers #ebook”]

“F.I.T.S.” SERIES: Featuring #freelancewriter DD, an Addicted-to-Heroin #Freelancer

FITS Series Welcome ImageFITS Series Welcome Image

Today’s post is an extra-special instalmentĀ of the F.I.T.S. (Freelancer In The Spotlight) SeriesĀ on Wording Well, and the “Freelancer In The Spotlight” today is DD, who is addicted to heroin. (Hey, some freelancers have posed nude, so don’t judge…)

Rather than have her write the post in the same style of past FITS posts, I decided to ask her a few questions.

First, let’s meet DD.

Who is DD?

DD is short for Deemster Diva. She’s probably the most productive drug addict I know… not that I know that many… anymore… šŸ˜‰

DD is on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Google+. She also blogs at Heroin Is My Heroin. DD is not her real name. I know what it is, but out of respect for her, I am not going to reveal it.

We will simply know her as DD.

I’ve had many conversations with her via email, and I don’t judge her for the drugs she chooses to do. She’s still a person, and she’s a freelancer, too.

Kinda makes for an interesting scenario, don’tcha think?

NOTE: Due to my recent announcement, I’m going to be blogging my True Tales Tuesdays posts on Lorraine Reguly: Laying It Out There, so if you’re a reader who loves those type of posts, then pleaseĀ subscribe to my author newsletter. You’ll get a free gift when you do!


Now please welcome DDĀ to center stage, and listen to her answer a few questions. Read More

“F.I.T.S.” SERIES: Featuring #freelancewriter Deevra Norling

FITS Series Welcome ImageFITS Series Welcome Image

Here is another entry in the F.I.T.S. (Freelancer In The Spotlight) SeriesĀ on Wording Well.

The “Freelancer In The Spotlight” today is Deevra Norling.

Deevra started off with a national diploma in public relations and what followed was a varied career path that included a short stint at Readerā€™s Digest as editor of the staff newsletter, followed by many years working as an executive assistant in the non-profit sector, before moving back into the corporate world as a marketing brand manager.

NOTE: Due to my recent announcement, I’m going to be blogging my True Tales Tuesdays posts on Lorraine Reguly: Laying It Out There, so if you’re a reader who loves those type of posts, then pleaseĀ subscribe to my author newsletter. You’ll get a free gift when you do!

Now please welcome Deevra NorlingĀ to center stage.

Take it away, Deevra!



Why I Took the Leap into Freelancing

Misery. Well, thatā€™s what drove me to quit my job and find another way to live. I hated working for a boss, the 9-5, the office politics, performance appraisals, driving to the same place and sitting at the same desk every day. I am a free spirit and that means I like doing my own thing. Freedom is important to me. Read More