Last Updated on: June 8th, 2020
Do you need these copywriting tips?
It’s only with excellent copywriting skills that you can create blog posts that stand out and go viral.
Blogging, as you may already know, is the most popular form of content marketing, a strategy that enables you to attract new readers and prospective clients, as well as retain your existing readership.
That is why Moss Clement was specifically invited to write this guest for me. (As most of you already know, you must pay to have a guest post published on Wording Well these days!)
Take it away, Moss! (And READERS, there is a SPECIAL BONUS waiting for you at the end of this post! … But no cheating… don’t skip ahead! Read Moss’s fantastic article on these copywriting tips!)
With over 21 billion web pages grabbing the attention of more than 409 million people, and over 70 million new blog posts with 52 million new comments being published per month on alone, it is not an easy task to create web content that others will eat up!
It is not easy to get people to consume your blog content each time you publish a new post. In fact, it can be overwhelming.
Hence, if you publishing blog posts frequently, it will help you attract new leads, as this research indicates.
The research shows that company websites that have blogs generate about 67% more leads than company websites that have no blog.
It further revealed that digital marketers who make blogging a priority in their content marketing strategy achieve 13x more positive ROI (return on investments).
Consequently, the questions that arise are…
1: How can you make your content more entertaining, move people to action, and generate more leads?
2: How can you turn a blog post into a phenomenal piece of content that people will love to read, share on social media, and maximize your ROI?
3: What copywriting tips and techniques can you apply today to create powerful blog content and become a better blogger?
These are just a few questions to consider.
As a result, I’m going to reveal 7 actionable copywriting tips you can apply right away to become a better blogger.
Related Post: Why Copywriting Really Is and Art
Copywriting Tip 1: Write in a conversational tone and be concise
To use a conversational tone in your blog content is a remarkable way to hook your readers.
It will help you refuse bounce rate because it makes your blog post more interesting to read, no matter how difficult the topic is.
But if you’re using a formal tone, be careful not to overuse it, as it will only make your blog content boring and less interesting to read, which will effectively put visitors off and increase your blogs bounce rate.
To help you write in a conversations tone, this is what you should do…
When writing your blog posts, ask questions within your content. You can ask a question at the beginning of a sentence, or at the end of it to get the reader to think and draw out what’s in his mind.
Here is a sample conversational content I came up with for you …
When writing articles for your blog, ideas come and go, and to some extent, you hit writer’s block, not knowing what to write about. (Hint: Read Writer’s Block (+ the 10 Best Ways to Overcome It).
Here are 5 actionable tips to help you come up with consistent blog topic ideas to write about.
This is the variation …
When you’re writing articles for your blog, sometimes you run out of blog topic ideas, and to some extent, you hit writer’s block, is that so?
To help you tackle this problem, I have put together 5 actionable tips that will help you come up with consistent blog topic ideas to write about.
You can clearly see the difference between the two. Now tell me, which of these is more conversational?
However, inasmuch as you have to write in a conversational tone, you want to make sure you don’t go off-topic – be concise.
For this reason, you have to keep to your content focused. Be to the point.
Cut down the use of jargon and make sure every word counts. Ensure that every sentence is related to your blog topic.
To back this up, the Moz team applied the art of being concise in their newsletter campaign, and the result was terrific!
See screenshot:
Hence, even when you’re writing on a topic that is more complex, look for ways to make it more accessible and easy to understand.
Related: Why Bloggers Should Write Using a Conversational Tone
Copywriting Tip 2: Integrate bold text, italics, underlining, bullet points, emojis, and other relevant tools in your blog posts
How do these tools make you a better blogger?
Let’s look at it this way…
Let us say that you’re giving a speech. As you may already know, your speech conveys information to your audience via the following elements:
– Your tone of voice
– Gesture
– Facial expression
– Body language
– Emotions
When done correctly, your speech will be a powerful one that adds value to your audience.
But one cannot see your body language or facial expression in your text content, can they?
As a result, you need to integrate these elements into your writing!
How can you integrate these elements into your writing?
Although the way a speech is delivered is different from how a text information is conveyed, you can easily integrate the above elements to your blog content and set yourself up as an expert blogger.
This is how to do it…
There are numerous writing tools available to you, some of which are mentioned in the subheading above.
