Last Updated on: January 22nd, 2018
I was feeling some pressure about what to write about for my next blog post, and I didn’t like this feeling. It wasn’t writer’s block, exactly, since I wasn’t stuck for a topic to write about (I can write about almost anything!) but I felt like I needed to brainstorm some new ideas. So what I did was this:
I took out my markers and sketchpad and wrote the main topic of my blog in the middle: ME.
Then, because I like colourful things, I began listing different topics all around my main topic.
I added a few lines, a few “clouds” to highlight each category, and this emerged:

I added a few things…
I had used almost all of the colours by this point, and so I decided to use one more colour to add four more topics at the bottom. Then I thought about what I had already written about, and added them to my mind map. The ideas were really flowing by this point!
Once I filled the page, I stopped. This is what my page looked like when I was finished with it:

This is the end product.
Clearly, brainstorming works! What started out as an empty page (often daunting for writers and artists) became a resource page that I can look at whenever I feel stuck for a topic to write about!
If you’d like to do this on your computer, you can use this Mind Map tool.
If you need some useful tips on brainstorming, check out “Using Mind Maps for Brainstorming”.
Read this if you want more information about How To Mind Map.
Your Turn:
What do you do when you are stuck for an idea to write about? How do you brainstorm? Do you think you might brainstorm my way? Share your secrets with the rest of us!
(And don’t forget to share this article on your social networks – your friends and followers might find this useful!)
Ah, I dig a good ol’ fashioned mind map. Even with all the fancy productivity and brainstorming tools and apps, nothing seems as good as pen and paper.
I agree!
I got stuck like this not long ago and like all good bloggers I wrote about it. 🙂 The post was called, “Taboos and other Psychological Blocks or 9 Tips for Breaking Them”. I wasn’t blocked as much as overwhelmed by ideas. I finally decided to treat myself like a client and give myself some advice. It ranged from stepping away from the computer and all technology and going outside to enjoy nature to having a pretend conversation and writing the way you talk in a conversation.
I like the idea map you generated. That approach would work well for a number of things. Its a great way to brainstorm with yourself.
Thanks for the compliment. I have gotten tons of ideas from it!
By the way, I stepped outside yesterday and took my nephew for a walk and then today I took him swimming. It was nice to be off the computer for a change! 🙂
What I do when I can’t decide what I want to write about, is I just start writing. It doesn’t matter what. Then I start thinking “what if” and before I know it I’ve starting writing a new story or article. Sometimes it will start out about one thing and then inspiration will take over and I’ll end up with something quite different, but it always has worked for me.
Funny how you mentioned that you “just write”. This was the concept behind a guest post I did a while back. Here’s the link, if you care to read it. The cool thing about this challenge is that you can do it yourself, anytime! 🙂 It obviously works; you are proof! 🙂
Great article as always! Good insight into how to get motivated to write, especially, if you’re on a schedule such as a blog. The mind mapping tool is fun and yes, it gets the juices flowing!
Yes, it sure does! I was pretty stressed before I wrote this, and now I’m not. I have a lot of ideas now! 🙂 Have you ever done something like this, or used a mind map?
Yup, I also brainstorm when I don’t have an idea what to do-in any situation.
Whether that is in blogging, writing my essay assignment, or just figuring out how to get my sister occupied for long enough while I study- I brainstorm.
Mind mapping is the best way for me to brainstorm, but I don’t use colors-too much work for me ha.
I also sometimes just make my “brainstorm lists”, which are harder to make, and I implement them when I can’t just mind map hard enough.
Using different colours is something I like to do because I love colours. It’s almost like an obsession, sometimes, for me… (Yeah, a bit OCD, I know…)
I like making lists, and when I make big decisions, I’m a fan of a pros/cons list. I like to look at things from as many perspectives as possible.
Brainstorming is awesome! I’m glad you’ve had success with it, as well as distracting your sister! (I have a sister, too. I know how they can be!)