Getting Recognition as an Editor

Last Updated on: January 29th, 2021

Getting Recognition as an Editor

Today I want to tell you about one of the gifts I’ve received last year. I also have a video for you to watch.

To set the stage, let me first tell you that in mid-February of 2014, Wording Well, my main website, was born. In addition to being a blogger and a freelance writer, I began to offer editing services as well. (I’ve since added blogging coaching/consultation services to my list.)

It’s amazing what can happen in two years of blogging! Not only did I receive recognition for my editing skills, but…

My Story About Karen Dodd

… in April of 2014, I had the pleasure of getting to know suspense novelist and indie author Karen Dodd.

Karen Dodd photograph

Because I’m a huge mystery lover, I actually approached Karen and inquired if she was interested in doing an exchange: a copy of her book for a blog post review. This is my standard offer to authors, and includes a review posted to Goodreads.

I’m happy to report that Karen obliged, and sent me a digital copy of her book, Deadly Switch.

Deadly Switch book cover

I read her book, and reviewed it in May of 2014.

Here’s where things get interesting.

I Can’t Turn My Inner Editor Off!

As I usually do when reading a book, I note any and all parts of the book that need editing. (This is something I simply cannot turn “off”!) Sometimes the changes that are needed are minor, sometimes they are major, and sometimes they are developmental. Sometimes there is one small detail that is overlooked or missed by the book’s editor.

And just so you know, I have found such errors in traditionally published books, too. 😉

However, self-published books tend to require more changes than traditionally published books do. That’s not merely my opinion; that is a fact, and Karen’s book was no different.

After reading and reviewing it, I had mentioned to Karen that I found a few problems, and offered to fix them for her.

I had already made a note of the parts that needed tweaking, so most of the work was already done.

Karen asked me, point-blank, what was in it for me. She couldn’t believe that a complete stranger would help her, for free.

Because I was basically unknown – as an editor – at that time, I simply told her the truth. If she liked my edits, she’d tell her others about me, including her friends who were also authors.

We all know that word-of-mouth marketing is the best kind of marketing there is, and so I figured that giving away some of my services for free initially would help grow the freelance editing side of my business.

What I didn’t expect was to get public recognition by way of a mention in the acknowledgments of her book.

I also didn’t expect to be thanked by given a few gifts!

Thanks FROM Karen Dodd

One day, after my edits were made, accepted, and praised, Karen asked me for my mailing address, as she wanted to send me a token of her appreciation.

A month passed, but nothing arrived in the mail.

Another week or two passed. Still nothing.

Of course, I wasn’t going to ask her or hound her or remind her of what she had said; I’m not like that. So I did nothing, and put the issue out of my mind.

Then one day, I had a surprise in the mail.

Not only did I get an autographed copy of her book, but she mentioned me in her “revised” edition! Watch the video to see what she says about me!

She also gave me a gift card for Tim Horton’s. I’m not a coffee drinker, nor am I regular customer of theirs, but my sister is, and so I sold the card to her for a reduced price, which made both of us happy!

Thanks TO Karen Dodd


About Karen’s Book, Deadly Switch

Getting back to Karen’s book…

Deadly Switch has been called “an Amazon critically acclaimed debut novel” and has received several rave reviews, which can be found on Goodreads and Amazon. It was also featured on The Fussy Librarian. ~from My Book Review of Deadly Switch

I have to say, I’m looking forward to he next book.


Please help me spread the word about my awesome editing services. Just share this post on social media. Thanks!

If you are interested in hiring me, please contact me.

For testimonials I’ve received, please refer to the Services I Offer page.


14 thoughts on “Getting Recognition as an Editor

  1. says

    Hello Lorraine

    I am so happy to know this. All the best with your future projects and it’s so nice that you were mentioned in acknowledgment by Karen Dodd.
    As you were showing your name in video, it was not so clear, if you can take a picture of her first message and your name and upload in this post it will be clear.

    I am happy for you.

  2. Hi Loarraine,

    Good for you.

    I have no doubt that you are an excellent editor, and I have your name all ready here, when I’ll need my book edited 🙂

    I think that most writers who hire an editor, don’t want someone to rewrite the book, but simply point out areas that could be better written and so forth. As well as errors and typos of course who are so, so very common, even on all edited printed books 🙂

    Congratulations 🙂


  3. That is so cool! I’ve never been so fearful though, thinking about the possibility of you visiting my site. LOL
    Some people are just natural editors and then… there’s people like me 🙂

  4. Hi Lorraine,

    That is wonderful indeed – keep going and don’t we all know you are so good in editing. I know from Maxwell’s posts, where he never forgets to mention you, especially with the wonderful work done for his book.

    Thanks for sharing. Have a nice week ahead 🙂

  5. Jo Ann Plante says

    That was such a nice thing to do! I’m so happy for you. All of your hard work is paying off and I can’t believe it is a year already for Wording Well. Time flies!

    • says

      Jo Ann, it’s hard to believe how fast time passes when you’re busy helping others!

      I’m grateful for the recognition and the continued testimonials regarding my editing abilities, but more importantly I’m grateful for all the wonderful people I’ve met online during the last two years! 😀

      Including you… 🙂

    • says

      Thank you, Deevra! I was thrilled when I received this and the only thing I’m sorry for is that it took me so long to thank Karen publicly for the recognition she’s given me.

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