Some of these tools are:
– Bold
– Italic
– Underline
– Text colors
– Bullet points
– Emojis
and so forth.
These tools will make your blog posts unique and more scannable.
For instance;
Bold will make your text stand out by highlighting your point.
Italics will enable you to stress your point as you write.
Underline will help you to reinforce your message.
Colors work in a similar way as bold and underline. You can use it to highlight and reinforce your point. *Related: How to Highlight Text in Your Blog Posts: 4 Easy Methods (#Tutorial)
Emoji usage is a great tool that will enable you to convey most of your message in few words.
Bullet points will help you bring out the main points and also break up your text for easy readability.
If you know how to use these tools correctly, you will be able to make your text more visually appealing by breaking it up and create a more user-friendly experience.
Copywriting Tip 3: Use data to boost your credibility and trust
Why do you need data in your blog writing? Put simply, you need data to help you boost the credibility and trust of your content as being authentic.
Therefore, use data to back up what you’re writing.
Here is how you can do it…
At the introduction of this article, I used data as proof of what I’m saying, and then I linked to credible sources to back up my claim, thus making my article more authentic, credible, and trusted.
Recently, I rejected a guest contributor’s article because, in spite of the fact that he used data as proof of his claim, there was no single link to external sources for authentication.
What am I saying to you? I want you to start using data to back up your articles and then link to external credible sources to boost the credibility of your blog posts.
Let me ask you this…
Why do super-bloggers like Neil Patel, Brian Dean, Content Marketing Institute, Ann Handley’s MarketingProfs, and other powerful bloggers sprinkle data and links all over their blogs?
They simply do this to back up what they are saying and to build trust with their readers.
In other words, they are saying if you do not believe what I’m saying to you, then, click here to see things for yourself.
Thus, well-researched, statistical data will help you increase the trust and credibility of your brand and set you up and an authority blogger.
Related Post: 20 Ways to Be a Master Writer and Improve Your Skills
Copywriting Tip 4: Create more white space within your blog post
Are you in the habit of writing in huge blocks of content? If you answered yes, then, you’re doing more harm than good to your blog, because 40% of your readers will read your blog for only about 15 seconds.
Here’s some simple logic to help you better understand what I’m saying to you.
As humans, we hate being confined to a single place. We need more space to breathe and enjoy the freedom that comes with it.
The same concept can be applied to your blog content to make it more appealing to the eyes.
How can you do this?
You can conveniently do this by adding more white space to your blog posts to make it more appealing and easily digestible.
If you’re not using or adding white spaces to your posts, your articles will appear as huge blocks of content, making it difficult to read or scan.
For example, this article has short sentences with many white spaces. Interestingly, it is easier for you to read or scroll to any section of your choice.
Here’s what the writer of 5 Killer Web Copywriting Tips at Digital Doughnut said about writing in huge blocks;
“Nobody has the time or patience to read linear text content. Instead of writing long indigestible blocks of text content, make your content skimmable.” – Tania Cheema.
Pro tip:
Add white space in between paragraphs, quotes, images, and anything else your post includes (videos, etc.). This step will prevent you from writing in huge blocks of content and improve your content readability.
Copywriting Tip 5: Use power words to write emotional content copy
Power words are essential content components that have the power to persuade your buyer persona.
These words can evoke emotions – either positive or negative emotions.
But in this case, I am talking about power words that will trigger positive emotions – words that will have a great positive impact on your target audience and move them to take certain action.
In this article about being a better copywriter, Sharon Hurley Hall featured 21 expert copywriters, and here’s a quote from one of them:
“When your customers and prospects feel that you’re talking to them on a deep emotional level and understand their hopes, fears, and desires better than the competition, you’re going to get the sale.” – Adam Kreitmann
Do you agree with Adam Kreitmann?
I do, because using power words in your copy will trigger the emotional feelings of your target market and urge him to a certain direction.
For instance, some power words you can use when writing blog posts are:
Top secret / top 10 secrets – These words will appeal to (and trigger the curiosity of your buyers), thereby moving them to find out more.
Because – Robert Cialdini conducted a study and found that people were more willing to heed to a request when people used the word “because,” even in situations where the request makes no sense.
Act now – Here is where a sense of urgency comes to play. The words here creates a sense of urgency in the mind of your target market, urging him to act immediately.
