Last Updated on: October 7th, 2019
This is a sponsored guest post from Sandra Hayward.
Nowadays there are quite a lot of bloggers who offer interesting information about different subjects, events and people. However, there is a question: “What makes some of them popular and others not?” The answer is SEO. Numerous techniques are implemented by different online shops, essay writing companies, and other businesses.
However, optimization is also an important step if you want to be a successful blogger because your blog has to be appealing and easily-accessible in order to attract more readers. Thus, in this article we want to talk about 5 SEO rules that can improve the quality of the search results and therefore bring you success when you create a blog website!
1. Make It Mobile-Friendly
Recently Google included mobile-friendliness as an element of their calculation that impacts the positioning. Two or three years back, individuals were not using their cell phones to shop on the web, seek all that they need to know, and have discussions in informal communities as regularly as they do now. So now you need a responsive site that will be mobile-friendly.
These SEO tips can settle all the convenience issues and can make your site friendlier for the versatile clients:
∙Make buttons and text bigger and more eye-catching
∙Hide a few pictures that are not vital
∙Hide or shorten some content
∙Add buttons or links that include the information on how to reach you
2. Use Catchphrases & Keywords
Catchphrases ought to be used, however, not all that much. On the off-chance that you use many catchwords, then web search tools may feel that you need just to increase positioning. At the point when your begin composing content, it is prescribed to pick maybe a couple fundamental catchphrases with a specific end goal to set an objective and keep a slender core interest.
Nowadays it is a great idea to use long-tail catchphrases since they are more proficient. Long-tail keywords are the expressions that contain 3 or more words. These are normally looked by qualified guests, who know precisely what they are hunting down. What is more, we recommend you to make a rundown of some long-tail catchwords and target them. You can incorporate catchphrases in URL, feature, body, headers, and your meta description.
3. Socialize
If you want to have the successful blog, then you need to have a lot of useful contacts.
Keep in mind the end goal to make your site well-known, you ought to associate with bloggers or sites and request them to advance your webpage by linking to it. Furthermore, you need great relational abilities to clarify why the sites’ proprietors need to advance you and how it can profit themselves. Therefore, you have to persuade them that the data they will post on their sites can draw in new and current users and be valuable for them. Also, it is essential to have a decent notoriety and a brand picture to have high rankings and be seen as a person who has not only interesting blog topics but who also is a trustworthy blogger.
4. Write Longer Content
Articles have to be not only qualitative but long as well. Search engines usually highly ranks articles that are longer than 1,500 words. We recommend you to look at some successful blog examples to see how popular bloggers structure their articles.
5. Promote Your Blog
Social networking plays a big role in our day-to-day lives, therefore consider setting up accounts in Google+, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter and LinkedIn. Promote your blog on these accounts to expand your audience.
Use the Top 5 tips above to become a successful blogger! In addition, we recommend you to read another article about SEO rules for blogging success

Hi Lorraine,
SEO itself is a vast concept, yet important for businesses who want to make their presences online noticeable. We blogger must invest in making our blogs SEO friendly.
Besides what you’ve shared, we also have to see other sides of plugins we activate and also snippets of third party codes we use as custom css. Many of them come at cost.
Thanks for sharing this wonderful post. I could make out some points/areas where I have to give attention to enable SEO in blog’s my contents.
Hi, Sherab.
I’m glad you’re more aware of what you need to do to make your blog more SEO-friendly.
Good luck, and thanks for commenting! 🙂
Hey Lorraine,
I have always taken care of the SEO. Nowadays, people are using the mobile phones a lot and it’s important to optimize your blog according to that.
The theme you use should be mobile-friendly.
Though the length of the content is debatable but still, people prefer to read the lengthy articles.
Thanks for mentioning these points.
Ravi, I had go through a few themes before I found one that worked well on my mobile phone.
I paid for a few and am currently using a FREE one!
Yes, lengthy posts are the most popular… according to readers AND Google!
Thanks for stopping by!
See you soon!
Hi Lorraine,
Indeed these are some significant tips which help out bloggers to get lots of benefits. By following above mentioned search engine optimization rules one can continue our blogging journey nicely and effectively. With the help of these magical guidelines they get spectacular results.
Bloggers must choose a mobile friendly theme and optimize it properly.
They always select those topics which has a potential to attract more readers.
They always share valuable and extensive content.
They have preciously use keywords in to their content.
The placement of their keyword are great.
They also, concentrate on keyword density.
They optimize their Permalink structure and use the targeted keyword in it.
They include images along with Alt tag.
They use catchphrases & Keywords.
They promote their blogs in different Social media platforms.
They deeply vigil on both Onpage & Offpage Seo of their blogs.
Many thanks for your lovely share 🙂
Muhammad Mairaj recently posted…Article Submission Sites – 10 High PR Dofollow Resources
Hi Muhammad.
I’m glad you enjoyed the post.
Thanks for your comment. Sorry it took me so long to reply to it. I just found it in my spam folder!
