How to Run a Successful Instagram Account


How to Run a Successful Instagram Account

Do you know how to run a successful Instagram account?

Having an Instagram account is a key component needed for success in today’s world. Bloggers, businesses, freelancers, and anyone else possessing a brand should all have an Instagram account.

If you need some tips on how to use Instagram to benefit you, you can use the ones found in this post to successfully run your Instagram account.

Creating an Online Presence is Necessary for Success

Creating a successful online social media presence takes a lot of hard work, especially if you are running it by yourself. You have to put on a lot of hats to make sure that you stay relevant online. A lot of online influencers start out by being the video editor, cameraman, marketing associate, and face of their own brand.

Instagram uses the visual nature of social media to entice people to increase their presence and build a solid follower base to help them succeed at what they do.

While there are over 800 million active accounts on the platform, below are a few things you can do to help you stand out among the crowd and be successful on Instagram. Read More

#HowTo Use FotoJet to make Facebook Cover Photos

image for blog post titled How to Use FotoJet to make Facebook Cover Photos

You’re a blogger. You’ve been on Facebook.

But do you know how to create a good Facebook cover photo?

Good news… you can use FotoJet to help you!

If you are an enthusiast who loves hanging on Facebook all day for entertaining or discussing a certain topic to boost your service or business, you need an eye-catching Facebook cover photo besides the great content and the successful stream of weekly posts you produce.

Sooooo…. are you ready to create one?

Here I’ll show you how to create your own Facebook cover photos even if you are not a graphic designer!

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image for blog post titled Do YOU Use Hashtags in Your Blog PostTitles: Yay or Nay?

Do YOU Use Hashtags in Your Blog Post Titles? Yay or Nay?

image for blog post titled Do YOU Use Hashtags in Your Blog PostTitles: Yay or Nay?


Do you use hashtags in your blog post titles? Yes or no? (Yay or nay?)

Why should you?

Why shouldn’t you?

Today we will discuss the pros and cons of using hashtags in your blog post titles.

By the end of this post, you will have a better idea of whether or not you should adopt this technique for yourself and/or your business. Read More

A 12-Section Guide to Branding Your Business Online


Branding your business is easy if you know exactly how to do it. Unfortunately, most people have a hard time understanding what branding is.

This guide will help you navigate your way through the branding process. It contains 12 informative sections.

Guide Contents:

I’ll also share with you the Slideshare presentation I made, as well as a true story about a presentation I gave on branding. I’ll actually begin with the true story, move into the guide, and share the SlideShare presentation at the end.

Following that is a special offer that I want to extend to new business owners, to anyone starting a website, to anyone needing help with a blogging strategy, or to anyone who still has questions and wants some advice.

I’ve been blogging and running a business for years, so I know a thing or two!

And if I don’t have ALL of the answers, chances are that I know someone who will.


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Ninja Outreach



Today we are going to talk about blogger outreach, and a specific tool you can use to do some networking. It’s called Ninja Outreach.

What is Ninja Outreach?

Ninja Outreach is a special outreach and networking tool that can help you in many ways, whether you’re a blogger, a freelancer, or an aspiring author. This post will provide a few ways you can use this tool. Read More