Instantly – As humans, we always have the tendency to want to make things happen immediately. Thus, in harmony with the MRI research, some words light up the human midbrain are much like those that invoke a sense of quick reward. So, if you can get your site visitors to believe that you have instant solution to their problems, they’ll become loyal readers and subscribers.
There are many, many more power words that you can use in your content copy.
Interestingly, Smart Blogger created an article that has 595 power words you can use in your content copy today.
If you can create blog content that evokes positive emotions, it is more likely that your audience will read and share your post across social media.
More important is that, your readers will stay longer on your blog and keep coming back for more.
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Copywriting Tip 6: Speak the language your readers understand
What exactly am I saying?
Your readers are at different stages of their journey, and until you can identify each one’s journey, only then can you create blog content that will resonate with them.
So then…
How can you find out the different stages of their journey?
Simple! All you have to do is speak to them to find out how you can better speak their language.
It’s not a literal language anyway…
This simply means that you need to find out what issue or problems they’re dealing with and provide the solution to it.
Consequently, you want to consider these questions:
1: How is your blog post going to add value to your audience?
2: What issues are your readers trying to solve?
3: What content topics do they love the most?
4: What are the objectives they want to achieve?
5: What will they learn from reading this blog post?
6: What stumbling blocks are they trying to overcome?
With these questions in place, go to Facebook groups and create a poll with the above questions.
Also send emails to your subscribers, asking them to respond to those questions.
The results you get from respondents will help you figure out their pain problems and how to tailor your blog post to better address those issues.
That’s the language I’m talking about.
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Copywriting Tip 7: Use storytelling to create persuasive copy
Why do people love storytelling?
You spend hours watching movies and reading good storybooks. Why?
Because they capture your attention and make you feel like you’re in the story – consuming you completely and make you experience what’s happening in the story world.
That’s the power of storytelling. They are powerful writing tools you can use today to become a better blogger.
In fact, stories have the tendency to transport you to another place. And in this storyland, you may embrace things you never would in the real world.
It’s more live in a dreamland…
What is the point?
The point is simple. When you’re transported to another place, you are easily persuaded to do things you wouldn’t have ordinarily done in real life.
In a similar way, you can use storytelling to transport your ideal reader and persuade him to take action. In other words, you may ignore everything around you, but you will willingly want to listen to a good story.
But not everyone is a storyteller, so,…
How can you use storytelling in your copy to become a better blogger?
There are many ways to use storytelling, but I will discuss only a few.
– Use metaphors when writing your blog posts. Why? Because a recent research in Spain found that when researchers gave metaphors like “The singer had a velvet voice” to test subjects, the subject’s sensory cortex lit up. The sensory cortex is the part of the human brain that is responsible for perceiving texture through touch. This part of the brain lit up as a result of metaphors. So use metaphors to make your content irresistible.
– Use imagery. It is a good idea to use imagery because it gives you a picture of stories.
– Use verbs: Verbs helps you create and visualize an action. They help you get rid of passive voice and integrate active voice in your blog.
Wrapping up + a Bonus for YOU!
One way to show your expertise as a seasoned blogger and content marketer is to write great copy for your blogging and content marketing business.
But if your site visitors are not spending time on your blog, and they’re not returning to your site after leaving, it simply means that you’re not doing it right.
Therefore, you need to upgrade your writing to create informative content, establish yourself as an expert blogger, build trust with your readers, and attract new readership.
You should also remember to hire an editor to proofread your blog posts! If you cannot afford one, you can use the tips offered in 5 (+ 17) Self-Editing Hacks to Boost Your Blog Writing.
The copywriting tips above will help you set yourself up. Tell us what copywriting tips you’re using, as there many tips already in the marketplace.
Moss Clement is a B2B freelance writer and blogger. Visit his website, MossMediaBiz, to learn in-depth blogging and content marketing tips, tools, and resources to help you grow your blog and thrive online. Follow Moss on Twitter, too!
Thank you so much for posting this! I was really looking for easy, actionable tips. I’m an affiliate for a lot of products, plus I offer an online course, so learning effective copywriting is a must. I especially loved tip 3 and 5 (my weak points, haha).
Erin Artfitch recently posted…The Ultimate Guide To Your Pelvic Floor After Birth
Erin, thanks so much for reading and commenting!