I’m not sure why or how it ended up there. However, the tips you added are great!
SEO is a mystery for many bloggers. And with Google’s ever-changing algorithms, it’s hard to keep up!
Have a great weekend! (It’s Friday here, now.)
Thanks Lorraine, you did mention the top most needed rules for succeeding in blogging.
But the last point seems to be oversaturated and there is a common issue with it. Sharing and promoting our websites through Social media platforms is simply hard. If you’re not doing it, you seems to lose, but when you overdo it, it becomes spam and facebook, twitter starts warning people about visiting your website.
But apart from that, you wrote an awesome article here Lorraine.
Faith Fox recently posted…Airtel smartspeedoo Data Bundles 2016 – Airtel Nigeria data plan For modem, Android
Faith, thanks for the good feedback.
The thing you have to remember about social media is to be “social.” This means also posting genuine updates in real time and engaging with others.
You will not be seen as a “spammy” person if you do things naturally!
Nice Post Lorraine 🙂
Felt glad reading this again. You’ve been sharing helpful and useful contents. A few of your posts I read and still reading has helped me alot in my blogging business/journey.
You get in touch with ProBloggers and are socially active. Thanks for helping me and many others out there. Will make a fine survey of the rules written here and apply to my blog.
I’d love it if I guest post on this blog though 🙂
You’ve been a motivational piece to me.
Thanks, nice post once more!
Prince Akwarandu.
Thank you so much for noticing that I always share helpful things!
I am so glad that I am helping you and many others.
Blogging and SEO “rules” change quite often, and we need to keep up to stay on top among all the other pro bloggers out there!
I am happy to hear I have been inspiring and motivating you to do better. Thanks! Keep it up!
Hey Lorraine,
SEO rules are nothing more than guidelines on how to approach your blogging projects. Success or failure depends on your objectives but in general these SEO rules are everything you need to know to stay in the right track.
Professionally designed website that is also SEO optimized is more attractive for users and search engines.We are living a period where speed rules the web. All technology companies are trying to make the web faster and Google is leading the way by making their products faster and by adding speed as one of the ranking factors.Social is the new way to market your website.One things you need to do is respect your audience. In my view respect has to do with providing accurate information to audience.
With best wishes,
Amar kumar
Hi Amar, I agree, and think that it’s great to have an awesome website for your users.
I know mine is a little dated, but I’m not techie… (that’s my excuse!).
I always respect my audience! Do you respect yours?
By the way, how is the speed of Wording Well?
Hi, Lorraine.
It’s a nice article.
I ready your comment on Facebook with the guys, but don’t believe what he said.
If SEO is dead why decent companies spent lots of budget for guest post and other SEO campaign such this article. I knew it isn’t a low budget company.
To make friend search engine optimization is simple as follow the rule in this article.
Make your blog mobile friendly and load faster on mobile device will help to enhance better conversion. I’d admit that I missed this rule as my blog has slow loading on mobile device. I tried to fix it, but cannot as BuddyPress has a heavy database.
Nothing more to say about the keywords, it’s extremely important to SEO, but a big change, that is why some marketers cannot get on the top. Google is being more human, and the keywords now can be synonym and re-position.
To make your keywords natural and catch eyeballs will attract more traffic and CTR.
Long article isn’t so important for SEO, but mostly the higher rank is from 1500 to 3000 words.
Kimsea Sok recently posted…How to Become The Expert Blogger Even if You’re A Freshman to Blogging
Kimsea, I agree with you and realize that this article, in fact, broke many of the SEO rules.
However, it was a paid post, and I plan on writing another article about SEO someday.
The best thing to remember is what you said about Google being more human. This has been true for the past few years. When I first started blogging, I wrote like I was writing in a diary.
The fourth post I wrote was about my experience with the VisualBee toolbar (malware) and it was the post that put my blog on the map.
I got noticed right away from Google because I wrote about my true experience and how I solved the problem.
I have written other articles about my experiences, too. Like the one about when I tried to kill myself, and the one about my false teeth. Both STILL rank high on the first page of Google Search!
It’s because I am genuine, real, and honest. And I didn’t care about SEO. I wrote from the heart.
Too many articles now are written according to some SEO rules and algorithms that are ever-changing, and so don’t have that “personal” feeling to them. The writers try to rank high, but fail, because they are not writing for a human audience.
It’s important to write for your readers, not the search engines. I can’t say this enough!
Longer articles, if they are good, will rank higher, but if they are filled with garbage and are not helpful, it doesn’t matter if you write 20 thousand words. Your article will still “suck” and not rank.
So it’s important to provide good information and value to your readers, regardless of article length.
As for the Facebook comment (and the ensuing incidents), I’ll not discuss them here.
Suffice it to say, SEO IS NOT DEAD.
It’s just ever-changing. That’s all.
Thanks for commenting. You are one of the most engaged bloggers I have met in a long time! 🙂 Keep on rocking the web! 🙂