It helps that you are able to recognize your weak points. Now that you know what they are, you can improve them!
Every blogger should understand these points of copywriiting. Converstaional tone is necessary to make the post engaging. When you blend the power words with storytelling then your articles can attract the maximum readers easily.
Glad you have shared these points.
Gaurav Kumar recently posted…Ubersuggest | Ultimate Keyword Research Tool
Gaurav, I agree. Conversational tone/writing is easy to understand. After all, we are human and can relate to this type of writing easily!
Power words are also very effective when they are used correctly.
Thanks for dropping by. I see you have written about the Ubersuggest tool. I’m off to check it out!
Hi Gaurav,
You’re right about that. The beautiful thing about making your content conversational is that, your readers can easily feel you in the article. It is more like you’re talking to them directly which makes it become easily relatable.
Thanks for adding to the conversation. Bytheway, I left you a comment on your blog.
Hello Lorraine and Moss,
Great post and I learned quite a few things that I didn’t realize I should be doing. Thank you for that.
There is just so many things that can make a post good or bad. Development unfortunately doesn’t come as easy to some as others, so we have to work a bit harder. As long as we know that and understand it, there shouldn’t be a problem.
Thank you again for sharing so much great info.
Monna Ellithorpe recently posted…NaNoWriMo Eve 2018
Hi, Monna.
Thanks for visiting my site again. I know how easily you can get sidetracked when you’re writing. Some writers have to work on their attention spans!
I’m not a multi-tasker although I feel like I often am doing multiple things at once. But when you’re a blogger, you sometimes feel that way because there are so many aspects to blogging and writing is just one of them!
I’m always here to help, if you need it, okay? Just ask!
Hi Monna,
I’m so happy that this article is useful to you. I agree with you that development doesn’t come easy for everyone. For many, it takes time for them to successfully hone and develop their skill. But it can be done and many have already achieve success by applying the best practices–practice always!
Thank you for coming by and contributing to the discussion.
Moss Clement recently posted…10 Ways to Make Your Press Release More Shareable on Social Media
As a writer myself, I can only agree with those useful tips They should be evident enough, but as I read tons of pieces online it’s not that evident for everyone. In the near future, I’ll be writing a personal story (a book) along with the other person who’s involved in that story. We’ll try to keep in mind those writing tips.
Sylviane, I wanted your input on this article because I know you are a blogger who speaks at least two languages (English and French). I am not sure if you know more or not, but when you are bilingual or multi-lingual, it’s sometimes tough to remember all the rules when you are writing.
Thanks for chiming in and congratulations on your book endeavor! I hope you and your co-author choose me as your editor. (Wink, wink)
Good luck with your book (even if you don’t)!
Hi Sylviane,
Nice to meet you here at Lorraine’s space –WordingWell. As you mentioned, the are tons of articles on the net, but with little or no value. The tips in this article are practical, actionable tips you can apply today and start seeing results. I’m blessed to know that you find it helpful and you intend to use the tips when writing you book. Thanks a lot for stopping by and commenting as well. Looking forward to reading it!
Moss Clement recently posted…10 Ways to Make Your Press Release More Shareable on Social Media
Hi Moss and Lorraine,
All your tips are so on point. The best one I like is to write like you are speaking to someone. That sets us apart from the rest. A genuine post that is written so simply that all people can understand is the best!
Yes, it does take about 15 seconds to grab the attention of a reader and we all have to keep that in mind with a compelling first liner. Also we cannot have long paragraphs. Once we do people get discouraged. We also have to keep in mind that lots of people will skim a post and not read the whole thing. So spacing is important.
Awesome as usual,
Donna Merrill recently posted…Do I need a Big Audience before I Start A Blog?
Donna, I totally agree with you. When you feel like the writer is addressing the reader directly, it’s like you are having a private conversation with that person. Blog posts that are written that way are some of the best ones.
I’m with you on the whole spacing and skimming issue. In today’s world, many people just read the headings and not the paragraphs beneath them, especially in list posts. Those who want more in-depth information read the paragraphs.
Thanks for the compliment on Moss’s posts. I’m sure Moss will be happy to hear that you loved it!
And thanks, Donna, for being there when I make a request. You always pull through and I appreciate it. I am going to reciprocate the comment because I know I don’t always visit your blog as often as I should. See ya soon!
Hi Donna,
If I get it wrong, I know you will help me out because you’re an expert in the blogging industry. I can’t agree any less with you because if you write the way you speak, it becomes conversational, making your target market to easily understand the point you want him to take home. As my friend Ryan Biddulph would say, “I feel your vibe.”
Thank you, Donna!
Great blog post Lorraine. Emoji is the least of what we at Garoot Marketing would agree but everything else stands out and is useful advice for beginner bloggers. Thank you for sharing.
Thanks for reading and commenting!
You should read my response to Ryan’s comment, as you need to add a comma before my name! (I’m in “editor” mode right now. LOL)
Truly, I appreciate your visit, but I also want you to be a better writer!
Have a great day!
Thanks a lot for your input on the subject. I want to address the issue if emoji as it is the least you agreed on.
The truth is that emojis have been around since the late 90’s, and smart digital marketers around the world have been using this little icons to boost their business efforts.
While some marketer are aware of the remarkable power of emojis, there many who are not familiar with emoticons or how emoji can help grow their business.
Take, for instance, social media sites. Anywhere you turn to, be it Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Whatsapp, etc, you see a variety of this little icons. The question is…
Why are people all over using them?
Marketers are using them to add humour to their brand message to boost ROI. And it has been incredibly phenomenal.
Did you know that Twitter was the first social media platform to give support for emoji 5.0, having over 69 unique emojis in their collection?
One cannot quantify emojis, but there are over 6 billion emojis criss-crossing the internet everyday. It goes to show that emoji are fascinating digital marketing asset waiting for those who are not aware of it to explore and grow their businesses.
In fact, an article on the Business Insider blog revealed that emoji marketing skyrocketed 775℅ in 2016. So, why the tremendous increase of more than 775%?
I urge you to start using emojis if you haven’t already, because they say much with less. Remember, success doesn’t come overnight. It’s a gradual process.
Thank you once again for coming by and commenting.
Moss Clement recently posted…10 Ways to Make Your Press Release More Shareable on Social Media
Hi Lorraine,
It’s a wonderful experience for me to contribute these expert tips here at Wording Well. I truly appreciate it. However, as a blogger and freelance writer, there is always a learning curve, which means, even as we progress and improve in our writing skills, we never stop learning. I acknowledge your editing skills and so much appreciate your help in editing this article to perfection.
Thank you, and God bless!
Moss Clement recently posted…8 Powerful Steps That Will Grow Your Blog Faster In 2019
Moss, editing is what I do best! All articles on this site are edited by me, regardless of who wrote them.
I like your style of writing and blogging. After you began following me on social media last year and commenting on my posts, I took an interest in you. I visited your site. I saw what you are capable of. I was impressed, and that is why I decided to extend you the offer of a guest post on my site.
I used to accept a ton of guest posts in the past. Then everyone began asking me if they could post on my site. Most people couldn’t write very well and their main reason for asking was to obtain a backlink. Because of this, I now DO NOT accept guest posts, only sponsored posts! So you are very fortunate, indeed. I also know you appreciate my gesture.
Besides, other people helped me out when I was a new/newer blogger and I wanted to do the same for you now that I’m an experienced one. I believe in paying it forward.
You will remember this one day when you encounter the same situation and you will likely pay it forward too. Just don’t compromise your standards when you are doing so!
Write like ya chat. Moss I dig all your tips buddy but this one vibes with me most. Most bloggers try to manipulate with copy but the second you try to manipulate you stop writing genuinely and start writing like a tool LOL. Rocking tips here.
Ryan Biddulph recently posted…By: Ryan Biddulph
Ryan, I agree with you.
And you really need to learn to use commas. (You should’ve put one after Moss’s name, as well as before and after “buddy.”)
Tsk. Tsk. I thought you knew better than that! You’re a writer, after all.
Okay, now that I’m done giving you a lecture, let me thank you for stopping by and supporting Moss (and me). We both appreciate the visit and the comment, not to mention the social media shares!
Hi Ryan,
When expert bloggers acknowledge our work, it gives us the boost to keep doing what we do best. I’m glad you like the article, Ryan. Thank you for adding to the conversation.
Moss Clement recently posted…10 Ways to Make Your Press Release More Shareable on Social Media